The Open Affair - Patsy Ponce - E-Book

The Open Affair E-Book

Patsy Ponce



By agreeing to one another's terms, there's far more at stake than Logan and Lindsay realize. When Lindsay picks her employee as the annual hall pass, and Logan falls for a voluptuous swinger, the couple gets far more than they bargained for. The Open Affair is a story of an affair, in which different characters reveal their darkest sides. In their journey of sexual exploration, they enjoy openness and freedom, attraction and longing, but at the same time plunge into the mess and pain of non-committal relationships. Torn between secure connection and exhilarating freedom, they make mistakes that lead to dreadful consequences. How does one survive cheating? What goes in one's mind when they cheat? Can an open relationship be a solution to all modern couple's problems? It's a book that will make your heart beat faster while providing a perfect setting for the exploration of human nature.

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Patsy Ponce

Artcover: Northern & Aurora


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

Content warning: Heads-up, this is a work of fiction!

The story you are about to read is a sensuous erotic thriller. It contains scenes of violence and rape. Refrain from reading if it's not your cup of tea! And remember; in real life sex must be always consensual.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

Another soul

I am there with you. My desire has become too strong. The withdrawal will be just as heart-wrenching as the longing has been, maybe worse. But to suffer with a memory of Heaven, that’s far better than not knowing it at all.

I don't make promises easily—variables often break them—but for you, I give my word; not another person will ever find out what we plan to do.


A woman, at the cusp of one career and the beginning of another stepped into Boehme’s dilapidated office. Paint peeled from walls that connected to decade-old carpet. Lindsay wondered why life had spiraled so awkwardly out of control. Yet, something about this place beckoned, as if her visit there was more integral to fate than everything else had been before.

Not long after Lindsay crossed the threshold, a willful-looking woman cut down the hallway. Her green eyes turned to slits, accentuating her short hair and apparent need to bully everyone. “You’re here for an interview?” It was rhetorical. “Follow me!”

Lindsay nearly sprinted after Casey, wondering with each step about the diverging twists of life. The woman glanced at her judgmentally at one point as every action proved her dominance. Lindsay had come for the role’s base wage—twice what she’d earned previously—and that alone kept her there after seeing the interviewer and Boehme’s rundown building.

Before Lindsay slipped into Casey’s office, she noticed a man somberly facing a computer. He wore small glasses, not the kind to hide most of his face, but rather the small-rimmed spectacles a professor might don. His glasses didn’t garner most of her attention though, for the man also wore a sober countenance that stirred curiosities. He looked up, momentarily surprised by Lindsay.

She tried to break eye contact but faltered due to the irony of a striking man working in such a filthy place; she longed to interrogate him as he grinned mischievously, and a strand of brown hair fell next to his cheek.

“Come in! Come in!” Casey bellowed from the office. “And Thane, I need those designs on my desk within the next thirty minutes!”

Lindsay shook herself from previous thoughts and stepped toward the interim manager who obviously hated even remote signs of weakness.


Days passed into weeks; weeks became months. Lindsay managed at the local Boehme site well, but still, the check printing industry slowly collapsed, eaten away by people’s need for credit cards and electronic transfers. Despite problems with revenue, the corporate office generously gave Lindsay a raise—her first real taste of wealth and the kind of shackle that inevitably cages men and women alike. She never wanted to be poor again, and as a countermeasure, began investing all extra funds into a start-up furniture business with her boyfriend, Logan.

“We’re making enough now,” Logan said, after closing out another successful month of furniture sales. “You’re working too many hours at that stupid job, and I never see you…” He ended up begging Lindsay: “We can work together at home. I just want to see you.”

“I’m not ready to leave Boehme.” Why should she commit to ending a career when he couldn’t even commit to a marriage?

He shook his head. “I wish I could understand… At some point Boehme will go out of business—what’s the point of staying?”

Many of her twelve employees shared Logan’s view. When they saw the death of an era, most left for stable jobs. Lindsay told herself this made way for lean profit margins during financially troubling times, but as it were, those who remained each took on multiple roles and soon, the office slimmed down to three people: Thane, Kenzie, and Lindsay.

