The Attractor Factor - Joe Vitale - E-Book

The Attractor Factor E-Book

Joe Vitale

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Discover the secret to lifelong wealth and happiness!

Now in an expanded paperback second edition that includes an Attractor Factor IQ test, exercises for putting lessons into practice, new stories, and more, Dr. Joe Vitale presents his even more powerful and effective five-step plan for attracting wealth, happiness, and success to your life.

"Whatever you want to attract to your life, Joe Vitale has the secret to make it happen. I highly recommend you get this book and get started today."
-Morris Goodman, author of The Miracle Man

"I got enough by the end of chapter one to create a major energy shift in my life! Joe's easy, direct, and knowledgeable presentation allowed me to embrace important principles effortlessly."
-Dee Wallace, actress and star of E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial

"Joe Vitale not only appeared in The Secret, he is one of the few who knows and lives attraction! Contained in the five steps that Joe maps out in The Attractor Factor are the keys to endless abundance. This book instructs on how to take control of your beliefs and focus, ultimately attracting the life of your dreams. If you just do what Joe tells you, you will create an abundance far beyond what you can currently imagine. The Attractor Factor is the secret that The Secret doesn't tell you."
-David Schirmer, wealth coach and star of The Secret

"Just when you think you understand how the world works, Joe Vitale comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He's engaging, entertaining, enlightening, and, oh boy, does he ever stretch your thinking."
-Ian Percy, registered psychiatrist and member of the U.S. and Canadian public speakers halls of fame

"This book has the potential to change humanity."
-Dr. Rick Barrett, author of Healed by Morning

