The Oral Specialist: Taboo Erotica - Dianne Jefferson - E-Book

The Oral Specialist: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Dianne Jefferson

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


Buzz found himself thinking about Sibal again. She was probably still curled up in her warm bed, sound asleep. The village tavern where she worked as a barmaid didn't open until mid morning; she could indulge herself in the luxury of sleeping late. Buzz wished to hell he could be back there in bed with her, instead of up here in this dazzling world of cloud tops and sunshine on his way to Berlin.
He knew he couldn't afford to let himself start thinking about that, however. A man had to watch himself or he could fray his nerves exactly like some superstitious hick whistling his way through a graveyard at night.
Buzz picked around through his memories, looking for something exciting enough to keep his mind off the immediate future. He thought of Millie, the girl from East High in Denver, Colorado who'd introduced him to what a blow job really was.
Talk about a classy chick, Milly was solid gold class compared to anyone he'd ever known up to that time. Her old man was supposed to be worth several millions and the house they lived in on an acre or more of richly landscaped grounds out toward Lowry Field made the story easy to believe.
Buzz had been walking on East Colfax past East High School with a pass in his pocket and the lost feeling of a small-town boy in a big city in his gut. He felt like a city girl probably saw small town written all over him, so he'd kept his eyes straight ahead like he didn't know there was a girl within a mile as he passed the high school campus. He couldn't believe his ears when suddenly he heard someone call, "Hey, soldier! Want some company?"
Despite himself, Buzz glanced around, then stood gaping in amazement at the bright-eyed vision of red-headed loveliness he saw strolling toward him. He gulped, then managed to force one word out in a strained voice of unbelief, "Me?"
"No one else, handsome," she declared, smiling. "My name's Mildred Pierce, but my friends call me Milly."

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The Oral Specialist

Dianne Jefferson

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents






















As Sibal's complaining voice did, instantly chiding, "Where in bloody 'ell you been, love? Me father's been gone on 'is Home Guard Patrol two hours. I been freezin' me bloody arse off, waitin' here to let you in, 'stead of bein' tucked snug as a bug in me bed. Where in bloody 'ell--"

Buzz pulled her luscious limey flesh close and kissed her soundly, chopping short her whining voice. When he pulled his tongue out of her mouth and raised his lips from hers, both of them were more than a little breathless. Buzz had a feeling his kiss couldn't take full credit, however, for Sibal's breathlessness. He knew her too well. This limey bird always built up a lot of excited anticipation from one night to the next, without waiting an extra two hours.

Before she could resume her whining complaint about that wait, Buzz asked, "How'd you like me to go about showing you how much I love you, sweets?"

He knew Sibal had to have four or five years on his own eighteen years of age, but he'd addressed her as if she wasn't more than a eighteen-year-old child the first time he'd laid eyes on her and she'd loved it. He'd gathered that a limey spinster's lot wasn't easy and with her fiance killed in almost the first action of the war, even before Dunkirk, all the other eligible young men her approximate age mobilized and her stuck here looking out for her aged father in this isolated village in the English backcountry, Fate had seemed set on forcing her into spinsterhood, regardless of her natural beauty and obvious physical charms. So she'd fallen for Buzz like a ripe peach the first time they'd laid eyes on each other, after his heavy bomber group arrived from the States.

"Would you start loving me tonight that way you showed me after we bathed together that night last week, love?" Sibal whispered, so breathless she was almost gasping. As she spoke, she began eagerly tugging Buzz through the inner blackness of the old house toward the stairs leading to her second-story bedroom.

"You want to take time for another bath together before we get our loving started?" Buzz asked.

"I bathed meself right good and proper earlier tonight, love, hopin' you might--what'd you call it?--eat me bloody pussy?"

"Don't say it that way, damn it!" Buzz protested, following her up the stairs through the blackness. "You make it sound like you're menstruating, which ain't exactly my idea of a taste treat, even for a cunt-licking Frenchman!"

