The Secrets in Silence - Nicole Trope - E-Book

The Secrets in Silence E-Book

Nicole Trope

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There was so much anger brewing in the child that sometimes Alicia feared for all of them. And now she had gone and done this terrible thing. This terrible, terrible thing. Tara has lost her voice. She knows there was pain and fear but she cannot remember anything else. Now she can only answer the questions with silence. Minnie has buried her voice for years, losing herself in silence and isolation, keeping her secrets safe and her broken heart concealed. Liam finds refuge in silence; it is a place to go to when he cannot get the words out. Kate cannot speak for herself just yet. People are only separated from each other by moments, by fate and coincidence. One teenage mistake, one shocking choice and one terrible night will lead to courage found, voices raised and the truth finally spoken.

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The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, alive or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

First published in 2014

Copyright © Nicole Trope 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10 per cent of this book, whichever is the greater, to be photocopied by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act.

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ISBN 978 1 74331 749 5

E-book ISBN 978 1 92557 616 0

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Hey babe, how are you enjoying the view so far?








































Other books by Nicole Trope




‘Emergency services.’

‘Yes, it’s my daughter. I need an ambulance for her. I need an ambulance right now! My daughter is passed out and bleeding. She’s bleeding everywhere.’

‘Is she breathing? You can say you don’t know?’

‘Um, she’s . . . is she breathing? Yes, she’s breathing, but there’s blood everywhere—it’s all over the bathroom.’

‘Do you know where the blood is coming from?’

‘I don’t—I don’t know. It’s all over her pants. All over her pants. It’s all over the floor. It’s everywhere! Jesus, where’s it coming from?’

‘Sir, you need to calm down so we can help you.’

‘My wife is a nurse. She says it’s from . . . where did you say? I don’t know! I don’t understand! Look, you need to send an ambulance now!’

‘All right, sir. Take a deep breath. An ambulance is on the way. Can you confirm your address for me, please?’


Minnie turned her body one way and then another, angling herself into the tight cubicle.

‘There should be a law,’ she puffed to herself as she always did. Once she had managed to close the toilet door she stood for a moment and breathed in and out, swallowing the bitter taste of her shame at her unwieldy body. She waited patiently for her racing heart to resume its normal rhythm, dabbing at the sweat on her forehead and upper lip with the ends of her long red scarf. The short walk had brought on a hot flush, making her long for a bath of ice to sink into. She stood quietly until she felt her body calm itself.

‘Right, let’s get this show on the road,’ she muttered. She lifted her large bag with slightly trembling arms and hung it on the hook at the back of the door, pleased to find the small metal piece still there. She had no idea why anyone would want to steal the hook off the back of the toilet stall door, but it wasn’t the strangest thing she’d ever heard of being stolen.

Last year someone had stolen a plant right out of her front garden. It was an orchid and just beginning to bloom. The thief must have come equipped with a bucket and spade to dig up the garden in the middle of the night. Minnie had been too shocked by the act to actually be upset at the loss but she had missed the beautiful pinks of the flower.

She had walked all the way across the shopping centre to get to this bathroom. It would have taken most people only a few minutes, but for Minnie it had been a marathon. She knew the inside of her thighs would be red-raw. She preferred this bathroom because it was usually empty. The shops on either side had closed down and it was far away from the hub of the supermarkets and fresh-food stores.

Minnie preferred the privacy of the empty bathroom when she absolutely could not hang on until she got home. If she went into the big bathroom near the busy part of the centre she had to endure the looks of disgust from other women waiting. Teenage girls giggled. Young children stared open-mouthed. Although the sight of a large person was not exactly unusual, children were still shocked by her size. The bathroom in the busy part of the centre was large and airy, however, the cubicles were still small, and she would have had an audience as she manoeuvred herself into one. It was better to be alone when such a thing was necessary. At home the bathroom was bigger and she could almost pretend that she was a normal size. It was the one part of the house she and her mother had changed.

Minnie lifted up the folds of her rose-patterned dress and stepped backwards towards the toilet. Her hands were tugging at her underwear when she heard a sound like a hiss of air.

‘Good Lord, Mum, what on earth could that be?’ she whispered.

The sound could have come from her own body for all she knew. The bigger she grew the more precarious her control of herself seemed to become.

