The Horny Voyeur: Taboo Erotica - Jason Sobieski - E-Book

The Horny Voyeur: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Jason Sobieski

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


In a short while, he knew, he would be treated to the sight of her bare, luscious body! The ripeness of her breasts, the plump, delectable rounds of her buttocks, the firm columns of her thighs with their golden reflections.
He waited feverishly for the blonde girl to denude herself before his staring eyes.
Mr. Crispian knew that you could get into serious trouble with the law for being a Peeping Tom, of course. He didn't care about that. Or, to put it more accurately, the fact that he ran the risk of getting into trouble made it all the more exciting and stimulating to Mr. Crispian.
Window peeping was, so to speak, Mr. Crispian's only hobby.
For the last twenty years Mr. Crispian had lived in a big, old apartment house in a rundown section of town that once had been high class. The building had been constructed in the shape of an immense U around a deep central courtyard. The apartment that Mr. Crispian lived in was along the left-hand bar of the U, facing inward toward the courtyard. Because the building was so tall, the apartments facing the courtyard didn't get much in the way of sunlight, but Mr. Crispian didn't worry much about that. He didn't need sunlight. His kind of life thrived best in the dark.
He worked all day at the same dreary clerical job he had held for thirty years or more. When he came home at night, he fixed a simple dinner for himself and then sat down by the window to indulge in his one and only interest in life: window peeping.
Mr. Crispian had never married.

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The Horny Voyeur

Jason Sobieski

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

In a short while, he knew, he would be treated to the sight of her bare, luscious body! The ripeness of her breasts, the plump, delectable rounds of her buttocks, the firm columns of her thighs with their golden reflections.

He waited feverishly for the blonde girl to denude herself before his staring eyes.

Mr. Crispian knew that you could get into serious trouble with the law for being a Peeping Tom, of course. He didn't care about that. Or, to put it more accurately, the fact that he ran the risk of getting into trouble made it all the more exciting and stimulating to Mr. Crispian.

Window peeping was, so to speak, Mr. Crispian's only hobby.

For the last twenty years Mr. Crispian had lived in a big, old apartment house in a rundown section of town that once had been high class. The building had been constructed in the shape of an immense U around a deep central courtyard. The apartment that Mr. Crispian lived in was along the left-hand bar of the U, facing inward toward the courtyard. Because the building was so tall, the apartments facing the courtyard didn't get much in the way of sunlight, but Mr. Crispian didn't worry much about that. He didn't need sunlight. His kind of life thrived best in the dark.

He worked all day at the same dreary clerical job he had held for thirty years or more. When he came home at night, he fixed a simple dinner for himself and then sat down by the window to indulge in his one and only interest in life: window peeping.

Mr. Crispian had never married.

Mr. Crispian had not been to bed with a woman for many, many years.

He was a small, colorless, uninteresting man who had never had an adventure worth a second thought, never really been in love, never bet on the horses, never played the stock market. His life, to an outsider, would seem pretty much of a blank. Even to Mr. Crispian it was a blank, for he kept his inner torments hidden, as much as possible, even from himself. His one .purpose in the universe seemed to be staring across the courtyard into the other windows.

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