The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World - Linda Vera Roethlisberger - E-Book

The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World E-Book

Linda Vera Roethlisberger

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Mediumistically gifted people have been a source of creative action in various cultures from time immemorial—be it in the arts or as seers and advisors. When we feel the divine spark flowing into our being, a bridge is built between the material and the ethereal world, allowing essential information and decision-making aids to be imparted to us. The capability for extrasensory perception is inherent in each of us; we only have to recognize it. In The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World, the author's first major work, Linda Roethlisberger explores insights into knowledge she receives as a medium. She delves into our human mediumistic dispositions, how and why we would do well to actively develop them and, above all, the positive and meaningful value which continuous inner work has for us in our everyday life, including our working life, at a very practical level. The clearly structured course book teaches you everything you need to know for building this bridge. The many tried-and-tested exercises enable you to unfold spiritually in dialogue with your spiritual companions and to expand the gates of your perception.

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Throughout history and across all cultures, people with mediumistic capabilities have been regarded as inspirational and possessing creative insight. The potential for extrasensory perception is inherent in all of us—we only have to recognize it and allow it to unfold.

In this practice-oriented introductory work, Linda Roethlisberger provides valuable instructions on developing our own psychic and spiritual mediumistic capabilities and integrating extrasensory perceptions into our everyday lives. From spiritual healing to aura reading, to channeling, the author introduces us to all aspects of the ethereal world. Roethlisberger tells us how to systematically train existing talents and how to follow through. She includes various exercises for body relaxation, meditations, visualizations, chakra work and the interpretation of dreams.

Roethlisberger’s guide is comprehensive and clear, with many practical applications and illustrations. The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World can be described as the reference work on mediumship.


Linda Vera Roethlisberger (1956), certified teacher.

At the same time, she developed her artistic talent in Bern and Paris. She developed and cultivated her own mediumistic capabilities as a student of Silvia Wallimann, Prof. Dr. Milan Ryzl and Gordon Higginson, and has since also been working as a medium.

1990 Founding of TRILOGOS, an institute for personality and consciousness training.

Author of numerous publications, among them the course books The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World and In Touch With Your Inner Voice.

Over the years, she has also developed the Trilogos®Method, allowing for self-guided individuation or self-discovery.

2012 Founding of the charitable Trilogos Foundation.

Linda Roethlisberger

The Sensory Channel to the Spiritual World

How to unfold your mediumistic powers

Copyright © 2022 Linda Vera Roethlisberger

Published by: Trilogos Foundation Trilogos Stiftung


Layout: AMBERPRESS / Berlin (

Translated by: Cathleen Poehler Translation / Canada


Language of original edition: German

1st edition 1995 / 2nd edition 1997 / 3rd edition 1999 /

4th edition 2000: Hermann Bauer publishing, Fribourg i. Br. (D)

5th edition 2004 / 6th edition 2006: Heinrich Hugendubel

publishing, Munich (D) / 7th edition 2010: Randomhouse,

Goldmann Arkana publishing, Munich (D)

1st edition Russian Language 1998

Publisher label: TRILOGOS Foundation

ISBN Softcover: 978-3-347-56860-0

ISBN E-Book: 978-3-347-56862-4

1st unabridged paperback edition in English 2022: tredition publishing, Hamburg (D)

Printing and distribution on behalf of the author:

tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40–44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany

Table of Contents



Part I The Basics of Trilogical Mediumship: Its Meaning as a Connection between the Spiritual and the Material World


The exchange between the ethereal and the material world: an overview

Who am I?

Life in the material world

The spiritual within us

The connection between the two worlds

Our Earth as a learning planet or schoolhouse

Trilogical mediumship


Examining one’s own mediumship

Our personal disposition

Drawing personal benefit


Spiritual helpers and guides – our Higher Self

The spiritual world and its hierarchy

Our helpers and guides

Communicating with spiritual helpers



The Medium

What is a medium?

