The Young Man Complex: Taboo Older Woman Erotica - Barb Dwyer - E-Book

The Young Man Complex: Taboo Older Woman Erotica E-Book

Barb Dwyer

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


At age 40, Julia McD. still has a good figure, even though her breasts are starting to sag. She is slightly plump, her buttocks weave and her torso has a rhythm that causes the boys in the all-boys school to snicker behind her back. Julia admits having had several affairs with adult men.

"There was another teacher that used to fool with me. He would use his fingers on me, to pull on my clitoris, and to pry apart my vaginal folds. He's slide his two fingers in and out and help to get me excited.

"Then I'd use my hands on him and slide his flesh; he had a long foreskin and it sort of repulsed me. I always liked the 'clean cut' types of boys. But I'd play with him, then when he would get all rigid and hot, he would take me."

How did Julia feel about this so-called normal sex? "It left me feeling sort of empty. I mean, not empty in that sense of the word because that man was well built and he knew how to plow into a woman; but the way we'd just diddle one another, and then play around, and have sex, it was sort of too conventional."

Julia has had a penchant for oralism as far back as she could remember. "I want to feel as if I am in charge and in full power. With my mouth, I have the power that I always wanted. Then I'm in control. It's not the same as if I spread my legs and roll my breasts and then a man takes me. I have no control over that. No, it's when I use my mouth that I'm the master. Also, I like when someone uses his mouth on me. That way, it excites me and it can last for a half hour or more before I go off.

"When a man takes me the usual way, it's over in just a few minutes. You know how women are slower in arousal and how they like to have the heat build up slowly until it envelopes the entire body. Well, when a man uses his mouth and lips on me, then it can last for a wonderful eternity."

Julia is a dramatic teacher at an all-boys school in a smaller suburb of a mid-western state. She arranged for a class play to be performed. It involved the wearing of special types of old English costumes. It took place during the era of Robin Hood and this called for the wearing of ballet like tights.

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The Young Man Complex

Barb Dwyer

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

At age 40, Julia McD. still has a good figure, even though her breasts are starting to sag. She is slightly plump, her buttocks weave and her torso has a rhythm that causes the boys in the all-boys school to snicker behind her back. Julia admits having had several affairs with adult men.

"There was another teacher that used to fool with me. He would use his fingers on me, to pull on my clitoris, and to pry apart my vaginal folds. He's slide his two fingers in and out and help to get me excited.

"Then I'd use my hands on him and slide his flesh; he had a long foreskin and it sort of repulsed me. I always liked the 'clean cut' types of boys. But I'd play with him, then when he would get all rigid and hot, he would take me."

How did Julia feel about this so-called normal sex? "It left me feeling sort of empty. I mean, not empty in that sense of the word because that man was well built and he knew how to plow into a woman; but the way we'd just diddle one another, and then play around, and have sex, it was sort of too conventional."

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