The Anxious Hot Wife: Taboo Erotica - Saul Rice - E-Book

The Anxious Hot Wife: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Saul Rice

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"Well," she said, turning to Maggie, "it looks like Christina is tied up for the evening. She's in bed with Andrew Dawson -- the town is named for his family, you know. He's a closet queer, to use a very vulgar expression, and that wicked twit Christina tells me she's taking a crash course in cocksucking from him. She figures that she can learn a few new kinks from his expertise, and I think she may be right. I suppose really it's just like two girls together. A guy knows what feels good when he's being sucked."
"What were you saying about David?" Maggie wondered.
"Oh, that. David's bi, too. He doesn't make an issue out of it, though. What's wrong? You look pale. Does it offend you to think that he does thin with other guys? If we can make love together, why should he have to follow some medieval set of regulations, anyway?"
"It just startled me," Maggie replied. "I mean, he seems so masculine."
"Of course he's masculine," Belinda laughed. "He'll fuck anyone who arou

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The Anxious Hot Wife

Saul Rice

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents










"No, I don't," Maggie replied, just a bit too sharply as another unexpected tingle raced through her cunt. She didn't care if he ever found the street for which he searched. She didn't care at all. This whole thing was insane.

"There it is," Ted said triumphantly. He made a quick left and the car scooted into the mouth of Shields Avenue.

Maggie sighed. She would have rubbed her lips with her hand but right now all ten of her fingers were laced together in a tight knot. Her feet shifted uncomfortably on the floor of the car. She wished she were somewhere else.

This was a very nice section of town, she thought. Most of the houses were old, elegant in a turn-of-the-century style Maggie found captivating. Or would have, if she'd been in the proper frame of mind.

What was wrong with Ted? she asked herself. Or was she at fault? They'd been married two and a half years -- no children yet, for they were still unsettled. So far as Maggie was concerned they enjoyed a full and rich sex life that was everything it should have been. Eight months ago they'd come to Dawson, where Ted had found a good job. He was director of the local Community Services program, euphemism for a broad range of welfare activities. His job paid well and they lived in a nice new house on the southern edge of town, and until a few weeks ago there had been no problem at all.

And then Mrs. Belinda Rodgers had come down to volunteer her services at the community center. She was a young woman, Maggie's age or a bit less, of a prominent local family. Her husband was an attorney in Dawson -- he'd run for county attorney in the last election only to be defeated when Dawson County went Democratic for the first time in forty years -- and Maggie had seen their pictures in the newspaper quite a few times.

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