The adventures of Arie and Rike - Matthias Gundel - E-Book

The adventures of Arie and Rike E-Book

Matthias Gundel



The storks Arie and Rike live together in their nest on the factory chimney near the former goods station. There they experience stories to smile and think about with their friends Rudmilla and Rodolfo.

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Table of Contents

Arie, Rike and the old nut trees

Arie, Rike and the Clock of Knowledge

Arie, Rike and the broken rainbow

When the root men slept through the summer

Arie and Rike in search of the golden autumn

Arie, Rike and the Chimney Sweep "Nimble Broom"

Arie, Rike and the secret of the little sunflower meadow

Arie, Rike and the secret of the silver gingerbread box

Arie and Rike save Christmas

Arie, Rike and the visit of the Christmas elves

Aria, Rike and the singing stars

Arie, Rike and the bedtime stories of Rudolfo and Rudmilla

What does the moon do at Christmas?

The Snowman and the White Squirrel

What happens to time when it passes?

Arie, Rike and the old nut trees

It was a beautiful spring morning again today. The sun was soon twinkling on the horizon and everyone wanted to enjoy the season that had just begun.

After such a long and cold winter, it was good not only for the people but also for the animals to feel the warmth and the abundant daylight. This was also the case for the stork couple Arie and Rike, who have recently taken up residence again on their vent on the vacant factory building near the former goods station. Today they were again flying through the air. They have been looking forward to their return to their now beloved domicile for a very long time.

Something indescribable had happened to Arie. The stork could not really explain it. "My wings are so light and carefree. I feel as if I am being carried through the air by myself," the stork thought quietly to himself.

Their mutual friend, the attentive raven Rodolfo, quickly noticed the return of the two storks. Barely an hour passed before Rodolfo gave the stork couple his first visit.

In familiar company, the three of them talked about their experiences in the last few months. Rodolfo sensed that something was bothering Arie. Unlike usual, the stork made a restless impression and was not his usual calm self.

Rike, on the other hand, listened very carefully to the raven's stories and did not notice anything else about this new situation at first. However, she was also very happy and particularly enjoyed this feeling.

In an unnoticed moment, Rodolfo whispered to his friend, "If something is bothering you and you want to talk, why don't you fly a little diversions over the old walnut trees in the nearby garden?" Arie nodded unobtrusively and gladly accepted the offer.

While Rike sent her Arie to collect all kinds of material for her nest, she rested in the warm midday sun. Arie took this as a chance to visit the raven Rodolfo.

The stork could not miss the garden with the two large nut trees. This has always been a popular place to gather grass, leaves or small pieces of wood for building the nest.

Arie landed on a slightly larger branch of one of the old nut trees. What he then got to see seemed to him for a few seconds like a real rollercoaster ride between joy and curiosity.

Rodolfo was not sitting alone on the neighbouring walnut tree. "You men certainly want to be among yourselves, as I see things," spoke the raven, who was sitting next to her friend Rodolfo.

"No, no, I'm..." the stork began to stammer. “It's all right, my love. We'll do as we agreed," Rodolfo replied gently and empathetically. His girlfriend flew away and they both now had the opportunity to talk.

"What's up, Arie?" the raven asked directly, wanting to get his friend to say what was on his mind. The stork was a little uncertain at first, but then told Rodolfo in great detail. "My dear friend, I don't know how to describe it. Somehow there is an unusual tingling sensation. I fly much more easily and whenever I return to Rike, the feeling is extremely warm and comforting. So...“ Arie began to tell.

At this point Rodolfo interrupted him with the words: "You are very much in love. Love is the most beautiful and precious feeling and gift in the world. You can't really put it into words. I thought so," the raven continued.

"In lo..... What?" the stork inquired, astonished and somewhat naïve. "In love! In love! Arie is in love!“ Rodolfo underlined his short words. "And you: Are you in love too?“ Arie asked in return.

"Of course! Didn't you see her? My dearest darling. We met here on the old nut trees in this garden. Just by chance. At first we always spent lunch together," Rodolfo enthused.

"Recently, we have been spending all our time together. Wonderful, my friend!" the raven continued. Arie was sure at this point that he felt the same way. How lucky he was to have Rike. They had both known each other for a long time, but their love was as unique as on the first day.

While both friends were philosophizing about love to themselves in the old nut trees, the raven named Rudmilla flew up the chimney to Rike. The two of them also talked about this special feeling. Rudmilla was extremely clever and could therefore also explain the uniqueness of love very well to Rike.

Deep in their thoughts and conversations, the beautiful spring day was slowly drawing to a close. Arie and Rodolfo follow together to Rike and Rudmilla. All four friends were together for a long time, sharing their indescribable happiness.

Rodolfo was known to be a raven who always found the right words for almost every occasion. So he spoke a few thoughts to his two friends and Rudmilla.

"Dear ones, enjoy it for what it is. We are sustained by love and a mutual support in life. Love makes us invulnerable. We are grateful for this experience and also for everything else that makes our lives so special."

The sun had almost disappeared on the horizon when Rike added a few words: "Let's keep our happiness and at the same time also be open to new things."

Whenever the four friends flew past the two old nut trees or settled on them, they consciously reminded themselves of the precious feeling of love that gives them a very special meaning in their existence.

Arie, Rike and the Clock of Knowledge

It was a wonderful summer evening that Arie and Rike spent together with the raven Rodolfo on their vent. After an eventful day, the three friends wanted to make themselves a delicious Italian-style dinner today. Unfortunately, however, the main ingredient was missing...

"This really isn't normal any more. Not only are the people unhappy and hectic, but there is no more pasta either," Rike fretted, thinking with Arie and Rodolfo about a sensible alternative for dinner. Unfortunately, this remained unsuccessful, but they watched the breathtaking sunset while having a cosy chat.

Finally Rike remarked: "Do you know what I find even worse? No one is interested in each other anymore. Everyone is just annoyed and I don't think anyone has even got to the bottom of it." A moment of silence followed these words.