Unveiled Mysteries - Godfré Ray King - E-Book

Unveiled Mysteries E-Book

Godfre Ray King

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First published in 1934, "Unveiled Mysteries" is the first book in the I AM series written by Guy Warren Ballard under the name Godfré Ray King. It would be followed by "The Magic Presence" in 1935.
Guy Warren Ballard was an American mining engineer who, with his wife Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard, founded the "I AM" Activity.

"Unveiled Mysteries" describes an encounter between the author and St. Germain, an Ascended Master, virtually a God, who is able to manipulate the fabric of reality. The author describes a series of astral trips in time and space with St. Germain, to lost civilizations in South America and the Sahara, as well as well-stocked bunkers of the ancients in the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, and Mount Shasta. The author and St. Germain revisit past lives as citizens of Atlantis and Mu, and they turn out to be relatives. A final chapter mentions encounters with entities from Venus.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

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Table of contents





The Ascension

Chapter 1. Meeting The Master

Chapter 2. The Sahara Desert

Chapter 3. The Royal Teton

Chapter 4. Mysteries Of The Yellowstone

Chapter 5. Inca Memories

Chapter 6. Buried Cities Of The Amazon

Chapter 7. The Secret Valley

Chapter 8. God's Omnipresent Power

Chapter 9. Venus Visits The Royal Teton


Godfré Ray King


This series of books is dedicated in deepest, Eternal Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Master, Saint Germain, the Great White Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, and those other Ascended Masters whose loving help has been direct and without limit.


THE time has arrived, when the Great Wisdom, held and guarded for many centuries in the Far East, is now to come forth in America, at the command of those Great Ascended Masters who direct and protect the evolution of mankind upon this earth.

The Great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, throughout this series of books, is one of those Powerful Emissaries from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who govern this planet.

He is the same Great Masterful "Presence" who worked at the Court of France previous to and during the French Revolution and whose advice, if it had been heeded, would have saved great suffering. It was because of his Transcendently Divine Power that he was referred to at that time as "Der Wundermann" of Europe. He is indissolubly linked with America past, present, and future for a very important part of his work upon this earth is the purifying, protecting, and illumining of the people of America that she may be the Carrier of the Cup of "Light" to the nations of the earth in the Golden Age that is opening before us.

America's very freedom in the beginning of her existence was due largely to his tireless efforts in protecting and encouraging those responsible for her inception. The drafting of the Declaration of Independence was also a direct result of his help and influence, and it was his love, protection, and guidance which sustained Washington and Lincoln during the darkest hours of their lives.

This Beloved Brother of humanity, who works untiringly for its Light and Freedom, is even now during the present hour in America working in the world of governmental affairs and bringing about certain beneficial changes that will bless her and through her the world. Not for many years ahead, will the people of America and the earth know how much of their good they owe to this Great Ascended Master to whom it is impossible to do full justice, except in deepest love, obedience, and service to the Ideal for which he stands and ceaselessly labors.

This intimate knowledge of his activities in our country makes possible a feeling of close contact and love for him that becomes a living tangible force in the life of the reader.

The radiation of this book is such as can only be given by an Ascended Master who in this case is the Great Beloved "Bearer of the Light," Saint Germain.



IT WAS through Saint Germain's assistance that I was privileged to have the experiences recorded in this series of books, and that permission has been granted for them to be put in a form which can be given to the public. No one can realize, unless he too has had similar assistance, how great and eternal is my love and gratitude to him and those other Ascended Masters, whose assistance I had.

With the exception of Saint Germain, the real names of the Ascended Masters, exact locations, records, and treasure herein described are withheld intentionally at his command, for reasons that are obvious because only by the Service of Love and invitation from the Ascended Masters is the right earned to be with them in visible, tangible, living, breathing bodies. Any other way of approach is bound to meet with disappointment and failure, for the Great "Presence" and Power which has guarded through the centuries, guards them still.

One's own Inner purity, strength, and attainment are the only passports by which one enters into these activities, and association with the Ascended Masters comes about. When an individual, by conscious self-correction of his weaknesses, reaches a certain point, nothing in the universe can keep him from them.