Learning new tasks, some shifts were all-nighters as the team of three ensured checks were shipped on time. And throughout the whole experience Lindsay marveled at how hard both Kenzie and Thane worked to keep the Boehme site alive. Thane had to offer training during this transformation period, and luckily, he was able to teach both Lindsay and Kenzie what they needed to know until their hours finally reduced and the office ran smoothly once again.

After finally getting a full night’s sleep, Lindsay walked into Boehme to what seemed like a normal day at the office - until she passed Thane. He’d been completing paperwork at the copier, but when he turned, the two faced each other as a formality and time lost all meaning. Lindsay’s high heels raised her to just under his eye-level, and at that moment, as she looked at Thane, something instantly rose inside her. She perceived the captivating color of his brown eyes, so gravity-defying that she easily lost herself in them. Nearly dropping her own papers, distracted by what might have been longing in his eyes, too, her breath caught because he hadn’t looked away. 

Lindsay darted to her office, wondering what had transpired. Her thoughts drifted to Logan; they’d dated for years—and had lived together for seven. Yet, there was something about Thane. And now, a dark excitement had birthed itself between them, hungrily waiting under the surface...hoping she’d step too far. And like Pandora’s box, the past had shown that this kind of desire could be dangerous.


That evening, after Lindsay arrived safely at home, she drank a few glasses of wine and asked Logan, “Do you ever feel attracted to other people?” His body stiffened as if he’d neared a formidable trap. “I’m not trying to start a fight. I just want to know,” she added.

He remained quiet for so long that Lindsay filled in the gap. “I’m just wondering,” she said, “because today I found myself really attracted to someone…other than you, for the first time in years.”

He nodded before deciding to make a confession of his own. “It’s natural, Lindsay. Don’t feel bad. Of course, I’ve been attracted to other people, but I would never act on it. I don’t even want to act on it.”

“But if you could?” She sat down on the bed and started tracing the velvety comforter. “If you found a beautiful woman and you could act on it…. If I said it was okay?”

He sighed. “Lindsay, it could ruin everything. And it probably would end badly.” He paused. “Do you want to be with this other man? Am I not enough?”

“You are...but lately I find myself feeling stagnant in our relationship.” She didn’t want to hurt him but felt the need to be honest. “After Ben, I don’t think I was single long enough.”

Logan swallowed hard, surprised by her mention of Ben; Lindsay rarely spoke about him even though he was the reason for years of counseling.

“And sometimes it seems like I’ve always been with someone. We’ve lived together for seven years, Logan.” She paused before going on. “Things aren’t exciting like they used to be in the beginning. Today, when I found myself noticing someone else…really noticing him….” She picked up the glass of white wine, she’d set on her nightstand, and took a huge drink. “I love you; I just wish I could have some type of adventure. And this could be fun for both of us. You could do your thing; I’d do mine. We’d know it was happening, but we’d never tell each other the details.”

He balked. “So, you want an open relationship? I don’t know if I can do that! Just the thought of you with another man....”

“But you could be with someone else, too.”

His eyebrows furrowed as if he didn’t know what to think. Still maintaining her gaze, he sat down on the bed too and became so immersed in thought that they remained silent for a long time.

“I just don’t think we see each other enough,” he said. “This doesn’t sound like you. Is this because we aren’t married?”

She shook her head. “It’s like this,” she finally said. “Years ago, I worked with a woman who came to the United States from Germany.” Lindsay swirled the wine in her glass. “Every year she and her husband have a special day when they go out and do whatever they want. I guess sometimes she smokes pot and he sleeps with different women. They used to talk about the details of their escapades, but now they don’t tell each other a thing. It’s just their day to do whatever they want.”

“One day, huh?”

“Yeah, no questions asked; no harm, no foul. A guilt-free day.”

“Would you ever do that?” he asked.

She nervously turned to him. “Yes.” The word escaped her lips so quietly he had to lean in.

“With your luck you’d walk into a bar and get anybody you wanted. I could try for hours and not get a girl.”

Lindsay laughed at the absurdity. “No way. That reminds me of what one of my friends said: ‘You always have to look out for the funny ones. One second you’re laughing, the next your panties are on the floor.’ But you’re not just funny, you’re sexy as hell. You could get anyone.”