The mental medium

The work of the mental medium and the behavior of those seeking advice

What you can expect from a mediumistic consultation

Who mediumistic training is for

Summary and outlook


Responsibility in mediumship

The meaning of responsibility

Possible dangers

The need for protection

Exercises for protection

Part II Training Praxis: The Development of Mediumship

General instructions for the exercises in Part II


Perception training, mediumistic mental training and self-development

What is mediumistic mental training about? / The human being and her different planes of consciousness / What is consciousness? / What is meditation? / The goals of mediumistic mental training / The eight basic levels of mediumistic mental training / Interpretation of (waking) dreams and symbols / Before you start / Exercises / Our ethereal bodies and their meaning / The chakras / Awakening the ethereal bodies: different exercises


Mediumistic feeling and spiritual healing

The unconscious and intuition / Moving on to the next level / Telepathy / Exercises / Initial contact with the spiritual world / Mediumistic feeling with exercises / Mediumistic smelling with exercises / Psychometry with exercises / Basis of mediumistic knowledge or intuition / Foundations of spiritual healing / The healer / Distance healing / Self-healing / Laying on of hands / Healing through the aura / The healer within us / Exercises


Mediumistic seeing and mediumistic hearing

The basics of mediumistic seeing / What do you gain from mediumistic seeing? / The three stages of mediumistic seeing / First stage: psychological mediumistic seeing, with exercise / Second stage: Spatial terrestrial-psychic mediumistic seeing, with exercise / Third stage: Emotional, mental, causal-spiritual mediumistic seeing, with exercise / Difficulties with mediumistic seeing / Interpretation problems / Spiritual power / Preparation to mediumistic seeing / Different imagination exercises / Clairvoyance exercises for group training / Clairaudience or mediumistic hearing / Exercises for mediumistic hearing / Final exercise: Psycho-spiritual assessment


Aura reading

The aura system / Perceiving the aura / Different planes of consciousness and their colors / How the absorption and release of energy works / The immortal and the mortal sub-personality / Aura reading using the five mediumistic senses / The effect of the colors / Exercises for seeing the different aura bodies / Exercises for “external” aura seeing / Drawing soul images



The spiritual hierarchy, or the most important vibrational levels of our consciousness / The different planes of consciousness and their “inhabitants,” from “inside to outside” / Angels and light beings / Three meditations / Suggestions / Past– Present–Future / The meaning of past lives / The meaning of karma / Responsibility for regressions and guided journeys into the future / Practical exercises


Physical and mental mediumship

A few examples of physical mediumship / Mediumistic artistic abilities / Further types of physical mediumship / Technical contacts / Miracle healings / Practical exercises for mental mediumship / Various interpretation examples, suggestions and explanations

Epilogue to Part I and Part II

Part III The Spiritual Mediumship of the Future

The path of humanity

Utopia (applied mediumship of the future using

the Trilogos®Method)

Upbringing / The arts / Psychology, philosophy and religion / Medicine and natural sciences / Archeology, ecology, history and architecture / The justice system / Society / Partnership and family / Shared interest groups

Voices on applied mediumship

Closing words


Trilogos introduces itself


Legend of symbols

This book intends to serve as guidance for all those who, like me, are seekers on the path to wisdom.


I thank my spiritual and earthly friends and helpers, my pupils and teachers whom I have met along the path of life and who have given me confidence and guided and taught me.

Many of these people and beings have helped me to bring this book to fruition. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of them. I would especially like to mention Karin Vial, Angela Kuepper, Judith Salai and Françoise Zickler.


The methodology presented in this book is given in good conscience and comes from years of practice, research and experience. However, the information provided is not intended as a substitute for medical advice and assistance. The author and the publisher do not assume any liability for damages that may result from the use or misuse of the methods presented in this work.


The Basics of Trilogical Mediumship: Its Meaning as a Connection/Channel between the Spiritual and the Material World

The more I discover, the more I wonder.

The more I wonder, the more I bow.

The more I bow, the more I discover.

Albert Einstein


The exchange between the ethereal and the material world: an overview

The real journey of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

Marcel Proust

Who am I?

You have probably asked yourself this question at some time in the past. Now, please take the time to let the following thoughts sink in:

If we want to explore who we are and who we are not, we must begin to discover our self and our Higher Self, to discover our basic disposition and thereby our calling.

Do you believe that you’ve expressed more than a tiny fraction of your whole self in your present earthly life? Do you believe that your present consciousness is more than just a tiny part of the larger, total consciousness, of which your ego is just one expression? How may you scrape away to your own thoughts, conceptions or imaginations? And what may be attributed to the influence or guidance coming from your Higher Self or from higher worlds, whom you are serving as a tool?

The spirit is the true self.

We should try to see everything in the right proportions and recognize that we are spiritual beings whose form of expression is our psyche (in other words, our capability to think, feel and believe/trust) as well as our physical body.

