The Princess - Alfred Tennyson - E-Book

The Princess E-Book

Alfred Tennyson

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The Princess is a serio-comic blank verse narrative poem, written by Alfred Tennyson, published in 1847. Tennyson was Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1850 to 1892 and remains one of the most popular English poets. The poem tells the story of an heroic princess who forswears the world of men and founds a women's university where men are forbidden to enter. The prince to whom she was betrothed in infancy enters the university with two friends, disguised as women students. They are discovered and flee, but eventually they fight a battle for the princess's hand. They lose and are wounded, but the women nurse the men back to health. Eventually the princess returns the prince's love.

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The Princess


Alfred Tennyson

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Sir Walter Vivian all a summer’s day

Gave his broad lawns until the set of sun

Up to the people: thither flocked at noon

His tenants, wife and child, and thither half

The neighbouring borough with their Institute

Of which he was the patron. I was there

From college, visiting the son,—the son

A Walter too,—with others of our set,

Five others: we were seven at Vivian-place.

And me that morning Walter showed the house,

Greek, set with busts: from vases in the hall

Flowers of all heavens, and lovelier than their names,

Grew side by side; and on the pavement lay

Carved stones of the Abbey-ruin in the park,

Huge Ammonites, and the first bones of Time;

And on the tables every clime and age

Jumbled together; celts and calumets,

Claymore and snowshoe, toys in lava, fans

Of sandal, amber, ancient rosaries,

Laborious orient ivory sphere in sphere,

The cursed Malayan crease, and battle-clubs

From the isles of palm: and higher on the walls,

Betwixt the monstrous horns of elk and deer,

His own forefathers’ arms and armour hung.

And ‘this’ he said ‘was Hugh’s at Agincourt;

And that was old Sir Ralph’s at Ascalon:

A good knight he! we keep a chronicle

With all about him’—which he brought, and I

Dived in a hoard of tales that dealt with knights,

Half-legend, half-historic, counts and kings

Who laid about them at their wills and died;

And mixt with these, a lady, one that armed

Her own fair head, and sallying through the gate,

Had beat her foes with slaughter from her walls.

‘O miracle of women,’ said the book,

‘O noble heart who, being strait-besieged

By this wild king to force her to his wish,

Nor bent, nor broke, nor shunned a soldier’s death,

But now when all was lost or seemed as lost—

Her stature more than mortal in the burst

Of sunrise, her arm lifted, eyes on fire—

Brake with a blast of trumpets from the gate,

And, falling on them like a thunderbolt,

She trampled some beneath her horses’ heels,

And some were whelmed with missiles of the wall,

And some were pushed with lances from the rock,

And part were drowned within the whirling brook:

O miracle of noble womanhood!’

So sang the gallant glorious chronicle;

And, I all rapt in this, ‘Come out,’ he said,

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