The Coin Of Heaven - Neville Goddard - E-Book

The Coin Of Heaven E-Book

Neville Goddard

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The Coin Of Heaven

Neville Goddard 1954

Courtesy of

This being my last Sunday for a year, I wish to leave no doubt in your mind of what I tried to tell you in the last nineteen lectures. So I am going to ask a question which you can silently answer yourself. Have you lived this life of yours in such a way that you desire to live it again? Well, if you haven’t, you’d better listen very carefully to what I will say this morning, if you have not already started, for may I tell you the next life is this life.

When the eye is opened you will see it, that man unless he awakes and changes the tracks of this life he walks them forever. So if you have not lived this life in such a way that you really desire to live it again, you start now to interfere with these tracks and laying new tracks.

Let me give you just one simple little vision; these are all true visions of the speaker. Lying on my bed, suddenly the eye opened, the inner eye opened, and I saw a man casually dressed in working clothes walking the sidewalks of a major city. As he came to a hole that was open to receive coal, in fact the coal had just been delivered, he dropped something from his hand and bending down instead of picking up the thing dropped, he picked up huge hunks of coal that were scattered around the hole, and then my vision relaxed.

When I re-concentrated the vision it was on the early part of that scene of the man walking down the sidewalk. He came to the manhole, he dropped, as he had in the previous state, bending down he picked up the coal as he had done before. Everything was in detail.

As I saw it for the second time, I said “Now that scene hasn’t changed one iota.” My attention again relaxed; when I re-concentrated it, it was on the early part of the scene. Now I could prophesy for that man; I knew exactly what he would do every moment of time right up to that manhole; that he would drop his package and not pick it up but pick up the coal. I knew he would look into that manhole and then change his mind either because someone below saw him pick it up and he didn’t want the consequences of his action or else he had a change of heart, but I knew in detail what that man would do.

We are walking tracks and the tracks are forever, and by the mere curvature of time your next life is this life. You simply replay it: so if you have not so played it that you are proud of it, you start now and you start the change today.

We have given you a system by which you change it. For those who haven’t heard why I say you walk tracks, you are standing forever in the presence of an infinite and eternal energy, and from this energy all things proceed, but they proceed according to pattern. Energy is moving in a certain pattern and you determine the pattern that it takes, for you actually lay down these tracks within you that energy flows over by the use of your inner conversations. This energy, I call it now mind, follows the tracks laid down in a man’s own inner talking.