The Mary Frances Sewing Book / Or Adventures Among the Thimble People - Jane Eayre Fryer - E-Book

The Mary Frances Sewing Book / Or Adventures Among the Thimble People E-Book

Jane Eayre Fryer

6,49 €

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The Mary Frances Cook Book is the exceptionally clever and fascinating story of a little girl who wanted to learn to help her mother. Only it is much more than a story. It tells in story form how Mary Frances learned to cook. She wants to know what all the kitchen pots and pans are for, so she asks them. And they tell her?the pots and pans talk. The book gives recipes in the simplest, plainest words. It describes every operation clearly?just what Mary Frances did, and how she learned to avoid mistakes. The book stimulates the imagination and creates a desire to follow Mary Frances’ example.   

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