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The Earl of Burford can't believe his luck; Rex Ransom, his favourite star from the 'talkies', and his hot-shot producer, Haggermeir, want to film their next feature at Alderley, the family's seventeenth-century country estate. Somewhat less enthusiastic is the Countess, who suddenly finds herself hosting an impromptu house party for the incoming Hollywood crowd. It's almost too much for poor Merryweather, the family's imperturbable butler, to cope with. And that's before there's a murder in the dead of night. By morning Inspector Wilkins of the Westshire Constabulary is cast in the unlikely role of hero, as he tiptoes through the evidence and endeavours to unravel the slightly batty, thoroughly baffling mystery.and work out just what a mutilated mink coat has to do with anything.
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Seitenzahl: 482
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2011
Title Page
By James Anderson
About the Author
‘You murdering fiend!’
She hissed the words. Then she hurled the magazine to the floor and kicked it across the room.
This made her feel a little better, and after a minute she calmed down. She retrieved the magazine and again stared at the face that smiled out at her. There was nothing in the features to indicate the ruthlessness lying behind them. Could she possibly be mistaken? It had all happened a long time ago. And they’d only met once. Nevertheless, she was almost certain—
Almost. It wasn’t enough. She had to be sure. And to be sure she had to see this face in the flesh – ideally study it at leisure, converse with its owner, lay little traps…
Could she arrange to spend such a time in the company of her suspect – preferably staying under the same roof? It ought to be possible – if not socially, then professionally.
She glanced at the second subject of the photo. What was the relationship between these two? A casual one? Or were they closer than that? Accomplices? Hunter and victim?
She reread the caption beneath the picture. Then she put the magazine safely away. As she did so, her mind was working furiously.
‘On Guard!’
George Henry Aylwin Saunders, twelfth Earl of Burford, took up a fencing stance and thrust. The ferrule of his umbrella stopped one inch from his butler’s waistcoat. ‘Yield, villain!’ the Earl exclaimed.
‘Certainly, my lord.’ Merryweather, the butler, relieved his master of the umbrella and his overcoat. ‘An enjoyable cinematographic entertainment, my lord.’
‘Tophole. Errol Flynn is terrific. You really ought to go and see it.’
‘Thank you, my lord, but I prefer to pass my leisure hours with an improving book.’
‘I can’t honestly believe you need any improvement, Merryweather.’
‘Thank you, my lord.’ Merryweather vanished into the background.
‘You know, Daddy, you’ll have to stop doing things like that to Merry. I’m sure he feels it’s lowering to his dignity.’
Lady Geraldine Saunders crossed the big oak-panelled hall and tucked her arm through her father’s. She was petite, vivacious, red-haired, with a tip-tilted nose and deceptively innocent large hazel eyes.
‘Don’t know what you mean, my dear. Never done anything like that before.’
‘Maybe, but last month you were calling him an ornery horse stealer and pretending to beat him to the draw, and before that threatening to squeal to the cops about his bootlegging operation in the cellar.’
‘Ah, that was during my cowboy and gangster periods. I’ve gone off those now.’
‘Well, can’t you go off swashbucklers, too?’
‘No fear! Couldn’t if I wanted to just now, anyway. The manager of the Bijou’s booked the new Rex Ransom for next week – especially for me. Uncommon civil of him.’
‘He’s just trying to keep you away from the Odeon.’
They went into the drawing-room. Gerry flopped down on the sofa, while Lord Burford poured himself a whisky and soda.
Gerry said, ‘I honestly think the talkies have taken the place of guns in your affection.’
‘Oh, no. Basically my collection’ll always come first. I admit my enthusiasm was dampened a bit after one of ’em was used to commit a murder. But it’ll come back. In the meantime I’m very much enjoyin’ having something else to do. And I must say, they’re remarkably hospitable in these places. Manager meets you in the foyer, shows you to your seat. Pretty little gal brings free coffee in the interval. Amazin’ how they can keep up such a service.’
‘They only do it for you, Daddy.’
Lord Burford looked surprised. ‘Really? You sure?’
‘Quite. You wouldn’t know. As a rule, most of the other customers are in by the time you get there. But you happen to be a peer of the realm. And they don’t get many. It must do wonders for the box office in a little place like Westchester – especially when you turn up in a chauffeur-driven Rolls in full evening dress.’
‘Bless my soul.’ Lord Burford squared his shoulders. ‘You think people still care about that sort of thing in the 1930s?’
‘Certainly they do.’
‘Well, that reporter chappie certainly seemed interested.’
‘Yes. Young feller from the Westshire Advertiser, waiting for me when I came out. Said they wanted to do a piece about the county’s newest film fan. Asked how it was I’d only recently started going to the movies. I explained no one had ever told me how good they’d got. I saw those jumpy old silent things when I was a boy and didn’t think much of them. So I never bothered again—’
‘Until a few months ago you found yourself with a couple of hours to kill in London, noticed a cinema showing the latest Garbo, felt curious, went in – and were hooked. You told him all that?’
‘’Course. And he wanted to know all about the pictures I most enjoyed and my favourite stars. Most flatterin’.’
‘Well, make the most of it. I don’t suppose you’ll be going so often once Mummy gets home.’
‘Don’t see why. Harmless enough hobby. Deuced cheaper than popping off to the Italian Riviera, too.’
‘She did want you to go with her.’
‘Don’t like seaside resorts. Borin’ places. Rather watch Errol Flynn or Rex Ransom any day.’ He crossed to the massive fireplace and warmed his hands at the blazing fire.
‘Cold out?’ Gerry asked.
‘Decidedly chilly.’
‘I was talking to old Josh earlier. He says we’re in for what he calls a ‘real shramming winter’.’
‘Well, I’ve never known him wrong about the weather in forty years. Suppose you’ll be clearing off to warmer climes before the real winter hits us, will you?’
‘No, I’m not going away for a bit.’ Gerry suddenly spoke absently.
Her father looked at her closely. ‘Oh, lor’, don’t say you’re going off into another brown study. You still ditherin’ between those two young fellows?’
She nodded.
‘I wish you’d make up your mind and marry one of ’em.’
‘Marry? Who said anything about marrying?’
Lord Burford frowned. ‘But – but that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? This moonin’ all over the house, kickin’ things?’
‘Not at all. I simply can’t decide which of them to become engaged to.’
The Earl raised a hand to his brow in bewilderment. ‘Look, forgive me if I’m dense, but doesn’t one follow the other?’
‘Usually. But not always. Not the first time. Every girl should have one broken engagement these days. All my friends have.’
‘Now let me get this straight. You want to get engaged to one of these boys – Paul or…Hugh, is it? – solely in order to break it off again?’