“I don’t know about this whole thing. I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to be with another woman, but not a man.” He shook his head, hardly able to believe they were having this conversation. “You always throw curveballs at me—and it’s never boring, that’s for sure. I’m just not sure I could do that.” He studied her reaction as he asked, “Wouldn’t it bother you if I had sex with another woman?”

“Not if I got to have an adventure too. But I wouldn’t want to see it.”

“Is this really something you want?”

She nodded, her eyes flickering with excitement.

“I’ll think about it.” Logan scooted closer and placed his arm around her. “I mean, I would totally have a threesome. But only if you initiated it.”

She laughed. “Guys really are into that, aren’t they?” 

“Yeah, I guess most of us are.”


The next few days at Boehme were even more exhausting than ever because Casey, the woman who hired Lindsay, was now the out-of-state regional manager. She’d come to visit and as such, Thane, Lindsay, and Kenzie were forced to stay at the office extremely late each night. At one point, exhaustion turned into a memory and the grueling hours became an expected norm.

It was after a long night, when Casey finally finished her audit and left town, that Thane asked Lindsay and Kenzie to celebrate at a bar. “I thought she would never leave. If that woman ever comes back I’ll probably quit.”

Lindsay quickly called Logan. “I want to go out with the team. Is that okay?”

He yelled as music blared in the background. “Sure, babe. I’m out with friends too, anyway.”

“Sounds good,” she said after hanging up the phone and grabbing her form-fitting jacket.

Kenzie walked halfway there with them, then backed out. “Shit! My husband just texted me. He needs my help; sounds like our freezer is having issues and we need to move our frozen food.” She studied both of them, knowing they couldn’t say anything to dissuade her. “You two have a beer for me. Thank, God the witch is gone! I’ll see you Monday.” Lindsay noticed the way Kenzie’s eyes lingered on Thane familiarly before she edged away from them.

So, with a bit of uncertainty at being left alone together, Thane and Lindsay sauntered to a bar called The Rusty Nail. People, mainly in their thirties and forties, packed into the place, dancing and hollering lyrics to songs. “Welcome to The Nail,” a man yelled as they walked through roving, fluorescent lights.

The two sat across from each other in a corner, loudly talking about anything and everything from religion to relationships.

As the two drank another round of Guinness, Thane’s demeanor changed. Lindsay studied how his eyes crinkled when he smiled or how his unintended laughter accentuated his perfect lips and white teeth under the glowing lights. And the whole moment became so incredibly captivating that she could hardly look away.

“I need to go,” she said, gauging the change in mood. “It’s late. And it’s been a long week.”

“But you haven’t finished your beer.”

“Fine.” She didn’t need to make this awkward. “I’ll finish it. But if I’m going to stay here a minute longer, I swear I’ll set you up with someone!”

Thane, as if telepathic, stood up, moving right next to Lindsay’s stool, towering over her as she sat. “God, you’re beautiful,” he said, gazing into her hazel eyes and making her forget to breathe. “I know I shouldn’t, but I want you. And if you made a move, I swear I wouldn’t stop you.” 

He left her speechless, her heart tumbling out of control and her pulse charged. “I’ll be right back.” He motioned to the bathroom and walked away.

Lindsay frantically looked for the most beautiful woman in the bar - and it didn’t take long until she spotted a gorgeous black-haired siren who sat alone. “This place is packed,” Lindsay said, after walking over to her. “You don’t have to sit alone unless you want to.” The two women smiled and soon sat across from each other.

Brittany appeared far more beautiful up close. Was that the kind of woman Logan wanted to have a threesome with? Lindsay wondered what it would be like; she’d never had a threesome and as she talked with Brittany, she could almost envision the whole thing. It didn’t help that Brittany kept biting her lip when she glanced at Lindsay.

Despite how hard she tried not to, Lindsay’s thoughts wandered to intimate details. She suddenly thought of herself stroking Logan as Brittany watched, hungrily….

Kneeling down, ass up, hands clenching the comforter, Lindsay would feel the arousal far too quickly, feeling the wetness between her legs from just knowing that Brittany stood in the room with them.