"But you did call it eatin' me pussy, didn't you?" Sibal persisted.

"Forget that," Buzz directed. "From now on we'll call it French love, when that's your pleasure and you've had a good bath not more than an hour before I get here." Mentally Buzz thought that was a laugh. Sibal didn't know it, but this might well be his last night with her.

As she led him from the head of the stairs to her bedroom door, Sibal exclaimed lightly, "My, but you Yanks do seem to have a thing about a body all the time bathing."

"Yeah," Buzz grunted, "we likely got that from the French too. I wouldn't be surprised the old boys who fought World War One and survived didn't bring both ideas home with them. Better plumbing in the States, so you can bathe during cold weather without so much inconvenience, dates from about the twenties when they got back to the States,"

Sibal closed her bedroom behind them and locked it, then, began almost frantically trying to get the clothes off Buzz. When, she had him stripped naked, she paused just an instant to pet his stiff cock. Then she whisked her long flannel nightgown up over her head.

Before she could throw it clear, Buzz swept her off her feet and up into his arms, bringing a guarded shriek of delight from Sibal. He dropped her on the thick feather mattress of her bed and dropped to his knees on the floor before it. Without taking time for any preliminaries, Buzz caught Sibal by the cheeks of her sweet ass and planted his mouth on her feverish cunt, thrusting his hard tongue as deep into her as he could make it go.

A little scream came gasping out of Sibal. Her fingers clutched at his hair, twining in it. Her scream lowered to an anguished series of grunting groans as Buzz started licking in and out of her sweet cunt as fast as he could work his tongue.

She loved it, that was obvious. Her ass began making small thrusting movements, pushing her cunt against his mouth, trying to help Buzz get his feverish tongue even deeper into her drooling cunt.

Buzz found her clitoris with the tip of his nose. He started stroking it gently, rocking his head slightly to create the necessary movement while continuing to tongue her, lapping and sucking away thirstily, gulping down the flood of love juices flowing from her.

Abruptly Sibal's whole lower belly shuddered. Another full-fledged scream tore its way from her tight throat. Her whole belly began to jerk and writhe, shaken by a raging storm of furious pulsations.

Buzz felt her cunt muscles surrounding his tongue begin milking away at it, felt the muscles in the lips of her cunt under his caressing lips pulsating powerfully. He chuckled to himself, pleased that he'd been able to so quickly trigger her off into such a wild orgasm.

At the same time, however, Buzz found his throbbing cock feeling like it might start geysering molten come juice all over the floor of Sibal's bedroom. At least all over that part of those cold floorboards adjacent to the edge of her bed. The unrestrained, un-English way Sibal responded to him had always been exciting as hell. It had been the biggest reason he'd taken the risks involved in sneaking away from base almost every night to come here and shack with her while her old Pops was out on Home Guard Patrol, doing his bloody bit for Old England too.

Greedily Buzz thrust his stiff tongue into Sibal's quaking cunt, straining to send it deeper into her than he had ever sent it before. He kept lapping away at her thirstily, gulping down the sweet love juices gushing now from her shuddering cunt.

Suddenly Sibal's fingers gripped his hair desperately. She pulled his loving mouth against her quaking cunt harder. As if her furious orgasm had abruptly intensified, she screamed in anguished ecstasy, making no attempt to restrain the sound. The sound of that scream did something to Buzz, zooming his excitement so high he just couldn't wait.

Buzz came up off the cold floorboards beside Sibal's bed. His hands kept their clutch on the cheeks of Sibal's ass, using it now to lift her. He brought her shuddering cunt up until he could snag it with the head of his rigid cock. Then Buzz gave one furious thrust that plunged his tingling cock to its roots in Sibal's burning, pulsating cunt. As it went into her, Sibal screamed again and began wriggling her ass frantically as the velvety, hot sheath of her cunt closed lovingly around the hardness of his cock.

