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THE SECRET TO ATTRACT EVERYTHING "buy it you will change your life! A wonderful book to make all your wishes, the method to attract well-being in all areas of life, health, love, money, friendship. Buy now the secret to your success in this magical book. Our inner sphere is governed by the Mind. Discovering this world we will find the solution to every problem, my intention is to give you all the solutions.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2014
Sandro Spallino
Autore | Sandro Spallino
ISBN |9788891160973
Prima edizione digitale: 2014
© Tutti i diritti riservati all’Autore
Youcanprint Self-Publishing
Via Roma 73 - 73039 Tricase (LE)
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De profundis
God, my Father, the supreme Creator of all, Christ, one true reality, universal and immanent Love and Wisdom , lighting for the human consciences, light of all lights.
To my mother, Antonia Amaddio, my own blood and love of every blessed day, I thank you for everything.
To my brothers, Giacomo and Joseph Spallino, to my beloved father Lillo Spallino, from the depths of my soul. To them I dedicate this book.
The light is so close that if we close our eyes just behind that darkness, it hides, to gloriously emerge before the space of human consciousness, with all its miraculous power, vivifying the soul.
You hold in your hands a book that tells about a secret, and it is intriguing. One of course, asks: what is that about? Then, starting to read it, you enter into the matter.
The Law of attraction. Some readers will already have good familiarity with the topic, given that, for some years, it has been brought to the attention of many through books, articles, films, lectures etc., but others are approaching to it for the first time, and are rightly curious to learn more. To both of them I say not to stop, to keep trying to understand and know. This search and the goals which it pursues, are what makes life worth living. The book of Sandro Spallino constitutes a further step along the scale of knowledge, a brick on which rest our future meditations.
A book that shakes the conscience and bring it to a breaking point, a point where things evolve to a radical way. The message that emerges is blinding and annoying: The man can no longer complain about what is wrong in his life, but should begin to "do", because the power is in his hands. No more excuses. A simple choice: we will continue to be victims or begin to be what really are, namely our own masters. To be masters of ourselves means to believe in ourselves first. If we trust ourselves to such a point to follow what we feel inside, in the depths, we withdraw the delegation that we gave to the outside world to decide for us on how we should live and why.
The author is aware that this message is not easy to accept, and knows that the one who spreads it may be hated or laughed at. But, in his life, something extraordinary has touched his sensitivity, deeply changing his vision of reality. He considered this as a gift he had to share with as many people as possible. A gift that would no longer be trapped in the space of his own life. This urgency is reflected into the emphasis of writing, from the transport by which the passion bursts into the tissue, and asks to be felt.
These are the means by which the book aims to be an opportunity for reflection, discussion and debate, launching messages that lead to a very important consequence: ask yourself the questions and find answers.
Anna Pennacchio
My dear reader, it is with great joy that we found each other. This book is in your hands now, full of all the promises that life has in store for each of us. I beg you to read it with the utmost attention, to scrutinize the profound sense of each sentence, as each one of them is imbued with content that will bring a big change in your life. You might not otherwise have been able to hold it in your hands if you had not had the need of attracting it, for the glorious goal to give more abundance to the destiny that you have self assigned, to fully achieve the welfare on this planet, to elevate your experience to a higher dimension.
I will lead you to an extraordinary journey. In the course of your life, you might have guessed the existence perhaps only for a few brief moments, a path of growth driven by the only law of which you should have known the operation, the universal law of attraction.
How many times have you asked why the things did not go as expected, full of anger in the heart of the night while no answer stood to quieten the tumult in your spirit. How many questions have been unanswered, suspended in the air? How many times have you said to yourself to be unnecessary and unfortunate? Nothing could be more false. You are a concentrate of energy and, if you follow to the letter the advice that I am going to give you, you will change the way you are. At this moment, dear reader, I am here to hand to you a message of spiritual and material growth, which largely draws on the power inside each human being. After learning about it, nothing will make you feel like something is out of reach for you.
For a long time, too long, the power that lies dormant in you expected that you were skilful enough to discover that channel of conjunction that radiates it in the mind as the nourishment for every idea and creative thinking. Anywhere on this planet, where it was put under test it has illuminated the world infusing wisdom in all possible areas.
You are ready. If it were not as I say, you would not hold with quivering hand this valuable book. You will feel reborn, full of hope and opportunity for success and you will bring welfare and positivity to people around you.
These pages have been written for you, and for all those people who thirst for the affirmation, of freedom from constraints that affect the existence, for those people who by reading these pages put in practice the mechanisms that lead to great results, with the only resentment of not having read them and discovered before. Now they impose them to their minds as a miracle that raises them to higher peaks.
Sandro Spallino
The discovery of a universal secret
Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, life seemed to respond with immediacy to each individual desire.
Everything that passed through my mind with the impetus dictated by the imagination during that wonderful age, came true with extreme ease, as if behind the multitude of fervent requests, there was an invisible force and benevolent intention for the achievement of my happiness.
In fact I often remember that, spurred by the desire to get the attention of a beautiful girl, some time later, without having moved a finger to conquer her, I had a tempting opportunity to meet her.
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