Wearing only a white, lacy thong, Lindsay would prop herself near Logan’s face, until he couldn’t help himself. His eager fingers would slide near her upper thighs, moving closer, ever so gently to the tender area between her legs….

His touch felt electric, as chills ran along the length of her body. Then grabbing Lindsay’s hips, he’d glance mischievously at Brittany and poise himself to shove deep inside the tight space between Lindsay’s legs.

He’d wonder then, what it would feel like, being buried deep inside Brittany as well. That thought was even more intoxicating than how she currently gasped with lustful anticipation, watching him handle his girlfriend. Brittany clenched her fists and leaned against the wall for support, not even realizing how sexy she looked, wearing a seductive smile and a see-through nightie that hugged her massive breasts and draped across her flat stomach in a way that made Logan want to rip all her clothes off.

Lindsay began moaning, these small, quiet noises that drove Brittany crazy as Logan finally pushed in farther and farther with each successive thrust. Brittany almost shook at this point, turned on by the noise and the sight of a chiseled man entering the silky shape of the woman in front of him. She edged closer, soaking in every detail before kneeling on the bed next to Logan. Their lips met with urgency, as Logan’s manhood sunk into Lindsay over and over.

Lindsay’s eyes widened when she realized whose fingers now fondled her as Logan filled her to the brim. She wanted this…so much…but didn’t. And that somehow made her even more ravenous.

Then Brittany was begging Logan with her eyes, wanting him to let her try making Lindsay moan the way he had. Brittany bent until her nose grazed across Lindsay’s opening and then dove in with expertise only a woman could have.

Logan studied Brittany’s ass; it swayed as she continued licking and kissing. Her legs and everything they framed appeared so hypnotic in front of him that his nervous hands reached out. He massaged her back, feeling the smooth skin and tight muscles. His manhood, even more engorged after watching the scene before him, grazed Brittany’s left leg. He continued massaging more and more until Brittany grabbed him, jerking him hard from tip to base until clear liquid glistened on her slender hand. Then she expertly guided him, hoping he’d shove himself deep inside and quench the burning desire that had sprung inside.

Logan closed his eyes tight and slowly pushed his way inside of her pert body….as he felt that silky, smooth ass.

Lindsay thought of all this and had zoned out at the bar when Brittany claimed, “I bet I can guess what you’re thinking about.”

Lindsay exhaled, blinking hard and shaking her head. “Bet you can’t.” She blushed.

When Thane surfaced from the bathroom, Brittany rested adjacent to his seat, smiling broadly, and continually glancing at his lips.

Lindsay became so caught up in the conversation, and the captivating woman, that instead of leaving, she drank more and more until the moment became a blur. The two women laughed, whispered drunken secrets and ended up sitting so close their legs touched.

As the evening evolved, Thane smiled at Lindsay alone. And to her complete surprise, she seemed to notice Brittany far more than he did. “Confessions,” Brittany suddenly said. “Thane, have you ever kissed a man.”

“Not my thing.”

“Lindsay, have you ever kissed a woman?” Brittany asked.


“But would you?” Thane asked.

The three prepared to take another round of Fireball.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt…to try it once.”

Lindsay downed her shot immediately, only to put the glass down and realize that Thane’s eyes had widened and Brittany’s face lit with excitement in response to her words.


At one point, when Thane left to get them some water, Brittany instantly turned to Lindsay and raved. “He’s gorgeous! Are you together?”

Jealousy sprang into Lindsay’s heart, and she wasn’t quite sure why. After all, she had no claim on Thane—she’d just been thinking about Logan—AND it had been her idea to set this woman up with Thane in the first place!

“Oh, no. No. I’m with...someone else.” Lindsay crossed her legs and continued trying to act nonchalant. “We’re just really good friends. I’m his wing-man...woman.”

“You totally like him,” the woman said. “I saw the way you looked at him. You got it bad!” She laughed at the irony before downing another lemon drop. “You know...” she looked at Lindsay and a devilish grin curled onto her face. “You should act on this. Have some fun! I know you said you haven’t tried it, but you should have a threesome. All guys are into it, whether they admit it or not.”