‘Well, not solely. It’s conceivable I might marry him. But that’s not the main object of the exercise.’
‘Then I can’t see what all the fuss is about. If you’re not going to get hitched to him, what’s it matter which one you choose?
‘Daddy, surely you wouldn’t want me to get engaged to just anybody? This is serious. They’ve both proposed and I can’t keep them waiting much longer. Do advise me.’
‘Certainly not! You’d immediately pick the other one and always hold it against me. No, you’ve got to choose for yourself. Who d’you like best?’
‘Oh, that’s easy. Paul.’
‘Then what’s the problem?’
‘Just this: I always feel happy with Paul. Relaxed. We get on fine. We can talk about anything. We’re jolly good pals.’
‘But perhaps I get on a bit too well with him. He’s not really exciting.’
‘In spite of careerin’ all over the place climbing mountains, running for Britain in the Olympics and so on?’
‘In spite of that. Because I’m really not a part of that side of his life at all.’
‘But Hugh is excitin’?’
‘Mm. He fascinates me. But he frightens me rather, too. I’m always sort of on the edge of my seat, wondering what he’ll say or do next. And he’s thoroughly beastly to me sometimes. But he does make me think – about the only person I know who does. But usually he also makes me unsettled, disturbed or downright angry, too.’
‘Sounds thoroughly uncomfortable. He’s the painter, isn’t he?’
‘That’s right.’
‘Make any money at it?’
‘Shouldn’t think so; he lives pretty frugally. But he won’t discuss it. Or anything about his background. I think he’s a bit ashamed of his family, actually.’
‘Well, I don’t think that’s very nice.’
‘I’m sure there’s a good reason for it.’
‘Sounds rather mysterious. Is that part of his appeal?’
‘Could be, I suppose. Paul is so open about his background.’
‘Yes, I remember, he told me. Rather amusin’ actually. “Of course, sir,” he said, “I’ve got no breeding at all; nouveau riche you’d call me, I daresay.” I quite warmed to him.’
‘Yes, that’s Paul all over. The nouveau riche thing is rubbish, of course; he went to Eton, after all, even though his grandfather did start life as a factory hand.’
‘Mill owner eventually, wasn’t he?’
‘Iron foundry. Paul’s mother was his only child. She and Paul’s father were killed when Paul was a baby, and his grandfather brought him up. Then, when he died about ten years ago, he left Paul his entire fortune.’
‘Well, families like ours can do with a stiffenin’ of tough working-class backbone every other generation. Stops us becomin’ effete.’
‘Daddy, remember we’re only talking about an engagement.’
‘Sorry. Must admit, though, that I’d rather you got engaged to a chap with a bit of money than a penniless artist. Not that you need it, but I fancy you might always have the uneasy feeling he’d married – er, got engaged to you for your money.’
‘I’m certain Hugh wouldn’t do that.’
‘You’ve talked to your mother about this, I suppose.’
‘Definitely not. As far as Mummy’s concerned they’re just casual boyfriends, two of the crowd. If she knew I was thinking of becoming engaged to one of them she’d start vetting his background and finances for husband-suitability. And that would be too shaming. I’ll tell her as soon as I make up my mind. OK?’
‘So long as you promise not to go running off to Gretna Green to get married or somethin’.’
‘As if I would!’
‘You wouldn’t be the first member of the family to try it. Remember your great grandfather Aylwin.’
‘I don’t want to remember the old scoundrel. I want to think about Paul and Hugh. I’ve had a sort of idea that might help me decide. I thought I might have them both to stay for a bit.’
‘You’ve had ’em both to stay before. Didn’t help much apparently.’
‘No, I mean have them at the same time. It occurred to me that if I could see them side by side over several days it would be easier to compare them. What do you think?’
‘That it would be highly embarrassin’.’
‘Yes, it would be if we had just the two of them. It would be pretty obviously a sort of audition. But if we were to throw a little house party, then—’
‘I don’t mean straight away. After Christmas.’
‘No, Geraldine! Good gad, I thought after what happened last time you’d have had enough of house parties for the rest of your life. People getting bumped off all over the place, jewel robberies, detectives, spies, secret agents, me nearly being arrested. I never liked having crowds here – stuffin’ the place with people, mostly perfect strangers to each other. Always leads to unpleasantness. Your mother and I’ve agreed: in future we have at most three or four guests at a time. Understood?’
‘Rex, baby, come right in.’
Cyrus S. Haggermeir, head of the Haggermeir Pictures Corporation, strode beamingly across the expanse of deep carpet and gripped the hand of the bronzed, handsome man with the thick blonde hair, who had just been shown into his Hollywood office.
Rex Ransom blinked in surprise at the warmth of his reception and allowed himself to be ensconced in an armchair. Haggermeir went to a cocktail cabinet. ‘Scotch on the rocks, isn’t it, Rex?’
‘That’ll be fine, Mr Haggermeir.’
‘Cyrus, Rex, Cyrus. Surely we been buddies long enough now for you to call me by my first name?’
‘We have? Oh – I mean, yes, I guess we have.’
Haggermeir handed Rex a glass, went behind his huge desk and sat down. He was a big man with a frankly homely face, like an unsuccessful prizefighter’s. ‘Why I sent for – asked you to stop by, Rex, is to discuss your next starring vehicle.’
Rex breathed a sigh of relief – which did not escape Haggermeir’s shrewd brown eyes. ‘Sumpin’ wrong?’
‘Oh, no. It’s just that it’s always good to know another one’s being planned. I know the box office receipts of my last picture weren’t too hot, and—’
‘That wasn’t your fault. It was a lousy script. A complete change of setting is called for in your next picture. Recently you’ve played a Corsican pirate, a Spanish conquistador, and an Arabian prince – all with your hair dyed. Time you got back to an Anglo-Saxon type. You’re gonna be an Englishman.’
‘I did Robin Hood six years ago, so—’
‘English Civil War. Cavaliers and Roundheads. You’ll be playing a nobleman, the best swordsman at the court of King Charles, who tries to get the king to safety after the Battle of – of…’ Haggermeir glanced down at a script lying on his desk. ‘Er, one of them battles. But you’re also in love with the daughter of a Roundhead boss, the one that’s leading the search for Charles. In the end he finds you guarding him and orders you at sword-point to hand him over. You gotta choose between fighting and perhaps killing your girl’s pa, or betraying your king.’
‘Certainly sounds like a strong storyline. Is that the script you have there?’
‘Yeah.’ Haggermeir slid the sheaf of oddly yellowing typewritten papers across the desk.
