Testing a hypothesis with the methods of conceptual biology - Yvonne Papadopoulos - E-Book

Testing a hypothesis with the methods of conceptual biology E-Book

Yvonne Papadopoulos

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Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Biologie - Mikrobiologie, Molekularbiologie, Note: 1,0, Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen, Bocholt, Recklinghausen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Undoubtedly, the development of Conceptual Biology, which uses text-mining applications specific to biology is the only way to cope with the increasing amount of free textual data produced in this field. The increasing interest of users in efficiently retrieving and extracting relevant information, the need to keep up with new discoveries described in the literature or in biological databases, and the demands posed by the analysis of high throughput experiments, are the underlying forces motivating the development of Conceptual Biology tools, such as text-mining applications in molecular biology. Therefore the methods of Conceptual Biology have been used for this study to test the hypothesis, that genetically modified foods have no impact on public health. We studied the records of databases and those ones of Literature Based Discovery tools. After the binary scoring of the records with respect to their usefulness, they were also classified by their positive, neutral or negative conclusions with respect to the effect of genetically modified food on public health. In conclusion, we have to deny the hypothesis and therefore to state that genetically modified foods have an impact on public health. Further studies in conceptual biology may focus what kind of impact genetically modified food has on public health.

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1. Abstract.
2. Introduction.
3. The scientific problem
4. Materials and Methods.
4.2 Using databases
4.3.1 Arrowsmith.
4.3.2 BioRAT
4.3.3 BITOLA
4.3.4 Manjal
4.3.5 LitLinker
5. Evaluation and Interpretation.
6. Results
7. Discussion.
8. References
10. Abbrevations
11. Acknowledgements

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Testing a hypothesis

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1. Abstract

Undoubtedly, the development of Conceptual Biology, which uses text-mining applications specific to biology is the only way to cope with the increasing amount of free textual data produced in this field. The increasing interest of users in efficiently retrieving and extracting relevant information, the need to keep up with new discoveries described in the literature or in biological databases, and the demands posed by the analysis of high throughput experiments, are the underlying forces motivating the development of Conceptual Biology tools, such as text-mining applications in molecular biology. Therefore the methods of Conceptual Biology have been used for this study to test the hypothesis, that genetically modified foods have no impact on public health. We studied the records of databases and those ones of Literature Based Discovery tools. After the binary scoring of the records with respect to their usefulness, they were also classified by their positive, neutral or negative conclusions with respect to the effect of genetically modified food on public health. In conclusion, we have to deny the hypothesis and therefore to state that genetically modified foods have an impact on public health. Further studies in conceptual biology may focus what kind of impact genetically modified food has on public health.

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2. Introduction

“Knowledgecan be created by drawing inference from what is already known.”-Davies, R. 1989-

Theabundance of electronically accessible texts is rising exponentially throughout the last decade. A vast amount of digital information - especially in molecular biology and genetics- is seemingly an auspicious resource for conceptual biology. In the demands of biomedical or biochemical investigators for sources or references, librarians and information specialist are commonly puzzled. The increasing amount of scientific journals, with an even greater number of articles per journal, expands already in humongous bibliographic databases. The rapid and persistent augmentation in the number of biological, biomedical and even genetics publications gives rise to the desperate situation, that researchers can no longer read more than minute proportion of the literature in their field. Dealing with the substantial quantity of information has induced a fragmentation of scientific literature (Ganiz et al. 2005), that exists within:

1.specialities:advances in the research field e.g. modern comforts in biophysics or mathematical physics

2.sub-specialities:subordinated field in the research field e.g. proteomics or aquatic toxicology

3.structure:structure that occurs in the research field e.g. blood, cell or lipid 4.technique:special techniques that can be found in the research field e.g. mass spectrometry or gel electrophoresis