Sibal's arms shot upward, her hands clutching at Buzz, fastening upon his arms, pulling him toward her. What she did was off-balance him. He fell upon her with his upper body, his legs still extending to the floor beyond the edge of the bed. It seemed to drive his cock into her cunt just a little deeper as his whole weight came down upon it. She screamed again, her arms wrapping around him at the shoulders, her legs going around his hips and locking together behind his ass. She began wriggling furiously on his cock, despite his hampering weight upon her.

Buzz got his legs under him, lifted her farther onto the bed, then rolled himself on it with her, legs and all. The whole time Sibal kept right on fucking him furiously, her ass bobbing like mad, stroking his stiff cock in and out of her madly pulsating cunt.

Buzz was so busy trying to get the two of them properly situated on the bed for fucking that he lost the vivid awareness, momentarily at least, of the burning flood of sensation raging rampant throughout his cock and lower belly. But Sibal obviously was unaware of anything except her thunderous orgasm.

When Buzz got himself straightened out and squared away upon the bed, he rolled himself to his back, bringing Sibal up over him where he could get at her luscious big limey tits. Without her ass missing a bob, she caught her weight upon her knees and hands, straddling him and began hammering his cock in and out of her furiously working cunt harder than ever, instantly taking full advantage of her greater freedom of movement.

Buzz gathered her ripely heavy big tits between both hands, brought them to his mouth and ravenously sucked both nipples in together. Sibal screamed again, more shrilly than ever before, almost startling Buzz. Instantly her cunt began milking away at his cock even more relentlessly, the power of its pulsations greater than before. Buzz wondered if it was possible that she'd gone from the middle of one orgasm straight into a new and still more intense orgasm? He found himself feeling almost sorry that this might be his last night with this limey bird; this was rapidly turning into the most fantastically great fuck of his entire fucking career. None of the high school girls he'd fucked back home had ever turned on quite as wildly as Sibal seemed to be turning on here tonight.

Then he forgot all about that. Abruptly there was not another thing Buzz was aware of other than the skyrocketing sensations being created in his burning cock by that fantastically powerful milking action of Sibal's pulsating cunt as she kept hammering his cock in and out of it. Suddenly a yell came out of Buzz; his cock seemed to have exploded! It seemed to be erupting liquid fire!

Buzz felt himself being swept away by a typhoon of raging sensation. Felt his flesh and bone seem to start melting. His geysering cock was pumping relentlessly, spraying jet after molten jet into Sibal's greedily drinking cunt.

Buzz had the feeling that every drop of his essence was being pulled from every cell of his body by that demanding pump in the roots of his cock. It was fantastic! No fuck he'd ever had in his life before had seemed this agonizingly delicious!

Finally, however, Buzz began becoming aware of something beyond his now weakly pulsating cock as those pulsations started steadily subsiding. He found Sibal pressing her tits against his mouth even more demandingly, her ass still bobbing up and down over him, stroking his cock in and out of her cunt as frantically as before. She obviously was still coming!

Just the thought of it excited Buzz so he felt his wilting cock instantly stop its wilting and start rapidly growing as rigid in Sibal's fantastic cunt as it ever had been before. He chuckled as the thought flashed through that this gave promise of turning into a night that he'd long remember.

Little did he know.


In the distance beyond the bedroom were the snarling sounds a 1,200 horsepower Fortress engine made. Sometimes a dozen or more of them were sending their snarls across the night at once; a dozen or more crew chiefs had selected the same moment to wind up a motor, fighting to fine tune it.

In his mind's eye, Buzz Montgomery could see the activity going on at that moment at the hard stands. It went on relentlessly almost every night, despite the cold and continual wetness of the English weather. The hard stands were spaced like cogs on a gear-wheel around the five-mile circumference of the field's perimeter track. At each hard stand a crew was laboring to make their Fortress fit and ready for the new sky battles of the approaching new day.

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