Unicorn Academy: Phoebe and Shimmer - Julie Sykes - E-Book

Unicorn Academy: Phoebe and Shimmer E-Book

Julie Sykes



When your best friend is a unicorn, magical adventures are guaranteed! Imagine a school where you meet your own unicorn and have amazing adventures together! That's what happens for the girls at Unicorn Academy on beautiful Unicorn Island. Phoebe and Shimmer are having a brilliant time at Unicorn Academy. They're always on the lookout for excitement and adventure! On a school trip to the coast, a freak weather event puts everyone in danger. Shimmer's magic might be able to save them - but they'll have to think fast and be very brave! With a glittery cover and beautifully illustrated throughout by Lucy Truman, Unicorn Academy is the perfect series for 7+ readers who love magic and adventure. Have you read the other Unicorn Academy stories? Sophia and Rainbow Scarlett and Blaze Ava and Star Isabel and Cloud Layla and Dancer Olivia and Snowflake Rosa and Crystal Ariana and Whisper Matilda and Pearl Freya and Honey Violet and Twinkle Isla and Buttercup Lily and Feather

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Shimmer smacked his hoof to the floor with a bang. A tiny bolt of magic shot from his hoof, criss-crossing over the grass and striking a stone. CRACK! The stone shattered, leaving a strong, sugary smell hanging in the air.



For Hettie and Maddie, who love magic. May you always believe in fairies and unicorns.



“You’ll never guess what I just saw!” Phoebe exclaimed, bursting into Amethyst dorm. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “Well?” she said, looking round eagerly at her dorm mates – Zara, Lily and Aisha. “Come on, guess!”

“No time. You can tell us later,” said Zara, pulling her hoodie over her dark-brown hair.

“Yes, hurry up now, Phoebs, or we’ll be late for the cross-country ride with Ms Tulip,” said Lily. Aisha didn’t say anything, she was too busy rummaging under her bed.

“But this is important!” Phoebe protested. She 2wanted her friends to feel the same excitement she did. “OK, so this is what happened,” she said, going into what Zara teasingly called her “storytelling mode”. “I was coming back from breakfast, just walking along the corridor, minding my own business when I saw Ms Rosemary and Ms Rivers whispering together outside Ms Nettles’ office. They left and I heard Ms Nettles making a weird noise so I sneaked a look around the door and guess what?” Phoebe paused dramatically as she remembered what she had seen in the headteacher’s office. “Ms Nettles was looking really upset and dabbing at her eyes!”

Her friends continued to get 3ready, not taking much notice.

“She was crying!” Phoebe exaggerated, to get their attention. “Loudly, with lots of tears. Well, what do you think about that?”

“Found it!” Aisha’s bottom, followed by the rest of her, appeared backwards from under her bed. She was clutching a purple hoodie. “Who was sighing?”

“Ms Nettles was crying,” said Phoebe, looking round at her friends in exasperation. “Don’t you think that was super weird? Headteachers don’t cry. Something must be going on!”

“The thing is, was Ms Nettles really crying, Phoebe?” Zara said, giving her a doubtful look. “Or are you just exaggerating like usual?”

“No! I’m not!” Phoebe insisted. “I promise, Ms Nettles was a hundred per cent crying. She blew her nose and it sounded as loud as an elephant trumpeting!” 4

“Oh dear, I hope she’s OK,” said Lily, looking concerned.

Zara frowned. “I’m sure she is. There’s probably a simple explanation. Her eyes could have been streaming because her hay fever was playing up.”

Phoebe rolled her eyes. “You are so boring, Zara!”

“Not boring, just sensible,” said Zara, with a grin. “Seriously, there’s been enough drama happening here without having to make stuff up, Phoebs. Purple tornadoes sweeping across the island, the school almost being destroyed, a strange voice in the tornado saying they’re not going to be stopped…”

“Aha! But maybe those things have got something to do with Ms Nettles crying,” said Phoebe triumphantly. “Maybe something else has happened and she’s just found out about it – maybe there’s been another tornado or something 5even –” she paused dramatically – “worse!”