But she would have to check. Sitting on a toilet that you couldn’t see was difficult enough without wondering what may or may not be lurking in the bowl. Who knew what might crawl up through the horrors of the sewerage system? In America people found alligators in their toilets.

She pulled her underwear up again and smoothed down the material of her voluminous dress and then shuffled around one step at a time so she could peer into the toilet.

Afterwards she would thank God for her strong bladder and her still-beating heart because who’d imagine you could find such a thing in a shopping-centre toilet?

She didn’t scream because Minnie was not a screamer, and panicking took too much energy, so after just a moment’s stunned observation she reached down and plucked the blood-covered infant out of the toilet.

‘Look at this, Mum, just look at this.’ She grabbed the baby under the arms and said, ‘Lord, give me the strength to deal with this.’

The baby’s feet had been down by the S bend and its head had been resting just below the rim.

As Minnie picked it up it gave a tiny high-pitched wail. The bathroom was cold but the baby was warm and slimy. It could not have been long since it was safe inside a womb.

‘What an undignified start to your life, little one,’ Minnie murmured.

She wondered where the mother might be. Had Minnie seen her? She could remember passing a few people on the way to the bathroom but it was her habit to stare straight ahead or at her lumbering feet and avoid meeting anyone’s gaze. Eye contact made some people think it gave them the right to smirk or make comments. She could recall blood red painted toenails in high black stilettoes, black boots and her own red-veined feet, but she had not seen any faces.

The baby was still attached to the placenta by the cord, Minnie noticed.

‘The cord needs to be cut, Mum, I know that much. It was on telly the other night, remember?’

Gently she placed the baby back into the toilet bowl then rummaged in her gold-and-green-flecked bag for a clip and her nail scissors.

‘A lady is always prepared,’ her mother would have said.

‘Never imagined I would have to prepare for something like this, Mum,’ muttered Minnie.

She knew what to do from the birth documentaries. She never tired of watching them. It was the same as those girls who starved themselves while watching cooking shows—an exquisite torture.

The scissors in the documentaries always looked huge but she would have to make do. The cutting never looked like it bothered the baby. She hoped that was true. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment about how the cord had been held by the capable doctor. In the documentaries they usually let the father do it. How hard could it be?

Minnie placed the clip where she thought it should go and then waited a minute before sawing through the tough sinew with her nail scissors. It was a revolting feeling but she didn’t think about that. She needed to free the poor creature from its tether.

Once the baby was free of the cord Minnie lifted it out of the toilet again and listened for any sounds to indicate someone else had entered the bathroom.

There was only faraway outside noises from the shopping centre.

The birth documentaries always showed the ecstasy on the mother’s face once the pain of birth was over and the infant was safely on the breast. Minnie liked the part where the mother and baby saw each other for the first time. It always seemed as though they recognised each other. She looked at the baby in her arms. Its eyes were closed but as she watched it opened them just a little and gave her a grey lizard look.

Minnie felt a bit like crying herself, like the women in the documentaries, but that would achieve nothing.

‘What are we going to do about this then, Mum?’

The quiet of the bathroom was broken only by her own heavy breathing and the light wheezy breaths of the baby.

They were alone.

Then the baby began to cry properly and Minnie felt her mind cloud for a moment before her hands took over. Cradling the baby in one arm, she grabbed the scarf from around her neck whilst still holding the greasy creature under the arms.

She could barely move in the cubicle.

She pushed the infant to one side and held it under her arm, supporting its head as she had seen the doctors on television do. It was slippery and writhing and she was terrified she was going to drop it. She flipped the lid of the toilet down and laid the scarf across it. She placed the now-screaming baby on top of the scarf and wrapped it up tight until it resembled a red cocoon with only the nose and mouth exposed. She tucked the ends of her scarf into the bundle and held it up to view with a critical eye.

‘What do you think, Mum?’

The child’s cries had begun to ease as soon as Minnie began wrapping it. Now it was silent. Its eyes were closed as though it had expended all its energy with the small protest it had made.

Minnie held it up and put her ear to its chest. She felt the tiny chest move up and down, and nodded.

She turned back around again and opened the door of the stall.

The bathroom only had three toilets in it and it was still empty. Minnie breathed a sigh of relief and was aware of the urgent pressure on her bladder again.

