Vanished - Sandra Levy Ceren - E-Book

Vanished E-Book

Sandra Levy Ceren

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A young artist awakes one morning alone in an empty house, with no memory of her identity or location. Puzzled and terrified, she finds Dr. Cory's business card in a purse. While the psychologist/sleuth tries to help the artist revive her memory, Cory's neighbor Rita goes missing. Uncovering Rita's real identity, Cory's detection abilities spring into action to confront a menace that haunts their neighborhood.
Written by a longtime psychologist, this fourth volume in the Dr. Cory Cohen mystery series, set on the San Diego coast, offers a genuine portrayal of a psychologist's professional life combined with the thrill and intrigue of a mystery.
Praise for the Dr. Cory Cohen Mystery Series
"Her years as a psychologist have earned Ceren a look at the darkness of the psyche and human behavior. Psychologist/sleuth Cory Cohen is both compassionate and tough. A strong, heartfelt work from a writer we will be hearing a lot more about."
--T. Jefferson Parker, three-time Edgar-winning author
"Another exciting, engrossing psychological thriller from a favorite author. The well-defined characters and intrigue create a compelling page-turner to the very end."
--Holly A. Hunt, PhD, psychologist, author, speaker
"...a good, fun thriller that packs in a whole lot of themes, in a way that doesn't clash. While being entertained, the reader is likely to get some education on the professional life of a psychologist and the effect of trauma on victims."
Bob Rich, PhD, psychologist and author
Mystery & Detective - Women Sleuths

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A Dr. Cory Cohen Psychological Thriller

Sandra Levy Ceren

Modern History Press

VANISHED: A Dr. Cory Cohen Psychological Thriller

Copyright © 2014 by Sandra Levy Ceren

from the Dr. Cory Cohen Mysteries Series

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Ceren, Sandra Levy.

Vanished : a Dr. Cory Cohen psychological thriller / by Sandra Levy Ceren.

pages cm

ISBN 978-1-61599-230-0 (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-61599-231-7 (ebook)

1. Women psychotherapists--Fiction. 2. Private investigators--Fiction. 3. Missing persons--Fiction. 4. San Diego (Calif.)--Fiction. I. Title.

PS3603.E697V36 2014



Distributed by Ingram Book Group (USA/CAN), Bertram’s Books (UK), Hachette Livre (FR)

Modern History Press, an imprint of

Loving Healing Press

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Praise for Dr. Cory Cohen Mysteries

“A genuine page-turner in the best sense. Her years as a psychologist have earned Ceren a look at the darkness of the psyche and human behavior. Psychologist-sleuth—Cory Cohen—is both compassionate and tough. A strong, heartfelt work from a writer we will be hearing a lot.”

T. Jefferson Parker, Edgar-winning author

“This is a good fun thriller that packs in a whole lot of themes, in a way that doesn’t clash. While being entertained, the reader is likely to get some subtle education on a number of psychological matters such as eating disorders and the effects of trauma.”

Bob Rich, PhD, authorAnikó: The Stranger Who Loved Me

“Riveting, tightly woven mystery screeches to a satisfying conclusion bringing together all the pieces of this intiguiging puzzle. A terrific whodunit spun around the dynamics of psychotherapy. This would make a terrific film.”

Maryanne Raphael, Editor, Writers World

“Of interest not only to psychologists and patients, but to mystery fans. It has all the elements of suspense and drama : a clever plot and interesting well drawn characters.”

Andrew Duggan, M.D.

“Author Sandra Ceren draws upon her thirty years of clinical work with crime victims to bring a degree of realism and accuracy that is rarely matched and never surpassed.”

Midwest Book Review

“Another exciting, engrossing psychological thriller from a favorite author. The well-defined characters and intrigue create a compelling page-turner to the very end.”

Holly A. Hunt, Ph.D. psychologist, author, speaker

The Dr. Cory Cohen Mysteries

Prescription for TerrorStolen SecretsImposter for HireVanished

Learn more about Dr. Sandra L. Ceren, read blog postings, and the latest news at












































About the Author


With her body and personal belongings stored in the trunk of his leased Lincoln Town Car, he slowly motored up the coast marked “Highway 101.” As far as he could see, his was the only vehicle on the road. The radio announcer rattled on about “hazardous conditions and pea-soup fog.” He couldn’t comprehend what that meant, but figured it had to do with poor visibility. He assured himself that the fog was a good thing. It would shield him from being seen when he dumped the body. He was confident in the GPS to safely navigate him to the beach.