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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
CHAPTER 1 - Miracles Never Stop
Attraction Works
CHAPTER 2 - What’s Your Attractor Factor IQ?
CHAPTER 3 - An Attractor Factor Case Study
CHAPTER 4 - The Truth about the Law of Attraction
CHAPTER 5 - The Proof
CHAPTER 6 - What Are You Dismissing?
CHAPTER 7 - How to Attract Money
Fundamentals of Prosperity
How to Become a Millionaire
Welcome to the Attractor Factor
CHAPTER 8 - It Can Be Another Way
The Healer’s Healer
Shore Leave
CHAPTER 9 - A Shortcut to Attracting Whatever You Want
CHAPTER 10 - An Introduction to the Attractor Factor
CHAPTER 11 - What’s Your Prosperity IQ?
CHAPTER 12 - Step One: The Springboard
Remove Negativity
Beware the Five
Socrates’ Advice
Where Are Your Thoughts?
CHAPTER 13 - Step Two: Dare Something Worthy
Exceed You
Peace Pilgrim
Be a Trillionaire
What Do You Want?
The Magic of Intention
How I Raised $22,500 in One Day
The Number One Thing People Do Wrong
Who Directs Your Life?
For What Purpose?
How You Create Reality
What Are Your Beliefs?
Ask and You Shall Receive
Can You Really Have Everything?
Close Your Eyes
What If You Still Don’t Know?
Think Like God
Start Here
Divine Intentions
Intentions Are for Wimps
Let Your Body Speak Its Mind
The Right Way to Test
The Solo Testing Method
Test Your Goal
Carry Your Intention
CHAPTER 14 - Step Three: The Missing Secret
Watch Spot
Touching the Sky
The Wise Choice
That Mysterious Something
The Most Important Step
Your New Year’s Resolutions
Are You Clear Right Now?
How to Locate Your Beliefs
How to Get a New Car
Money beyond Belief
Remote Clearing
Releasing the Past
Free Your Past
Your Results
How to Change People
Where Money Comes From
What Runs Your Life
The Science of Getting Rich
The Work
The Mustard Seed
Karmic Surgery
Saved from Death
Publishing Miracle
“I Love You”
The Script
CHAPTER 15 - Step Four: Nevillize Your Goal
The Real Reason the Titantic Sank
Emotion Has Power
A Powerful Energy
Curing Illness
Imagine the Outcome
The Camera
Catching Fire
Your Inner Becomes Outer
Cut through Pain
Write Your Future
Why Not?
You’re Printing Your Energy
Advertising Works
Jonathan’s Method
Ancient Chinese Secrets
Burning Desire
CHAPTER 16 - Step Five: The Ultimate Secret
The Ego’s Love
Lost Secrets Miracle
Your Partner Needs Clear, Too
Change the Inner to Change the Outer
My Nightingale-Conant Miracle
“Thy Will Be Done”
The Swan
The Secret of TIISG
It’s All Good
Watch the Signals
Infinite Mind
The Red Flags Theory
How to Do This
A Secret about Money
Tend Your Garden
Go to the Light
The Truth
The Ultimate Secret
CHAPTER 17 - The Million Dollar Secret Formula
Six Key Points
When Your Limo Pulls Up
CHAPTER 18 - The Shocking True Story of Jonathan
CHAPTER 19 - The Experiment: Intentional Meditation Foundation
CHAPTER 20 - Common Questions (with Answers)
“Whatever you want to attract to your life, Joe Vitale has the secret to make it happen. I highly recommend you get this book and get started today.”
—MORRIS GOODMAN, author, The Miracle Man
“I got enough by the end of chapter one to create a major energy shift in my life! Joe’s easy, direct, and knowledgeable presentation allowed me to embrace important principles effortlessly.”
—DEE WALLACE, actress and star of ET
“Joe Vitale not only appeared in The Secret, he is one of the few who knows and lives attraction! Contained in the five steps that Joe maps out in The Attractor Factor are the keys to endless abundance. This book instructs you on how to take control of your beliefs and focus, ultimately attracting the life of your dreams. If you just do what Joe tells you, you will create an abundance far beyond what you can currently imagine. The Attractor Factor is the secret that The Secret doesn’t tell you.”
—DAVID SCHIRMER, wealth coach and star of The Secret
“Just when you think you understand how the world works, Joe Vitale comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He’s engaging, entertaining, enlightening, and—oh boy—does he ever stretch your thinking.”
—IAN PERCY, registered psychiatrist and member of both the U.S. and Canadian public speaker halls of fame
“This book has the potential to change humanity.”
—DR. RICK BARRETT, author, Healed by Morning
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
Copyright © 2008 by Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada
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eISBN : 978-0-470-44070-4
For BonnieandFor MarianI love you
Spirit is substance which forms itself according to your demands, and must have a pattern from which to work. A pan of dough is as willing to be formed into bread as biscuit. It makes as little difference to Spirit what we demand.
—Frances Larimer Warner, Our Invisible Supply: Part One, 1907
