The Sex Prescription: Extreme Taboo BDSM Erotica - Robin Banks - E-Book

The Sex Prescription: Extreme Taboo BDSM Erotica E-Book

Robin Banks

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.

CHAPTER ONE - Ginevera
CHAPTER THREE – Kidnapping
CHAPTER SEVEN - Punished Escapees
CHAPTER NINE - Prune's Whipping
CHAPTER TEN - Avon's Tale

The whipping had been routine, a fortnightly ritual by which the Trinity Academy for Young Ladies constantly reaffirmed a strange imprisonment. The first time a girl was thus corrected was always a shock but for Ginevera the first time had been long ago. What bothered her most at this moment was to wonder what was taking place upstairs and how long she would have to stand with strapped wrists to await something at which she could only guess. Wearily, she thrust her cheek against a bare arm and closed her eyes to wait. Waiting was a virtue every girl at Trinity soon learned.

Bare feet make little sound but a sixth sense warned the prisoner of a second presence in the room. Ginevera tensed and came alert to stare wide-eyed at a girl she had not previously seen, a girl as naked as she, herself, but standing free of tethers or bonds except for handcuffed wrists. She was a dark -haired, dark eyed beauty no longer a teenager. Ginevera's guess was her visitor could be twenty-seven or twenty-eight, and had about her an air of quiet competence exhibited by the small, secret smile and bright, inquiring eyes. The manner in which this new comer wore the handcuffs by which her wrists were joined told clearly she was still in. revolt against the imposition of the irons. Her voice spoke of education and an out of place authority.

"I'm Avon Adderly. You're Ginevera Anderson," she stated easily. "I was told to come down and talk to you but I don't know why."

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The Sex Prescription

Robin Banks

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE - Ginevera


CHAPTER THREE – Kidnapping




CHAPTER SEVEN - Punished Escapees


CHAPTER NINE - Prune's Whipping

CHAPTER TEN - Avon's Tale

CHAPTER ONE - Ginevera

The whipping had been routine, a fortnightly ritual by which the Trinity Academy for Young Ladies constantly reaffirmed a strange imprisonment. The first time a girl was thus corrected was always a shock but for Ginevera the first time had been long ago. What bothered her most at this moment was to wonder what was taking place upstairs and how long she would have to stand with strapped wrists to await something at which she could only guess. Wearily, she thrust her cheek against a bare arm and closed her eyes to wait. Waiting was a virtue every girl at Trinity soon learned.

Bare feet make little sound but a sixth sense warned the prisoner of a second presence in the room. Ginevera tensed and came alert to stare wide-eyed at a girl she had not previously seen, a girl as naked as she, herself, but standing free of tethers or bonds except for handcuffed wrists. She was a dark -haired, dark eyed beauty no longer a teenager. Ginevera's guess was her visitor could be twenty-seven or twenty-eight, and had about her an air of quiet competence exhibited by the small, secret smile and bright, inquiring eyes. The manner in which this new comer wore the handcuffs by which her wrists were joined told clearly she was still in. revolt against the imposition of the irons. Her voice spoke of education and an out of place authority.

"I'm Avon Adderly. You're Ginevera Anderson," she stated easily. "I was told to come down and talk to you but I don't know why."

"You were told where to find me?"

"Yes, of course. I was also told not to bother trying to escape and I can well see why." She laughed in genuine amusement. "This old castle is a fortress, and what isn't solid stone is iron bars. But I discovered this yesterday and the day before when I arrived."

"But Alyth-I mean Lady Hardcastle didn't mention you. No one's said anything about a new girl. I suppose you were kidnapped?

Again the laugh. "No, I wasn't kidnapped. I gather most of the girls were. I came for reasons of my own and I know I'm going to be sorry for the decision. I take it you were one of the abducted ones?"

"Sure I was abducted but it was so long ago I had almost forgotten. Did anyone say anything about coming down to unfasten me? I'm sick of standing like this." Hurriedly, Ginevera added, "This is the way they fasten us for the whipping we get every two weeks. You probably noticed the marks on my skin."

"They were the first thing I noticed when I tiptoed in. You seem wonderfully casual about it."

"It's the only way to be. Did anyone say anything about Westley and me being married?"

"You mean they have wives and husbands here! Gosh, you've got a wonderful figure. What do you think of mine?"

"It's too good to waste in a prison."

"Well, I only sentenced myself to six months and I only did that because Grandma insisted. I've got a grandma to pay attention to. Tell me about this being married business."

"I don't know much about it. They had a gathering, just enough to make it legal, and all the proper words were said, and, because Alyth seemed to want it so much, I made the proper responses, half believing the whole thing was a joke. Then Westley slipped the ring on my finger and they all went back upstairs. Are you sure no one told you?"

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