The Old Steam Train - M. G. Leonard - E-Book

The Old Steam Train E-Book

M.G. Leonard

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Beim Spielen entdeckt Claire einen alten Dampfzug auf einem Schrottplatz. Aufgeregt erzählt sie ihrer besten Freundin Rosie davon. Aber Rosie und ihr kleiner Bruder George sind nicht überzeugt: Ein echter Dampfzug? In einem Schuppen? Auf keinen Fall! Als Claire dann auch noch einen Geist sieht, müssen die drei der Sache auf den Grund gehen. Was sie dabei entdecken, hätten sie nie für möglich gehalten...

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Seitenzahl: 60

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2020

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Team Reader


M. G. Leonard

Illustrated by Alex Shurety

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Klett Augmented

Team Read


1 The Discovery

2 The Ghost Keeper

3 A Pale Face

4 Bluebell Mystery

5 A Lie

6 Bad Dreams

7 Edward Woodham

8 George’s Secret

9 Fallout

10 Halt the Hunt

11 The Mission

12 The Grandfather Clock Plan

13 Train Haunting

14 The Ghost Hunt

15 Runaway Train

16 Back on Track

Team Read

Choose one of the following characters. Read only your character’s chapters and those chapters that everybody has to read.

Of course …

You can always read the whole story and discover everything that’s going on for yourself!


Read chapters for : 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16

Choose to follow George if you do not read books very often or if you feel that long texts in English are confusing. George has a secret! But what is it? Can you find out why he spends so much time at the junkyard?


Read chapters for : 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16

Claire discovered an old steam train in the junkyard – so she thinks. If you sometimes read books or if English isn’t really difficult for you, follow Claire’s chapters. Is she really serious about hunting ghosts?


Read chapters for : 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16

Rosie does some research on steam trains – and finds out more about Old Ned. If you read a lot or if English is really easy for you, read Rosie’s chapters. Dig into the past, learn more about steam trains and find out about the tragic accident that changed Old Ned’s life.

1 The Discovery

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‘Hey, Rosie!’ Claire yelled as she ran across the grass towards the playground. Her brown hair flew out behind her, and her face was a picture of delight. Her blue eyes were shining and she was grinning wide as she sprinted towards the pale girl who sat on the swing. ‘You’ll never guess what I’ve found?’

Rosie was Claire’s best friend. Their mums were best friends. They had known each other since they were babies. Rosie’s younger brother, George, a thin blond boy with grey eyes like his sister’s, was standing on the swing next to his sister, rocking backwards and forwards.

‘What is it?’ Rosie stood up as Claire bounced across the playground.

‘I’ve found the most wonderful thing,’ Claire put her hands on her knees as she paused to catch her breath, ‘I was exploring the junkyard…’

‘What did you go there for?’ George asked, jumping down from the swing.

‘We have to make a robot for our art homework,’ Claire replied. ‘I wanted to see if I could find some bits of metal to use.’

‘Good idea!’ Rosie said. ‘I made mine from cardboard boxes and toilet rolls. It looks rubbish.’

George nodded. ‘It does.’

‘Hey!’ Rosie pulled a face at her brother and George laughed.

‘Old Ned wasn’t there,’ Claire said.

‘You shouldn’t go into the junkyard if Old Ned isn’t there,’ George said. ‘It’s dangerous.’

‘I know, but I was only poking about looking for small bits and bobs,’ Claire replied.

‘I still don’t think you should’ve gone in,’ George said.

Claire leaned forwards. ‘You’ll never guess what I found. Right at the back, if you go around Old Ned’s cabin and over the bonnet of a yellow car, there’s a path between the mountains of junk. If you follow it to the end there are big wooden doors. They’ve got a padlock on them, so naturally I was curious…’

‘What did you find?’ Rosie asked, pushing her flyaway hair back from her face and tucking it behind her ear.

‘I only saw a part of it,’ Claire said, her eyes sparkling. ‘The padlock on the door stopped me from opening it any wider than an inch, but it looked like an old steam engine.’

‘A what?’ Rosie frowned.

‘It’s huge,’ Claire said.

‘That’s impossible,’ George said. ‘How would a steam engine get into Old Ned’s junkyard?’

‘I don’t know, but it is there. If you don’t believe me, come back with me and I’ll show you.’

‘A steam engine?’ Rosie stared at Claire. ‘A real old steam engine?’

Claire nodded. ‘It’s rusty, but it is a steam train, and there’s a carriage too.’

‘I want to see.’ Rosie turned to George. ‘Let’s go and look.’

George shook his head. ‘Mum said we have to be back home for dinner at six o’clock.’

‘It’s only five o’clock now,’ Claire said. ‘We can easily get to the junkyard and back before then.

Perhaps Old Ned will be back. We can ask him about the train. Maybe he’ll show it to us. He must have a key to that padlock.’

Rosie nodded. Claire grabbed her hand and they ran excitedly across the field. ‘Aren’t you coming George?’ Rosie called over her shoulder. ‘You love trains.’

‘Trains are for nerds,’ George shouted back.

‘C’mon then, nerd,’ Rosie laughed.

George shook his head, but after a minute, he ran after them.

2 The Ghost Keeper

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‘Hey, wait for me,’ George said, catching up with Claire and Rosie. ‘What’s the rush?’ He gasped.

‘I want you guys to see it,’ Claire replied. ‘And you said you had to be home before six. Wait till you see it. It looks fantastic. I bet you there’s a story there! What’s it doing in Ned’s shed?’

‘If there is a steam train in Old Ned’s junkyard, and no one knows about it, maybe it’s a secret,’ George said. ‘Maybe he doesn’t want anyone to know it’s there.’

‘Rubbish! Secrets always get found out in the end and who would want to keep a steam train a secret?’ Claire said, pulling at his arm as they swung open the park gate and stepped out onto the pavement.

‘I don’t want to go to the junkyard,’ George said.

‘Why not?’ Rosie frowned. ‘You love it there.’

‘Not anymore I don’t.’ George looked at the ground and frowned.

‘Why?’ Claire asked. ‘What happened?’

‘I don’t know if I should tell you this,’ George looked at Claire and then his sister, ‘because it might frighten you.’

‘Ha! Nothing frightens me.’ Claire folded her arms.

‘I’m warning you.’ George looked serious