The mystery of true self-recognition - Zensho W. Kopp - E-Book

The mystery of true self-recognition E-Book

Zensho W. Kopp

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With extraordinary clarity, one of the great spiritual masters of our time shows us the way to realising our innermost, true nature in these brilliantly formulated sayings. He raises us above the limitations of our habitual way of seeing, so that we are able to realise the peace and happiness of our inherent divine nature - the secret of true self-knowledge. Knowing yourself and realising your true, immortal self is the real purpose of your life.

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At the base of the heart, there shines the inexpressible mystery of our true being as the all-embracing divine love that is God Himself.

This pure love and all-embracing oneness of the divine being reveals itself to you when you abide in pure, unintentional awareness, resting within yourself.

The inner emptiness of all things and creatures carries the soul up to God.

The space deep inside the heart is filled with radiant light, like a thousand rising suns. This light is the reality of our true, immortal being.

It is the glory of our true, divine nature beyond birth and death, which thus endures beyond all our rebirths and deaths.

We have lived in many different external forms. The form has changed again and again in our reincarnations, but our inner, immortal self is beyond all change and always remains the same.

Only the outer appearance is constantly changing, but the essence remains eternally the same.

Free yourself from everything, Zen says. But how does that happen? It happens by freeing yourself from your dualistic views and the automatic urge to form everything into concepts.

Thus it is about becoming truly free and no longer a slave to your concepts. This means seeing through the deceptive nature of all discriminating, conceptual thinking.

All conceptions of God and all religious concepts must fall, for they prevent you from experiencing your true, divine being. Religions quickly become a fixed, rigid dogma, so that you believe in this and that and then cling to it all.

In this way, you increasingly lose the ability to experience the divine reality that reveals itself here now.

The great awakening from the dream of body, mind and world always happens abruptly when we do not expect it.

Suddenly, in a moment of intentionless resting in ourselves, the power of the thinking mind is broken. From the depth of darkness, the fullness of light emerges and the true self shines with radiant clarity.

God is absolute consciousness and as such He should be worshipped. We are all this pure consciousness without any difference, yet we do not recognise it.

Our body is also consciousness. If we forget body, mind and world, then only pure, absolute consciousness remains. Consciousness is indestructible and therefore it is immortal. It does not die when the body dies.