Suddenly, he heard a moan. It seemed to come from the rear of the car. It made him shudder. Suppose she wasn’t dead? He imagined her stirring, still alive. “She’s harmless, and if she’s not dead now, she will be by the time I’m finished with her,” he muttered.

A moment later, he detected another soft moan. Was there a problem with the car? “Merde!” he shouted. He had leased the Lincoln because of its reputation for reliability, quiet, and oversized trunk.

He listened for more noise, but it had stopped. Heaving a deep sigh, he told himself it must have been his imagination.

He reviewed what had happened earlier. Killing her had not been in his plan, but rage had overtaken him. He hated her for his dependence on the proceeds from her remarkable work, but now that was over.

His only mistake was that he should have killed her insufferable spoiled brat too. She could make serious trouble for him. If she had been home instead of taking care of a sick neighbor, the angel-brat would be dead now, too.

He must return to the house and kill her tonight. He’d make it look like she had walked in on a robbery and was killed by the robber.

With the brat gone, as her mother’s partner and manager, he alone would possess her valuable sculpture and antique collection. Grinning, he congratulated himself on his good fortune that the work of prominent dead artists commanded a higher price.

Suddenly, he became painfully aware of his full bladder. He was desperate to urinate, but he couldn’t make out a safe place to stop. Fear crept up on him, like a vicious beast. The GPS instructed him to make a left turn at the next street for the beach. He would head to a place to park, pee, and drag the body onto the beach under the cover of dense fog.

He stopped at the red signal light and peered around. He could barely make out what appeared to be rocks on the side of the highway. Could this be a picnic site? A parking area? Was this on the shore? As instructed by the GPS, he made a left turn. He parked at the side of the road. Pressing the trunk button to open, he stepped out of the car.

Blinded by fog, he tripped on a huge boulder and fell on a rock. He tried to stand, but the pain in his ankle was excruciating. Forcing himself to endure, he dragged his foot, twisted and turned his body toward the car trunk, and pulled out her body. He wrapped the king-sized blanket around the body and dragged the load toward the sound of crashing waves. On the way, he wet his pants. Cursing under his breath, he tripped and fell several times before the surf splashed his ankles.

Determined to make her death look like a drowning accident, he lifted the body and carried it into the ocean.

Waist-deep, he held onto the body, planning to release it further in before swimming back to shore. Suddenly, the undertow knocked him off his feet. In the fog, he couldn’t see how far he was from shore. Trapped into the rip current, he was pulled further off shore into deeper water. He tried to fight off the terror, but things happened too fast. Desperately, he held on to her body as a life raft, until a powerful rip separated him from it, sucking him in, deeper and deeper.

– 1 –

Cory couldn’t shake an odd feeling—like a hint of doom lurking on the horizon as she peered out her office window, at another glorious day in southern California. Hummingbirds hovered over the red and yellow rose bushes in search of choice nectar and a gentle breeze brushed the quivering leaves on the palm tree. Despite the tranquil scene, she stiffened in expectation.

The doorbell rang, jolting her in surprise as no one was expected until a few hours later. She checked the security video screen. Recognizing her postman, she opened the door. He handed her a certified letter requiring her signature. Although the sender’s name was unfamiliar, she signed for the letter.

Seated at her uncluttered teak desk, she tore open the sealed envelope, and gasped as she read:

Doctor Cohen,

This is to alert you that your bad advice has caused me grave consequences for which you are professionally responsible.

My attorney states you have committed malpractice. He recommends I request a five thousand dollar certified bank check from you made out to CAROLE ROY and sent to P.O.B. 666, Oceanside, CA.

You have one week to stop the case from going forward. I assure you, if you don’t comply with this request, you will regret it.

The cost of my litigation will be your responsibility. Your income, your reputation, and your license are at stake.

Your former patient,

Carole Roy

Startled, and almost overcome by a queasy feeling, her hands trembled as she placed the letter on her desk.

The sender’s name was totally unfamiliar to her. After reading the letter again, she figured it must be a hoax—mischief from a sociopath, a blackmailer, probably sending the same letter to select professionals practicing in wealthy areas across the country, gambling on the possibility someone would just pay to avoid the hassle.

Cory strongly doubted that any intelligent person would fall for such a scheme.