In America is one of the most Ancient Foci of the Great White Brotherhood which has been working for man's freedom since his advent upon this planet. Some of the activities within this retreat are revealed to the reader that he may, if he be ready, make conscious contact, through his own Inner Light, with the Greater Light pouring out through this powerful center of God-radiation, and thereby drink once again at the Fountain of the Ancient Wisdom and carry the Crystal Cup of Peace, Love, and Strength to his weary brothers.

The purpose of putting this book into the hands of the public is to convey to the individual the encouragement and strength that will lift and sustain him through the transition period we are now in, and reveal something of the sane and sound foundation upon which the future of our country and the coming age is this hour being built.

This book is written in the embrace of the majestic, towering presence of Mount Shasta, whose apex is robed forever in that pure, glistening white, the symbol of the "Light of Eternity." Its pages are a record of the way by which I was brought in touch with the Beloved Master, Saint Germain, and those other Great Ascended Masters who labor ceaselessly to assist the humanity of this earth, as it struggles on the path to Peace, Love, Light, and Everlasting Perfection.

I, whose experience it was, held steadfastly to a great dominant desire from Within to see, to hear, and to know, infallibly, the Truth of Life. I was led step by step to realize and accept the Mighty God "Presence" within my own Being—the "Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world"—the "Christ." A way to make contact with the Christ—"Light," Its All-Knowing Omnipresence, and Unerring Activity was revealed to me, and I give it to the reader in these pages.

I can record only a part of the events that took place and the instruction I received. One by one, my great desires have been fulfilled because those desires were unselfish. My quest for Truth and Happiness has been long and steady but I have found both, and no human being can take them from me because they are Eternal and come from my own Great God Self.

In presenting this experience, it is with the deepest prayer that the reader may receive the "Light," be blest, and prospered on his way, as he walks the Path of Truth which is the only place where permanent happiness can be found. There, and there only, will the Seeker after "Light" find Eternal Peace and Activity in the Service of Love. If my present effort in sending these books forth into the world can carry some of the Love, Light, and Happiness I have received to those of earth, who also have been seeking the "Light," I shall have been amply rewarded.

The saying that Truth is stranger than fiction applies to this book. It is for the reader to accept or reject as he chooses but the Ascended Masters, whose help I have received, have said to me often;—"The more humanity can accept our 'Presence,' the wider they open the door for us to pour greater and greater help to them; but the rejection of us, by those who do not agree with this Truth, does not remove us or that Truth from existence and activity in the universe."

Those, who do accept the Truth herein recorded, will find a new and powerful "Force" entering their lives. Each copy carries with it this Mighty "Presence," Its Radiation, and Sustaining Power. All, who study these pages honestly, deeply, sincerely, and persistently, will know and make contact with the Reality of that "Presence" and Power. To those who read this work, I wish to say, that these experiences are as Real and True as mankind's existence on this earth today, and that they all occurred during August, September, and October of 1930 upon Mount Shasta, California, U. S. A.


The Ascension


I feel My God Flame touch my brow,

The Breath of Love—eternal now,

I raise my eyes and lo, I see My own Great God Self over me.

A dazzling cloud envelopes all,

I hear My Real God "Presence" call,

I feel a surge of Love's great might,

I enter deep its Breath—its Light.

I see within this Pulsing Flame,

I listen, and hear my Secret Name,

I feel the glow—the Great Flame Breath,

I am the Victor over death.

I stand forth free-Ascended now,

To my heart's Light, all things do bow:

I am a Being of Cause alone

And That Cause, Love—The Sacred Tone.

I pour out Life—I lift, I raise,

My heart o’erflows and sings its praise,

My power strengthens and inspires,

My Great Light Rays are God's Own Fires.

I am a Sun, My Love—Its Light

All else grows dim—earth lost to sight;

I know I am just God—The One

The Source—The Great, Great Central Sun.

Chapter 1. Meeting The Master

MOUNT SHASTA stood out boldly against the western sky, surrounded at its base by a growth of pine and fir trees that made it look like a jewel of diamond shining whiteness held in a filigree setting of green. Its snow covered peaks glistened and changed color from moment to moment, as the shadows lengthened in the sun's descent toward the horizon.

