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A high-ranking Mason offers a fascinating glimpse into the Western world's most secretive society. Manly P. Hall, a scholar of occult and esoteric ideas, traces the path followed by initiates to the ancient craft. Hall also recounts the ethical training required of a Freemason, and he profiles the character traits a Mason must "build" within himself. More than a mere social organization a few centuries old, Freemasonry can be regarded as a perpetuation of the philosophical mysteries and initiations of the ancients. This book reveals the unique and distinctive elements that have inspired generations of Masons. Thoughtful members of the craft, as well as outsiders, will appreciate its exploration of Masonic idealism and the eternal quest, from humble candidate to entered apprentice and master Mason.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
by Manly P. Hall
First published in 1923
This edition published by Reading Essentials
Victoria, BC Canada with branch offices in the Czech Republic and Germany
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except in the case of excerpts by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.
The steady demand and increasing popularity of this volume, of
which eighteen thousand copies have been printed since it first
appeared a few years ago, have brought the present revised and
rearranged edition into being. The text can be read with profit by
both new and old Mason, for within its pages lies an interpretation
of Masonic symbolism which supplements the monitorial instruction
usually given in the lodges.
The leading Masonic scholars of all times have agreed that the
symbols of the Fraternity are susceptible of the most profound
interpretation and thus reveal to the truly initiated certain
secrets concerning the spiritual realities of life. Freemasonry is
therefore more than a mere social organization a few centuries old,
and can be regarded as a perpetuation of the philosophical
mysteries and initiations of the ancients. This is in keeping with
the inner tradition of the Craft, a heritage from pre-Revival days.
The present volume will appeal to the thoughtful Mason as an
inspiring work, for it satisfies the yearning for further light and
leads the initiate to that Sanctum Sanctorum where the mysteries
are revealed. The book is a contribution to Masonic idealism,
revealing the profounder aspects of our ancient and gentle
Fraternity - those unique and distinctive features which have
proved a constant inspiration through the centuries.
By REYNOLD E. BLIGHT, 33 degree, K. T.
Reality forever eludes us. Infinity mocks our puny efforts to
imprison it in definition and dogma. Our most splendid
realizations are only adumbrations of the Light. In his endeavors,
man is but a mollusk seeking to encompass the ocean.
Yet man may not cease his struggle to find God. There is a
yearning in his soul that will not let him rest, an urge that
compels him to attempt the impossible, to attain the unattainable.
He lifts feeble hands to grasp the stars and despite a million
years of failure and millenniums of disappointment, the soul of man
springs heavenward with even greater avidity than when the race was
He pursues, even though the flying ideal eternally slips from his
embrace. Even though he never clasps the goddess of his dreams, he
refuses to believe that she is a phantom. To him she is the only
reality. He reaches upward and will not be content until the sword
of Orion is in his hands, and glorious Arcturus glearns from his
Man is Parsifal searching for the Sacred Cup; Sir Launfal
adventuring for the Holy Grail. Life is a divine adventure, a
splendid quest
Language falls. Words are mere cyphers, and who can read the
riddle? These words we use, what are they but vain shadows of form
and sense? We strive to clothe our highest thought with verbal
trappings that our brother may see and understand; and when we
would describe a saint he sees a demon; and when we would present a
wise man he beholds a fool. "Fie upon you," he cries; "thou, too,
art a fool."
So wisdom drapes her truth with symbolism, and covers her insight
with allegory. Creeds, rituals, poems are parables and symbols.
The ignorant take them literally and build for themselves prison
houses of words and with bitter speech and bitterer taunt denounce
those who will not join them in the dungeon. Before the rapt
vision of the seer, dogma and ceremony, legend and trope dissolve
and fade, and he sees behind the fact the truth, behind the symbol
the Reality.
Through the shadow shines ever the Perfect Light.
What is a Mason? He is a man who in his heart has been duly and
truly prepared, has been found worthy and well qualified, has been
admitted to the fraternity of builders, been invested with certain
passwords and signs by which he may be enabled to work and receive
wages as a Master Mason, and travel in foreign lands in search of
that which was lost - The Word.
Down through the misty vistas of the ages rings a clarion
declaration and although the very heavens echo to the
reverberations, but few hear and fewer understand: "In the
beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was
Here then is the eternal paradox. The Word is lost yet it is ever
with us. The light that illumines the distant horizon shines in
our hearts. "Thou wouldst not seek me hadst thou not found me." We
travel afar only to find that which we hunger for at home.
And as Victor Hugo says: "The thirst for the Infinite proves
That which we seek lives in our souls.
