The Family Voyeur: Taboo Erotica - Jason Sobieski - E-Book

The Family Voyeur: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Jason Sobieski

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


The words tumbled through Honey King's mind like a roaring fire as she moved slowly along the sidewalk. Her eyes moved constantly, searching for that one window with a light in it.
This desire to watch someone fucking was so powerful in her she could not resist the urge to go out each night, hoping desperately to see it. She did not know when this desire first came to
her, built it finally burned so hotly that it became all consuming.
Last night she had found one young boy jacking off.
The boy had been on his bed, stark naked, when she peeked into the window, He had been gazing at the centerfold of a magazine, a picture of a naked, lovely woman. He jacked off furiously. He had been lying on the bed facing the window, and Honey had seen his lovely cock and sweet balls clearly. She had watched him as his fist pumped faster and faster, then all that pearl-white come juice had gushed from his piss hole, splashing on the sheets of his bed. The boy then did something that surprised and excited her tremendously. He had licked up his come juice.
Later, she watched a girl who had not been all that pretty; but was still attractive in a sexual way. She had overly large titties that were tipped by long brown nipples. She had been slightly chubby, and with one of the thickest patches of cunt hair imaginable.

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The Family Voyeur

Jason Sobieski

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

The words tumbled through Honey King's mind like a roaring fire as she moved slowly along the sidewalk. Her eyes moved constantly, searching for that one window with a light in it.

This desire to watch someone fucking was so powerful in her she could not resist the urge to go out each night, hoping desperately to see it. She did not know when this desire first came to

her, built it finally burned so hotly that it became all consuming.

Last night she had found one young boy jacking off.

The boy had been on his bed, stark naked, when she peeked into the window, He had been gazing at the centerfold of a magazine, a picture of a naked, lovely woman. He jacked off furiously. He had been lying on the bed facing the window, and Honey had seen his lovely cock and sweet balls clearly. She had watched him as his fist pumped faster and faster, then all that pearl-white come juice had gushed from his piss hole, splashing on the sheets of his bed. The boy then did something that surprised and excited her tremendously. He had licked up his come juice.

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