Unicorn Academy: Isabel and Cloud - Julie Sykes - E-Book

Unicorn Academy: Isabel and Cloud E-Book

Julie Sykes



When your best friend is a unicorn, magical adventures are guaranteed! Imagine a school where you meet your own unicorn and have amazing adventures together! That's what happens for the girls at Unicorn Academy on beautiful Unicorn Island. Isabel loves racing around Unicorn Academy with her wonderful unicorn, Cloud. She can't wait for him to discover his magic power! Someone has cast a bad spell on Sparkle Lake. Isabel and Cloud will have to learn to trust each other as they go on a dangerous adventure to save the school... With a glittery cover and beautifully illustrated throughout by Lucy Truman, Unicorn Academy is the perfect series for 7+ readers who love magic and adventure. Check out the other titles in this series: Sophia and Rainbow, Scarlett and Blaze, Isabel and Cloud and many more!

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A wind sprang up, whipping Isabel’s curly hair around her face. She was spinning, Cloud’s mane blowing up as they spiralled faster and faster. Isabel clung to Cloud as suddenly he plummeted down…


To Joanne Temple, who always tells a good story.


“Try again.” Isabel pointed at the bundle of twigs surrounded by stones. “You can do this, Cloud, and think what fun it would be to make a fire.”

Cloud nuzzled her. “OK, Isabel, I’ll try again for you. But I’m almost certain that I don’t have fire magic.”

It was lunchtime at Unicorn Academy and most pupils and their unicorns were lazing around together on the banks of Sparkle Lake, enjoying the summer sunshine. Isabel and her unicorn, Cloud, had sneaked away to a quieter part of the grounds.

“You don’t know for sure.” Isabel stroked Cloud’s neck, tracing round the pale-blue swirls on his white coat. “I think you just need to try harder.”

All the unicorns on Unicorn Island were born with a special magic power, although they couldn’t be sure when that power would be revealed. Isabel was desperate for Cloud to discover his magic.

Please let Cloud be like Blaze and have fire magic, she thought.

Blaze, Scarlett’s unicorn, had been one of the first unicorns to discover her magic. Isabel was happy for Scarlett, her best friend, but she secretly hated the fact that Blaze had discovered her magic before Cloud.

Cloud stared intently at the pile of sticks. He lifted a hoof and struck the ground.

“Again!” instructed Isabel. “Do it again, harder. I’m sure there was a spark.”

Cloud rapped the ground repeatedly. The noise made Isabel’s ears ring and the dusty earth made Cloud sneeze.

“Atishoo!” Cloud couldn’t stop sneezing. “Sorry, Isabel. I really can’t make fire.”

Isabel heaved a sigh. “OK, well, maybe fire magic isn’t your thing. Why don’t you try turning invisible again? I’m sure the tip of your ear vanished the last time you tried.”

Cloud shook his head. “No, it didn’t, and I think we should stop. My parents told me that magic can’t be rushed. We both need to be patient.”

Isabel buried her face in his silver and blue mane, trying to hide the frustration inside her. Cloud was lovely, he was sweet and kind, but Isabel couldn’t help wondering if Ms Primrose, the academy’s headteacher, had made a mistake when she put them together. Ms Primrose said that she paired students with the best unicorn for them, but patient Cloud wasn’t anything like competitive Isabel.

Is he really the right unicorn for me? she thought. Surely I should have a lively, more adventurous unicorn like Blaze?

Like all the other first years, Isabel was ten years old and had started at Unicorn Academy back in January. The students spent at least a year at the school, getting to know their own special unicorn and learning how to become guardians of Unicorn Island. Their beautiful island was nourished by the magical multicoloured water that flowed from the centre of the earth and out through a fountain in Sparkle Lake in the grounds of Unicorn Academy. The water was then carried around the island by rivers and streams, and its magical properties helped people, animals and plants to flourish.