‘Fuck,’ she said out loud, almost enjoying the uncharacteristic feel of the word on her tongue.

‘Sorry, Lord, but I’m sure you must understand my loss of control,’ she said.

She reversed back into the stall and closed the door again, catching sight of her large bag on the hook.

She looked down at the sleeping infant, then opened the bag with one hand and placed it gently inside. The baby huffed a little but made no other sound.

‘Good,’ said Minnie and then flushed the toilet to wash away the blood and muck from the baby. She had to flush twice, and the wait to allow the cistern to fill felt interminable.

She used the toilet and then flushed again and manoeuvred herself out of the cubicle, holding the bag in her sweaty hands.

She put the straps of the bag over her shoulder, washed her hands and left the bathroom.

Minnie trudged quickly through the shopping centre towards her car. She kept one hand in the bag and on the small chest, making sure that the swaddled child was getting enough air. Her bag contained a loaf of soft chewy bread she had bought just before realising she needed the bathroom and she fancied that it made a comfortable bed.

As she moved through the shopping centre Minnie looked behind herself continually—expecting to be tapped on the shoulder at any moment. Her heart skipped in her chest and she had to keep wiping at the sweat on her face.

She wanted to shout with joy when she saw her car but she just kept moving. She got into her car and removed the baby from the bag, placing it gently on the seat next to her with the bread as a bolster. ‘Let’s get the show on the road,’ she said as she backed slowly out of the parking space. ‘Let’s get the show on the road.’

Once she was free of the shopping centre carpark she began to giggle and she could not stop until she pulled into her driveway at home.

‘No going back now, Mum,’ she said.

Inside, Minnie fired up the heater and unwrapped the baby slowly.

‘So you’re a girl,’ she said, and the baby began to wail again.

‘Look, Mum—it’s a little girl. Imagine that. Who’d want to leave a poor little thing like her, do you suppose?’ She shook her head. ‘Well, thank the Lord you have good lungs,’ said Minnie to the baby. ‘I bet you’re hungry, little girl. I need to get you some food and some clothes and—oh my, there’s a lot to do.’

The baby’s cries grew louder and more frantic.

‘Now, that’s enough of that,’ said Minnie. ‘You need to hush and I’ll take care of everything. You’re safe here now with me. You’re safe with me and Mum.’ She closed her eyes for a moment. ‘Lord God, guide me and protect me in this endeavour and keep this little one safe.’

She wrapped the baby up again and lifted it to her chest. It smelled like soil, like the earth and slightly of blood. Minnie bounced it against her large breasts and the baby closed its eyes again.

Newborns could sleep for a long time after birth, according to one of the doctors on television. The TLC channel screened one baby show after another and Minnie would sit on her red velvet couch night after night drinking in the images of babies and their happy families as she pushed indiscriminate amounts of food into her mouth.

‘Who’d have thought I would ever get the chance, hey, Mum?’

Minnie knew she needed to get organised.

There was no way she could go back to the shopping centre but there was a 7-Eleven down the road. She could walk there and pick up enough to get by for a couple of days, and order online later.

At no point did she consider calling the police or letting anyone know what she had found.

‘The Lord works in mysterious ways,’ her mother had always said.

And that was good enough for Minnie.


‘Mr Sanderson? Mr and Mrs Sanderson?’

‘Yeah, that’s me. I’m Max Sanderson.’

‘Mr Sanderson, I’m Dr Elias—I’ve been treating your daughter. She is your daughter, is that correct?’

‘Yes, I’m Tara’s father. And this is Tara’s stepmother.’

‘Is Tara’s mother here?’

‘No, she’s ah . . .’

‘Oh, for God’s sake, Max. I’m Alicia Sanderson, Dr Elias. I’m Tara’s stepmother and I have been for the last ten years. Her mother is currently at Peace Hills.’

‘The psychiatric hospital?’

‘Yes. My wife—that is, my ex-wife—suffers from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.’

Max and Alicia and the doctor were all silent for a moment, swallowing the intimate details that had just been shared. Max shook his head, clearing it of thoughts of his ex-wife. ‘What’s wrong with Tara? Is she okay? Why was there so much blood? Where was it even coming from?’

‘Perhaps you could come with me; there’s a small lounge just down the hall.’

Dr Elias was tall and thin and he loped off down the hallway without waiting for a reply.