“Or maybe Ms Nettles just has hay fever,” said Zara again. “It is springtime after all, and there’s a lot of pollen in the air.”

Lily threw Phoebe’s hoodie at her. “Come on, Phoebs. We really have to go. We’ll be in trouble with Ms Tulip if we’re late.”

Phoebe sighed as she pulled her purple hoodie on. She brushed her long honey-blonde hair before braiding it into plaits. She loved her three friends in Amethyst dorm but she sometimes felt they really didn’t get her. She liked to make everything that happened seem as exciting as possible but they seemed to just want to know the bare truth. How boring was that?

Shimmer will want to hear about Ms Nettles, she comforted herself as she got ready. A warm glow spread through her as she thought of her handsome unicorn. Shimmer loved drama and 6storytelling just as much as she did. He’s the best, Phoebe thought happily as she followed the others to the stable block. I’m so glad Ms Nettles paired me with him.

She’d never forget that first day at Unicorn Academy – arriving at the school and seeing the beautiful glass-and-marble building glittering in the sunlight, meeting the rest of her dorm and being paired with her own perfect unicorn. Students arrived at the academy in the January when they were ten, and stayed a whole year. During that year, they got to know their unicorn partner and learned all about Unicorn Island so that they could become the guardians of it when they were older.

“Look at all the flowers,” said Lily as they made their way across the lawn. She pointed to the beds of bright spring bulbs – tulips, bluebells and a huge swathe of daffodils waving their yellow heads in 7the morning breeze. “Aren’t they beautiful?”

Phoebe stooped to pick a daffodil, thinking that it would look nice in her hair. She froze as she heard an angry shout.

“Stop right there!” It was Ms Bramble, the head gardener. She stomped over with a rake in her hand. “I hope you weren’t about to pick a daffodil.”

“Definitely not. I would never do that, Ms Bramble.” Phoebe shook her head emphatically and tried to look as innocent as possible. “Flowers should be left in the ground for everyone to enjoy. I was just bending over to … to smell them.”

Ms Bramble gave her a suspicious look. “Hmm. Very well. Hurry along then. You’re crushing the grass!”

“Yes, Ms Bramble,” said Phoebe politely, wondering why the gardener was being quite so grumpy. People often picked the daffodils. There 8were hundreds of them.

As she ran after her friends, she mimicked Ms Bramble’s expression: first cross then suspicious. Phoebe loved watching people so that she could imitate them later. Her old drama teacher had taught her that to make acting come alive you had to draw on real life experiences. “Hurry along now, girls! You’re crushing the grass!” she said, wagging her finger at her friends and mimicking Ms Bramble’s voice.

They giggled and continued on to the stables.

Shimmer whinnied when he saw Phoebe. He was a tall unicorn with a long pink-and-pale blue mane that fell over his deep-brown eyes. His thick tail flowed to the ground like a waterfall. “Are you looking forward to going around the cross-country course, Phoebe?” he said eagerly. “Is it a race this time? I bet we can win if it is. I can jump really high and I’m faster than all the other unicorns!”9

“I know you are,” said Phoebe proudly. She brushed Shimmer’s coat then carefully combed out the tangles in his mane and tail. As she worked she told him about the teachers and their strange behaviour.

“No! Really?” he exclaimed, opening his eyes wide. “Ms Brambles bellowed at you and you saw Ms Nettles sobbing on the floor! That’s dreadful. I’ll ask the other unicorns if they know anything about it.”

10“Yes, do that!” said Phoebe, happy that at least Shimmer had a satisfying reaction to her news. “The others think I’m exaggerating but I’m absolutely sure something is going on.”

They went out into the yard where a noisy group of students and unicorns was gathering. Amethyst dorm shared their riding lessons with the students from Opal and Topaz dorms. Ms Tulip was late arriving. She was small, pretty and energetic and her lessons were always a lot of fun, but today she seemed unusually flustered.