‘The King’s Man,’ Rex read aloud, ‘a scenario by Arlington Gilbert.’ He turned the pages. ‘This looks awfully old.’
‘It’s been hanging round the studio for years. We commissioned it from some English writer. It was back when we were trying to sign Douglas Fairbanks, and this was the bait.’
‘I see. But Douglas apparently didn’t like it.’
‘Sure he did. But then he formed United Artists with Mary and Chaplin, and—’
Rex’s eyebrows shot skywards. ‘We’re talking about Fairbanks Senior?’
‘That’s right.’
‘But UA must have been formed fifteen – twenty years ago.’
‘Nineteen nineteen.’
‘So – this is a silent movie script.’
‘Sure. But a mighty good one. And it’ll adapt just fine for sound. Now, my idea is to make the picture on location – in England.’
‘Oh, swell. The exteriors will look far more realistic. What about the interiors, though? Going to rent some studios over there, or shoot them here?’
‘Nope. I mean to shoot the whole picture in genuine British settings: castles, stately homes and the like.’
‘Gee whiz. Is that feasible, technically?’
‘Oh, I guess the sound guys’ll crab a bit, but I gotta hunch this is going to be the normal thing in a few years.’
‘I see. Have you got your stately homes and castles fixed up?’
‘Not yet. But I got my eye on several joints. Here.’ Haggermeir picked up a large and heavy book, which he passed to Rex. Rex opened it and saw that it consisted of photographs of old English country houses and castles, each accompanied by a page of descriptive text.
Haggermeir said, ‘We’ll need several places, but the most important will be the one that serves as your home. Look at page four.’
Rex turned the leaves until he came to several pictures of a lovely house set in tree-dotted parkland. It was built basically in the form of three sides of a rectangle, was three stories tall, but with two-storey extensions projecting from the east and west wings.
He read aloud: ‘Alderley, Westshire, home of the Earls of Burford since the late seventeenth century. Alderley houses valuable collections of stamps and first editions, together with the present Earl’s famous collection of firearms. Commenced in 1670—’
Haggermeir interrupted, ‘It’s got everything – including a ballroom, a big oak panelled hall with a grand staircase that’d be swell for a sword-fight, and a secret passage, which’d be just right for the king’s hiding place.’
‘But what makes you think this Earl would let us shoot there? These English lords are kind of particular about their stately homes, I should imagine.’
‘That, Rexy, is where I’m counting on your help. Get a look at that.’ Haggermeir took a small piece of paper from his drawer and pushed it across the desk. It was a newspaper clipping. ‘As you probably know, the studio subscribes to press clipping agencies in most countries – which means that whenever our pictures or stars are mentioned in any paper, no matter how small, we get a clipping of it. That one was a real stroke of luck. It arrived just when I was gonna start making enquiries about old English houses, so I at once sent for all the dope on this Alderley dive. It’s from a paper called the WestshireAdvertiser.’
Again Rex read, ‘One of the newest and most avid patrons of the Westchester cinemas is the Earl of Burford. In an exclusive interview at the Bijou cinema, given before he returned to Alderley, his historic seventeenth-century home, his lordship told me that he had only recently “discovered” the talkies, and is now a most enthusiastic “film fan”. The pictures he most enjoys are historical adventures, with plenty of swordplay. His favourite stars are Errol Flynn and Rex Ransom. “I should love to meet them,” his lordship added. His lordship hopes that Lady Burford, who does not, incidentally, share his enthusiasm, and is at present holidaying in—’
Haggermeir again broke in, ‘You needn’t bother with the rest.’
Rex looked up and grinned. ‘Well, I’m sure flattered. And you figure the fact that I’m going to be in the picture will persuade his lordship to let you shoot it at Alderley?’
‘That’s part of it, but there’s a bit more to it. We gotta convince her ladyship as well.’
‘Who does not share his enthusiasm.’
‘Exactly. And I been reading up about her. She sounds a tartar – and real crazy about that house. Then there’s a daughter, Lady Geraldine. She’s a live wire, always in the gossip columns. Very much a mind of her own, too. That’s the first point. Second is that I gotta check the house for suitability before actually committing myself to shooting there: make sure there are no snags – things that don’t show up in the photos. So what I thought I’d do is write and ask if I can come and make a feasibility study for a day or two, bringing my leading man, Rex Ransom. That should make sure the Earl don’t say no out of hand. Then if the place does turn out to be OK, it’ll be your job to put all the famous Ransom charm into persuading the old dame to agree. OK with you?’
‘Sure it is. It’d be dandy to stay in a genuine old English country house. Should be real relaxing.’
‘Good gad!’ Lord Burford goggled at the letter he was holding.
Lady Burford glanced up sharply from The Tatler. ‘What is the matter, George?’
The Earl gazed at her, wide-eyed with excitement. ‘Rex Ransom wants to come here?’
‘Rex Ransom, Lavinia. The film star!’
‘Oh.’ The Countess was unimpressed. ‘Why?’
‘To look over the house.’
‘What’s to prevent him? Plenty of open days. I suppose he can afford two shillings.’
‘You don’t understand. He – or rather his producer, this fellow who’s written the letter, er, Haggermeir – wants to come here with Rex and go all over it, examine it at length.’
‘What on earth for?’
‘You’ll never guess.’ Lord Burford seemed to have swollen visibly with pride. ‘It’s a tremendous honour.’
‘Oh, I suppose he wants to make one of those absurd talkies here. Really, the insolence of these people!’
The Earl’s jaw dropped. ‘Eh?’
‘Naturally, you will write and tell him that it’s not convenient.’
Lord Burford gave a squawk of dismay. ‘I can’t do that! Turn away Rex Ransom? When I’ve just been made Honorary President of the Westchester Film Society?’
‘Oh, dear. Well, I suppose if you want the man here you’ll have to have him. But only him. We can’t have this Hog man crawling all over the place, treating it like some second-rate film studio.’
‘I can hardly write to the chap and say Ransom can come but not him. It would be most insultin’.’
Lady Burford sighed. ‘I suppose you’re right. But you must make it clear that filming here is out of the question.’
‘Yes, yes, of course, my dear. I will – er, after they arrive.’
The telephone buzzed in Cyrus Haggermeir’s suite at the Ritz Hotel in London. He lifted the receiver. ‘Yep?’
‘This is the desk, sir. There is a – a gentleman wishing to see you. A Mr Arlington Gilbert. His business relates to your forthcoming motion picture.’
‘OK, I’ll give him five minutes. Send him up.’
