The Candle in the Wind & The Book of Merlyn - Thomas Hanbury White - Hörbuch

The Candle in the Wind & The Book of Merlyn Hörbuch

Thomas Hanbury White

23,99 €

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One of the most inventive and charming retellings of the Arthurian legend, this is the final part of The Once and Future King. In these last two books, the ageing king faces the greatest challenge of his reign, when his own son threatens to overthrow him and destroy everything he has worked for. In The Book of Merlyn, Arthur's tutor Merlyn reappears, and the ancient magician teaches him that, even in the face of apparent ruin, there is still hope.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:10 Std. 16 min

Sprecher:Jason NevilleNeville Jason
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