I am grateful to my friends Jerry and Esther Hicks for their insights into the process of attracting whatever you want. I am, of course, grateful to Jonathan Jacobs for his work as a healer, miracles coach, and friend. I am also grateful for Bill Ferguson’s magic. Linda Credeur was the first to believe in this project, maybe even before me. I want to thank Bob Proctor for his support and belief in me and in this book. A few special friends read early versions of this material and gave me priceless feedback. They deserve a round of applause: Jonathan Morningstar, Jennifer Wier, Blair Warren, David Deutsch, Bryan Miller, Nerissa Oden, Rick and Mary Barrett, and the late Marian Vitale. Jenny Meadows helped with early editing. Matt Holt at Wiley sought me out and convinced me to create this book for you. My mastermind group gave me support and advice. They include Bill Hibbler, Pat O’Bryan, Nerissa Oden, Jillian Coleman, Craig Perrine, Irma Facundo, Bryan Caplovitz, and Jay McDonald. Nerissa, my life partner and love, is always there for me, and always feeding the critters so I can keep writing. I thank Rhonda Byrne, creator of the movie The Secret, for putting me in her amazing film. Suzanne Burns, my key assistant, makes my daily life easier so I can focus on writing. Her husband, Bruce, often helps me, never asking for payment. My fellow crusader of the light, Mark Ryan, is always supportive. Victoria Schaefer is a priceless friend. I also want to thank Cyndi Smasal and my Miracles Coaches team over at Finally, I am grateful to the Divine for guiding me in every moment.
Having been in the business of personal development for most of my life, the question I most frequently hear is, “How do I go about getting what I want?”
The answer to that question is clearly defined and answered in this amazing new book by my dear friend, Dr. Joe Vitale.
When I first read The Attractor Factor, I was stunned by the insight and clarity it reveals about the hidden and often ignored creative power within us. What is this power? How can we use it to create the life we desire? More importantly, how can we do it in a way that allows us to live our life in an easy, stress-free manner?
These questions have propelled Joe Vitale to research and write this book, and subsequently arrive at a totally new perspective on manifesting your grandest desires.
Joe has harnessed this power to create a life that most people would envy. He’s got the homes, the cars, the success, the love, the health—all that anyone would want. He is one of the few people that “walks his talk.” He’s probably the most lovable marketing specialist alive today. His life is a living testimonial that what he teaches actually works!
Throughout this book he will tell you about his life—the good, the bad, and the ugly. He holds nothing back. He will share with you how, through trial and error, he discovered the five-step formula that took him from poverty, unhappiness, frustration, and sometimes despair, to a life of abundance, happiness, contentment, and, unparalleled success. You’ll find it inspiring and unforgettable.
What about you? Do you feel restless and unsatisfied in certain areas of your life? Are you ready to learn about and apply a simple five-step formula that will change your life forever?
Joe “Mr. Fire!” Vitale encompasses a belief that we can find spiritual solutions to problems and create the life we desire through this “Attractor Factor.” This book will help you to understand how easy it is to use that formula in your own life and how to live a life without stress, strain, and struggle. It will help you to discover that you have more control over your life and destiny than you ever imagined possible.
Everyone has the desire to discover the great secrets of success, to reach total contentment, and to find the path to personal fulfillment. Joe shows us how to do this through the Attractor Factor.
The secret to attracting the things we truly desire are in the pages of this book. However, I want to warn you that you will be shocked at how simple it is to apply this formula. The simplicity may surprise you, but do not be fooled by it. Our minds love to complicate things, but you cannot complicate the truth. Truth by its very nature is always simple. All we need to do is to apply these simple truths, and our lives can be miraculously changed in an instant.
You will find, as you go through this book, that you may be reintroduced to ideas or strategies you are already familiar with. Again, don’t be fooled. As Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. said, “We all need an education in the obvious.”
What Joe has done is to reawaken us to what we already know at a deeper inner level. Then, he encourages us to apply what we know in a simple five-step formula that cannot fail!
Imagine what it would be like if we knew the cause of all the things we attract in our life and how we could change our magnetic point of attraction to attract only the things we truly desire?
Once you learn the secret of the Attractor Factor, you will be free from worry and self-doubt. You will no longer have to wonder what the future will bring, because you will be able to deliberately create the future you desire by using the simple five-step formula.
You have already made a decision to invest in this book, which is an investment in yourself. You have the power to do great things. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the “extra.” You have already demonstrated that you are willing to go the extra mile by reading this book.
After incorporating the Attractor Factor and the five-step formula into your life you will be able to use it in any situation . . . wherever you are . . . whomever you are with . . . whatever’s happening.
The best news of all is you can’t screw this up! You can’t make a mistake or move in the wrong direction because the Attractor Factor shows you how to flow with the universe instead of against it. Your magnetic point of attraction will always be toward what you want.