Rumor said there was a group of men, Divine men in Fact, called the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, who formed a branch of the Great White Lodge, and that this Focus from very ancient times had continued unbroken down to the present day.

I had been sent on government business to a little town situated at the foot of the mountain, and while thus engaged occupied my leisure time trying to unravel this rumor concerning The Brotherhood. I knew, through travels in the Far East, that most rumors, myths, and legends have, somewhere as their origin, a deep underlying Truth that usually remains unrecognized by all but those who are Real students of life.

I fell in love with Shasta and each morning, almost involuntarily, saluted the Spirit of the Mountain and the Members of the Order. I sensed something very unusual about the entire locality and, in the light of the experiences that followed, I do not wonder that some of them cast their shadows before.

Long hikes on the trail had become my habit, whenever I wanted to think things out alone or make decisions of serious import. Here, on this great giant of nature, I found recreation, inspiration, and peace that soothed my soul and invigorated mind and body.

I had planned such a hike for pleasure as I thought, to spend some time deep in the heart of the mountain, when the following experience entered my life to change if so completely that I could almost believe I was on another planet—but for my return to the usual routine in which I had been engaged for months.

The morning in question, I started out at daybreak deciding to follow where fancy led, and in a vague sort of way, asked God to direct my path. By noon, I had climbed high up on the side of the mountain where the view to the south was beautiful as a dream.

As the day advanced, it grew very warm and I stopped frequently to rest and enjoy to the full the remarkable stretch of country around the McCloud River, Valley, and town. It came time for lunch, and I sought a mountain spring for clear, cold water. Cup in hand, I bent down to fill it as an electrical current passed through my body from head to foot.

I looked around, and directly behind me stood a young man who, at first glance, seemed to be someone on a hike like myself. I looked more closely, and realized immediately that he was no ordinary person. As this thought passed through my mind, he smiled and addressed me saying:

"My Brother, if you will hand me your cup, I will give you a much more refreshing drink than spring water." I obeyed, and instantly the cup was filled with a creamy liquid. Handing it back to me, he said:

"Drink it."

I did so and must have looked my astonishment for, while the taste was delicious, the electrical vivifying effect in my mind and body made me gasp with surprise. I did not see him put anything into the cup, and I wondered what was happening.

"That which you drank," he explained, "comes directly from the Universal Supply, pure and vivifying as Life Itself, in fact it is Life—Omnipresent Life—for it exists everywhere about us. It is subject to our conscious control and direction, willingly obedient, when we Love enough, because all the Universe obeys the behest of Love. Whatsoever I desire manifests itself, when I command in Love. I held out the cup, and that which I desired for you appeared.

"See! I have but to hold out my hand and, if I wish to use gold—gold is here." Instantly, there lay in his palm a disc about the size of a ten dollar gold piece. Again he continued:

"I see within you a certain Inner understanding of the Great Law but you are not outwardly aware of It enough to produce that which you desire direct from the Omnipresent Universal Supply. You have desired to see something of this kind so intensely, so honestly, and so determinedly, it could no longer be withheld from you.

"However, precipitation is one of the least important activities of the Great Truth of Being. If your desire had not been free from selfishness and the fascination of phenomena, such an experience could not have come to you. When leaving home this morning, you thought you were coming on a hike, that is, so far as the outer activity of your mind was concerned. In the deeper—larger sense—you were really following the urge of your Inner God Self that led to the person, place, and condition wherein your most intense desire could be fulfilled.

"The Truth of Life is you cannot desire that which is not possible of manifestation somewhere in the universe. The more intense the feeling within the desire, the more quickly it will be attained. However, if one is foolish enough to desire something that will injure another of God's children or any other part of His Creation, then that person will pay the penalty in discord and failure somewhere in his own Life's experience.

