The Most Joyful Interbreeding Family: Taboo Erotica - Selena Moore - E-Book

The Most Joyful Interbreeding Family: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Selena Moore

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Elliot grinned and unpeeled the sheet from his naked body. His prick stood straight up in the air, thick bodied and purple headed. "Why don't you suck it, baby?"
Elana let the sheet fall from her own body. At twenty-nine she had the body of an unusually mature teenager, ripe all over and full, a small waisted sexpot with large, bouncing breasts, tiny nipples, a round, jutting ass, and an almost hairless cunt. Her long hair was black, the gift of an unknown oriental ancestor who had also given her soft eyes the shape of fat almonds.
She inched down the bed, kissing and licking her blond husband's flesh as she moved. Her excitement wasn't lessened by the knowledge that it was someone other than herself who had been the cause of his hard-on. Elliot had been hot for his youngest brother Mike's girl for the past two years. Just the thought that she would be in his house for a few days was keeping Elliot in a state of constant excitement.
When her lips were only inches from Elliot's stiff prick Elana began to tease him. "Thinking of Francie, baby?" She ran her tongue slowly down the shaft. "You'd like to get into her pants, wouldn't you ? "
"Don't be silly, Elana." He pushed his hips upward to meet her lips. "Francie's almost my sister-in-law. Family."

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The Most Joyful Interbreeding Family

Selena Moore

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 1

Elliot grinned and unpeeled the sheet from his naked body. His prick stood straight up in the air, thick bodied and purple headed. "Why don't you suck it, baby?"

Elana let the sheet fall from her own body. At twenty-nine she had the body of an unusually mature teenager, ripe all over and full, a small waisted sexpot with large, bouncing breasts, tiny nipples, a round, jutting ass, and an almost hairless cunt. Her long hair was black, the gift of an unknown oriental ancestor who had also given her soft eyes the shape of fat almonds.

She inched down the bed, kissing and licking her blond husband's flesh as she moved. Her excitement wasn't lessened by the knowledge that it was someone other than herself who had been the cause of his hard-on. Elliot had been hot for his youngest brother Mike's girl for the past two years. Just the thought that she would be in his house for a few days was keeping Elliot in a state of constant excitement.

When her lips were only inches from Elliot's stiff prick Elana began to tease him. "Thinking of Francie, baby?" She ran her tongue slowly down the shaft. "You'd like to get into her pants, wouldn't you ? "

"Don't be silly, Elana." He pushed his hips upward to meet her lips. "Francie's almost my sister-in-law. Family."

She giggled, then captured the head of his cock in her mouth. She sucked it briefly, then let it slip out. "That wouldn't stop you. I've seen you look at her. You strip her every time you look at her." She tongued the cock again, then began to lick his big balls.

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