The spirit is the higher, the body the lower I; the spirit is the Lord and the body his servant. The Spirit is that part of ourselves—the Higher Self connected to the Great Spirit—that is immortal.

Isn’t this the same spirit that conceived, created and shaped the whole universe—and is still shaping it? Do we not possess even in the smallest sense, in the microcosm of the self, all the unlimited capabilities or qualities of the Great Spirit, whom we call God? When we allow this divine power to reach the surface of our consciousness and lead our lives, we realize that nothing can happen in our world that we cannot cope with. All worries, fears, doubts and torments are banished. We must learn to trust.

Life is spirit.

The same force that created the world is the source of life. Life is not physical or material—life is spirit, and where there is spirit, there is life. The power that dwells in every individual is the power of the spirit that expresses itself through one’s soul—and is itself a part of the Great Spirit that enables the self to participate in the endless process of creation.

You can at any time draw from this tremendous power of the spirit and let it come to the fore to sustain you.

The school of life

Every person on this Earth has a task, a mission. Thanks to the school of life, we acquire a great variety of knowledge and apply what we’ve learned to helping others. In this way, each of us become better at using the gifts of the Spirit and shine as a light for those who still walk in darkness. Everything depends on our free will. When we are ready in spirit, the doors will open all by themselves so that we can fulfill our task. No one can promise us that life will remain free of difficulties, confusion or pain. But what is certain is that when the time is right, we will find within ourselves the means to overcome all obstacles and barriers, to redeem ourselves. Transformation and several lives within this one defined lifetime become possible.

Aren’t you excited to begin? To develop the highest, deepest or greatest within yourself? Are you ready to work on your personality to achieve this? Are you willing to ask for help from divine energies or beings who love you and wish to help you develop?

Reaching spiritual maturity isn’t easy—as history shows. Truth and falsehood are constantly at war, until spiritual perfection is achieved.

Develop your own spiritual capabilities. Become independent and self-sufficient and discover your personal truth.

The way to spiritual maturity is invariably a rather narrow, lonely path, along which we encounter fewer and fewer people. The more we veer off the trodden path, the more we have to turn to trusting ourselves. But if it were easy to climb all the way to a mountain top, what would we have achieved once we arrived? Something that is rare is difficult.

Become aware that your true self is a part of the spirit, the Divine, the eternal.

Humans are “spirit with body.“

Become aware that the belief that you are a “body with spirit” is an illusion. You are “spirit with body.” Indeed, this realization marks the beginning of the development of your spiritual being and brings you closer to the fundamental meaning of earthly existence. Individuals who do not unearth and develop their psycho-spiritual capabilities, according to their individual possibilities, are like individuals, robbed of their senses.

Life in the material world

The physical body is nothing other than materialized— or slowly oscillating—energy that has condensed. The earthly body is designed to serve the purpose set out for it, to live on Earth, and then to expire. Are you aware that your body in its present form has only a limited existence?

Once it has completed its mission, it will disintegrate, or be consumed as part of other matter, and only the soul and spirit which have incarnated into this body at birth (lat. incarnatus: become flesh; incarnatio: incarnation, becoming human) are of lasting value. Our earthly bodies serve as temples for our spirits and serve us—as timeless and imperishable beings—as companions during our lifetimes. As soon as we recognize and accept this, the divine can awaken within us, and the eternal light dwelling within us can become stronger, until it no longer needs a psycho-spiritual light body or a physical body for its development. Just as the flower seed embedded in dark soil strives toward the light, our psycho-spiritual consciousness develops once it is allowed to unfold. Like the flower, consciousness too grows in silence toward awareness; patience and constant care bring the petals of a flower to full bloom. “Everything that exists is connected, has a common goal, a common breath. Plants, animals, rocks and humans breathe. Mother Earth, nature, is the visible breath of the Creator,” someone from the Cheyenne-Arapho Nation once said.

The spiritual light is always there.

It is difficult for us to clearly recognize the true relationships between soul, spirit and body. Since we live in the material, physically-limited world, we may well ask ourselves where exactly the soul and spirit are located? While we may suspect the sun to be behind the clouds on an overcast day, the sun’s rays don’t necessarily reach us equally visibly and perceptibly at all times. We are easily discouraged and forget—symbolically speaking—the light and the love that are nevertheless leading us infallibly and in keeping with the divine plan.

But the spiritual light continues its work, just as the sun continues to shine, even at night. This spiritual light prevents us from stumbling along our path of development. We will be led back to the path, should we veer from it, so that we can continue on one of the many paths leading to the Great Spirit … until we experience mercy, redeem ourselves and become fully reunited with the divine spirit.