Alicia grabbed Max’s hand and they followed the doctor into a small room with a tan leather couch, a water dispenser and a lush green pot plant. Max wondered if the plant was real and had to restrain himself from reaching out to touch the thick waxy leaves.

They sat gingerly on the couch. Alicia knew exactly what they used rooms like this for, and even though she knew that Max was terrified and that she should feel nothing but anxiety, she felt more weary than anything else. She dropped Max’s hand and crossed her arms over her chest.

Tara had slammed out of the house that morning after claiming to be unwell and whilst Alicia had felt she should have gone after her she was just grateful to be free of the girl’s sour presence for a while.

‘Mr Sanderson, as you know Tara was brought into the hospital by ambulance a short time ago. She was taken into the emergency room immediately and I was called in to help with the situation. I’m the obstetrics resident on call today.’

‘But that’s for . . . for pregnant women. Isn’t that for pregnant women, Alicia?’

‘It is, Mr Sanderson. We examined Tara thoroughly and we have stopped the bleeding.’

‘That’s good, right, Ali? That’s good, isn’t it?’

Alicia nodded. She wanted to shout at Max to shut up. She knew what was coming.

‘Mr Sanderson, the extensive bleeding was an indication that some time in the past twelve hours your daughter has given birth. The bleeding was the result of a secondary postpartum haemorrhage. This can be caused by an infection or, as in your daughter’s case, it can be caused by a piece of placenta that was left over in the uterus.’

‘What do you mean she’s given birth? That’s not possible—it’s completely impossible. You must have made some sort of mistake. The bleeding must be from . . . from something else.’

‘I’m afraid not, Mr Sanderson. It’s clear that Tara has recently given birth.’

‘Will she be all right?’

‘Yes, Mrs Sanderson—she will. We caught it in time and although she needed a transfusion she’ll be fine.’

‘But I don’t understand—how could she be pregnant? She’s only fifteen . . . she’s so young. We never knew. Alicia, why didn’t we know?’

‘Five minutes ago I was only her stepmother,’ thought Alicia. ‘Now I’m supposed to have the answers.’

She sighed. ‘I don’t know, Max. You know what she’s like . . .’

‘Oh, for fuck’s sake, Alicia, let’s not dump on the kid now,’ said Max.

‘I’m not dumping on her, Max. I’m just saying that she’s very secretive. She spends more time in her room than anywhere else and she’s always dressed in all those layers. She could have been hiding anything under there.’

‘You’re a nurse, Alicia.’

‘I work with women after they’ve had the baby, Max. Please do not make this my sole responsibility.’

‘I’m not, Alicia, I’m just saying—’

‘Mr and Mrs Sanderson, our current concern is for the baby.’

Max and Alicia both blushed. The doctor’s presence had been forgotten.

‘The baby?’ said Max. How could Tara have a baby? She was just a baby herself.

‘Yes, Mr Sanderson—the baby. Your daughter gave birth a short time ago and we have no idea where the infant is. The baby may have been stillborn or it might be alive somewhere. I’ve called the police and they’ll be here shortly.’

‘The police? What the fuck for?’

Alicia placed a warning hand on Max’s arm.

‘I’m sorry, Mr Sanderson, but it’s mandatory for us to report cases like this. We have a duty of care to the child.’

‘Have you asked Tara where the baby is?’

‘She did wake up for a little while but she wouldn’t answer any of our questions. She has drifted off again, which is normal. Perhaps if you asked her . . .?’

Alicia rose. ‘Can you tell us which room she’s in?’

The doctor stood up and opened the door to the corridor. ‘Walk straight through those doors and up to level two. She’s in room 204. And Mrs Sanderson?’


‘She’s given birth on her own. It must have been a very traumatic experience. A psychiatrist will be along to see her soon, and I’ll be back after I’ve seen some other patients. I think we need to take things slowly and—’

Alicia put her hand up. ‘I understand what you’re saying, Doctor. I’m not going to attack the girl, but we do need to know where the baby is. The sooner we get this sorted out the better. Come on, Max.’

