Vegan Ketogenic Recipes - Deborah Ramos - E-Book

Vegan Ketogenic Recipes E-Book

Deborah Ramos

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  • Herausgeber: Chssm
  • Kategorie: Lebensstil
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

Have you ever desired a diet plan that will help you lose the unwanted weight? Would you like to lose fat quickly and safely and still maintain optimal health?  Ketogenic diet is one of the best health promotion diets in the world and can be a great option for vegans. You will be empowered to know what to eat as a vegan to stay in ketosis. Though ketogenic meals are rich with animal fats and protein, vegan versions are free of these elements.  There are many easy-to –cook keto meal options you can choose from and enjoy at the comfort of your home every day and night. 
This book is your all-in-one resource for vegan ketogenic diet which will help you experience one of the best in the world for losing fat fast. Welcome on your ketogenic journey.
This Vegan Ketogenic Diet covers your breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts with healthy recipes that fit well vegan lifestyle.
It is a complete guide for your vegan ketogenic cooking experience.

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Vegan Ketogenic Recipes

Low-Carb, High-Fat, Plant-Based, Weight Loss, Best easy and Delicious Recipes For Keto Vegan

Deborah Ramos

Copyright © 2018 Deborah Ramos

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.



The rules to apply the vegan ketogenic diets

What not to eat as a vegan ketogenic

What to eat as a vegan ketogenic

Vegan Ketogenic Breakfast Recipes

Bacon Skillet Creamy Shrimp

Keto Grain-free Hemp Heart Porridge Breakfast

Strawberry matcha chia pudding recipe [paleo, keto, vegan]

Coconut Peanut Butter Balls

Mc Keto Strawberry Milkshake

Cinnamon chocolate breakfast smoothie recipe [paleo, keto]

Keto Matcha Green Tea

Keto Rocket Fuel Iced Blended Coffee

Easy Keto Marinara Sauce (Low Carb And Gluten Free)

Noodle Bowls with Creamy Curry Sauce Breakfast

green smoothie Breakfast recipe

Turmeric Burning Fat Coffee

Chocolate Chia Super Smoothie recipe

Vegan Breakfast Tacos

Stir Fried Pork with Noodles and Cabbage Breakfast

Garlic oregano olive tapenade Breakfast recipe

Simple Chocolate Breakfast Keto Chia Seed Pudding

Veggie breakfast bakes

Apple & linseed porridge breakfast

Warm berry compote

Scrambled egg muffin

Spiced scrambled eggs

Vegan ketogenic lunch

Vegetarian Tuna Sandwich Salad

Coconut Lime Cauliflower Rice

Easy Low Carb Egg Salad

Spiralized Zucchini Asian Salad

Easy Vegan Macaroni Salad

Charred Veggie and Fried Goat Cheese Salad

Carrot-Peanut Noodle Salad

Cheesy Cauliflower Alla Vodka Casserole – Low Carb

Quick & Easy Vegan Caesar Salad

Crispy Tofu and Bok Choy Salad

Easy Avocado & Egg Salad

Seven-cup muesli

Grapefruit, orange & apricot salad

Garlic Basil Spaghetti

Vegan ketogenic dinner

Winter Lentil Soup

Easy Roasted Zucchini

Spaghetti Squash with Dukkah

Easy Grilled Zucchini

Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with Tofu and Vegetables

Zucchini Ribbons with Avocado Walnut Pesto

Classic Creamy Mushroom Ketogenic Soup

Roasted Garlic Mashed Cauliflower

Classic Cream of Mushroom Vegan Soup

Black Bean Soup Recipe

Vegan Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Raw Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup

Creamy Vegan Pumpkin Soup

Keto Curried Squash Soup

Vegan White Bean and Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Easy Vegan Ramen Soup

Quinoa Soup

Oats Soup

World's Best Tomato Soup

Nutritious Spinach Soup

Easy Mushroom Soup Recipes

Sautéed Peppers & Onions

Colorful Roasted Sheet-Pan Veggies

Microwave Fresh Green Beans

Steamed Butternut Squash

Keto Bread: A Low-Carb Bread Recipe

Swiss Chard With Chickpeas and Couscous

Pasta with Roasted Red Peppers and Almonds

Linguine with Caper and Green Olive Sauce

Three-Bean Chili with Spring Pesto

Asian Hot Pot

Rigatoni Peperonata

Curried Eggplant with Tomatoes and Basil

Black Beans and Rice

Pasta with Green Olive Pesto

Sautéed Butternut Squash

Vegan ketogenic dessert

Easy Four Cheese Pesto Zoodles – Keto

Keto Egg Fast Snicker doodle Crepes

Crunchy fruit & nut cereal

Oven-Braised Leeks

Avocado Pesto


Vegan Ketogenic Diet is Possible, It could be quite limiting, and however it could be achieved. Vegans avoid all animal and animal-derived products like cheese, milk, butter or bone broth including honey, it is totally plant based. While ketogenic is super high in fat, low in carbs and a moderate quantity of protein.

These two diet are quite opposite in their standard form, as keto diet relies so much on animal products while vegan diet is so heavy in carbs, it requires more hard work and dedications to make it happen, This book contains a lot of plant-base recipes for your breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. That will enable you to eat your required daily balance diet with no effort.

