The Secretary's Shrewd Get Away: Taboo Reluctant Erotica - Selena Moore - E-Book

The Secretary's Shrewd Get Away: Taboo Reluctant Erotica E-Book

Selena Moore

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


It was noon. Out the window she saw people pouring out of the building to go to lunch. Wanda felt helpless. She had a good job and she didn't want to risk losing it.

When he had hired her, Mark Johnson had intimated that he expected her to sleep with
him. She hadn't given it much thought, figuring she could handle it if it ever came up.

Wanda was Johnson's executive secretary. Johnson had a wife and two kids and he knew Wanda had a steady boyfriend, but this hadn't . cooled his ardor.

She blushed and moaned. His mouth felt wonderful on her crotch. She really didn't mind that he was making love to her. She was always ready for fucking. Ever since she had lost her virginity at the age of eighteen she couldn't get enough. She and Marty, her boyfriend for the past two years, fucked almost every day, and even so Wanda masturbated regularly. She sometimes wondered if there was something wrong with her.

"Mr. Johnson," she whispered, "please don't. You shouldn't."

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The Secretary's Shrewd Get-Away

Selena Moore

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

It was noon. Out the window she saw people pouring out of the building to go to lunch. Wanda felt helpless. She had a good job and she didn't want to risk losing it.

When he had hired her, Mark Johnson had intimated that he expected her to sleep with

him. She hadn't given it much thought, figuring she could handle it if it ever came up.

Wanda was Johnson's executive secretary. Johnson had a wife and two kids and he knew Wanda had a steady boyfriend, but this hadn't . cooled his ardor.

She blushed and moaned. His mouth felt wonderful on her crotch. She really didn't mind that he was making love to her. She was always ready for fucking. Ever since she had lost her virginity at the age of eighteen she couldn't get enough. She and Marty, her boyfriend for the past two years, fucked almost every day, and even so Wanda masturbated regularly. She sometimes wondered if there was something wrong with her.

"Mr. Johnson," she whispered, "please don't. You shouldn't."

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