Three minutes later there was a loud and peremptory rapping on the door. Haggermeir opened it. Then he blinked. The man standing on the threshold was over six feet tall and of considerable girth. His hair was long. He was wearing a tartan cloak over a black and somewhat grubby polo sweater; black and white check trousers; and on his feet sandals over mauve socks. In his hand he was clutching a newspaper.
For a moment Haggermeir stared at the visitor, then said, ‘Er, good day. Mr Arlington Gilbert?’
‘I have that honour.’
He had a deep and plummy voice. Then, uninvited, he stepped into the room, almost forcing Haggermeir to stand aside. With a swirl of his cloak he swung round and gazed at Haggermeir. His expression was of a man looking at some interesting but rather repulsive exhibit in a museum.
Haggermeir said, ‘I’m afraid I haven’t had the pleasure to know—’
‘A pleasure it most certainly ought to be. But I’m afraid you are not going to find it so.’
‘Mr Gilbert, if you could kindly state your business—’
‘My business, sir, is this.’ Gilbert thrust the newspaper under Haggermeir’s nose. It was folded to show a photo of a smiling Rex Ransom, surrounded by autograph-hunters. The caption beneath it read:
Rex Ransom, the American film star, who arrived in London yesterday. Mr Ransom and the well-known producer, Mr Cyrus Haggermeir, are in England to make arrangements for their next picture, a Civil War drama to be called ‘The King’s Man.’
Haggermeir said: ‘Yes, I saw that. What about it?’
‘What about it?’ Gilbert cast his eyes heavenwards. ‘Jupiter’s teeth! It may interest you mildly to know that this film you so blithely announce you are going to make is my property. I own the copyright. I wrote it.’
Haggermeir snapped his fingers. ‘Of course! Arlington Gilbert! I thought the name rang a bell.’
Gilbert gave a snort of disgust. ‘Absolutely typical. One sweats blood creating a work that they tell you is ‘great’ or ‘the cat’s whiskers,’ and which is then locked away for years in some vault. When they do eventually deign to produce it they’ve forgotten your very name.’
‘Well, it has been a long time. And I don’t think we ever met—’
‘True. You sent your underlings to deal with me – assistant producers, associate producers, lawyers – all the faceless men. But I fought them all and I retained the copyright. What’s more, I obtained a contract which states that any rewrites necessary shall be done by me.’
Haggermeir scratched his chin. ‘Well, it seems our script department may have goofed on this, and I’m sorry you had to read about it in the papers.’
Gilbert waved the apology aside. ‘I am interested in only one thing: how much are you going to pay me for adapting the scenario into a talkie?’
‘Ah.’ Haggermeir looked a little embarrassed. ‘Well, that’s something that’ll have to be discussed. Will you take my word that—’
‘No. I won’t take your word for anything, Mr Haggermeir. I want everything down in black and white.’
Haggermeir flushed. ‘I don’t know what you expect to gain by insulting me—’
‘Insult you, sir?’ Gilbert drew himself up to his full height. ‘How is it possible for me, a creative artist and therefore one of the noblest of earth’s creatures, to insult you who by definition are a villain of the deepest dye?’
‘Look here, you’ve no right to say things like that—’
‘I have every right. I have learnt from bitter experience that every film producer – and every theatrical impresario, publisher, editor, literary agent, accountant, lawyer and tax inspector on earth – is a rogue and a vagabond. A bloodsucker. A leech.’
Thoroughly angry by now, Haggermeir stepped forward and jabbed a finger into the other’s chest.
‘Now, get this, Gilbert—’
‘Sir, my friends call me Arlington. Others call me Mr Gilbert.’
There was a pause. Then Haggermeir chuckled. ‘If your writing’s as plagiaristic as your speech, you got a fat chance of doing the script. That was a straight lift from Oscar Wilde.’
For the first time Gilbert looked disconcerted. Haggermeir spotted this. ‘Oh, I read sumpin’ else besides screenplays and balance sheets.’
‘Congratulations. Now to revert: my fee.’
At that moment a knock came at the door. With some relief, Haggermeir called, ‘Come in.’ Gilbert swore.
The door opened and the head of a middle-aged man peered diffidently into the room.
‘Yeah?’ Haggermeir barked.
‘Oh.’ The head’s eyes blinked. ‘Mr Haggermeir?’
‘Yes, yes.’ Haggermeir spoke irritably.
‘Ah, capital. Er, spare a moment?’
‘I’m very busy. What’s it about?’
‘Well, I wondered if I could talk to you about—’
‘Well, come in, man! Don’t yell at me from the doorway.’
‘Oh, thanks.’ An untidily dressed body followed the head into the room. ‘Sorry to interrupt, my dear chap, but I wanted a word about The King’s Man.’
Haggermeir groaned. ‘Not another one! I suppose you wrote it, too, did you?’
‘What’s that?’ Gilbert gave a roar. He stepped menacingly up to the newcomer. ‘Let me tell you that I am the sole writer of The King’s Man, and—’
‘Really?’ The other beamed and held out his hand. ‘I’m delighted to meet you. I suppose that means you’ll be coming down to Alderley, too, will you?’
Gilbert stared at him. ‘Eh?’
Haggermeir goggled. ‘Who – who are you?’
‘Oh, sorry. Should have introduced myself. I’m Burford.’
Haggermeir’s jaw dropped. ‘Earl Burford?’
‘Of, as a matter of fact.’
‘Earl of Burford’s the correct form. Not that it matters.’
‘Oh, my lord, I’m so sorry. I had no idea. Do forgive me.’ Haggermeir was red-faced. ‘Please, sit down.’ He ushered Lord Burford to a chair. ‘Will you have a drink, sir?’
‘Ah.’ Lord Burford thought for a moment. ‘I’ll have a bourbon old fashioned.’
‘Oh, I’ll have to send down for that. I only have Scotch.’
‘No, no, Scotch and soda will be fine.’
‘Quite. Er, prefer it, actually. No offence. Just thought, you being American…’ Lord Burford tailed off.
Gilbert said: ‘Whisky’ll suit me, too, thanks – Cyrus.’
Haggermeir, crossing to a makeshift bar, cast him a dirty glance.
Gilbert flopped into a chair near the Earl’s. ‘Why should you expect me at Alderley, Lord Burford?’
‘Well, as the producer wants to look over the place to see if it’s suitable for filming, I assumed the writer would want to, as well.’
Gilbert nodded, as though a light had dawned. ‘Ah, yes, of course – I will want to. I was just surprised you, a non-professional, realising the necessity of that. Cyrus and I were hoping you’d include me in the invitation. That’s settled, then. Now, let me see, Cyrus, you’re going down when?’