The spiritual within us

When your spiritual nature, the Divine, awakens inside, you are ready to harvest from life not only the parts that rest on the surface but all the riches that can be found only in the spiritual, invisible inner world. Spiritual jewels are far more beautiful and brilliant than earthly ones. And they will continue to exist even when the treasures of this world have lost their brilliance and have become worthless.

Soul and personality

Only when the soul becomes aware of itself does it recognize its strength and continually create awareness, which can become the most powerful force in the universe! This part of consciousness—the immortal core of life with its predestined partial formations—is, after all, what constitutes personality. “Soul” must not be confused with “personality.”

A personality is the product of consciousness work at the core of being and the result of a steady psycho-spiritual development.

In particular thanks to life experiences, which accumulate emotionally and as thought “imprints” in the depths of the soul and in the form of stored experiences or memories, we create our own truth and certainty. It is therefore important that we listen to our inner voice, that we trust it and remain faithful to it at all times. Our inner voice speaks about our dreams, our intuition and our symbolic imaginings. On the other hand, on any given day, the mindful person will be offered signs along the path, with impulses for new ways of recognizing and naming what is encountered. By decoding and applying the consciously-perceived language of thoughts and feelings, whose messages we must learn to integrate, we will progress faster in our personal development.

This new language—Trilogical mediumship or symbolic communication—is not bound to any belief system. Indeed, it is the language that has guided you through all your experiences in the past, and that is doing so presently and will continue to do so in the future. Your mediumship is, essentially, your human spirit in connection with the Great Spirit in action.

Spiritual mediumship

In developing your psycho-spiritual, mediumistic skills, you begin a path along which you receive help, guidance, input, support and wisdom from the spiritual world—inspired by unincarnated consciousness, also referred to as “spiritual mediumship.”

Overall, you will be enabled to accept help not only from those who love you and are related to you but also from beings who have no physical ties to you. That said, these beings are nonetheless related to you on the spiritual plane, insofar as you both share a similar consciousness. Indeed, this is of much greater importance than is being physically connected. Richard Bach once remarked that true families rarely live under one roof.

The divine power

In truth, there is no death—the dead have only changed their form of being. These unincarnated subpersonalities or parts of our consciousness live on and serve, in accordance with their state of development or present tasks, as a channel for the divine power. In the vernacular, we speak of one’s “guardian angel,” an umbrella term for the various “spiritual helpers” and celestial beings (for more details, see Chapter 3) we may encounter.

You have the free will to decide whether or not you want to accept the help of divine providence.

As this power affects and strengthens, you slowly but surely come into possession of something that the material world can never give or take from you: A gain in confidence, trust, inner peace and determination. It is at that point that you will realize that there is nothing in the whole world that can harm your actual self, that you are one with the great divine power, responsible for the fullness of life. The Great Spirit will not let us down. But we must also not forget this spirit!

All life unfolds along predetermined paths. The Earth rotates around its axis; the stars and planets draw their fixed orbits in the sky and the seasons come and go as part of an eternal cycle. Plants bloom and wither; everywhere life obeys the natural laws that govern its formation. We cannot live outside the divine order; we are a part of it. We ought to remind ourselves that at all times, we are sheathed in the mantle of infinite love, that we are eternally connected to the Great Spirit, the divine power and love; that we receive guidance and protection from it and that it is present everywherebecause we are a part of it.

The divine order

A soul who has complete, indestructible trust in this infinite power of the Higher Self and in the connection between the Higher Self and the Supreme Being has no worries. Those who worry may be driven by fear. Fear is a part of darkness, fear or ignorance—but not of light.

You can bring light into this darkness by becoming aware of your ignorance and by trying to live in the light of spiritual understanding.



Mediumistic development, which can also be regarded as “soul hygiene,” offers a valuable opportunity for this. With it begins the expansion of consciousness, of our psycho-spiritual unfolding. Understanding and perfect love banish the fear that paralyzes the life force, impedes expansion and prevents the spirit from transforming and creating new forms of expression.

When we let love rule the universe, there is no place for fear.

