The dream and its consequences - Ludwig Aquarius - E-Book

The dream and its consequences E-Book

Ludwig Aquarius

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It was not worth the wait. The Messiah simply did not come. It was unimaginable for many. Hell and purgatory are merely instruments of power used by religious dictatorships to ruin this world for people. Self-awareness allows us to instantly recognize the flaws that have been accumulated in this world, which must be worked through in order to achieve a state of bliss. This world and the hereafter are united as a single entity! Only one commandment applies to us humans: to take responsibility for all that we do! Humans can build - and they can destroy. They may cherish or destroy the earth, the very foundation of our life. It is up to us to educate people who, for the glory of the Almighty, are capable of proving themselves worthy of His generosity. Fundamental rights and freedoms are the only salvation.

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Imprint 3

Foreword 4

Fundamental Rights and Freedoms 5

An Unbelievable Experience 6

My Beautiful Faith! 9

A Glimpse into the Beyond 11

DEATH? - Symbols of Life! 14

The Nucleus 17

The Belief in One God 20

We are free!!! 21

The Last Sermon 23

The Fall of the Gods and Goddesses! 26

Time and Eternity - The Heavenly Perfection 28

The Spiritual-Mental Development 30

Science and Morality 33

The Liberated Woman 34

The Divine Perpetuum Mobile 37

Life! The Inconceivable Miracle! 37

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 39

World Religions 42

The Accuser 44

World Religions 46

Waiting for the Messiah since the Beginning 46

The New Home! 48

Meditation 50

Epilogue 52


All rights of distribution, also through movies, radio and television, photomechanical reproduction, sound carrier, electronic medium and reprinting in excerpts are reserved.

© 2022 novum publishing

ISBN print edition: 978-3-99107-726-8

ISBN e-book: 978-3-99107-727-5

Cover and inside illustrations: Ludwig Aquarius

Cover design, layout & typesetting:novum publishing


I am no theologian. I am by no means a missionary. I am merely recounting personal experiences, which may be taken as a simple narrative. I am at liberty to think critically in this area of tension between religion and my experiences.

We live, thank God, in a time whenfreedom of faith and conscienceprotects all those who dare to leave the rigid boundaries set by religions. And so, I am able to freely share my experiences that led me naturally to my

beautiful faith.

Ludwig Aquarius

Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

It took quite a long time to give people the foundations for a sensible life in this world. These did not come from God, but from the people, for the people! The horror of World War II created the conditions for this to happen. Nowadays, it would surely be more difficult to achieve this unanimity among nations. It was a learning process that took far too long. Religions could not accept this freedom, because they stood for the opposite. “In thought, word, and deed” encompasses the whole person – both body and soul! A total dictatorship would be inconceivable! Of course, even today, thesefundamental rights and freedomshave not yet penetrated the minds of everyone; and so, a small, very important selection of them will be given here:

Freedom of expression

Freedom of belief and conscience

Equality before the law

Freedom of scientific investigation

Protection of personal liberty

Protection of the right to life

Prohibition of torture and slavery

Strangely, these rights established within the framework of the UN are broken by its members on a daily basis. These rights are the iron foundation for a modern life ofresponsibility.

This responsibility is the cornerstone of my faith!

An Unbelievable Experience

Here are some thoughts that may help shed some light on my experience. San Francisco is an incredible melting pot of different faiths, a city where virtually all well-known and lesser-known religions are represented. To list them all would be an arduous undertaking.

I once heard of a church where mediums (seers) came to deliver messages from departed loved ones to the members of that church. It was a church that had a side chapel where pain was alleviated through the laying on of hands. Religious songs were also sung. The most important part of the program, which everyone anxiously awaited, was the“Messages from the Afterlife!”