The Identical Harvest - Neville Goddard - E-Book

The Identical Harvest E-Book

Neville Goddard

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The Identical Harvest

Neville Goddard



I am quite sure you are going to find this an interesting series. Tonight it is “The Law of the Identical Harvest.” In the very beginning, God established the Law of the Identical Harvest.

And God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation: Plants bearing seed and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, and it was so.” (Genesis 1:24)

Now we are warned, “Do not be deceived, for God is not mocked. As a man sows, so shall he reap.” (Galatians 6:7)

So, do not try for one moment to deceive yourself. All that is taking place in your world; you planted. There is only one Planter in the world, and the Planter is God, but man looks for God outside of himself, and we are warned that He is within us.

We are told to examine ourselves. “Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless, of course, you fail to meet the test.” (II Corinthians 13:5 RSV )

So, within us is the Lord Jesus Christ! And we are told, “By him all things were made, and without Him was not anything made that was made.” (John 1:3)

Now, where is He? Who is He? If He is in me and He is the cause of the phenomena of my life and everyone’s life, then where is He? I should find Him. It’s the most important search in the world . . and I have found Him! Christ-in-you is your own wonderful human imagination. That is the Lord! Your every imaginal act is the planting of a seed, and the harvest is nothing more than the multiplication of the identical seed. You cannot change it.

How do I plant the seed? Well, I could plant it unwittingly, and most of us do. I read the morning’s paper, and I react emotionally. At that moment, I planted a seed! You tell me a story, and I react emotionally. At that very moment I’ve planted a seed, and I am going to reap it . . the identical harvest.

Most of us do not remember. We do not remember the moment when we planted the seed, but every natural effect has a spiritual cause, and not a natural. A natural cause only seems; it is a delusion of the withering vegetable memory. We cannot quite relate the harvest to anything that we’ve done.

Let me now tell you just a simple little story. On March the 7th of this year . . the Log Angeles Times printed a little story about a lost church organ. The minister called in the detectives and announced that the church organ was stolen. He gave a description of the organ, to the best of his ability. They found what they thought to be the organ that was lost, but all identification marks were removed. The serial number and everything about identifying it for ownership had been taken from the organ. The minister said to the detectives, “Look into the back of the organ and see if you find a paperclip with a little piece of paper clipped to it and this number written on the paper.” The detective said “Why?” and the minister said, “I placed it there.” He said, “Why?” He said, “Just in case.”

Now, he is preaching the story of Christ. “Just in case …” That is when he planted loss, “Just in case.” To tell him that he was the source of the loss of that organ, he would strike you if he was bigger. Really, he was the cause of that loss, but you couldn’t tell him that. Yet he will repeat from the pulpit. “Be not deceived, for God is not mocked.” He will even quote Job, “My fears have come upon me.” (Job 4:14) For my imaginal acts, whether they be in love or in fear, they are seeds, and I must reap them.

I will give you one that is very personal. When I planted it, I do not know, but I had to have planted it. And I will show you that, even though you plant unlovely things unwittingly, you need not be the victim. You can revise it, and change it, even though you are confronted with a seemingly insoluble problem.

When I left here last year, in the month of July, I checked my two suitcases at the airport. When I arrived in Los Angeles, one was missing. The contents I could not replace for $1500. They were all the lovely dresses that my wife has, and all her dresses are made by a certain couturier in Beverly Hills, and not one is under $195. She has made these dresses over the years for her. They were not new, but I couldn’t replace them . . anyone . . under $195 . . plus other things in that suitcase. My suits were in another suitcase, perfectly all right. I recorded the loss. They said, “When we find it, if we find it, we will send it right over to you, Mr. Goddard.”

After five days and not a word, we called, and they said, “It is lost. We’ve made every effort, and it cannot be found. Put in a claim and send it off to San Diego, the headquarters for the PSA office.” My wife did the legitimate thing in the world of Caesar. She itemized the contents to the best of her ability and what it would take to replace the items in that suitcase.

That morning about 2:00 o’clock I awoke and said, “Now, look here. I teach this principle, and, so, I have brought about a loss in my own world. I will have none of it! I teach Revision. I heard what the man said over the telephone! ‘The thing is lost. They cannot find it; we have looked high and low.’”

Then you read in the papers that hundreds of millions of dollars are stolen every year at our airports, depots, and the wharves across the country, and it’s an inside job, as it were. So, at 2:00 o’clock in the morning I took in my hands my suitcase. I felt the weight of it; I could feel the weight. I could see in my mind’s eye the grey bag with the black leather. I could actually feel it, and I felt it with the sense of relief, for of all the pleasures in the world, relief is the most keenly felt.

When you are expecting someone, and they are late . . someone you truly love, and they are late, and it gets later and later and you get anxious, and then you hear the familiar voice; you know the relief that comes. Well, now, that’s what you do when you feel that relief. And, then, I dropped it and got up and went into my living room and simply read my Bible.