Lindsay flushed, so embarrassed. “I mean, I’ve fantasized about it, but that’s just my imagination.” Lindsay tugged at her pencil skirt, hoping it would suddenly cover her knees and calves.

“It’s always the conservative ones who are freaky in bed.” Brittany bit her lip and ogled Lindsay. “I have an idea!”

At that moment, Thane surfaced from the bathroom and Lindsay almost sighed audibly, from relief.

“Oh, Thane! There you are!” Lindsay grabbed his tattooed forearm, and an unexpected jolt of chemistry made her hand tingle from the simple touch. She leaned toward him as he sat on his stool. Not meaning to get so close, her eyelashes dusted his cheek as she whispered, “Thane, friend. This woman wants you. I’m going to head back to the office parking lot so I can sober up. I’ve been drinking way too much. You...have a good night.”

As she pulled away, Lindsay cursed him because it had felt oddly perfect being close to him, having his scent and work worn skin near to her. 

“Wait,” Brittany said, strutting closer to them. “I’ve always wanted to be with a redhead.” She winked at Lindsay, eying her bright red hair. “And I definitely want to spend some more time with you.” Her beautiful face suddenly resembled a crocodile as she stared at Thane.

“I’ll sit this one out.” Lindsay blurted. Even though she’d imagined a threesome with Brittany moments before, she couldn’t act on her impulses, not without Logan. “You two have a great night.” And before anyone could say anything, Lindsay shot out of the bar and stumbled toward her car which was parked three blocks away.

The air bit with cold, but she didn’t mind. Instead, Lindsay hoped the dropping temperature would bring sobriety and distraction. Thane and that beautiful woman would undoubtedly go back to his home—which she’d heard was enormous. He’d come from “old money,” and although he worked day in and out as a graphic designer at Boehme, everyone knew he was rich from the land his family had sold before investing in companies that rose to success.

Lindsay imagined Brittany naked again. She could see Thane - not Logan - placing himself on top of her supple body, kissing along her neck and curves. Brittany would undress him, gently walking around the man like a panther in heat, knowing exactly how to seduce Thane so he would never forget the feel of her breasts under his teeth or the pressure and heat between her legs.

Tears sprang to Lindsay’s eyes. How was it she could calmly imagine Logan with the woman, but not herself with Thane?

Her clumsy feet darted sporadically along, but she’d only made it one block in drunken hast when she heard Thane far behind her.

“Lindsay! Wait up. Lindsay!”

Thane ran, his brown hair flying outward as he struggled to catch up. Lindsay blinked, willing the alcohol to lose its hold. She had never seen Thane run. In fact, Thane always seemed to walk rather methodically, without bobbing up and down; in her drunken wisdom, she decided he would have been the ideal candidate for a marching band where movements are supposed to be fluid and people practically float in formation without ever changing the level of their heads in comparison to the ground.

“What are you doing?” Lindsay sputtered as soon as he stood next to her, catching his breath. “Are you crazy! You just left that beautiful girl?”

“Sorry to disappoint, but I wasn’t into that. My focus is on you. Nobody else seems to compare, and I’ve tried for months—but nobody else can pull me away.”

Lindsay swooned, so taken aback by his words that she used a brick wall for support. She studied every bit of him, standing so tall and lean. She could hardly believe this was her coworker or that they were alone together in the middle of the night. As she gazed into his eyes, her heart tumbled erratically out of control.

“Thane, but she was...” she said breathlessly. “What started all of...” He stepped closer to her. “I don’t underst….”

Then he was kissing her, holding her gently as if she were the most precious person in the world. His lips, so warm and full, gave way to the ground beneath her. Lindsay pulled him closer, wrapping her arms under his jacket and around his thickly muscled back. She felt herself go weightless in his strong arms as her breasts pushed against his hard stomach. 

The kiss was slow at first, rhythmic as they learned to match one another...then it increased with urgency and a need so powerful it possessed her.

Lindsay pulled away, without breaking the spell, and hugged Thane for a long time. Tears flooded her eyes because she loved being near him, but at the same time it felt wrong. She gazed at him, her eyes and skin glistening under the streetlamps that dotted the road. He’d been so assured, cradling her in a peace which slowly took away the sobbing and the aching in her heart.