The connection between the two worlds

The world of matter is only one part of our earthly life. We and our guardian angels, or spiritual helpers and guides, also known as the power and wisdom of our Higher Self, live in the same cosmos. The cosmos is created as earthly and spiritual worlds harmonize and merge. A natural phenomenon—the ability of water to transform into its aggregate states of ice, liquid and steam—may serve as an example. In death, we only express another side of our consciousness, while ceasing to exist within our physical body—meaning that we merely change into another form of existence. After death, we automatically enter a spiritual world as bodiless beings with our consciousness. We become invisible to physical eyes yet continue to exist within our ethereal soul-spirit-body, or our developed part of consciousness or the astral body.

It is only our developed personality that we take with us into the spiritual world.

The latter is as well made of matter, albeit of a much finer one: a different condensation, one might say, of a different form of being. Indeed, we may point to new forms of photography that can capture such astral or soul bodies, demonstrating that our soul and spirit, being material in some way, also have physical weight. Between the psycho-spiritual plane on the one hand and the more mental experience on the other there is always an exchange, a relationship. By means of symbolic communication or Trilogical mediumship, signs on our path become directional.

On both sides, on the material side and on the spiritual side, consciousness attempts advancement, and the spiritual helpers and leaders are likewise growing by offering us their help.

Networked thinking in earthly and extraterrestrial worlds.

In accordance with their “aggregate state” or their higher or less developed consciousness, these spiritual helpers and leaders send us their messages via our ethereal senses.

Only in unusual circumstances can a spiritual being communicate its message, its offer to help, unambiguously. It’s not as simple as making a phone call; and even there, difficulties can arise.

Can you imagine, then, how much more arduous a purely spiritual connection is, given that it involves connecting two very different planes of existence or dimensions?

The medium must put thoughts and feelings into words; verbalizing what is originally an image, idea or symbol as expressed by the spirit of the communicator.

In the spiritual world, people do not speak with words but only with thought and emotional energy (telepathically). Hence, symbolic communication awakens.


Transmissions that occur by means of clairvoyant or mediumistic seeing, feeling or hearing are very difficult procedures for the transmitter. The connection between the two worlds requires the interaction of very special circumstances. Under the right conditions, contact can be made quite easily; but there are many circumstances that cause interference. Perhaps the medium is tired, ill, indisposed, in a bad mood, hungry or has eaten, drunk or smoked too much. All these states or activities do not remain without influence on the kind of connection between the emitting spirit guide and the medium. In other cases, the personal thoughts in the medium’s subconscious are so strong and dominant that they demand expression, to the extent even of overpowering the spiritual guide.

For this reason, symbolic distortions and misinterpretations of the medium can never be completely ruled out.

It is therefore particularly important in mediumistic development that each medium works with his or her own subconscious on his or her own personality, for example through mediumistic mental training.

Spiritual development stages

If a spirit being wants to establish a mental connection to the physical world, a transformation of its energy body into another sphere becomes necessary. To a considerable extent, this entails, a temporary abandonment on the part of the spirit being of its own personality. If the spiritual world wants to embody itself, it must go one step further. It must materialize the spirit and change its vibrations—from fine, fast and tender to slow, heavy and coarse-thus jeopardizing its development and relinquishing its own personality.

The way in which the mediation takes place therefore depends on the stage of spiritual development of the medium or perceiver and of the spiritual being.

Contrary to what we might think, just because a being from the spiritual world wishes to make contact with a medium or transmit a complete message when the opportunity arises does not mean that it will be capable of doing so. Moreover, much depends on the current learning process of both the sender and the receiver.

Not all spiritual beings automatically become spiritual helpers or leaders, just as not all people become active as mediums.

The love of the spiritual helpers for us

Spirit beings who are ready to give themselves up temporarily are full of love for us. Love is a compelling force for the spirit being or spiritual helper to comfort, guide, support and inspire those with whom it feels connected. (See Chapters 3 and 5 for more details.)

The purpose of the return of the spiritual world to the earthly world is to draw attention to spiritual truths.

Many people are so trapped in matter that the spirit inside them is merely a weak flame, so weak that it produces almost no light. And yet it is there. Usually a stroke of fate will awaken us from our slumber. When this happens, we begin to understand the spiritual truths and, from there, ourselves along with the meaning of the spiritual world and the link between us and the Great Spirit. We then recognize the unifying bond that underlies natural law.

As long as the heart is in a good place, the soul willing, the spirit receptive and one’s faith strong, the path to the spiritual world is open.

Many people do not understand why they aren’t receiving answers to their questions. The spiritual world can reach out its hands to you; yet, if you are not, in turn, reaching out your hands to the spiritual world, the latter will hardly be able to engage with you. If the spirit is to have an effect on matter, it needs a link that is receptive to it. Might this explain the phenomena of wonder or intuition?