Max walked behind Alicia, letting her lead the way. Even in places she’d never been before Alicia took the lead. In a hospital Alicia was even more comfortable taking charge. He watched his feet move, trying to go back over the last few months. Had Tara seemed to be gaining weight? Alicia was right about the layers but he’d assumed it was the fashion—he’d even worried that she was trying to conceal some huge weight loss; he’d read about teenage girls doing that in some book or other. But then work had been chaos the last few months and he’d . . . well, he’d let Alicia sort it all out at home. How was he supposed to run the marketing department and do everything else as well? His staff was just waiting for the next round of cuts—everyone’s job was on the line. The GFC was over one week and not over the next; his whole department teetered permanently on the brink of collapse. There were endless things to worry about.

So maybe he hadn’t been home as much as he could have, but Alicia had been there. Why hadn’t she noticed? Wasn’t that the sort of thing a woman would notice? Sometimes it seemed like Alicia went out of her way to avoid Tara. The girl was difficult, that was true, but she was fifteen—all fifteen-year-old girls were difficult, weren’t they? Was she more difficult than most? Were her moods an indication of something else? And now this . . . what the fuck could all this mean?

Why hadn’t they noticed?

‘Max, are you listening to me?’

‘What? Sorry I was just . . .’

‘Max, we need to present a united front on this. We have to be firm and get her to tell us what happened. This could be a very real problem for her now that the police are involved.’

‘I know that, Alicia. Don’t you think I know that?’

‘God, I’m tired,’ thought Alicia.

In room 204 Tara lay in a hospital bed with her eyes closed. Her face faded into the grey-white of the sheets and her blonde hair was matted and greasy. An IV filled with something clear snaked out of her arm. Even her lips were white. Max stared at his little girl and flashed on the time she had leapt from the top of the fourth stair onto the wooden floor below and broken her wrist. She had come to tell him with white lips and glistening eyes. She’d been four at the time. Her mother was having another stay in hospital in an attempt to get the medication right. She never really came home again after that, but at the time he and Tara were still hopeful, still waiting.

Max sat down on a chair next to the bed and stretched his arms behind his head. Each time Sasha went into hospital he had hoped that this time they would get it right. This time something would click and Sasha would respond and she would come home wanting to stay connected to reality, that she’d be like the woman he’d met at university. Eventually he grew to hate himself for being so stupid, for continuing to hope. He hated himself for it but it couldn’t be helped.

Tara had screamed bloody murder when he took her to the emergency room for the broken wrist. She knew that when you went to hospital you stayed there for a long time. That you would miss birthday parties and school concerts. Her mother had been gone for six months by then and even though Max still prayed every night that she would return to them he had started seeing other women. Secretively, guiltily, he’d started seeing other women. He was cheating on his wife. He didn’t explain it away; he just accepted himself for the shitty husband he was. He craved the physical presence of a woman. For years his relationship with Sasha had been more like the relationship he had with Tara than that of husband and wife. He cooked and cleaned and told her to take her medication and called her during the day to make sure she was coping. The more paternal his role became the less possible it was to see himself as her husband. He was crap at one-night stands and always felt ashamed when he paid the babysitter but fuck, he was a man as well, wasn’t he?

When the doctors finally shook their heads at him and told him to give Sasha another year or two or three he’d started seeing Alicia. She was a one-night stand that turned into something else. He’d been upfront about it. She knew he was married, knew where Sasha was and she was okay with it. He had never lied to Alicia.

The first time he went out with Alicia he told Tara he was going to work. She had just turned five; she still believed anything he said. ‘How many lifetimes ago was that?’ thought Max, staring at his ghostly pale daughter.

The night he went out with Alicia she chose the restaurant and then she suggested what he should have. She spoke to the waiter and ordered the drinks and when his meal came and he mentioned that the steak was overdone Alicia sorted that out as well. Max hadn’t had to open his mouth or lift a finger. He had felt himself relax, truly relax, for the first time in years. Alicia told him to come up for coffee and then she helped him take off his shirt. He hadn’t had real emotionally connected sex with anyone since before Tara was born. He was so fucking grateful for Alicia. So fucking grateful.

Now, more than ten years later, Tara didn’t look much bigger than she had when she was five. Underneath the covers he could see the rise of her stomach where a baby had recently nestled. A baby?

He wanted to stroke her hair and have her sit on his lap. He wanted to tell her that everything would be fine and he couldn’t even begin to think of how to ask her what had happened to the baby.

How could she have had a baby? It was a ludicrous thought. Max dropped his head into his hands.

