The Preacher's Hot Tart: Taboo Erotica - Kristopher Johnson - E-Book

The Preacher's Hot Tart: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Kristopher Johnson

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


Oh No...please don't. I-I'm a married woman! My husband is a preacher here"
Joanna whimpered as she backed up against the table.
Struggling to pull herself together, Joanna said in a louder, more calm voice.
" know this is rape. Do you want to go to jail? Think about it. If you do this, you'll be arrested and go to prison."
Rick just grinned at her. Then his face took on a mock serious expression.
"Oh Reverend Stevens, I tried so hard to resist her. But she was between me and the door. And, Reverend Thomas, she took her clothes off right there in front of me! I didn't want to touch her, but I was too weak. She was begging me to do things to her. But I swear, Reverend Thomas...I didn't rape her!"

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The Preacher's Hot Tart

Kristopher Johnson

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











She had on a silky and sexy teal nightie and panty set. Her lithe body looked very good in it, and she knew that she looked much like the models in the catalog from which she had ordered the provocative outfit.

She had waited for her young husband to come home from the board meeting at the church. She had lit candles, and had carefully perfumed and powdered her beautiful body, dressing in her new nightie, touching up her makeup and making herself as provocative as possible. When Tom had come home, he had barely noticed her. He was focused upon the board meeting and the Youth Budget he oversaw. As a Youth Minister, Joanna thought he was great. But she was becoming very disenchanted with him as a husband.

Joanna and Tom had married right out of Seminary. She was from a very conservative family, and had gone to college to get her M-R-S degree, as some of the girls had giggled. Unfortunately, Joanna had been somewhat wild in High School, rebelling against her strict parents. She had gone through three boyfriends her last two years, and she had slept with each of them. When she went to Seminary, she had vowed to be a "good" girl, and though frustrated, she had not had sex again until her marriage night.

Now, two years later, Joanna was disillusioned with her marriage. She got along with Tom, and she truly loved him, but she was growing increasingly horny. The first six months of marriage, Tom had made love to her almost every night. He was a gentle and considerate lover, but he refused to experiment, and made it clear that he thought oral sex was disgusting and sinful. She had finally talked him into trying sex with her on top, but he only allowed that once in a great while, preferring the "normal" missionary position. Worst of all, his stamina was horrible. He seldom lasted longer than five minutes, and she had never had an orgasm in her married life.

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