The Electric Power Sector Reform Act 2005. A Review of the Policies for Power Sector Reform in Nigeria - Ofure Afeisume - E-Book

The Electric Power Sector Reform Act 2005. A Review of the Policies for Power Sector Reform in Nigeria E-Book

Ofure Afeisume

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Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2020 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Sonstiges, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The Nigeria Power Sector appeared to have an awesome history of electricity governance, but the development of the sector has been greatly impeded. This could be as a result of its inability or failure to effectively implement the legal policies and institutional frameworks and more still the proactive measures to bring about effective sector regulation through sustainable socially, economically viable and proactive management of the power sector in Nigeria. The current system of power sector reform began in the year 2000 with the implementation of the Electric Power Implementation Committee (EPIC). The committee drafted the National Electric Power Policy (NEPP) in the year 2001, leading to the Electric Power Sector Reform Act 2005. The reform comprised essentially two main components, including: restructuring and privatization1. It is based on this premise that this essay sought to review the policies for power sector reform in Nigeria, with emphasis on the Electric Power Sector Reform Act 2005.

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