The Insatiable Neighbor Hotwives: Taboo Older Woman Erotica - Marta Luna - E-Book

The Insatiable Neighbor Hotwives: Taboo Older Woman Erotica E-Book

Marta Luna

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"Our pleasure," Carmen said and they were off. A few minutes later Carmen had stopped to admire a cherry tree in blossom. Instead of heading back toward downtown she had driven deeper into the park. She switched off the ignition..
Liz's stomach contracted. She sensed what Carmen was up to. She wanted to say something, but Carmen had been talking nonstop to Pete, and Pete seemed to enjoy listening to her. She felt left out of whatever was happening and a captive audience to it. The thought occurred to her that she ought to slide out of the car and just walk away.
Neither Carmen nor the teen would notice. Then Liz wouldn't have to watch Carmen seduce the young man.
Carmen's arm was draped around the teen's naked shoulders. Her fingernails scratched gently up and down the teen's brown back muscles, leaving momentary trails of pink on the skin. The teen began to breath deeply. His periodic laughs began sounding self-conscious. Liz looked down at his crotch where a large tent had suddenly grown.
That does it! Liz thought. She couldn't stand another moment of this. She would leave. Good riddance, Carmen!
Carmen and the teen were kissing, Carmen biting up and down his brown neck, the teen moaning. Carmen's hand caressed the youth's chest and roved up and down his skinny abdomen. Her other hand ran through his long hair. The teen's cock jerked in his pants. The scent of his sweat filled the car.
Liz inhaled. The smell of the youth was like an exotic perfume, overpowering even the sweet scent of the cherry blossoms. She was aware of the warmth of his body, as warm as the sunlight filtering through the trees and streaming in through the windshield. She watched his grubby brown toes wiggling as he kissed Carmen. She thought she could hear his heart thumping to the same rhythm as his throbbing cock. Suddenly Liz was moving, doing what she knew she had to do. There could be no other way.

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The Insatiable Neighbor Hotwives

Marta Luna

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

"Well, it's about time!" she exclaimed. "I was beginning to wonder whether we'd ever see the sun again."

Carmen, still resting on the couch, chuckled.

"And I was beginning to wonder whether the sun had ever shone in Fullerton. I was just telling my husband Lester last night, if it gets any drearier around here, I'm going back to Chicago. Chicago weather might also be a little glum at this time of year, but at least there's enough excitement there to take your mind off it."

Liz reseated herself at the end of the couch opposite Carmen, pulling her bare feet up under her to warm her toes. "Give Fullerton a chance, dear. You haven't even been here a week."

"One of the longest weeks of my life," Carmen complained.

"Oh, come on! Give yourself time to adjust. Granted, you won't find the big-city excitement here that you would in Chicago, but you won't have to worry about being mugged, either. And, believe it or not, the sun does shine here most of the time. April showers are just about over with May flowers will be here any day."

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