Our Earth as a learning planet or schoolhouse

Humans know of their purpose in life prior to being born.

Before the soul becomes incarnate, it knows what it must do on Earth. It chooses the tool of embodiment because it recognizes that a given constellation of circumstances will provide the best opportunity for unfolding itself. Once embodied in matter, the density of this entity prevents this knowledge, deeply embedded in the body, from reaching consciousness. An analogy might be gemstone. Carbon transforms over a period of centuries—patiently, hidden and in the dark—from graphite, into a crystal-clear diamond, whence it might one day be liberated from its rock and shine with all the colors of the rainbow.

Our life plan is something very simple. We were all spirit once and have become incarnate in order to become knowing spirit.

We gather all the experience we need in order to achieve this goal and to become ever-more differentiated.

In this way, we learn to fulfill our tasks as well as to enjoy the pleasures that are meant for us. The capability for this enjoyment is something we must learn in the earthly world. It is there that we must learn the lessons that prepare us for life in the spiritual world.

If we do not accept our lessons, we may not be sufficiently mature, not ready for what awaits after earthly life. But in the spiritual world, too, there are schoolhouses, other fields of activity; or one can incarnate again and again …

Justice on Earth?

Nonetheless, sometimes it seems that life is harder on some of us than on others. Some are free from pain, anguish, worry and effort, while others live in the shadows and hardly ever see the light of day. The great difficulty is that we tend to only detect the earthly aspect of life. We ask: Is there earthly justice? There is, indeed, a divine plan, but it isn’t so rigid that we have to resign to being marionettes of that plan. We all have the divine spark in us and therefore the possibility to participate in the process of infinite creation.

That is why humans have personal responsibility and a great deal of free will, even if these cannot override physical or spiritual laws. Our free will is thus bound up in these laws.

We set our own boundaries.

Human destiny is largely predetermined; it is up to the individual to slowly reveal his or her divine qualities within these bounds.

The soul, as ethereal expressiveness of the spiritual, is striving to create awareness. It is restless and eagerly searching to find expression in the bodily, physicalmaterial realm. Grief, sorrow, suffering or illness are sometimes necessary to awaken us from our indifference.

With every step we take, we improve our ability to look behind the scenes of this world stage, to recognize connections, to understand the why of phenomena—through which we might slowly gain an inkling of what earthly justice is. It is a tool for discovering, liberating and developing the inner individual home of our being, our personality whose residence is the soul.

The power of our soul is indestructible, and the earthly journey is only a small but necessary part of the eternal life journey. We should not live our present existence in dark ignorance but in the bright light of knowledge; not bowed but with a raised head; not in fear but in joyful serenity-always ready and open to learn again and again in gratitude.

If you need help and guidance, you must create the conditions under which it will be granted. Your life experiences allow your personality to mature. Trust that the spirit, a powerful expression of your soul and which gave you life, will also preserve your personality. You are a part of this force; indeed, it is hidden within your own self. When you create the right conditions, your inherent divine power equips you—as a reward—with the weapons of the mind: discernment, judgment, decision-making and accuracy, to name a few. These serve you when struggling through the challenges of life.

You then realize that impatience or resentment prevents the full and free flow of divine power. Relax, become receptive, calm, passive, quiet, cheerful, trusting. Be accepting, allow things to be, and engage in the continuous process of deciding for either doing or not doing. In your inner self, you will trust that everything is good and that what you really need will be given to you. Rewards aren’t offered for the easier things in this life, only for the difficult ones. If you face difficulty, trust in your divine power and that you will be shown a way to overcoming the adversity.

Be vigil and attentive.

From our everyday life we know that our personal life memories and experiences—our world of thoughts and feelings—shape our perception of reality. What we currently see and hear depends strongly on what we’ve seen, heard or felt in the past. Expectations based on memories also develop their own dynamics. Our brain, a tool for the activity of the mind, spends a lot of time constantly revising our image of ourselves and of the world. We create and construct our patterns of behavior and what we are destined to perceive, or not, in relation to the other/others. Whether or not we want to embrace this challenge is up to us alone. Yet, that is where our responsibility begins and how we take charge of our own lives.


Our memories combine with physical, psychological, visual and acoustic impressions. This engenders emotions and bodily sensations, with which the brain can develop a course of action.