Haggermeir came hack carrying two glasses. He looked grim. He handed one to the Earl and the other to Gilbert, saying, ‘Thursday. But on second thought, I’m not sure it’s necessary for you to come – until I’ve decided if the place is suitable.’
‘Oh, nonsense. If you do decide on it, the script will need a lot of adaptation. I’ll have to start the rewrite as soon as possible.’ He downed his whisky and got to his feet. ‘So Thursday it will be. I’ll make my own way down, Cyrus. See you there. Thanks for the invitation, Lord Burford. I should be there for lunch. Bye.’ And Gilbert ambled from the room.
Lord Burford said: ‘Interestin’ feller.’
Haggermeir grunted grimly.
‘Unusual personality. I didn’t catch the name.’
‘Arlington Gilbert.’
‘Earl, it’s an honour to have you here, but is there anything you particularly wanted to talk about?’
‘Well, just this: it’s my missus. She isn’t at all keen on having this picture shot at Alderley. Didn’t want you to arrive assumin’ everything was cut and dried.’
‘Oh, I won’t be, my lord. I anticipated that situation. Now, firstly, so her ladyship doesn’t object to my looking over the place, I recommend you tell her I want to do it because I’m thinking of building a replica of Alderley in Hollywood. It’s quite true. If it turns out it’s impractical to shoot at Alderley, I may well do that. Then, if I do find the house is OK, I suggest we leave the next stage to Rex. He has a very persuasive manner.’
‘Ah, I see.’ The Earl looked knowing. ‘Oh, that’s splendid. Right ho. Er, he around, by any chance?’
‘No, afraid not. He’s out seeing the sights. Naturally, we didn’t expect you to call…’
‘Course you didn’t. I’ll see him Thursday. Must say it’s a real thrill.’ He stood up. ‘Better be toddlin’ off now.’
Haggermeir got up hastily. ‘Well, my lord, it’s been a real pleasure. And I do apologise for that little misunderstanding.’
‘Think nothing of it. Sort of thing that’s always happenin’ to me. Lavinia says I lack an air of authority. Funny name, that.’
Haggermeir looked blank. ‘Lavinia?’
‘No, no – Arlington Gilbert. Backwards. Like that singer chappie.’
‘Er, I’m afraid I don’t—’
‘Feller who sings with the MacDonald gal. Always think he ought to be called Eddy Nelson. Well, toodle-oo, my dear chap. Till Thursday.’
The telephone rang at Alderley. The Countess, who happened to be near, answered it. ‘Alderley One.’
A woman’s voice said, ‘Is Lady Burford there, please?’
‘Oh, Lavinia. It’s Cecily.’
‘Your cousin. Cecily Bradshaw as was.’
‘Good gracious! Cecily! It must be twenty-five years. I can hardly believe it. Where are you?’
‘I thought you were still in Australia. How long have you been home?’
‘Just a few days. We’re here for a fortnight, then going on to America.’
‘We? Oh, that is you and, and—’ Lady Burford groped unsuccessfully for a long-forgotten name, ‘and your husband?’
‘That’s right – Sebastian.’
‘How is Sebastian’?’
‘Thriving. Lavinia. I was hoping we could get together?’
‘That would be very nice. When were you thinking of?’
‘Well, we’re fully engaged for the next few days, but we’re free from Thursday until Monday. Could you come up to town?’
‘Unfortunately, that’s impossible. We have guests. Next week perhaps?’
‘No, we’re off to Norfolk to stay with some friends of Sebastian’s on Tuesday. Oh, what a shame! I did want to see you again. You’re one of the few relatives I have left in England.’
Lady Burford thought rapidly. There was no help for it. ‘Would you like to come here?’
‘You mean to stay? Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose, if you have other guests.’
‘Oh, that’s no problem. We have plenty of room.’
‘That’s really very kind.’
‘It’s settled, then. When will you be arriving?’
‘Well, we’ve hired a station wagon, so we’ll be motoring down. We could leave Thursday morning and be there by lunchtime, if that’s convenient.’
‘Perfectly. Very well, Cecily, we’ll look forward to seeing you then. Goodbye.’
‘Goodbye, Lavinia, and thank you so much.’
Lady Burford put down the receiver and was turning away when it rang again. She answered it.
‘Gilbert here.’
‘Arlington Gilbert. Listen, I’ve got a message for the Earl or his old woman. Tell them I’ll be bringing my secretary.’
‘I beg your pardon?’
He gave a sigh. ‘You deaf? I said I’m bringing my secretary, Maude Fry, for the weekend. I’ll need her if I’m to work on this screenplay. She shouldn’t be any trouble. She’s a big woman, but she doesn’t eat much and she’s quite respectable – won’t dance on the table or anything. Tell him we’ll be arriving sometime Thursday morning. Mind you don’t forget.’
Gilbert rang off.
‘Really, George, the man was insufferably rude.’
‘Obviously thought you were a housemaid.’
‘That makes it no better.’
‘Well, you should have told him no.’
‘He didn’t give me a chance. And it’s getting out of hand. First there were to be two of these film persons, then three, now four.’
‘At least they’re all friends together. It’s you that’s turning it into a confounded house party by bringing in outsiders at the same time.’
‘My cousin can hardly be referred to as an outsider.’
‘She is to Haggermeir and Co. And her husband is to all of us. Even Cecily’s virtually a stranger to me; I only met her two or three times.’
Gerry, who was sitting by doing a crossword puzzle, looked up. ‘I remember hearing you mention cousin Cecily years ago, but I don’t exactly know who she is.’
‘She’s the daughter of my Aunt Amelia, mother’s sister. Aunt Amelia was considered to have married beneath her. She died when Cecily was born. Her father brought her up and she never had much to do with us – her father moved in rather different circles from us. But she came to stay sometimes. Later on she decided to go on the stage. She didn’t make much of a success of it, and ended up in a chorus line. Lived a rather fast sort of life, I believe – stage door johnnies, and so on. Which naturally was quite beyond the pale to my mother. She decided we wouldn’t have anything more to do with Cecily. But I still met her occasionally in town. Your father and I were engaged by then, and one weekend I brought her to see Alderley. Then a few months later her father died and she told me that as she had nothing to keep her here she was going to try her luck in Australia. I had some letters from her over the next few years. She said she was doing quite well on the stage. Eventually she told me she was getting married – to a sheep farmer. I can’t remember his surname, so I don’t know what hers is now. She was going to send me her new address, but she didn’t do so and I’ve never heard from her since – until now.’
‘You’ll certainly have masses to talk about,’ Gerry said.
Lord Burford gave a grunt. ‘Well, as long as no one expects me to talk to this husband about sheep, I don’t mind. I’m going to be fully occupied with Rex and Haggermeir. Stupid creatures.’