“Are you okay?” he whispered, leaning down and resting his forehead against hers as they stared into one another’s eyes.

“I will be.” But she was worried about him too. It was obvious where this would lead, no matter how much she fought it. Lindsay realized she had irrevocably fallen for this man, and now that they’d kissed, she’d always want more, to feel him, touch him.... To light his soul afire the way she knew she could.

“I have to tell Logan,” Lindsay finally said, sobbing. “My boyfriend, well, I have to tell him. Oh, God, I wouldn’t want to screw things up with Logan for anything in the world.” She cried and cried, beginning to feel dizzy from the alcohol and the magnitude of the moment. “He’s been my best friend through so much…an abusive relationship, a sickness…. This will hurt him so much.”

Thane focused on the ground, crestfallen. “I understand,” he said, so completely handsome with his white t-shirt, leather jacket and hair falling to the sides of his tanned skin. “I really do understand.”


They walked toward Boehme, where their cars were parked just across the street. Near an eroding building, the two of them sat on a bench so they could sober up and eventually make their separate drives home.

Lindsay cried for a long time. Thane reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder, but she ignored him, lost in grief and worry. They didn’t say much and, after quite a while, when it seemed the sun might come up soon, Lindsay felt the effects of alcohol leave her like a bad spirit.

“I’m going to call and tell him. It won’t be pretty,” she said. “And I’m worried I’ll lose him.”

Thane shook his head. “I am so sorry about this. I didn’t mean to.... I hate seeing you hurting like this. But the two of you aren’t happy together. Don’t you hear half of the stuff you say about him every day at work?” She didn’t respond, so he kept talking. “You’re probably about to go through some hard times, but it will be for the best.”

“I need to talk to Logan.”

“And I might need to talk with someone too. Lindsay, you and Kenzie are my only friends. She’s the only other person I can talk to.”

Lindsay’s eyes grew wide. “But she’s our coworker.” Lindsay’s heart beat so quickly worrying what could happen to her job if news about the kiss got to Casey.

Something flashed across Thane’s eyes, but Lindsay couldn’t quite decipher it. “I need to go,” she said heatedly, jumped into her car and drove toward the freeway.

Before merging onto the freeway headed south, Lindsay pulled over to yet another field lining the road. As she stared blankly, the line rang and rang.

“Hello?” Logan finally said, groggily.

Lindsay cried uncontrollably then, body-racking sobs.

“Lindsay!” He immediately woke up. “Lindsay, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“I’ve done something terrible,” she said. 

“Did you...cheat on me?” he asked.

“I.... I.... Yes. I kissed someone else.”

“Oh. Well....” he sounded stunned. “Just come home so we can talk about this. Where are you?”

“A half-hour away,” she said.

“See you soon. Just drive safe.”

Tears ran down Lindsay’s cheeks as she thought about her reckless actions even though Logan had seemed to take it well on the phone. 

But when she got home, Lindsay realized his reaction had either been an act—or pure shock. Face strained, veins bulging, his rage shook her to the core.

“I know I deserve this, but...” She shivered in fear. The moment reminded her of a terrible scene with a previous boyfriend, Ben. She willed herself not to remember those things now; she couldn’t afford a breakdown when this was her fault. She deserved this reaction and she needed to be honest and strong if she wanted to keep Logan.

“But what!” He fumed. “You fucked him, didn’t you? And that executive—Kenzie—fucked him too!” He stomped around. “But you, you probably fucked half the fucking town! I bet they were falling over themselves to each get a piece of you when they heard what a whore you are.”

Lindsay crumpled to the floor. “You’re right.” She shook. “I’m a piece of shit and I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.” And she meant it; as she thought of the worst people in the world, Lindsay named herself among them. “I’ve never done anything like this before, I swear.”

“Do you love him?”

She paused and he nearly screamed, so irrationally angry in that moment. 

“Do. You. Love him?! How long has this been going on?” Suddenly they heard his ringtone. “There’s my phone,” he pointed to his Samsung which had just lit up beside him.