‘Hey, Tara,’ said Alicia, and Max looked up to see Tara had opened her eyes.

‘Hey, little girl,’ he said.

Tara simply stared at them.

‘You passed out in the bathroom,’ said Alicia. ‘Your dad had to break the door down.’ She didn’t mention that the blood had seeped under the door, pooling in the hallway and congealing on the burnished floorboards. She didn’t say anything about the boys screaming in horror and she didn’t talk about the mess she would have to clean up when she got home. She didn’t say that the boys had sobbed in the back seat as she and Max sped over to her mother’s place to drop them off. And she didn’t tell Tara that Anne had screamed when the boys tracked bloodied footprints onto her cream rug.

For just one moment she wanted to describe it all to her so the girl would know just how much trouble she had caused. Then she felt shame wash over her. ‘When did I get to be such a horrible bitch?’ she wondered.

Aloud she said, ‘They’ve given you a transfusion because you lost a lot of blood but the doctor says you’ll be fine. You’ll feel really weak for a few days,’ Alicia added, taking comfort in at least having something of value to say.

‘Where would Tara have gone to have a baby?’ she asked herself. There was a park near the house and a shopping centre within walking distance but those places were always full of people.

Tara turned to look at Max. Her eyes widened. She had the same dark brown eyes as her father. So dark that they sometimes seemed black. Ethan had them too.

‘Oh, sweetheart, why didn’t you tell us? Why didn’t you say something? We would have helped. You could have died.’ Max grabbed Tara’s hand and was grateful to feel her fingers tighten around his. But she said nothing.

‘Tara,’ said Alicia gently, ‘you need to tell us where the baby is. We need to find the baby and make sure it’s okay.’

Tara looked at Alicia, looked through Alicia, and then she turned her head slightly to the side and closed her eyes.

‘Tara,’ said Alicia.

Max stood up and put his hand on Alicia’s arm.

‘Leave it now, Ali. She needs to rest. Just leave it. Why don’t you go home now? I’m sure your mother is finding the boys a handful. I’ll stay here tonight and we’ll sort all of this out tomorrow.’

‘But the doctor told us we need an answer, Max. There is a baby somewhere that needs medical attention.’

Max placed his hand on the small of Alicia’s back, propelling her towards the door while he talked. ‘I can’t think about that now, Alicia. Tara needs my attention. I’ll try and talk to her but you know that even at the best of times she doesn’t respond to being badgered. Just go home and I’ll deal with this.’

Alicia nodded her head curtly.

Max could see she was hurt, that she felt excluded, but he needed to give Tara some space. Alicia had a way of taking up all the air in the room.

He went back to the chair and sat down again, placing his hand over Tara’s small white one. It felt like a completely useless gesture and Max found the texture of her soft pale skin unfamiliar. ‘How long has it been since I’ve touched her?’ he thought. It could have been weeks but it could also have been months. When she was little she was always climbing into his lap or holding his hand or touching his face to get his attention. He was always touching her, too. Little children were so open to physical contact. He rested his hand on Ethan’s shoulder and stroked Michael’s neck while they talked, and he kissed them goodnight and good morning. He was sure he had done the same with Tara but at some point he and Tara had stopped hugging, stopped touching at all.

Max closed his eyes and tried to think about the last time he had given his daughter a quick hug or the last time he had seen Alicia do the same. If they had hugged her more or touched her more, surely they would have picked up on the pregnancy. It wasn’t something you could hide in a hug. He opened his eyes again and looked at his daughter. She had, over the years, become more defensive, more prickly. She hadn’t wanted to be touched but he should have done it anyway—even if he had just stroked her hair . . .

‘God, I’m so sorry, love,’ he said to Tara.

She opened her eyes.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said again.

Tara just stared at him.

‘I’m so sorry this happened to you, baby,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry that we didn’t . . . that I didn’t see something, notice something. I’m sorry I didn’t notice you. Can you say something? Just tell me you’re going to be okay?’

