Unicorn Academy: Ava and Star - Julie Sykes - E-Book

Unicorn Academy: Ava and Star E-Book

Julie Sykes



When your best friend is a unicorn, magical adventures are guaranteed! Imagine a school where you meet your own unicorn and have amazing adventures together! That's what happens for the girls at Unicorn Academy on beautiful Unicorn Island. Ava and Star love their beautiful garden at Unicorn Academy. It's where they grow their very own magical plants! When the sky berries that the unicorns need to survive disappear, Ava and Star will need all their skills and courage to help their friends. Can they find more of the special berries before every unicorn's magic starts to fade?! With a glittery cover and beautifully illustrated throughout by Lucy Truman, Unicorn Academy is the perfect series for 7+ readers who love magic and adventure. Check out the other titles in this series: Sophia and Rainbow, Scarlett and Blaze, Isabel and Cloud and many more!

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Star tripped over a thick vine and Ava gasped as a creeper snagged round her arm, almost pulling her from Star’s back. She wrenched her arm free. “Star!” she exclaimed. “These plants must be enchanted!”

To Eleanor Jones, who loves to write magical stories too!


“Star, wake up,” whispered Ava.

Star was asleep in her stable. She looked so sweet, with her eyes shut tight and her yellow and purple mane curling over her white coat. Ava smoothed a lilac curl that was sticking up between Star’s spiralled gold and purple horn.

“Ava?” Star’s eyes snapped open and she scrambled to her hooves. “It’s early, even for you. Is something wrong?”

Ava grinned. “No, everything’s fine. I’m just excited! Last night the teachers told us we’re going on a scavenger hunt this morning instead of lessons. We’ve got to collect things from around the school grounds in teams!”

Star pricked up her ears. “That sounds fun!”

Ava nodded. “I woke up thinking about it and when I looked out of the window, I saw something I had to show you. Come with me!”

Blinking and yawning, Star followed Ava through the stable of sleeping unicorns to the door.

Ava stopped. “Close your eyes.”

Star obediently shut her eyes. Ava felt her heart swell with happiness as she realised how much her unicorn trusted her. Putting her hand on Star’s warm neck, she guided her outside.

“You can open them now,” she whispered. “Look!”

“Wow!” Star blinked. A ball of sunshine was visible on the horizon. As it rose, filling the gap between two mountains, the dark sky rippled with orange, pink and gold.

“Doesn’t the school look beautiful?” said Ava. Across the lawn, the marble walls and glass windows of Unicorn Academy glowed in the sunrise and in the distance the multicoloured water of Sparkle Lake glittered and shone.

“It’s the best sunrise I’ve seen in ages,” said Star.

Ava smiled. “I had to share it with you. Spring’s coming, Star. I can smell it in the air! Shall we go and plant my new seedlings before I have to go for breakfast?”

“Good plan!” said Star eagerly. “I’ll dig the holes.”

“That would be brilliant.” Ava kissed her unicorn on the purple star on her forehead. “I love having you as my unicorn. I can’t imagine being partnered with a unicorn who didn’t like gardening!”

“And I can’t imagine being partnered with a girl who didn’t like plants and nature!” said Star, her warm breath tickling Ava and making her giggle.

Ava and Star had been paired together in January, three months ago, when they’d both started at Unicorn Academy. Ava still found it hard to believe that she was really here, training to become a guardian of wonderful Unicorn Island.

The island was nourished by magical waters that flowed up from the centre of the earth and out through the fountain in Sparkle Lake. Rivers carried the precious water around the land so that it helped all the people, animals and plants on Unicorn Island to flourish.

Students usually spent a year at Unicorn Academy when they were ten, but sometimes they stayed longer if their unicorn needed more time to discover their magic power or if they hadn’t yet bonded with their unicorn. Bonding was the highest form of friendship, and when it happened a lock of the student’s hair would turn the same colour as their unicorn’s mane. Ava couldn’t help feeling a little surprised she and Star hadn’t bonded already.

“Do you think Ms Primrose paired us together because we both love plants and nature?” asked Star.

“Maybe,” said Ava. “Or maybe there was another reason. You never know with Ms Primrose.”

Ms Primrose was the wise headteacher who had been in charge of the Academy for many years. She was strict but she could also be very kind.

“Well, whatever her reason, I’m very glad she did,” said Star. “I wonder when I’ll find out what my magic power is and when we’ll bond.”

Ava felt a clench in her stomach. Two of the girls from Sapphire dorm had already bonded with their unicorns. Ava couldn’t help but worry that she was doing something wrong. She knew a lot about plants and animals but she wasn’t very good at reading and writing. What if Star never found her magic power and they never bonded because she wasn’t clever enough to help her? That would be awful!

Star nudged her. “Should we go and get your plants from the greenhouse?”

Ava squashed her niggling anxiety. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” she said. “You haven’t had any breakfast yet!”

Star burst out laughing. “Silly me, I’m getting as forgetful as you, Ava!”

“Impossible!” Ava chuckled.

She and Star went back inside the stables. Ava found a bucket and went to fill it with sky berries. But when she lifted the lid of the feed bin she blinked in surprise.

“It’s almost empty!” she said to Star, who was watching from the doorway. She checked the other feed bins. “They all are.”

“What? They can’t be. The gardeners fill the bins up with berries every day,” said Star.

Sky berries grew on the mountain slopes behind the school. Not only were they the unicorns’ favourite food, they were full of the vitamins they needed to stay healthy and they helped keep the unicorns’ magic strong.

Star came over to check but as she put her nose into a feed bin, she knocked it over. The remaining berries spilled on to the floor.

“Star!” exclaimed Ava.

“Whoops!” said Star, nudging the berries into a pile with her muzzle. “I’m sorry, Ava.”

“Don’t worry.” Ava scooped them up and put them back in the bin. She adored Star but sometimes she wished she wasn’t quite so clumsy. “There are only enough berries for the unicorns to have breakfast. I’d better tell Ms Rosemary.” Ms Rosemary, the Care of Unicorns teacher, was in charge of the stables. “Now, eat up,” she said, filling Star’s bucket with berries.

Star gobbled up her berries. As she finished her last mouthful she gave Ava a hopeful look. “Is there still time to plant out your new seedlings before breakfast?”

“If we’re quick,” said Ava.

First Ava and Star went to the potting shed to collect their gardening tools, then to the greenhouse for Ava’s plants. Between them they carried everything to Ava’s small patch of garden.

The spring earth was soft and easy to dig. Star made the holes while Ava rescued the worms that got dug up, carefully moving them to a new home. Then Ava placed each seedling into a hole and patted earth around it. Star leaned over her shoulder. The last seedling was smaller than the rest. Star accidently nudged it with her nose and it fell over.

Pouff! A tiny spark flickered next to the plant.

“Oh!” exclaimed Ava.

“Sorry, I was being clumsy again,” said Star anxiously. “I didn’t do any damage, did I?”

“I meant the spark.” Ava sniffed the air. “And what’s that sweet smell?”

“What smell?” Star looked mystified.

“It’s gone now, but it smelt like…” Ava shook her head. “Nothing, I probably imagined it. For a second I thought you were getting your magic, though. Wouldn’t it be brilliant if you had plant magic? Imagine what fun we could have.”