"It is very important to realize fully that God's intent for every one of His children is abundance of every good and perfect thing. He created Perfection and endowed His children with exactly the same power. They can create and maintain Perfection also and express God—dominion over the earth and all that is therein. Mankind was originally created in the Image: and Likeness of God. The only reason all do not manifest This dominion is because they do not use their Divine Authority—that with which each individual is endowed and by which he is intended to govern his world. Thus, they are not obeying the Law of Love by pouring out peace and blessing to all creation.

"This comes about through their failure to accept and acknowledge themselves— Temples of the Most High Living God—and to hold this acknowledgment with eternal recognition. Humanity—in its present seeming limitation of time, space, and activity—is in the same condition a person in need would be to whom some one held out a handful of money. If the needing one did not step forward and accept the money held out to him—how in the world could he ever have the benefit—which it could bring.

"The mass of mankind is in exactly this state of consciousness today—and will continue in it—until they accept the God within their hearts as—the Owner—Giver—and Doer— of all the Good—that has ever come into their lives and world.

"The personal self of every individual must acknowledge completely and unconditionally that the human or outer activity of consciousness—has absolutely— nothing—of its own. Even the energy—by which one recognizes the Great God Within— is radiated into the personal self—by the Great God Self.

"Love and praise—of That Great Self Within—and the attention maintained focused upon Truth—health—freedom—peace—supply—or any other thing that you may desire for a right use—persistently held in your conscious thought and feeling—will bring them into your use and world—as surely as there is a Great Law of Magnetic Attraction in the Universe.

"The Eternal Law of Life is that—'Whatever you think and feel you bring into form; where your thought is there you are—for you are your consciousness; and whatever you meditate upon—you become.'

"When one allows his mind to dwell upon thoughts of hate—condemnation—lust— envy—jealousy—criticism—fear doubt—or suspicion—and allows these feelings of irritation to generate within him—he will certainly have discord, failure and disaster in his mind, body and world. As long as he persists in allowing his attention to be held by such thoughts—whether they be about nations—persons—places—conditions—or things—he is absorbing those activities into the substance of his mind, his body, and his affairs—in fact he is compelling—forcing—them into his experience.

"All these discordant activities reach the individual and his world—through his thought and feeling. Feeling often flashes before one is aware of the thought—in the outer consciousness—which he might use to control it, and this kind of experience should teach him—how great is the energy within his many creations—which has accumulated through habit.

"The feeling activity of Life is the most unguarded point—of human consciousness. It is the accumulative energy by which thoughts are propelled into the atomic substance, and thus—do thoughts become things. I tell you—the need of guarding the feeling cannot be emphasized too strongly for control of the emotions plays the most important part of anything in Life, in maintaining—balance in the mind—health in the body-success and accomplishment in the affairs and world of the personal self of every individual. Thoughts can never become things—until they are clothed with feeling.

"The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is the feeling side of Life—God—the Activity of Divine Love—or the Mother Expression of Deity. This is why the sin against the Holy Ghost is referred to—as that which brings such great distress—because any discord in the feeling breaks the Law of Love—which is the Law of Balance—Harmony—and Perfection.

"The greatest crime in the Universe against the Law of Love is humanity's almost ceaseless sending forth—of every kind of irritable and destructive feeling.

"One day the race will come to realize and recognize—that the sinister destructive forces manifesting on this earth and in its atmosphere—generated mark you by human thought and feeling—have only entered the affairs of individuals or nations—through the lack of control in the emotions—of everyone's—daily personal experience. Even destructive thoughts—cannot express themselves as action, events, or become physical things—except by passing through the world of feeling; for it is in this phase of manifestation—that the activity of coalescing the physical atom upon thought forms takes place.

"As the noise from a sudden explosion shocks the nervous system of one who hears it— setting up a trembling sensation in the cellular structure of the body—in exactly the same way—do the flares of irritated feeling shock—disturb—and disarrange the finer substance in the atomic structure of the mind, body, and world of the person who sends them out—consciously or unconsciously—intentionally or unintentionally.

"Discordant feeling is the producer of conditions we call disintegration—old age—lack of memory—and every other failure—in the world of human experience. The effect upon the body structure is the same as that produced upon a building—if the mortar holding the bricks together were to receive repeated shocks, and each day those were to be increased. This continued shock would shake apart the particles composing the mortar—the building would collapse into a chaotic mass—and the form be no more.