Gerry grinned. ‘Rex and Haggermeir?’
‘No – sheep. Anyone seen my copy of Photoplay?’ He went to the other side of the room and started vaguely picking up cushions.
Gerry said, ‘Mummy, did you remember her husband’s first name?’
‘No; fortunately, Cecily supplied it – Sebastian. I wonder what he’ll be like. And what can I do with him all weekend?’
‘I don’t expect he’ll be any trouble: a stable for his kangaroo, an open space to practice his boomerang throwing, plenty of billabongs to eat—’
‘Don’t be silly, Geraldine. It’s just that sort of facetiousness that irritates colonials – quite justifiably.’
‘Sorry. You mean you don’t want him to be unoccupied all weekend?’
‘Well, I can see your father monopolising this Ransom man, and I can’t imagine Sebastian having a lot in common with Mr Haggermeir or the Gilbert person.’
‘So you’d like there to be additional manpower here?’
‘It might be convenient.’
‘Mm.’ Gerry was silent for a moment. Then she said, ‘Excuse me,’ and left the room.
She was back in ten minutes. ‘Problem solved,’ she announced. ‘Paul Carter and Hugh Quartus are both willing to help out.’
‘Lady Burford jerked her head up. ‘You’ve invited them both – for this weekend?’
‘Yes. Wasn’t it lucky they were free?’
‘Really, Geraldine! That’s very naughty of you.’
‘But you said you wanted extra manpower.’
‘One extra man – not two. And certainly not two who are almost strangers to me.’
‘It doesn’t matter if they’re strangers to you. They’re not coming to amuse you. I’ve made it clear that their main function will be to entertain my wild colonial second-cousin-in-law-once-removed Sebastian. It was necessary to invite both because we don’t know what he’s like. Now, Paul can discuss lowbrow things like sport and the London shows, and Hugh can talk about literature and art. Paul can play him at billiards, Hugh at chess. You ought to be grateful you have a daughter who can supply a man for every occasion.’
Paul Carter put the receiver down and gave vent to a loud whoop of joy.
It had to be a good sign. It had to be. True, it was short notice to be invited for a weekend – almost as though he was a last-minute addition. But he had been invited. It must mean something – other than merely helping with the Australian relative.
He’d been rather uneasy lately about Gerry. At one time things had been hunky-dory between them. Then she’d seemed to cool off and he’d started to have horrible misgivings.
But now this. Glorious Alderley. A long weekend with Gerry. And surely a chance to win her. She must at the very least be meaning to give him that opportunity – an opportunity when she would be free from the presence of that twerp Quartus.
Hugh Quartus hung up and stood gazing at the telephone, a suspicious frown on his pale, slender-featured face. His dark, deep-set eyes were thoughtful.
Why now, at this late date, had she asked him? Was he a replacement for somebody who’d cried off? No – she must know dozens of socially gifted young toffs, who would fill that bill much better than be would. Like that rotter Carter.
So why? For there was certainly more to this invitation than met the eye. She didn’t really want him to entertain this Australian cousin.
Hugh ran a thin hand through his rather long black hair. What was the matter with the confounded girl? Hot – cold, on – off, yes – no. She was really infuriating. He just didn’t know why he bothered.
Yes, he did. He knew quite well.
Not that he had any real chance. Once or twice he’d thought there was a glimmer of hope. But they always seemed to end up bickering.
He wished now he’d refused the invitation. He had half a mind to call back and tell her he’d forgotten a prior engagement. There’d be no pleasure in the visit. The bucolic Australian cousin sounded utterly grim. That idiot film star would be preening himself all over the place. He’d seen a Rex Ransom film once. Never again. Gerry hadn’t said who the other guests would be; no doubt they’d all be equally ghastly.
One thing held him back from cancelling. Curiosity. He had to find out why she’d invited him. Though he was going to hate every minute of it. The only consolation was that the fact she’d asked him certainly meant she wouldn’t be seeing Carter for a few days.
Thursday dawned bright, crisp and very cold, with a coating of frost silvering the lawns of Alderley and tracing fantastic opaque patterns on the windows. A thin layer of ice covered the lake.
In the house the atmosphere at breakfast was markedly strained. The Earl – nervous as a schoolboy at the prospect of meeting his idol – managed only one egg, two rashers of bacon and three slices of toast. Gerry, who, at the last minute, had been beset by Terrible Doubts as to the wisdom of inviting her two beaux at the same time, spoke hardly at all; while the Countess was feeling decidedly disgruntled at the prospect of entertaining eight people, all of whom had been more or less foisted upon her.
After breakfast the Earl decided to try and calm himself by spending half an hour with his beloved gun collection. On his way upstairs he encountered Merryweather.
He stopped. ‘Ah – everything ready for the guests?’
‘Quite ready, my lord.’
‘Where you puttin’ people?’
A close observer would have noticed a momentary expression of astonishment appear on the butler’s impassive and august features, it being the first time in thirty years that Lord Burford had taken the remotest interest in domestic matters.
‘You wish me to appraise you of the disposition of guests in relation to sleeping accommodation, my lord?’
‘That’s it.’
‘Well, my lord, Mr Haggermeir is in the Cedar bedroom, Mr Ransom in the Grey, Mr Gilbert in the Blue—’
‘Who’s Mr Gilbert?’
‘Mr Arlington Gilbert.’
‘Oh, yes, of course. Go on.’
‘Miss Bradshaw and her husband in the Oak, Mr Carter in the White next door, the secretary person in the Regency, and Mr Quartus in the Green.’
‘No one in the Royal suite.’
‘No, my lord. It is not usually occupied except by special guests.’
‘But we’ve got a special guest! Mr Ransom.’
Merryweather closed his eyes. ‘Your lordship is not suggesting we should accommodate an actor in the Royal Suite?’
‘Not an actor, Merryweather – a Great Star. Why not?’
‘May I ask, my lord, if this is also her ladyship’s wish?’
‘Not exactly. You think she’d object?’
‘It’s hardly for me to say, my lord. But I should recommend that your lordship consult with her before taking such a radical step.’
Lord Burford rubbed his chin. ‘P’raps you’re right. Very well, better leave it.’
He moved off. Merryweather breathed a sigh of relief.
Paul’s manservant, Albert, brought him his early tea at six-thirty in his Park Lane flat. After drinking it, Paul rose, donned a track suit, and went for his usual run in the park. By the time he’d returned, glowing with health, and had shaved and showered, Albert had his breakfast ready. Paul sat down to eat it, saying, ‘Better pack my traps now. And put my running kit in. May do a bit of cross-country training.’
