The Eternal Father - Neville Goddard - E-Book

The Eternal Father E-Book

Neville Goddard

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The Eternal Father

Neville Goddard

Tonight’s subject is “The Eternal Father”. Perhaps tonight you may desire fame, health or things of this world but, although you may not know it, what you are really seeking is the Eternal Father, for you are searching for the cause of all life. The fatherhood of God is the central doctrine of the Bible and one day you, an individual, will transform this doctrine into a first- person present-tense experience.

Now, a doctrine is a fact and dependable so long as it is taken from experience. What I tell you this night is true, for I speak from experience. The day will come when you will discover the cause of the world and all that it contains is not only God, the everlasting Father, but Infinite Love. This is difficult to believe, I know, when you see such horrors in the world, yet I know from experience, God the Father of all life is Infinite Love.

Now, the characters of scripture are not persons, but eternal states of consciousness. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, all are states. The word Moses is the old perfected of the Egyptian verb “to be born.” Scholars have played upon the word and because it is made up of the word “mashah” they call it “to draw out.” You can turn it around and get the word “name” as “hashameh” or you can put the middle letter in front “shamayim” and you have “heaven”, but heaven is within.

So in the state of Moses there is something to be born; it is a name that comes out of the depth of Man, fulfilling itself in detail, yet revealed in sections. The name is first revealed as Almighty, then as “I AM” and finally as Eternal Father. You will find these revelations all through the gospel of John where he tells you that I AM the way, the truth and the light, but I AM the Father. “Have I been with you so long and yet you do not know me Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father; so how can you ask me to show you the Father? Do you not believe that I AM in the Father and the Father in me?” No one understood it. They could not grasp it, for if you are a father you must have a child to prove your fatherhood.

Now, he first revealed himself to you when you entered the state of faith called Abraham. While there you heard God’s promise of salvation, his promise of a son called Isaac (which is also a state). You must not see Isaac as a prophet of generations, but as the shaping of the unbegotten; the prototype of what is finally coming out. Isaac is the child spoken of in Isaiah “Unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Here we see the four names of the presence that is being born. The great poet William Blake speaks of the four-fold Man, but Ezekiel describes this four-fold Man in detail. How will you know when a name is being revealed? By signs and portents. A child is born. A son is given. These are two entirely different events. The child does not become the son. The child is only a signal that something has taken place in you, the individual, as you move toward the discovery of the Fatherhood of God.