Most students and unicorns only spent a year at Unicorn Academy but some stayed longer. Ms Primrose called them the lucky ones because they got extra time at the academy while their unicorns discovered their magic or bonded with their student. When a unicorn and student bonded, a lock of the student’s hair turned the same colour as their unicorn’s mane.

“I need a rest,” said Cloud. “Let’s go back to the lake.”

“OK,” said Isabel, vaulting on to his back. She really hoped Cloud would discover his magic soon. She didn’t think she could bear staying at Unicorn Academy another year, after all her friends had left!

They set off for Sparkle Lake. Isabel shaded her eyes from the dazzling sunshine as they drew nearer. She could see her friends from Sapphire dorm sitting exactly where she’d left them. The group were talking in whispers, casting glances at Sparkle Lake. Isabel had a feeling she knew what they were talking about.

“Someone’s definitely trying to cause trouble,” said Sophia as she threaded daisies together in a long chain. “Too many bad things have happened for it to be a coincidence.” Sophia pushed her dark curls back over her shoulder. “There was the time the lake was polluted and the time when it froze over—”

“But who would try to harm the lake?” interrupted Ava. “Everyone knows that nothing on Unicorn Island can flourish without its magical water.” She had replaced the usual sprig of forget-me-nots in her chin-length black hair with a red rose.

“I don’t know, but whoever it was tried to harm our unicorns too,” said Layla with a shiver. She reached out to stroke her unicorn, Dancer’s, nose. “Remember how they almost destroyed the sky-berry bushes?”

Sky berries grew on the mountains behind the school. They were the unicorns’ favourite food and, more importantly, they were rich in the vitamins the unicorns needed to stay healthy.

“It’s really scary,” said Sophia. “I wish we could do something to help.”

“I don’t think we should worry,” said Olivia. “Ms Primrose has promised to catch the person responsible.”

“What if she doesn’t though?” Ava shot back. “It’s been weeks since the sky-berry bushes were targeted and no one’s been caught yet. I’m going to ask my parents if they know of any plants that might help protect the academy.”

Ava’s parents had a plant nursery.

“Good idea,” said Sophia.

“And I’m going to keep reading books in the library to find any spells of protection that might be useful,” said Layla.

“I’ll help you,” offered Olivia. She glanced at Isabel. “Do you want to help too?”

Isabel shrugged. “Maybe.” Isabel was lucky that she found studying easy and could come top of the class with hardly any effort. Isabel much preferred to be outside with Cloud, trying to discover his magic or having adventures, than slaving over her work! “Do any of you know where Scarlett and Blaze are?” she asked, seeing her best friend wasn’t with the others.

“I saw them trotting away with Billy and Lightning,” said Sophia. “But I don’t know where they went to.”

“I’ll go and find them,” said Isabel. “See you later.”

Isabel and Cloud rode around the grounds until Cloud stopped. “Can you hear that? That’s Scarlett’s laugh.”

Isabel listened to the distant cheers and shrieks of laughter coming from near the orchard. “That’s definitely Scarlett,” she agreed. “Clever Cloud. Let’s go and find out what she’s doing.”

Cloud whinnied with pleasure at the praise and broke into a canter. As they neared the orchard, Isabel inhaled the rich smell of magic. It always reminded her of burnt sugar. A second later she saw a trail of flames burning brightly in the air, then she spotted Scarlett and Blaze cantering in loops around the trees.

Billy and his unicorn, Lightning, watched from nearby, encouraging Blaze to perform more tricks.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to give you the circle of fire!” yelled Scarlett, her blonde hair flying out behind her and a huge smile plastered across her face.

Blaze skidded to a halt and stamped a hoof. Crack! Sparks flared and a large circle of flames hovered in the air before her.

“Drrrrrrrrrr!” Scarlett made the sound of a drum roll. The flames crackled and hissed. Blaze cantered forward and leapt neatly through the ring of fire.

Billy whooped and Lightning stamped his hooves in approval.

“That’s brilliant!” called Cloud.