"The book" 2022 - Mark Hood 14 - E-Book

"The book" 2022 E-Book

Mark Hood (14)



a non fiction handbook to the topics: Think, philosophy, belief, religion, school, language, art, shapes, colours, music, emotions, partner choice, sex, health, nutrition, sports, medicine, hazards, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, politics, law, violence, gold, job, craft, architecture, money, taxes, possesion, products, economics, business administration, pension

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Table of Contents:




philosophy: "table of goodness"


religions: overview


reformation of the church


school: "tabula rasa"



to shape


shapes & colors


genres of music


partner choice


sex for money (with graphics)



plan, preparation, meal, hygiene


sport & sauna


medicine: “open findings“

medicine: vitamin table





politics: "relative democracy"


law: "legal loopholes"



job (with graphic)

job II

job III

craft I

craft II

craft: "pun on measure"



appreciation & use


tax table (in Germany)




business administration



Dear reader,

This book should contribute to a better life through orientation and optimization - a better "code" leads to an emotional gain in society ...

The meaning of life is (basically) to live, whereby feelings (the soul of the person, which you can hear in their voice) are most important. Feelings represent something at the moment in an infinite universe of space and time. Proper nutrition („fuel“) is crucial for feelings (salad and pasta are recommended and 1 x meat or fish per week), as well as always doing the right thing in the moment.

The right action in the current moment is the philosophical way to get to the goal - the equilibrium - which is a state of complete balance and satisfaction - quasi a central zero point in which everything is taken into account and also done - which leads to that one then currently free head can use for the next thing that comes. Establishing a balance (equilibrium) is a wise path that leads to the benefit of equilibrium ...

The focus is on “man and woman” - both act together (balanced, harmonious and complementary), are healthy and have offspring - you can't do it alone, nature has done that (through specialization). For this everyone has to find the right partner, come to an agreement and go together on the way to the goal (the equilibrium), whereby “the way is the goal” (Confucius) - the framework is determined by the majority. Give and take should be the same so that everyone is satisfied ...

Basically all people are the same (at least the dog), but in particular they are not. Rules should give all people the same (action) framework, but who wants to judge that when there are huge differences between people. The fact that people look and are different leads to many different groups that can hardly be brought together, as they are sometimes controversial, but as a whole are very rich due to their colorful diversity, which is advantageous for a common goal of people: That Survival of the species. Democracy means that the current majority determines, but not necessarily, that this is better for everyone (especially for special people). An improvement of this democracy is presented here in the book as "relative democracy", so that the quality of the choice continues to improve. This might make the rules even more intelligent, diverse and special. But I would like to point out that this idea contains certain risks (classification, outing, etc.) and should only be tested in a longer pilot project (with data protection) ... perhaps one could start with a neutral institute giving a score to politicians.

It should also be taken into account that not all people have the same opportunities in life and that they are “forced” to go the “wrong path” from the start - for example, they lack education, family and work. Here, richer people could give poor children the chance of education, health and a job at the beginning with the help of a development program ...

In addition, it should be said that “it doesn't work out in the end” if the destruction of human, vegetable, animal and other (environmental) resources on the planet costs more “capital” than it currently brings in profit for some industrialists , because their own properties are ultimately worthless if everything (globally) is "broken" ...

A further development of life can mean that the resulting better work makes interstellar space flights and the colonization of other planets possible at some point in the future.

It is certainly wise to ensure that the descendants survive in the long term ...



The way people think is very different and goes from the individual to the general thinking collective, from simple to complicated / complex matter ...

“Thinking includes all processes that result from an inner preoccupation with imaginations, memories and understood / understanding try to shape. ”(Wikipedia). If one compares thinking with a computer process, one could imagine that a program with its instructions is used to logically process the relevant data (from main and permanent memory) in a processor in order to determine a result - but one would have to with people also involve feelings (in a relevant strength).

With the approach of mathematics, thinking becomes correct, and with the help of technology, action becomes logical. However, one should consider everything, ie know everything. What is important for your own life at the moment, “is told by your feelings”.


The meaning of life is to live

Life is made up of feelings

The feelings arise through action

The plot should fit

Life is a life's work of actions and feelings

"The way is the goal" (Confucius)


“Is that part of the philosophywhich deals with the prerequisites and the evaluation of human action. That is specifically at the center of ethics moral action, especially with regard to its justifiability and reflection". (Wikipedia)

Simple 4-field table for "trading":

Good behavior chart:

In the end there is the Philosopher's Stone and you become a constellation (role model)

Does “good” actually mean “god”?

(Isn't there a connection?)


Faith means that one facts is believed to be apparently true, without any methodological justification. Belief in everyday language use is therefore a presumption or hypothesis that assumes the truth of the presumed facts, but at the same time leaves open the possibility of refutation if the presumption changes through facts or new ones findings should prove to be incorrect / unjustified. Faith is different from knowledge that can be understood as a true and justified fact.

The religious belief (basic attitude of trust and also approving) is always based on the will / willing (the conversion of ideas into reality through actions) to believe and assumes the absolute truth of the belief content (e.g. the existence of god (god / good) ~ in the form of the good ...)

"religiousness“ denotes the awe in front of the order and diversity in the world and the general sensation one transcendent independent reality (which lies outside / beyond the realm of possible (finite) experience and sensory perception, i.e. is not immanent), while “belief” means “be convinced“ from the teaching of a specific religion (orphilosophy) includes.


Many scholars regard belief in God as superstition because they have no evidence that God exists; it is an unrealistic clouding of consciousness that many believers are subject to. However, it has not been proven that god does not exist.

Many correct values are represented by religions (see also “table of goodness”).

Spiritual values (which are symbolized by candlelight) represent something divine (wherever there is light, there is also life - that is a part of something good).

Believing in them is certainly good, but of course also in yourself as part of the whole. The individual spirit is important to diversity in a religious community.

Different religions: (Wikipedia)

Christianity (2.2 M):

Christianity is one World religion that from the Judaism

(Suggestion: Add 10 commandments 2 to Moses: Don't be too selfish (11), golden rule (12)).

Her followers are called Christians; the whole of Christians is also called Christianity. Central to Christianity is Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish traveling preacher who appeared around AD 28-30 and in Jerusalem was executed. His younger recognized in him after his crucifixion and resurrection the son god and from Judaism expected messiah. They name him in their confessions Jesus Christ. Belief in him is in the scriptures of the New Testament basic.

Islam (1.5 M):