This, the unspeakable truth, the unutterable perfection, the author
has set before us in these pages. Not a Mason himself, he has read
the deeper meaning of the ritual. Not having assumed the formal
obligations, he calls upon all mankind to enter into the holy of
holies. Not initiated into the physical craft, he declares the
secret doctrine that all may hear.
With vivid allegory and profound philosophical disquisition he
expounds the sublime teachings of Freemasonry, older than all
religions, as universal as human aspiration.
It is well. Blessed are the eyes that see, and the ears that hear,
and the heart that understands.
Freemasonry, though not a religion, is essentially religious. Most
of its legends and allegories are of a sacred nature; much of it is
woven into the structure of Christianity. We have learned to
consider our own religion as the only inspired one, and this
probably accounts for much of the misunderstanding in the world
today concerning the place occupied by Freemasonry in the spiritual
ethics of our race. A religion is a divinely inspired code of
morals. A religious person is one inspired to nobler living by
this code. He is identified by the code which is his source of
illumination. Thus we may say that a Christian is one who receives
his spiritual ideals of right and wrong from the message of the
Christ, while a Buddhist is one who molds his life into the
archetype of morality given by the great Gautama, or one of the
other Buddhas. All doctrines which seek to unfold and preserve
that invisible spark in man named Spirit, are said to be spiritual
. Those which ignore this invisible element and concent rate
entirely upon the visible are said to be material. There is in
religion a wonderful point of balance, where the materialist and
spiritist meet on the plane of logic and reason. Science and
theology are two ends of a single truth, but the world will never
receive the full benefit of their investigations until they have
made peace with each other, and labor hand in hand for the
accomplishment of the great work - the liberation of spirit and
intelligence from the three-dimensional prison-house of ignorance,
superstition, and fear. That which gives man a knowledge of himself
can be inspired only by the Self - and God is the Self in all
things. In truth, He is the inspiration and the thing inspired. It
has been stated in Scripture that God was the Word and that the
Word was made flesh. Man's task now is to make flesh reflect the
glory of that Word, which is within the soul of himself. It is
this task which has created the need of religion - not one faith
alone but many creeds, each searching in its own way, e ach meeting
the needs of individual people, each emphasizing one point above
all the others.
Twelve Fellow Craftsmen are exploring the four points of the
compass. Are not these twelve the twelve great world religions,
each seeking in its own way for that which was lost in the ages
past, and the quest of which is the birthright of man? Is not the
quest for Reality in a world of illusions the task for which each
comes into the world? We are here to gain balance in a sphere of
unbalance; to find rest in a restless thing; to unveil illusion;
and to slay the dragon of our own animal natures. As David, King
of Israel, gave to the hands of his son Solomon the task he could
not accomplish, so each generation gives to the next the work of
building the temple, or rather, rebuilding the dwelling of the
Lord, which is on Mount Moriah.
Truth is not lost, yet it must be sought for and found. Reality is
ever-present - dimensionless yet all-prevailing. Man - creature of
attitudes and desires, and servant of impressions and opinions -
cannot, with the wavering unbalance of an untutored mind, learn to
know that which he himself does not possess. As man attains a
quality, he discovers that quality, and recognizes about him the
thing newborn within himself. Man is born with eyes, yet only
after long years of sorrow does he learn to see clearly and in
harmony with the Plan. He is born with senses, but only after long
experience and fruitless strivings does he bring these senses to
the temple and lays them as offerings upon the altar of the great
Father, who alone does all things well and with understanding. Man
is, in truth, born in the sin of ignorance, but with a capacity for
understanding. He has a mind capable of wisdom, a heart capable of
feeling, and a hand strong for the great work in life - truing the
rough ashlar into the perfect stone.
What more can any creature ask than the opportunity to prove the
thing he is, the dream that inspires him, the vision that leads him
on? We have no right to ask for wisdom. In whose name do we beg
for understanding? By what authority do we demand happiness? None
of these things is the birthright of any creature; yet all may have
them, if they will cultivate within themselves the thing that they
desire. There is no need of asking, nor does any Deity bow down to
give man these things that he desires. Man i s given by Nature, a
gift, and that gift is the privilege of labor. Through labor he
learns all things.
Religions are groups of people, gathered together in the labor of
learning. The world is a school. We are here to learn, and our
presence here proves our need of instruction. Every living
creature is struggling to break the strangling bonds of limitation
- that pressing narrowness which inhabits vision and leaves the
life without an ideal. Every soul is engaged in a great work - the
labor of personal liberation from the state of ignorance. The
world is a great prison; its bars are the Unknown. And each is a
prisoner until, at last, he earns the right to tear these bars from
their moldering sockets, and pass, illuminated and inspired, into
the darkness, which becomes lighted by that presence. All peoples
seek the temple where God dwells, where the spirit of the great