The Future of Cooperation between the EU and Ukraine -  - E-Book

The Future of Cooperation between the EU and Ukraine E-Book

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Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis in late 2013, relations between the EU and Ukraine have changed fundamentally. The Ukrainian crisis has developed into a deep conflict between “the West” and Russia. In 2014 the EU and Ukraine signed the Association Agreement, and the EU has promised strong support of Ukraine’s inner reforms with a view to further approximation to the EU.°°°°The present volume contains presentations held at an interdisciplinary Conference organized by the Institute of East European Law at the University of Kiel in 2014. It includes presentations by diplomats from the EU, Germany and Ukraine as well asanalyses by political scientists, economists and lawyers. Some papers give a general overview and also show certain differences in the evaluation of developments. Other papers deal with more specific issues, illustrating both the complexity of Ukrainianreforms and the need for a more coherent and effective support strategy of the EU. The purpose of the volume is to give a structured and balanced picture of the present stateof EU-Ukrainian relations with a view to future perspectives. For the publication, the papers have been updated and a post-script has been added.°°

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