“Who’s calling you at this time?”

“Just Thane,” Logan said. “I’ll find out what you really did.” He took his phone outside.

After slowly opening the bathroom window, Lindsay could hear bits and pieces of the conversation. “Did you fuck my girl?” Logan’s voice boomed in the darkness so loud the elderly neighbors could probably hear. After he came back inside, Logan grabbed a bag from the closet and haphazardly shoved clothes inside.

“Where are you going?” Lindsay bawled.

“Away from here,” Logan said and went out the door without a backward glance.


The next few days at work, Thane didn’t look well at all; in fact, he looked the way Lindsay felt. They hardly talked, even though their job was to work in tandem. Fortunately, they’d learned to build projects together so seamlessly that words were unnecessary. Casey, the regional manager, had flown out to audit them again, but seeing the flawless workflow, congratulated herself on “bringing another team together” and left for her home state. “This branch is in good hands,” she told Lindsay, Thane and Kenzie. “It looks great.”

Weeks passed and Logan moved back into the house, but with conditions; he’d have a phone connected to Lindsay’s, this would track her every call, text and location. He also demanded that she quit her job. “Our furniture company has taken off. We can both quit our day jobs and work on this together…at home. You add the final touches, we’ll work on designs together and I’ll build the projects.”

She didn’t want to quit her day job though, even if it was awkward and somehow sterile in the office. If she quit, the site could topple easily, leaving both Thane and Kenzie without jobs. Regardless, her relationship with Logan was on life-support and she wanted to fix things, so she composed a resignation letter and was just about to hit send when Thane burst into her office. “I need to talk with you,” he said. “Can you get off early and come to my house for a minute so we can talk without Kenzie hearing us?”

“Thane, you know I can’t. I’m trying to work on my relationship with Logan. Being alone with you is the last thing I need.”

His eyes grew sad as he stared at her. “Lindsay, I know that and I’d never normally ask, especially after everything that happened, but I’m having a rough time. I need a friend right now and I feel like you’re the only person who I can really talk to. I never talked to Kenzie. I need someone to talk to.”

He looked a bit desperate and she wondered what was going on. “Okay, Thane,” Lindsay conceded. “But I’ll need to leave my phone here because I’m being tracked. And honestly, I want to forget the kiss ever happened. We’re only friends.”

“I understand.”

The two were able to get off a little early and Kenzie raised a brow as both Lindsay and Thane left quite early, around the same time.

Lindsay had never been to his house, yet wasn’t too surprised after seeing the luxury within because Kenzie had talked about it on several occasions. Trying not to question why Kenzie knew so much, Lindsay realized her coworker had been exceedingly accurate when describing Thane’s furniture as well as his ragdoll cat. The fireplace and arched hallways stretched exquisitely, and she gaped over some of the better pieces of artwork. 

After Thane poured them both a glass of wine, he handed Lindsay a long-stem glass. “The last time I drank around you, I got in trouble.” She immediately placed her glass on an end-table near her.

After a moment of silence, her head rested against the couch as she stared at the ceiling. Thane did the same, but when they both turned to look at each other, their heads moved surprisingly close. She could see again into those deep, brown eyes and didn’t want to leave.

“These emotions won’t go away, but this whole thing feels wrong.” She exhaled, so sad. “Thane, I’ve fallen for you.”

“I’ve fallen for you, too. That’s why I need to tell you that I can’t work with you anymore at Boehme. I respect you and your relationship with Logan. It’s too hard seeing you every day, always wanting more and knowing I can’t have you. I’ve accepted another job, making a lot more money and working from home. It will be really good for me.”

“ can I run the company without you. You know things are so bad. They won’t let me hire anyone else. There’s already too much work. I’ve heard another company in town is just waiting for us to go under so they can take over. Kenzie and I can’t do all this alone. And Boehme’s corporate team is coming out for that vendor party soon. You were helping us plan it.” Although the site wasn’t making a vast amount of revenue, it had the lowest overhead costs. Realizing this, the corporate office had decided to give the employees and local vendors a party after conducting an audit to see how so few employees could accomplish so much.