So join with me now and allow Joe Vitale to lead you on the journey of self-discovery that will change your life forever.
—Dr. Robert Anthony
A little birdie just came my way and mentioned a deep, soulful desire of yours. Heavens no, not that one! She said that you’d be eternally grateful if, once and for all, you never, ever had to worry about money again. Well, I couldn’t resist. Wish granted! You never, ever have to worry about money again. Anything else? Anything at all?
The Author’s True Confession
I admit it.
I never wanted to publish this book or make it available to a wide audience.
I was scared.
I wrote this book for one person: my sister. Bonnie had three kids, was unemployed, and was on welfare. It hurt me to see her suffer. I knew her life could be different if she knew the five-step process I developed for creating whatever you wanted. I wrote this material for her, and only for her, in 1997. She’s now off welfare and doing fine. She’s got a house, a car, a job, and a loving family. She’s not rich yet, but I think I’ve shown her a new way to live life.
I never wanted to make this book public, because I was nervous about how the world would perceive me. I’ve written 17 books so far, for such well-known and conservative organizations as the American Marketing Association and the American Management Association. I also have an audiotape program with Nightingale-Conant. I figured if I told the world about my interest in spirituality, people would ridicule me, clients would fire me, and these organizations would shun me. So I played it safe and kept this book a secret.
But in June 1999, I felt the inner urge to give a copy of the rough manuscript to Bob Proctor, at the beginning of one of his Science of Getting Rich seminars. Bob read it and loved it. And then he did something shocking.
There were 250 people in that seminar in Denver. They all wanted to know how to create wealth. Bob stood before them and read off all of my book titles, and then introduced me to the crowd. I stood and the crowd applauded. They treated me like a celebrity and I loved the attention.
But then Bob told everyone about my new book, my unpublished book, about this book. I was surprised. I wasn’t ready for this. I held my breath. And then Bob told them the title, which at that time was Spiritual Marketing.
There was such a hush throughout the crowd that chills went up my spine. Not only did people favorably react to the book, but they all wanted it—right then. At least 50 people came up and said they wanted to buy the book on the spot. Bob Proctor later said he wanted to record it. And one publisher in the seminar said he wanted to publish the book, sight unseen!
My concerns about publishing this book vanished. I could see that the timing was right to release these ideas, and I saw that I would be safe in doing so.
So here I am.
As with most things in life, there’s little to be afraid of, and wealth and glory await right around the corner. All you have to do is step forward and do the things you’re being nudged to do from within.
Bob Proctor nudged me in front of 250 people.
As a result, I released the e-book called Spiritual Marketing in 2001. The book was an instant success. It became a number one best seller at Amazon on June 4 and 5, 2001, which are my parents’ birthdays. The book was translated into seven languages. People wrote me from all over the world, attesting that the five steps explained in the book helped them to get a job, or heal something “incurable,” or raise money, or find true love, and more.
It was pretty staggering feedback.
I began to think, “If this material really changes lives, then I must get it out to the world in a bigger way. I need to expand the book and better explain the five steps, and I need a strong publisher, too.”
I set that statement as my intention.
And now you’re reading this book. Obviously, I expanded it, updated the information, and found the right publisher as well.
That’s how the Attractor Factor works.
But before I explain the five-step process, let me say a few things . . .
Within each life lies the causes of whatever enters it.
Miracles Never Stop
More miracles have happened to me since writing the little booklet in 1997 that evolved into what you are now holding. Here are a few of them:
• When I first wrote this book and described the car of my dreams, the car of my dreams at that time was a Saturn. I still love Saturns, but I’ve upgraded my dream and my car several times since then. I went on to manifest a BMW Z3 2.8 Roadster. It was showcased in an early James Bond movie. I have never in my life had so much fun driving. But as I grew in my life and became bolder about going for my dreams, I also naturally wanted a different vehicle. I was then led to Francine, my beloved 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM exotic sports car. Whew! What a ride it is! I then went on and attracted a rare 1998 Panoz AIV Roadster. It was once owned by Steven Tyler of the rock band Aerosmith. While attracting cars isn’t what this book is about, these new cars symbolize major changes in my life. It’s also a message for you: You truly can have anything you can imagine.

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