Three of Cups - Episode 1 - Eva Mystique - E-Book

Three of Cups - Episode 1 E-Book

Eva Mystique



Lauren is a big fan of Dr. Mestoyer, and finally has the opportunity of meeting her. What she didn't expect was to be irrevocably seduced by her. In her private life, Dr. Mestoyer is a relentless and powerful mistress, and Lauren has no choice but to surrender completely. Eva Mystique brings forth a colorful tale of lesbian seduction, crafting a beautiful erotic story full of power and sex, that will leave you breathless.

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Episode 1

Eva Mystique

Artcover: Oscar Merrida IV


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

Chapter I

An older distinguished looking woman clutches her bag and lets out an indignant yelp as a petite young girl inadvertently brushes past her through the sliding glass doors. As usual, Lauren is running late with barely a minute to spare; and after two delayed flights and less than three hours of sleep, it’s a miracle she can even stand. She was supposed to have landed in New Orleans the night before but ended up having to spend the night in St. Louis after missing her connecting flight. One very short hotel stay and a 5am flight later, and Lauren is pumping down the hall donning a messy bun and yesterday’s travel outfit. She had planned to make a more elegant entrance to the one conference she had been looking forward to the entire year; but alas, jeans and basic lavender t-shirt would have to do. She reaches into the side pocket of her gray tote and pulls out a red eyeglasses case. “Time to put on my serious face” she thinks as she opens the case and clumsily places the thick tortoise rimmed glasses on her face. Lauren is 27 and a senior correctional psychologist at the Syracuse Men’s Correctional Facility in New Jersey. Of the five psychologists on staff, Lauren is the youngest… and the most attractive. A petite woman with a tiny waist and ample hips, long dark curls sweeping her back and that hypnotic yet so unassuming walk. Her skin is the color of raw black berry honey and her deep chestnut eyes seem to see to your very core. Lauren isn’t what one would call a vixen; no, she is too genuine to put on such desperate airs. She has the kind of quiet allure that burns slowly until finally the desire is too hot to endure. Vixen? No. But a siren for sure… whether she realizes it or not.

Lauren had never been the type of person to pine for attention from others but, for some reason, she would always seem to attract it. She had to learn to temper her effect on people early in life and developed a very guarded persona in response to countless unwanted advances. She would do just about everything she could to thwart sexual attention: she opted for glasses instead of contacts, wore the most basic non-revealing clothing, wore little to no makeup and her signature bun almost every day. But no matter how she tried to camouflage, she would somehow always find herself the object of a colleague’s or patient’s desire. Lauren cannot imagine why this conference would be any different and prepares to go into stealth mode. She wanders blindly through the halls of the Hotel Beaulieu with eyes vacillating between her cellphone in one hand and the hotel map in the other. “Where the hell is the L’Enfant Ballroom?” She whispers to herself as the directions begin to look more and more confusing. Then finally a miracle, the L’Enfant Ballroom doors directly in front of her. She stuffs the hotel map and phone in her tote and takes a deep breath just before she opens the doors. Lauren pushes down on one of the double doors’ handles and is surprised by how loud the sound is… and how hard it was to push open. With one more concerted shove, Lauren pushes the doors open with her shoulder and stumbles inside… only to find the entire room staring back at her. In the very center of the massive room, on a stage, stands a statuesque suited woman behind a podium also staring squarely at Lauren. Despite the impressive woman’s pointed look, she seemed rather amused. “Welcome to the second half of my presentation on Women in Leadership in Psychology. Now if you’d kindly take your seat, I’d like to continue my presentation.”