“I’m sorry,” Thane said, “but I just can’t anymore. You’ll have to figure it out.”

Suddenly, Lindsay thought about truly losing Thane: No longer seeing him walk into the office. Not getting to joke with him or watch him act annoyed. Not getting to see him at all.

And as she looked back into his eyes, she thought of everything she did and didn’t know about him. She knew what his lips felt like pressed longingly against hers, but there was so much more. He put his head in his hands, and she didn't mean to, but her eyes began wandering as she thought about him fully. There was so much she could do to make him feel better….

She remembered then that she’d worn a matching red bra and underwear set. The lace sections showed off her creamy white skin and brought out her eyes in a way that she loved.

Lindsay glanced around the room, fantasizing about how she could drive this man crazy if she wanted to and get both of their minds off work, dying relationships, and all the sad things that had taken root in their lives. 

It would be incredibly fun to slowly strip in front of Thane, watching his eyes as she untucked her button-up shirt and slid off her pants so her cloth top dangled, barely covering her lace underwear. Of course, she’d put her high heels back on. What fun would it be without heels?

Then, she’d scandalously unbutton her shirt, until her bra peeked out. And Lindsay would finally show him everything...her breasts, her flat stomach, her tiny red underwear. 

If she did take her shirt off, the bra would be next, but she’d only give him a glimpse of her breasts before sauntering over to his kitchen table and leaning across it, ass up...back arched.

She’d make sure he watched as she stretched, then seductively licked her first and middle fingers.

“I want you,” she’d whisper so quietly he’d wonder if he heard her right.

Back still arched, she’d separate her legs and place her hand between them before outlining the edge of her underwear, starting near her ass crack and descending forward. She’d desperately want to pull her panties aside, so she could share with him, all of her forbidden parts, but it wasn’t time yet. And like a game of cat and mouse, she hoped he’d finally fall into her carefully laid trap where she’d drive him so crazy with desire, he couldn’t think of anything else except forcing himself between her legs.

Soon he’d be next to her. She’d guide his hand, having him trace her just as she’d done to herself moments before. Then the red panties would be pulled to the side and she’d beg him to feel her...taste her.

He’d venture in with one finger at first, gently. Then two....

And after a second she’d grab his wrist and pull him so hard into her, rocking against him, moaning, biting her lips and asking him to push hard, feeling deep inside her as she nearly screamed with ecstasy from the pressure and the longing...and the fact that something hard bulged beneath his jeans.

“Taste me? Please?” She’d whimper, willing him to kneel down and bury himself between her legs.

“What are you thinking?” Thane asked, starkly bringing her from her reverie.

“Oh.” She blinked from her thoughts. “I was just thinking about how...crazy...all of this is.”

“It is crazy. I never knew I could feel so sad,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“My heart physically hurts. I’ve just been depressed I guess. I don’t normally feel sad, even when I should. But this is hard.”

“I’ve been there,” Lindsay said. “Years ago, something devastating happened with a man I dated. Then with me and Logan. It brought back bad memories from the past. I was even…suicidal at one point. I think a lot of people have been there, but they don’t want to talk about it.”

“I’ve never been suicidal,” Thane said.

She let out an embarrassed breath. “Well, that’s good.”

“I don’t think many people have been suicidal. I hope you got help?”

“I did. I don’t know, what was going on, but I’m better now.”

“You know, Lindsay, it is scary to get depressed. If someone has a mental illness, they’d be the last one to know.”

He said it so strangely. “Yeah…yeah, right.” She shook herself, wondering if he meant something deeper by saying that. “I’m really, really going to miss you, Thane. But I do think what you’re doing is for the best. Like I said, I’m trying to work on my relationship. I don’t think that will work if I’m around you all the time.” And considering what she’d imagined—moments before—she knew she couldn’t be around Thane much longer without acting on her impulses.

Lindsay stood up, looked down at Thane sadly and then left his beautiful home.


Thane edged closer to the door of his ex-wife’s one-bedroom apartment. She lived with a new man now, the same man she’d cheated on Thane with. He hated the man really despite how much time had passed.

Now, thinking about a similar situation with Lindsay and Logan, Thane didn’t feel bad for Logan at all.