By the time he’d finished breakfast, Albert had stowed the cases in the car. Paul gave him a few last minute instructions – he had decided not to take Albert with him on this occasion – and by eight o’clock was on the road. He’d be at Alderley comfortably before lunch. And then for a long, long weekend with Gerry.
‘Happy days are here again,’ Paul carolled lustily as he drove.
Hugh Quartus groaned thickly as the alarm clock clanged stridently a few inches from his ear. Without opening his eyes, he reached out an arm and knocked it from the table. It stopped. He lay still, trying to remember why he had set it. He usually slept till he woke. So there must be something important on this morning.
Then it came to him. Alderley. Oh, lor!
Hugh dragged himself out of bed, staggered to the washbasin, splashed tepid water over his face, shaved, and ran a comb through his hair. He made some tea, cut and ate a couple of thick slices of bread and jam, shoved some clothes and a few necessities into an old army kit-bag, and wrapped his only decent lounge suit in brown paper. Like it or lump it, they’d have to put up with one of their guests not wearing formal dress in the evenings.
Next he filled a Thermos flask with tea, dressed in two pairs of socks, thick corduroy trousers, three sweaters and his old, moth-eaten fur-lined flying jacket, and went down to the lock-up garage he rented.
He opened it and wheeled out his motorcycle and sidecar. He threw his luggage into the sidecar and took from it a scarf, goggles, cap and gauntlets. These donned, he was ready. Wrapped up though he was, it was going to be a fearfully cold trip. He was tempted, even at this stage, to go by train. But no; this way he’d have independence of movement. Without the bike, he’d be stuck in the heart of the country and utterly reliant on his hosts for transportation. Besides, he’d save a few shillings this way – always an important consideration.
The superbly tuned engine of the little motor-bike started at first kick. It really had been a bargain, this machine.
Hugh remembered he hadn’t washed the breakfast things or made the bed. They’d be waiting for him when he got back.
Something else to look forward to.
It was a little after eleven o’clock when Merryweather threw open the big double doors of the morning room at Alderley and announced, ‘Mr and Mrs Sebastian Everard.’
Thankful at last to know her cousin’s surname, Lady Burford went forward to greet her.
The woman who led the way into the room was small, somewhat plump, had a round, good-natured face and blonde hair done in lots of small tight curls. She stopped, staring at Lady Burford, her head tilted to one side. There was something birdlike about her.
‘My dear, how lovely! You’re looking wonderful.’
‘And you, Cecily.’
They kissed. Lady Burford said, ‘You remember George?’
‘Why, of course.’ Cecily turned and presented her cheek as the Earl stepped forward. He brushed it with his lips, a little uncertainly.
‘Well, well, well,’ he said, ‘this is splendid. Splendid,’ he added dogmatically, as though someone had contradicted him.
Cecily said, ‘And this is my husband, Sebastian.’
Sebastian Everard was slight and thin, with a round, clean-shaven pink face and a bland expression. He smiled. ‘How – how – how de do?’ He spoke in an exaggerated drawl, offering a limp hand to the Earl and Countess. ‘Jolly – jolly decent of you to ask us.’
‘Delighted to have you,’ Lord Burford said.
‘Really? Oh, jolly good.’ He gave an amiable titter, gazing round the room vaguely at the same time.
‘Now, George,’ Lady Burford said briskly, ‘why don’t you give, er, Sebastian a drink? Cecily and I have a lot to talk about. There’ll be some coffee shortly and if I remember rightly that’s what she’ll prefer.’ She led her cousin to a chair by the fireplace.
‘Thank you, dear.’ Cecily said. ‘Now, there’s so much I want to hear about you and George and Geraldine. And you must bring me up to date on twenty-five years of gossip. I want to know all about Lucy and the twins and Margaret and Reggie and Bobo and the Pearsons – and, oh, dozens of people.’
‘My, that’s a tall order.’
Lord Burford meanwhile had plucked at Sebastian’s elbow. ‘Come across here and let me pour you something.’
‘What? Oh. Right. Jolly good.’ He followed the Earl across to a sideboard where drinks were laid out. ‘What’ll you have?’
‘Oh.’ Sebastian frowned. ‘Don’t know, really.’
‘Jolly good.’
Lord Burford poured and handed Sebastian a glass.
‘Oh, yes, rather.’
They drank. There was a pause. Lord Burford cleared his throat. ‘Chilly today.’
‘Oh, rather.’
‘Good drive down?’
‘Jolly good.’
‘Capital.’ There was another silence. The Earl said, ‘Er, I keep a few sheep.’
‘Really? Oh, jolly good.’ Sebastian peered out through the window, as though expecting to see them dotted about the lawn.
‘Oh, not personally, of course. At the home farm. Have a good man running it. Must admit I find ’em rather irritatin’ creatures. No offence, I hope?’
‘No, no, not at all.’
‘Always getting lost in the snow or caught in hedges, lambing at the most inconvenient time of the year. No doubt you feel quite different about ’em.’
‘Well, I – I haven’t given it a lot of thought, actually.’
‘Really? You surprise me. I imagined it would be unavoidable.’
‘No, never found it necessary. Partial – partial to the odd chop, don’t you know. And useful for insomnia, eh, eh?’
‘Countin’ them jumping over a fence, you mean? Even that doesn’t work with me. They always refuse to jump. Not that I’m often troubled by sleeplessness. Clear conscience, I suppose. How many thousand you got?’
The nearest thing so far to animation or surprise came over Sebastian’s face. ‘How – how – how many thousands?’
‘Just roughly.’
‘Oh.’ He stared at his sherry glass. ‘Don’t know, really.’
‘But you must count your stock sometimes.’
‘Count? No. I get statements from the bank and my jolly old accountant keeps tabs on my position.’
Lord Burford’s eye bulged. ‘Your accountant counts your sheep for you?’
Sebastian blinked. ‘Oh, no. Thought you meant money. I don’t own any sheep.’
‘You don’t? You mean you ain’t a sheep farmer?’
‘Oh, no. Not at all. Never. Sorry.’ He smiled.
‘Great Scott! I could have sworn…’ He turned and raised his voice a little. ‘Lavinia, you said Sebastian here was a sheep farmer. He’s nothin’ of the sort.’
Cecily said gently, ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I should have explained. It was Philip, my first husband, who was the sheep farmer. He died many years ago. Sebastian’s not even an Australian. He was just visiting when we met. But then he decided to stay on.’
The entry of Gerry at that moment caused a welcome diversion. After introductions she said, ‘Well, I suppose you know all about our expected VIP guest?’
‘No, dear,’ Cecily said. ‘Who’s that?’
