Tillicums of the Trail / Being Klondike Yarns Told to Canadian Soldiers Overseas / by a Sourdough Padre - George C. F. Pringle - E-Book

Tillicums of the Trail / Being Klondike Yarns Told to Canadian Soldiers Overseas / by a Sourdough Padre E-Book

George C. F. Pringle

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Excerpt from Book:

Stampede had their own appeal, when the gol den treasures were found and adventurers from the Seven Seas rushed to the discovery. What days those were, filled with tragedy and comedy, shameful things we would fain forget but can't, incidents too of heroism and comradeship that will live in our memories forever, and through it all, bad and good, an intense, throbbing life that was irresistibly fascinating. Little wonder that my soldiers, out themselves on a great ad venture, would listen to stories Of the Yukon and its adventurers in those glorious Stampede days.

Many an hour have I spent with my men Off duty spinning these sourdough yarns, and I know very Often we forgot for the time the dug out and the trench, hardly hearing the boom Of the guns or bursting shells.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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