The Battle of Armageddon - Neville Goddard - E-Book

The Battle of Armageddon E-Book

Neville Goddard

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The Battle of Armageddon

Neville Goddard

MAY 6, 1969

Your true environment is in your imagination! All that you behold, though it appears without, it is within, in your imagination – of which this world of mortality is but a shadow. No matter what is taking place on the outside, it is but a symbol telling you what is taking place within; for the world is nothing more than yourself pushed out. Its image, alive in your imagination, overwhelms you.

Tonight let us turn to the greatest of all books, the Bible. In it we are told that at the end of the world there would be a great war whose final battle is called ‘Armageddon’. You may have been taught that this battle will take place on the outside, as races battle races, and nations battle nations. It doesn’t mean communism against democracy or socialism against capitalism. There will always be wars and conflicts; but the battle of Armageddon is the battle of ideology. This battle does not take place on the outside, but within each and every individual.

If you really understood what was taking place and knew your scripture, you would rejoice at the unrest on the outside. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I have come not to bring peace but a sword; to set a man against his father; a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, for a man’s foes are those of his own household.” This certainly does not mean our children will be pitted against us, but that the true understanding of the Word of God is pitted against the traditions of men. Living by structures built by tradition, we have believed that by them we could earn the kingdom of heaven and acquire merit. But when one who has experienced the story of God tells you that the life of Jesus Christ is everyone’s spiritual autobiography, this truth causes a conflict within the individual – and that is the battle of Armageddon.

Neutrality is impossible. You cannot attach the new cloth to the old; it is all or nothing. You cannot put the new wine you are receiving into the old bottle, by being willing to go along with this new idea to a certain point, but not being willing to give up your belief in an external God, to whom you bend your knee and cross your body when you stand before what represents him on the wall. So the battle rages until the story of Jesus Christ unfolds within you; and then the war is over, for from that moment on you will have no other god, only he whose name is I AM. I tell you: the story of Jesus Christ is your spiritual autobiography. One day his story will unfold within you and you will know there is no other, only God.

Today when you see the disturbance the young people are causing – not only in our country but all over the world – see it as a symbol of the tremendous eruption of truth taking place in the hearts of men. It is not just confined to this platform, for the picture is worldwide. There is an enormous eruption of truth against the entrenched traditions of men going on right now, even in atheistic Russia and in lands which are not considered Christian; but truth is not confined to space or time. Truth is only confined to God.