‘The great Rex Ransom, no less.’
‘The film star? Really? How exciting. Did you hear that, Sebastian?’
‘Oh, rather. Jolly good. When – when’s he expected to arrive?’
‘The train should be getting in to Alderley Halt in about five minutes. Hawkins has gone to meet it in the Rolls. Actually, there’s quite a party of film people coming, isn’t there, Daddy?’
Lord Burford nodded happily. ‘Biggest thing to happen at Alderley since Queen Victoria stayed here in 1852.’
‘Jolly good,’ said Sebastian.
By the time Hugh reached Alderley village at about eleven-thirty and started on the final stage to the house he was stiff with cold. This last part of the journey did nothing to improve his mood. The estate was surrounded by a positive network of narrow lanes, and like all of them the one he had to follow wound irritatingly, several times approaching to within a mile of the house, which could be clearly glimpsed through the trees. Then the lane would suddenly turn away, without apparent reason, on another long detour.
Hugh’s mind was filled with thoughts of blazing fires and hot coffee, and as bend followed bend he became more and more frustrated and began to push his machine ever faster.
At last he reached the final bend before the straight stretch of wider road that ran past the entrance to the drive leading up to the house. He twisted the throttle grip, leaning over so that the wheels of the sidecar actually left the ground.
One thing, however, which he had not allowed for was the heavy overnight frost that had resulted in icy roads. Until he’d reached the village he’d been travelling on main roads, on which grit had been laid. But this twisting, little-used lane had not been treated.
Suddenly Hugh felt the bike start to slip from under him. The next moment he found himself rolling over and over on the road. It seemed as though he was never going to stop. But eventually he did, and when his head had cleared he sat dizzily up.
After a few seconds he decided he wasn’t hurt and got unsteadily to his feet. Suddenly he no longer felt cold. He walked over to his cycle and sidecar, which were apparently undamaged. Hugh tried to get the contraption upright. But it was heavy and his feet kept slipping on the still icy surface.
He was making another attempt when he heard a car approaching from around the bend. It had the deep-throated roar of an expensive sports model. Hugh started to run towards the bend. But his feet went from under him again. By the time he’d scrambled up, a long, low scarlet drop-head tourer had appeared round the curve.
Hugh yelled and waved his arms. He saw the driver brake and the car start to skid. Hugh threw himself to one side, and in a graceful spin the sports car’s nearside rear wheel went over the front wheel of the motorcycle.
Paul felt the bump and a horrible crunching clatter. Then the car had stopped and there was a great calm. He got hastily out and saw that the front wheel of the motorcycle was badly buckled. The driver, only his nose showing between goggles and scarf, was standing on the grassy shoulder, staring mutely at the wreckage.
Paul walked towards him. ‘I say, old man, I’m most frightfully sorry—’
Without taking his eyes from his injured machine, the motor cyclist raised both arms skywards in a gesture of fury and shouted, ‘You reckless imbecile!’
Paul said, ‘Now, steady on. I only—’
‘You only? You only wrecked my—’ He looked at Paul for the first time and stopped short. ‘You?’ he said.
Paul felt a sudden chill of alarm. He said, ‘What?’
‘Carter! What are you doing here?’
‘I’m afraid I don’t—’
The other suddenly tore off his goggles and scarf, and Paul’s eyes widened. ‘Quartus! Hullo. I didn’t recognise you in that get-up.’
‘I said, what are you doing here?’ Hugh snapped. His face was white.
‘I’m on my way to Alderley.’
‘I gathered that, you fool. But just why are you on your way there?’
Paul frowned. ‘I’ve been invited for the weekend.’
Hugh was breathing hard. ‘By Geraldine?’
‘Yes, of course.’
‘The little beast!’
‘Look here, don’t you speak about Gerry like that.’
‘What’s it to you how I speak about Gerry?’
‘I think a lot of her. I won’t stand by and listen to her insulted.’
‘Then don’t stand by. Clear off. I’ll stay here and insult her to my heart’s content.’
Paul swallowed and managed to control himself. He said, ‘I’m sorry about the bike.’
‘So am I!’
‘But I’m not really to blame—’
‘Not to blame! I suppose you think my machine dived under your car – decided to commit suicide!’
‘I came round the bend and it was in the middle of the road.’
‘A driver should be prepared for obstructions in the road. He shouldn’t drive so fast that he can’t stop if—’
‘Oh, for Pete’s sake! Normally I could have stopped, but the road’s icy—’
‘The road’s icy! He’s telling me the road’s icy! Why do you think I came off?’
‘I wouldn’t know,’ Paul retorted. ‘It could have been sheer incompetence – or, to judge from your manner, drunkenness. However, I have no wish to continue arguing. Although I admit no legal liability, I’m naturally prepared to pay for the repairs—’
‘I don’t want your confounded charity.’
‘As you wish. But if you change your mind, the offer stands. Now, as the bike obviously can’t be ridden, I suggest we drag it to the side of the road and then call up the local garage to come get it. I’ll give you a lift to the house. Er, I suppose you are a guest there, too?’
‘I was.’
‘I wasn’t looking forward to the weekend before. Now I doubt if I could stomach it.’
‘Well, that’s up to you. But you’ll have to come to the house to use the phone. Hop in the car.’
‘No, thanks.’
‘But it’s pretty well a mile—’
‘That’s my business.’
Paul shrugged. ‘OK. What do I tell the Burfords?’
‘Tell them to – Tell them what you like.’
‘As you wish. So long.’
Paul walked to his car. Really, that chap was insufferable. What on earth did Gerry see in him?
He drove the last hundred yards, turned in past the lodge, and sped up the tree-lined drive to Alderley. Even his brush with Quartus couldn’t take from him a delightfully pleasurable anticipation. His last visit had been in summer. He and Gerry had gone for long rambles in and outside the estate. He remembered his sense of pride when she’d presented him with a key to the small doors set into the walls that surrounded the park – a traditional mark of esteem in the family. This time there’d be few rambles, but plenty of time alone with her indoors; he’d make sure of that.
He pulled up before the impressive seventeenth century façade of the house, got out and started up the steps. As he did so, Gerry emerged from the front door. He grinned.
Gerry stopped, feeling the warm glow she always experienced when she saw those pleasantly rugged features, the deep blue eyes and the curly light-brown hair. He was so nice. She really liked him better than anyone else she knew. Why, oh why, could she never be quite sure she was in love with him?
He ran up the last few steps and kissed her. ‘Hullo, my sweet.’
‘Oh, Paul, it’s good to see you! Thank you for coming at such short notice.’
‘Try and keep me away.’