"That is what mankind is—constantly—doing to the atomic structure of the human body.

"To give expression to the discordant thoughts and feelings in one's self is the course of least resistance, and the habitual activity of the undeveloped—undisciplined—and wilful individual—who refuses to understand the 'Law of his own Being' and bring the personal self—which is but his instrument of expression—into obedience to 'That Law.'

"He—who cannot or will not control his thoughts and feelings—is in a bad way—for every door of his consciousness is wide open to the disintegrating activities—thrown off by other minds and the emotions of other personalities. It takes neither strength, wisdom nor training to give way to unkind, destructive impulses, and the full-grown human beings who do this are but children—in their development of self-control.

"It is a blight upon the Life of mankind that so little control of the emotions is taught humanity from the cradle to the grave. Attention to this particular point is the greatest need—in the Western world today. It is easy to give way to discordant thoughts, feelings, and activities to be sure—because the mass of mankind are submerged as it were—by environment and association entirely created by themselves.

"The individual—through his control of the outer consciousness—must make the effort to rise out of this condition by his own free will—in order to transcend these limitations—permanently—and no one can hope to rid his life and world of misery, discord, and destruction—until he leashes his own thought and feeling. In this way—he refuses to let the Life—flowing through his mind and body—become qualified by the discord—resulting from every little disturbing occurrence in the world about him.

"At first—such discipline does require determined, continuous effort—for the thoughts and feelings—of ninety-five per cent of humanity—run as uncontrolled and free—as a little tramp dog.

"However—no matter how much effort it takes to bring these two activities under control—it is worth any amount of time and energy expended—and no Real— Permanent—Dominion—of one's Life and world can take place without it. It will be my pleasure and privilege to teach you the use of these Higher Laws, and their application will enable you to release True Wisdom and bring about All Perfection.

"The first step to the control of yourself—is the stilling of all outer activity—of both mind and body. Fifteen to thirty minutes—at night before retiring and in the morning before beginning the day's work—using the following exercise—will do wonders for anyone—who will make the necessary effort.

"For the second step:—make certain of being undisturbed, and after becoming very still—picture and feel your body enveloped in a Dazzling White Light. The first five minutes—while holding this picture—recognize—and feel intensely—the connection between the outer self and Your Mighty God Within—focusing your attention upon the heart center—and visualizing it—as a Golden Sun.

"The next step is the acknowledgment:—'I now joyously accept—the Fulness of the Mighty God Presence—the Pure Christ.' Feel—the Great Brilliancy of the 'Light' and intensify It—in every cell of your body for at least ten minutes longer.

"Then close the meditation by the command:— I am a Child of the 'Light'— I Love the 'Light'—I Serve the 'Light'—I Live in the 'Light'—I am Protected, Illumined, Supplied, Sustained by the 'Light,' and I Bless the 'Light'.

"Remember always—'One becomes— that—upon which he meditates'—and since all things have come forth from the 'Light'—'Light'—is the Supreme Perfection—and Control—of all things.

"Contemplation and adoration of the 'Light' compels Illumination to take place in the mind—health, strength, and order to come into the body—and peace, harmony, and success to manifest in the affairs of every individual—who will really do it, and seeks to maintain it.

"All the way down the centuries—in every age, under every condition—we are told by all who have expressed the greater accomplishments of Life that—the 'Light' is Supreme—the 'Light' is everywhere—and in the 'Light'—exist all things.

"That Truth is just as true today as it was a million years ago. As far back as there is any record of humanity, the Wise and Great Ones of all ages are portrayed with a radiation of 'Light' about them—emanating from the head and body itself.

"This 'Light' is Real—just as Real as the electric lights in your homes. The day is not far distant—when machines will be constructed to reveal the emanation of—'Light' about every individual—to the physical sight of any one—who cares to observe it. Such a machine—will also show the contamination—or discoloration—that becomes a cloud around the—'Light' of God—which the personal self generates—through discordant thought and feeling. This—and this only—is the way by which the energy—of the Great Life Stream—becomes polluted.

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