Although she regarded the letter as a threat without a shred of substance, she knew she had to do something about it as soon as possible.

She thumbed through her file cabinet crammed with the last seven years of patient records as required by the California Psychology Licensing Board. She had carefully stored her files within partitions representing each of the last seven years. Every case that had ended during that time frame was filed alphabetically within the appropriate section. It took her over half an hour to reveal, just as she had figured, that no one by the name Carole Roy had been her patient in the past seven years.

Cory shook her head. Perhaps a person identifying herself as Carole Roy had made an appointment, but had not shown up for it.

She ran her fingers down the pages of her current appointment book dated from the last five months, but the name did not appear.

She whipped out her last two years of appointment books from the file drawer. Finally, she found “Carole Roy” scrawled with a fine line drawn across it next to a phone number. NS—the notation she used for “no show”—appeared next to Wednesday 4:00 p.m. exactly two years ago.

Out of curiosity, she called the number. It belonged to a tailor unfamiliar with anyone named Carole Roy.

“Has anyone else called asking for this person?” Cory asked.

“No. I’d remember. We don’t get many calls, being new to the neighborhood,” the man said.

Cory phoned several local colleagues and a few practicing in wealthy areas across the country. She figured a blackmailer would target practitioners with deep pockets. If her calls weren’t fruitful, she would have to fish in a larger pool—an annoying, time-consuming task.

Cory called fifteen psychologists. None were available to speak with her. She left messages requesting a call back on her mobile, hoping to learn if any were afflicted by the same bug and were willing to discuss the situation.

Blackmail was considered a crime, a statutory offense. If she could establish a high volume of complaints of attempted blackmail made to mental health professionals, it could result in quicker action from authorities and prevent future threats.

If she were the only professional known to have received such a threat, she would immediately consult her malpractice insurance attorney.

Re-reading the certified letter, she stopped at the paragraph citing the post office box number 666 and smiled. “666” equals sick, sick, sick,” she murmured. Chuckling, she began to feel better.

Cory figured the blackmailer could be a mentally ill person who sought retribution for some negative psychotherapy experience.

More likely, the blackmailer learned about billing and records and malpractice in some other way, and regarded a psychologist as an easy target. Perhaps the blackmailer had worked in the billing department of a health care facility.

Powerless to immediately change the situation, Cory realized she needed to distract herself from worrying about it. She would take the advice she gave to patients: worry is a counterproductive waste of energy.

Glad for the extra set of running gear she stored at the office, she decided to spend the free time relieving her tension by running on the beach. She expected to come back energized by endorphins, and better able to cope with the distressing blackmail letter.

Tucking her long, black hair into a ponytail, she noticed it was the proper length for a donation to the Wigs for Kids project. Her good deed—a traditional mitzvah would uplift her spirits. She grabbed the phone and made an appointment.

Wig makers preferred Asian hair. Cory’s contributions were reminders of her bi-racial heritage—a Japanese mother she had never known, who preferred an international musical career to a family.

Cory never experienced anger toward the unknown birth mother; rather she felt privileged to be raised by her loving paternal Jewish grandparents.

Just as she was about to change her clothes, she heard a buzz at the front door.

The image of a pale young woman with a distraught expression on her face appeared on the security video screen.

“May I help you?” Cory asked

“I so much hope you can. I’m desperate and need to see you right away. Ann referred me,” pleaded the woman.

Responding to what could be an emergency, Cory buzzed her in and hurried to greet her at the front door.

The young woman followed Cory from the cozy reception room into the office.

Petite, with small facial features, brown eyes and dark blonde hair neatly rolled into a bun, she appeared to be in her twenties. Her black suit and white blouse were well tailored and somber, next to her pale face.

She scanned the room, furnished with teak chairs, table, and desk, and ran her hand over the top of the soft black leather couch. She seemed unduly cautious of her surroundings, like an animal sniffing around a new environment to determine if it was safe.

She paused to examine Cory’s framed credentials on the wall. Supposedly reassured, she turned to the books lining the shelves as though shopping for the right one that would hold a solution to her vexing problem.

From desperation to uncertainty about her surroundings, she seated herself opposite Cory, leaned forward, and rested her hands on her lap.

Pad and pen on her lap, Cory asked, “What’s your name?”

“That’s just it. I don’t know who I am.”

– 2 –

Cory took a deep breath. “Please explain.”

“At eight this morning, an alarm clock awakened me. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to find myself in an unfamiliar room. I felt so weird—so incredibly strange.

