Unicorn Academy: Lily and Feather - Julie Sykes - E-Book

Unicorn Academy: Lily and Feather E-Book

Julie Sykes



When your best friend is a unicorn, magical adventures are guaranteed! Imagine a school where you meet your own unicorn and have amazing adventures together! That's what happens for the girls at Unicorn Academy on beautiful Unicorn Island. Lily is thrilled but a bit nervous to be joining Unicorn Academy. She loves her shy unicorn, Feather, and hopes that together they can become more confident. When dangerous purple tornadoes threaten Unicorn Island, Lily and Feather work together to stop the destruction. But with a tornado heading straight for the school, can they do anything to save it? With a glittery cover and beautifully illustrated throughout by Lucy Truman, Unicorn Academy is the perfect series for 7+ readers who love magic and adventure. Check out the other titles in this series: Sophia and Rainbow, Scarlett and Blaze, Isabel and Cloud and many more!

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For a moment, Feather was silent. Then she asked tentatively, “Do you think I can do this, Lily? Do you really believe my magic is strong enough?”

Lily didn’t hesitate. “Yes. I do. You can help save the school, Feather. I know it.”

To the Quornicorns Pony Club Quiz Team - Cleo, Mia, Libby and Iola - you are all absolute stars!



“Here we are, Lils,” Lily’s mum said. “Unicorn Academy – your home for the next year!”

“Oh, wow!” Lily’s breath rushed out as she stared up at the enormous glass and marble building. On the top of the tallest tower, a pink flag with a white unicorn on it was rippling in the breeze. “It’s beautiful,” she said, looking at the gardens bursting with winter plants and flowers and the multicoloured lake shimmering in the distance.

Her mother smiled. “It is, isn’t it? It hasn’t changed one bit since I was here. You’re going to 2have such a fantastic time. I just know it!”

Lily couldn’t speak. Her tummy felt like it was tying itself in knots. She’d wanted to come to Unicorn Academy for ages – she had been longing to be paired with a unicorn and to start training to become a guardian of beautiful Unicorn Island. However, now she was here, and the academy looked so big and grand, she was beginning to wonder whether her invitation to become a student there had been a mistake. The other new students all looked so confident as they chattered to each other and waved their parents goodbye.

What if I’m not good enough to be a guardian? Lily thought, with a rush of panic. What if I mess things up and get asked to leave? Mum will be so disappointed.

A teacher bustled up. She wore her brown hair in a neat bun held in place with silver clips. Three girls were following her, clutching overnight bags.

“Hello, I’m Ms Rosemary, I teach Care of 3Unicorns, and you are?” the teacher said to Lily.

Lily was feeling so overwhelmed, the words seemed to stick in her throat. “I’m … um … um…” she stammered.

“Lily Jamieson,” her mum put in.

Ms Rosemary looked at her clipboard. “That’s handy! Lily, you’re going to be in Amethyst dorm with these three. This is Aisha.” She pointed to a girl who was carrying a flute case and had curly black hair in a high ponytail. The girl grinned at Lily, who smiled shyly back.

“And this is Zara,” Ms Rosemary continued. Zara had dark brown hair that stopped just past her shoulders and intelligent green eyes that slanted upwards. She studied Lily for a moment and then gave her a smile.

“And Phoebe,” Ms Rosemary finished. Phoebe was tall and slim, with honey-blonde hair in two waist-length plaits. She beamed. 4

“Hi, Lily! Isn’t this super-awesome!” She swept her arms out dramatically. “I mean, look around. It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? We’re just soooooo lucky to have been invited to be students here!”

5Lily thought it sounded like everything Phoebe said should have an exclamation mark after it.

“Say goodbye to your mum, Lily,” said Ms Rosemary. “Then we need to get to the hall. It’s almost time for the ceremony where you will be paired with your unicorns.”

Lily felt a flutter of delight. She was going to have a unicorn of her own!

Mum stepped forward. “Goodbye, Lils, have a wonderful time. Make sure you write and tell me all your news.” She hugged her and then gently pushed her towards Ms Rosemary. “Go on, off you go!”

Torn between excitement at meeting her unicorn, sadness at saying goodbye to her mum, and still feeling like she’d been invited to the academy by mistake, Lily followed Ms Rosemary 6and the other girls up the marble steps and through the huge front door into the academy. The entrance hall was vast, with statues of unicorns in the corners and huge oil paintings on the walls.

“No more talking, please,” Ms Rosemary said with a warning look at Phoebe, who was chattering to Zara.

As Ms Rosemary ushered them all into the hall, Lily swallowed a gasp. Light shone through the coloured swirls of the domed glass roof, filling the hall with rainbows and illuminating a huge map that was taking pride of place in the centre of the room. Lily craned her neck for a better look. The magical force field that kept the map safe hummed softly as she passed by. Lily’s mum had told her it was an exact replica of Unicorn Island and it could transport anyone anywhere on the island. Students and unicorns 7were forbidden from using it without Ms Nettles’ permission. Lily hoped she’d get to use it at some point.

That’s if I’m good enough to stay here, she reminded herself.

“Oh, wow! Look at the unicorns!” Aisha whispered, pointing.

A fresh wave of excitement swept away Lily’s anxiety as she followed Aisha’s gaze and saw a group of young unicorns standing at the side of the stage. They were beautiful. Their sparkling white coats were covered with different-coloured patterns and their long silky manes and tails were full of colours. Some of them eyed the students boldly but others hung back, peeping out shyly from behind the stage curtains.

“Lily, over here!” Hearing her name, Lily saw that Aisha, Phoebe and Zara had gone on ahead and were now waving her over to a row of seats. 8But just as Lily stepped towards the spare ones, two other girls barged past. One had bushy brown hair and narrow eyes, the other had red hair in a high ponytail. “Come on, Amber. Let’s sit here!” said the brown-haired girl. They plonked themselves in the seats next to Aisha, Phoebe and Zara.

9“Excuse me but Lily was about to sit there,” said Zara politely.

The two girls gave Lily a challenging look.

“It’s OK, I’ll sit somewhere else,” said Lily quickly. The girls looked scary.

“Oh, please, can’t you both sit somewhere else? We’d really like to sit together because we’re in the same dorm,” Aisha pleaded with them.

“Tough,” said the brown-haired girl with a shrug.

“It’s fine,” Lily said quickly. “I can sit back there.” She pointed to a seat in the row behind. 10

The brown-haired girl nudged her friend, the girl she had called Amber. “Did you hear her squeak?”

“Yeah, she sounds like a little mouse, doesn’t she, Skye?” Amber sniggered.

“A teeny-tiny mouse,” Skye giggled.

Lily hid behind a wing of her hair as she dived into the row of seats behind them. She was very glad Skye and Amber weren’t in her dorm. They seemed horrible!

Just then, Ms Nettles, the tall headteacher, walked out on to the stage and clapped her hands. She had a long nose with tiny glasses balanced on the end of it.

Silence quickly fell.

“Welcome to Unicorn Academy,” Ms Nettles said. “Over the course of this year, you will train and bond with your own special unicorn. You and your unicorn will be partners for life, helping 11each other and looking after Unicorn Island. You will graduate when your unicorn has discovered their magic and when you have bonded with them. You will know when this happens as a lock of your hair will turn the same colour as your unicorn’s mane. Some unicorns need a little longer to discover their magic, or to bond, so some of you may need to stay on for a second year in order to graduate.”

Ms Nettles seemed to glance in Lily’s direction. Lily squirmed in her seat. Did the headteacher suspect she might not graduate? To her relief, Ms Nettles’ gaze swept on.