Their Shrewd Mommy: Taboo Incest Erotica - Barb Dwyer - E-Book

Their Shrewd Mommy: Taboo Incest Erotica E-Book

Barb Dwyer

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Since that early age, her entire life had been dedicated to fucking and more fucking, but she'd never met such a stud as Joe Walker, and in spite of her daughters' objections, she had no intention of losing him. In her mid-thirties, Claudine was an extremely beautiful and shapely redhead that men swarmed after, but none could satisfy her like Joe Walker.

Unknown to Claudine, the man was constantly making passes at Mary, her daughter, when he was half drunk and alone in the house with the girl. Mary was a beautiful blonde with big lush tits and a well-rounded ass that Joe couldn't keep his hands off when he was drinking. The girl often threatened to tell her mother about it, but Joe only laughed, telling Mary that the woman wouldn't believe her word against his.

Tonight, as Claudine waited in bed for him, she could hear Joe pissing in the bathroom and the sound of his heavy stream of urine splashing into the toilet seemed to excite her even more. Only a big cook like his could piss like a fucking horse.
When he finally crawled into the bed, his breath reeked of stale beer as usual, and his face had a two-day stubble of whiskers, but Claudine was conscious of nothing but the sight of his big gnarly cock with its bulbous head. His massive prick was hard and thick and the knob was a shiny purple that looked ready to explode. Knowing this magnificent tool would soon be drilling into her belly, the woman's cunt was dripping with lust.

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Their Shrewd Mommy

Barb Dwyer

Copyright © 2017

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Since that early age, her entire life had been dedicated to fucking and more fucking, but she'd never met such a stud as Joe Walker, and in spite of her daughters' objections, she had no intention of losing him. In her mid-thirties, Claudine was an extremely beautiful and shapely redhead that men swarmed after, but none could satisfy her like Joe Walker.

Unknown to Claudine, the man was constantly making passes at Mary, her daughter, when he was half drunk and alone in the house with the girl. Mary was a beautiful blonde with big lush tits and a well-rounded ass that Joe couldn't keep his hands off when he was drinking. The girl often threatened to tell her mother about it, but Joe only laughed, telling Mary that the woman wouldn't believe her word against his.

Tonight, as Claudine waited in bed for him, she could hear Joe pissing in the bathroom and the sound of his heavy stream of urine splashing into the toilet seemed to excite her even more. Only a big cook like his could piss like a fucking horse.

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