“At first I thought I was dreaming—or sleepwalking. My heart thumped so loudly, I felt the vibration in my ears. I leaped out of bed and feverishly searched the room. I opened the closet and saw several garments. At first I wasn’t sure if they were mine, but they seemed to be my size and my style. The shoes fit me, too.”

She pulled out a tissue from the nearby box, and dabbed her moist brow. “I’m terrified. I don’t know what happened to me.” Trembling, she hugged herself and rocked back and forth like a baby wrapped in the safety of her mother’s arms.

“I also found several books. The titles were vaguely familiar. I skimmed through a few to see if they stirred my memory, but they didn’t. Perhaps they were new and I hadn’t read them yet—or I’m really going crazy. This is too, too scary.”

“Your experience doesn’t mean you’ve gone crazy, but it certainly is frightening. Did you check other rooms in the house?”

“Yes. At first I was afraid to leave the room, scared of what I’d find. I forced myself to peek out the door. I listened for some sounds of life, like footsteps, voices, running water, but I heard nothing. Although it was quiet, I tiptoed out and looked around. All the rooms were empty. It’s as if everyone moved out while I was asleep.”

“Who moved out?”

“I don’t know.” She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

“I understand this is frustrating, but you will regain your memory. You said Ann referred you. Can you recall anything about that?”

“No, I don’t remember anything at all. I found your card in a purse. Ann’s name is written on the back.” She pulled out a card from her pocket and handed it to Cory.

During many years of practice, Cory had never seen anyone with this kind of amnesia. She had treated people who had forgotten bits and pieces of important memory, but this was different. She knew the causes could be from a head injury, drug or alcohol usage, or a traumatic event.

Fortunately, a highly respected medical group was a few steps away in the next building.

“Did you find anything to identify you in the room?”

The young woman removed an expensive looking leather wallet from her purse and handed it to Cory. It contained a driver’s license and a Visa card both bearing the name Ashley P. Hogan.

“Ashley Hogan?” Cory asked.

“I’ve run that name through my head over and over, but it means nothing to me,” the young woman replied.

Cory examined the license bearing a photo of an excellent likeness of the woman in front of her.

“The DMV has a thumb print on file which could prove if you are Ashley Hogan.”


“Yes. The Department of Motor Vehicles.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Must I go there to be fingerprinted?”

Cory shook her head. “No. When I needed my fingerprints to renew my psychology license, a local store with a special machine took my fingerprints and filed them with the FBI and the Department of Justice.”

Ashley shook her head. “I know in my heart I’m not a criminal and I don’t want to go through all that.”

“It is a nuisance, but it would reassure you of your identity. An easier way is for a nearby notary agent to take your thumb print, but you’d still need a government agency to identify it.”

“Suppose they do verify that I am Ashley P. Hogan—so what? It wouldn’t bring back my memory.”

“That’s true, but it is a starting place.” Cory replied.

“I don’t know why, but I’m afraid of government authorities.”

Cory considered the possibility that Ashley’s loss of memory was due to having witnessed something dreadful. Dreadful enough to block a major part of her memory, but still keeping a self-protective sliver.

Cory loved solving mysteries and this one presented a huge challenge.

“In the house did you notice a computer, tablet, or any electronic device such as a cell phone that stores data?” Cory asked. “It may help jog your memory.”

“No. The only room furnished was the one that must be mine—judging from the clothes—otherwise the place was totally empty. If I had a phone, I’d have called before coming here.” Ashley’s voice held a tone of exasperation.

“I understand your frustration. I’ll make a copy of your driver license for your chart. Would you allow me to contact a former FBI agent—now a trustworthy private investigator? Perhaps he could find information about you.”

Ashley nodded and without hesitation signed her name on the release form.

“Instinctively, you knew how to sign your name,” Cory said. “This is a really good sign.”

The young woman shrugged. She began to sob, cupping her hands over her face.

Cory handed her a tissue and watched the frustrated young woman dab at her tears.

“But I have no memory of a past. I don’t know anything about myself.”

“You have an excellent chance to recover your memory. Amnesia—a loss of memory—is treatable.”

“What causes it?”

Cory hesitated, unwilling to make the woman more anxious. “Perhaps a bad drug, or too much alcohol.”

“I didn’t notice any alcohol or pill bottles. I told you the house was empty apart from the room where I had awakened.”

