The Sex Scientist - E. L. Byrne - E-Book

The Sex Scientist E-Book

E. L. Byrne



Stefan is a typical Berlin bachelor; aloof, open-minded, and sexy as hell. Meeting with him is an adventure every time - in which all limits are pushed. Anything is possible. Enter the world of this mysterious Sex Scientist. The rules are clear - no clothes allowed in the flat, and sex is always the answer. Get into a story about two free lovers willing to experiment and test each other's boundaries, always in the name of pleasure. The Sex Scientist takes readers by the hand into a fantasy world of dominance, domination, and hardcore sex. Double Penetration is the "Sabor du Jour," and the feelings and sensations it will bring on are going to render readers absolutely breathless.

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E. L. Byrne

Artcover: Ray Litsala


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

I reach the top of the stairs, breathing heavily. No matter how many times I come here, the five-story climb kicks my ass. As usual, after buzzing me in, he left the door partially open, and the sweet smell of marijuana and tobacco waft out. I push the door open and holler, “Ha-lloo!” - Even after more than a year here in Berlin, all I have perfected in speaking German is the sing-song hello of the Berliner. He comes to the door naked (he is always naked) and smiling that ridiculous crooked grin of his as he kisses me in greeting. 

I watch his long, lithe body and skinny ass head back to the couch and settle in. His eyes watch me appreciatively as I come into the flat, lay my bag down, and start to undress as well. That’s a rule here. Everyone is naked. There are so few rules in our relationship, and this is an easy one to follow. Once disrobed, I climb onto the wide couch next to him. It is so big that it comfortably fits us both laying side-by-side. I sit on the edge next to Stefan and tuck into the meal he brought home and laid out for us before I arrived. 

The comfortable, easy feelings I have now when arriving for our dates is a strong contrast to the first time I came for a visit. A naked man greeting you at the door on your second date is intimidating enough, but the first time I got all the way in, I wasn’t so sure this whole thing was going to be my cup of tea.

The flat, while only two rooms, is a traditional Berlin Altbau, which means the ceilings are incredibly high, making even a small space feel cavernous. The room was lit only by the light of his 50-inch flat-screen TV and red candles in black candelabras, both on the floor and in black wrought iron sconces on the walls. He had covered the massive couch with an animal print. The whole thing felt like a 70’s porn scene. A real shiver of fear and curiosity went through me when I saw the giant black leather sex-swing hanging in a place of prominence in the room.

I tried so hard to keep my eyes from returning again and again to the enormous metal chains holding it to the ceiling and the small crop and feather implements hanging off the sides. What had I gotten myself into? (And somewhere in the depths of my mind, I not only asked myself, “what had I gotten myself into” but, “how can I get into that swing?”)