Tara continued staring and Max couldn’t think of anything else to say. Last week he’d been having a beer with Dave, commiserating over the mess Dave’s divorce was making of his life, and he’d felt a small sense of satisfaction that his life had finally settled into the kind of steady rut that some people thought of as boring. Work was crap but work was always crap. It was the same for everyone. Alicia and Tara didn’t exactly get on but they were civil to each other and the boys were just a pleasure. He knew he could go out to work every day and come home to a tidy house and a cooked meal and a sense that things were under control. It was so different to the years he had spent with Sasha that sometimes he couldn’t quite believe it. Back then he would come home after a day at work and feel stomach-flipping trepidation at what he might find. Some days the house would sparkle and there would be cakes and muffins on the table and a roast in the oven. Tara would be playing with something that had been made during a complicated craft project and Sasha would have a fixed grin on her face. She would be too busy to sit down and eat, too frantic to talk and he would try to see the order and her busyness as a good thing. He would try not to ask about the medication. If he did mention it she would throw up her hands and simply walk out, so he tried to keep quiet and just subtly work out whether or not she had taken her pills.

Some medications didn’t work; some worked but she wouldn’t take them. And then a few days would pass and he would come home to find her curled up on the couch with Tara spoonfeeding her peanut butter. The house would be a complete mess and he would know that they would have to start again.

He regretted his smugness now, regretted feeling like he had a handle on things. Quite clearly he didn’t. Who knew what those years with her mother had done to Tara?

Alicia suggested a psychologist for Tara every now and again but Tara wouldn’t even consider it. Psychologists and doctors put you in hospital and you stayed there for longer each time until one day you didn’t come home at all. And the older she got the more Tara knew about her mother’s disease. She’d searched the web and she knew that it ran in families, knew there was a genetic component.

‘It’ll start with one visit to a therapist, Dad, and it’ll end with me sitting next to Mum in Peace Hills.’

‘That’s crap, Tara. You’ve been through a lot. We’ve been through a lot. Just talk to someone. They may have something valuable to say.’

‘I’m not sick, Dad—there’s nothing wrong with me.’

‘Tara, you know that the therapists didn’t give your mother bipolar disorder. You know that, love.’

‘That’s not what Mum used to say. She said she was fine until you started dragging her off to see people. She said there was nothing wrong with her until she started therapy and pill-popping.’

‘But, Tara, that’s not the truth. You know what it was like when she was home. You can’t remember her before she started therapy but I do, and there was something very wrong.’

‘Well, I’m not baking five thousand cakes and I’m not lying around in my pyjamas all day. I’m fine.’

‘I just want to help you, Tara. I want you to be happy.’

‘I know Alicia would like someone else to deal with me . . .’

‘Not this again, Tara. Alicia is trying to help.’

‘Then tell her to leave me alone.’

He should have insisted Tara talk to someone but she seemed to be doing all right. He had met Alicia and Tara had essentially had a mother for the last ten years. Things got a bit difficult when the boys arrived, but that was normal sibling rivalry, wasn’t it?

‘Oh, poppet,’ he said now to his still daughter. ‘What’s happened to us?’

Tara closed her eyes again.

Her body felt like there was something heavy lying on top of it. She couldn’t imagine finding the energy to move, to lift her arm or to open her mouth. She felt drained and slow. There was pain everywhere and she could feel blood trickling out of her, like a heavy period. She had no idea where the blood could have come from or what she was doing in the bed in the white and grey room. Her hand felt odd, like there was something attached to it, and she wanted to turn over and give it a shake but she couldn’t find the energy. She couldn’t focus on anything or think straight. It was easier with her eyes closed. Something had happened, something bad but she had no idea what. She heard her father sigh and then the creak of the chair as he leaned back.

‘It hurt, Daddy,’ she wanted to say. ‘It hurt so much.’


Minnie lay the swaddled baby on the floor again. The scarf was filthy with blood now but it would have to do. She would have loved to give the poor creature a bath but she had so many things that needed to be done first. The baby’s earthy smell filled the room. It was a mingling of blood and soil and was not at all unpleasant. The poor little creature didn’t look happy and Minnie’s own hunger pangs reminded her that the baby needed feeding. ‘The poor thing must be starving, Mum.’

She emptied out her bag and put some folded towels into it. The baby was comfortable enough and she seemed happy to be asleep again when Minnie swung the bag back and forth a little. She stepped outside with the bag and noticed movement in the front garden three houses away. It was always the first place she looked now.

She immediately turned and went back inside.

She had begun to sweat again and she could feel the slight tremble in her hand. They were out in the garden.