Cory considered the possibility that Ashley could have been given an injectable substance like scopolamine. It was unlikely that whoever injected her would leave evidence behind.

It seemed more likely Ashley had witnessed a traumatic event or had sustained a head injury.

“Are you feeling pain anywhere?”

The tearful woman shook her head.

Cory took notes. “Are you experiencing any physical symptoms?”

“My heart is still racing. I feel chilled and a bit weak.”

“Probably because you’re frightened. I’ll refer you to Doctor Green in the next building for a complete physical exam.”

Cory trusted Mimi Green’s medical acumen. She’d know the best way to proceed would likely include blood work and a urine sample. The neurological exam, functional MRI or a CT scan, would probably occur at one of the many hospitals nearby.

“Do you think I may have a brain tumor?”

“It’s doubtful. Let’s not consider that at the moment.”

“What else can it be?” A pained expression etched deep furrows on her forehead.

Cory hesitated. “Sometimes amnesia occurs after a person witnesses a traumatic event.”

Ashley shuddered. “I can’t imagine what horror that could be.”

“Let’s not go there yet. Amnesia may be protective for now.”

“No. I’ve got to remember. I must. I must. This is hell,” Ashley cried.

Cory handed her the box of tissues. “I’m confident that your memory will return. If the loss is from a drug or too much alcohol, your amnesia could clear up in hours or a few days.”

“What if I witnessed something horrendous?”

“You’ll grow stronger. You’ll be able to deal with it.”

Cory called Mimi Green’s private line and reached her immediately. Fortunately, Mimi had the time to provide a thorough exam after Cory completed her session with Ashley.

“We’re in luck. Dr. Green can see you after we finish our session.”

“I’m very grateful to you for setting this up for me so quickly,” Ashley said, trembling. “Frankly, I’m afraid of the exam and the results.”

“I can imagine how difficult the situation is for you. I assure you that the exam is not intrusive. It doesn’t hurt. You’re in competent hands with Doctor Green. I have a light schedule and will help you through this trying time.”

“That is comforting. Thank you,” Ashley said.

Anticipating that she would gain more insight about this woman from her graphic productions than the amnesic woman could otherwise provide, Cory handed her a clipboard, a sketchpad pad, and a pencil.

“Please draw a house on page one, a person on page two, and a tree on page three.”

Ashley took the materials and began to sketch, her furrowed brow softening with each stroke of the pencil. Like an accomplished artist on her own turf, she made bold, confident strokes, lost in an altered state of consciousness. She took more time on the task, much longer than most others confronted with the same assignment. It seemed to help her relax into a familiar activity.

Cory smiled as she witnessed the telling transformation.

When Ashley finished, she calmly handed the drawing materials to Cory.

“An artist finds drawing cathartic,” Cory remarked.

“I’m glad you asked me to do that. It felt right. It felt like me… whoever I am… like I’m discovering a part of myself.”

“We’ve made a fine start. We know you’re a very good artist—perhaps an accomplished one.”

The amateur detective, a role Cory frequently assumed, had surfaced. Detection was the part of psychology she found most intriguing.

“You’re a very interesting young woman. When you came into my office, despite your anxiety, you took the time to examine my credentials. It suggests you’re a cautious, intelligent person. Ann had given you my card, so you probably met at the university because she spent much of her time there. Perhaps she mentioned she worked for me. Maybe you asked for my card because you or someone close to you had a problem.”

“That makes sense.” Ashley leaned forward. “But how can I recollect it, when I’ve lost my memory? Oh, this is so frustrating.” She stamped her foot as though it would loosen the lock on her memory bank.

“I’ll do my best to help you regain your memory. Do you mind answering a few more questions?”

Ashley shrugged. “I don’t know if I can answer them.”

“It’s about items in your house. Stop me when you’ve had enough.”

Ashley nodded assent.

“Were there textbooks, a calendar, or an appointment book, from the place you just left?” Cory asked.

Ashley closed her eyes for a few seconds. “No.”

“Did you check closets, drawers, purses, pockets for these items?”

“Actually, I did. Nothing gave me a clue, except from the two items in my wallet.”

“Do you have a mailbox key?”

Ashley checked her key ring. “I have a house key and a car key. The car key has the car manufacturer’s logo on it, so I figured it belonged to the car in front of the house. I searched inside the car and trunk for something to trigger a memory, but there wasn’t anything except legal papers related to the car.”

“Among the papers in your car, were there any business cards, such as an insurance agent’s?”

Ashley shook her head. “I wish there were.”

“Is there a private mailbox near the house?”

The young woman paused to reflect. “Yes. I think so.”

“Good. When you open your mail, something may jog your memory. Another thing that may help would be to call the number on the back of your credit card and request a current statement.”

Ashley sobbed softly as tears ran down her cheeks.

Cory pushed the tissue box closer to Ashley. “Your situation is frustrating right now, but I’m confident that it is temporary. “

Ashley nodded. “You mean I can recover—if I survive. You must understand I’m terrified because I suspect someone knew I had lost my memory and is determined to keep me in the dark. That’s the reason I couldn’t find any memorabilia such as family photos or birth certificates or passports to help me remember.”

Cory pondered Ashley’s explanation, but chose not to fan the flames of fear. “You can’t be sure about that, but it shows your reasoning isn’t compromised.”

“Thank God for that blessing.” Ashley placed her hands in a prayer position and tilted her head upwards.

Was Ashley religious, as her gesture seemed to suggest? If so, would her attendance at a church service trigger memories? Cory considered the possibility. However, Ashley’s prayer gesture was a common one that some people use to make a point. If she didn’t regain her memory in a reasonable time, a visit to a church could be used to stir remembrances of any number of important past events: a marriage, baptism, confirmation, funeral, or a holiday celebration.

Cory decided to wait until the results of the exam came in before making the suggestion. For now, she would help Ashley sort out her immediate practical needs.

“It may be wise to call a security company to install equipment,” Cory suggested.

“Oh, no. I’d feel safer in a hotel.”

“Of course, that’s a much better choice. It shows your judgment hasn’t been compromised. “ Cory handed her a pad and pencil. “Make some notes about a few things you can do for now.”

Ashley looked up at Cory, like a secretary ready for dictation.

“Purchase a monthly cell phone service to protect your privacy. You can open one up at a nearby electronics store. Please call me with your new number.”

Ashley gripped the pencil tightly as she made notes.

“Rent a mail box at a convenient post office, and report the new mailing address to the Visa card company. The number is on the back of your card.”

“What if my Visa statement doesn’t jog my memory? What if the damage is permanent?” Ashley sobbed.

“I doubt that is the case. You’ll have a thorough examination by doctors—experts in their fields.”

Cory glanced at the clock on the wall. “I think it’s nearly time for your appointment with Doctor Green. She’ll help figure out the cause of your amnesia. The exam is painless and results are usually available fairly soon. Spend some time drawing—whatever comes to mind.” She handed Ashley a sketchpad and a packet of pastels stored in her desk from an old art class. “It may make you feel better.”

“Thanks very much. I’ll draw something for you,” Ashley dropped two one-hundred dollar bills on Cory’s desk. “Put this on my account, please,” she called over her shoulder as she dashed out of the door.

Whoever had abandoned Ashley had left her with some cash.

Cory wondered about the absence of any art materials in the place where Ashley had awakened. Were they removed? If so, why? Did she have a separate studio?

– 3 –

A day had passed with only a few return calls received from colleagues. No local psychologist reported any blackmail threats. Everyone urged her to notify her malpractice insurance company.

She carefully edited and posted an e-mail message on the psychology listserv:

Subject: Blackmail

Message: If you or a colleague experienced a blackmail threat from someone falsely claiming to be your patient, discussing this experience and results can be helpful and supportive. Let’s share ideas for successful outcome.

She included her private email and phone numbers.

At the end of the day, five psychologists responded affirmatively to her private email address. A different company from Cory’s insured three. All five had experienced the same scenario several years ago. None had paid blackmail and none were summoned to court. All were given excellent legal counseling from their malpractice insurance companies.

Relieved, she called her professional insurance agency, and was treated to quick and efficient service—a promise that an attorney would call her within the day. It was only mid-day on the east coast where the legal section was based. She gave her mobile phone number to the insurance agency.

Cory could prove the bogus patient had set her up by making and breaking an appointment two years ago.

She had an additional option. She could attempt to gather evidence from the five psychologists who prevailed in a similar situation. It seemed likely the litigant could have been the same bogus patient. She realized the difficulty in making this happen. Few would be willing to open old wounds and the blackmailer may have used different identities. Still, if necessary, it could be worth pursuing.

Cory habitually responded to injustices with appropriate measures, often to her satisfaction. Her first psychoanalyst, a rigid, pompous person, called her “an injustice collector.” He noted she was always on the lookout for causes to join, and diagnosed it a sign of neurotic behavior. Cory regarded that aspect of her personality as one that defined her in a positive way. She chose not to change it. Instead, she changed her analyst. She had to provide a suitable reason to her supervisor for the change. She figured “a conflict of values” would suffice. And it did.

An hour later, Robert McGill, attorney for the insurance trust phoned her. She explained the situation, providing the facts.

“Doctor Cohen, please don’t worry,” McGill said in a strong, soothing, reassuring voice—the voice of someone experienced in commanding difficult situations. “We have two excellent attorneys in the San Diego area at your disposal. They will meet with you at your office tomorrow at your convenience. Let’s set a time.”

“The earlier, the better. Will nine work for them?” she asked.

“Yes. I’m sure that will be fine. You’re the client, Doctor Cohen. We are here to serve you. From what you described, it is doubtful the case will be brought to court.”

“That is reassuring, Mister McGill.”

“However, if you were summoned to court, rest assured, your attorney would appear in your defense.”

“Mister McGill, if I can prove the same person had attempted such a hoax before, what would the authorities do with a national blackmail scheme on their hands?”

“That is not our concern. I cannot advise you on that. It is the province of the assorted authorities.”

“Thank you and goodbye for now,” Cory muttered,

She hoped the culprit would soon be delivered, charged, and sent to prison. Carole Roy had probably caused her attempted blackmail victims sleepless nights and trying days.

Cory knew how that felt. She had experienced such a condition recently during Ben’s unexpected long absence.

She never questioned her competence and her ability to get along well without a mate, yet she had begun to feel incomplete without Ben. She missed his comforting and enjoyable company. Their relationship had grown stronger since they began working together on his investigations, most recently in the U.K. where he had connections.

She had proved to be a clever, strong, and assertive partner and Ben had welcomed those attributes. Although they were independent, strong-willed people, they rarely butt heads. They loved the excitement, joy, and comfort of working and living together after many years of independence.

Cory was content with her current lifestyle—her offspring launched, managing mostly on their own, and Ben making no demands on her time. She had the freedom to choose her work and play schedules, but there were times when she yearned for the comfort of Ben’s presence. Lately, those times came at a greater frequency.

Ben was investigating a private matter in the U.K. and hadn’t called in over ten days. This was uncharacteristic of him and it worried her.

She grabbed her mobile phone and keyed in his long international number, eager to hear his soothing baritone voice, but he was unavailable.

Frustrated, and deeply concerned, she sent him a text requesting a call.

To relieve her tension, she changed into running clothes and jogged toward the beach for a long run. Ashley’s house was on a quiet street near shops and the beach, and a short detour from her usual path. Many of the houses were vacation rentals. A few were rented for the entire racing season.

In order to read the house numbers, Cory slowed her pace to a walk. She located Ashley’s quaint cottage surrounded by a surprisingly unkempt garden—as though careless movers had dragged the contents of the house across the garden, tearing up plants in the process.

She was surprised to see a printed sign posted on the gate:




Ashley hadn’t mentioned the sign. Either she hadn’t noticed it, or it was just posted.

Cory resisted the temptation to slide her card under the door. Her professional ethics would deem it unprofessional to play sleuth on behalf of a patient, no matter how well-intended.

And it was possible that tomorrow Ashley’s memory would return and Cory’s snooping would have been unnecessary.

She ran for forty minutes and returned to the office. After making a few notes, she tossed her planner and office clothes into her sport-bag and locked up.

With Ashley’s amnesia upfront in her thoughts, she walked home eager to take a soothing shower.

Suddenly, she recalled the terrifying shower scene in Psycho. Long after the film had been released, many women still reported a fear of showering at home alone. Cory wasn’t easily frightened, but she imagined how difficult it could be for someone who feels vulnerable—like Ashley. Cory couldn’t get the young woman’s plight out of her mind.

After a quick shower, she wrapped herself in her warm and cozy terry robe. Seated at her laptop, she Googled Ashley Hogan’s name and located eighteen in California. Most had photos. None bore even a slight resemblance to her new patient. If Ashley were a professional artist, she would probably have a website. Either she was an amateur or used an alias for her work. Or perhaps her talent had not yet been discovered.

Soon it was bedtime and she still hadn’t heard from Ben.

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