So, when looking for plant-based foods that help provide, sufficient fat, enough protein, and also low in carbs this book contain great recipes that will help you to implement the diet correctly. First, let talk about vegetarian and ketogenic before diving into the recipes.

What is a vegetarian?

A vegetarian is a person who does not consume any meat, fish, fowl, shellfish or by-products of animal slaughter. Vegetarian diet is of different types, the most common ones are: lacto-ove vegetarians, Lacto Vegetarians, Ovo Vegetarians and vegan.

Lacto-ove vegetarian does not eat any animal flesh, but do eat milk products-such as cheese, milk, and yogurt-and eggs.

A Lacto Vegetarian does not eat any animal flesh and eggs, but do eat milk products.  (Lacto means "milk”) 

An Ovo Vegetarians does not eat any animal products apart from eggs. (Ovo means eggs)

A vegan avoids all animal and animal-derived products.

What to eat as a vegan

A Vegan diets include a variety of fruits, grains, vegetables, seeds, pulses, and nuts.

Since a vegan avoids animal, you will need to get your fat from non- animal fat sources, like nut seeds, avocados, and coconut oil

Some food and food groups that you should include in your vegan diet for health purposes.

Choline-Rich Foods: Choline-rich plant foods such as cauliflower, soy, quinoa and broccoli are vital for the appropriate performance of your body.

Whole Grains, Cereals and Pseudocereals: Spelt, quinoa, teff, and amaranth  are flavorful, very high in protein, can be use as substitutes for better-known grains such as rice and wheat. Sprouted varieties are best.

Hemp, Flax and Chia Seeds:  these seeds are richer in protein Then other seeds.  They are also great substitutes for eggs in recipes.

Sprouted and Fermented Plant Foods: these helps to improve their nutritional value. It also provides vegans with a source of vitamin K2.

Nuts, Nut Butters and Seeds: these are versatile foods that are rich in protein and nutrients. Every vegan should consider eating.

What to avoid as a vegan

Vegans avoid the consumption of meat, milk, eggs, seafood, honey and gelatin. They stay away from animal-derived products such as fur, silk, wool, leather; many vegans reject any products that are made with animal ingredients, products that are drinkable which are made with an animal parts (such as some beers, and wines, white sugars), and any products that have been tested on animals.

The benefits of a vegan diet

Studies have been conducted and proven that vegan diets, when applied properly, you are sure to enjoy a lot of health benefit

1. A vegan diet has a lot of Nutritional value; it is very rich in certain nutrients, like potassium, fiber, magnesium, antioxidants, folic acid, iron and vitamins C, A, B1 and E, and so on. While also being low in cholesterol and saturated fats.

2. Weight loss. A vegan diet enables you to lose excess weight. It has natural tendency to reduce your calorie consumption that makes them very effective in promoting weight loss without actually focusing on cutting down on calories.

Vegan diets enables you to enjoy longer and a healthier lives when compare to those who consume meat.

A vegan diet enables you to maintain a healthy heart. It also Prevent all kind of disease like high blood pressure, it reduces the risk of contacting heart disease as well as type 2 diabetes, lower cancer risk, Cardiovascular disease, Hypertension, Stroke and many others.

Balance hormones: Vegan diets guarantees hormonal balance such as oestrogen which could be responsible for causing breast cancer if level become extremely much. Animal fats can cause the level of oestrogen to be increased according to New York study. Vegan diet has considerably lower oestrogen levels than meat eaters,

The Ketogenic diet

Ketogenic diet is a low-carb super high in fat (about 50-70% of calories consumptions) with a moderate amount of proteins, it causes your body to enter the metabolic state of ketosis. Ketogenic diet has been in use for almost a century ago mainly for the treatment of epilepsy.

It offers so many positive health benefits like weight loss among others, It also guarantees treatment of epilepsy. It reduces glucose levels and improves body resistance to insulin and so on. It occurs only when ketones are used as the main source of energy for your body and brain. Ketogenic health benefit also includes, increased metabolism. It reduces health issues, improves your sleep and cognitive functions.

The best ingredients for fat, protein, and low-carb for vegan ketogenic diet?

Fat source for Vegan ketogenic diet

There are so many fat sources for vegan keto, apart from eating fish, meat, cheese, egg, butter or dairy as a vegan. You can get your fat source from the list below.

List of the oils you can use for vegan keto

Natural coconut oil

Avocado oil

Macadamia nut oil

Palm oil

Olive oil

Roasted Pecans


Fat foods to consider in vegan keto

Seeds such as Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and so on.

Avocado: this is very high in monounsaturated fat, antioxidants, and vitamins, minerals; the avocado is the ideal for any vegan keto food.

Nuts such as macadamia nuts, cashews and so on

Protein sources for vegan keto

Tofu: tofu is made from soybeans and it is very high in calcium and protein, use it as an alternative for meats like chicken, pork, fish, and beef.

Seitan:  this is a vegetarian meat alternate; it is made from wheat gluten, garlic, soy sauce, seaweed, and ginger. You can also call it wheat meat, it is very high in protein, low in fat, and it is a good source of iron. You can also get your protein source from these nuts and seeds like, Almond, Pumpkin seed, pistachios, and so on.

Low- carb vegetable for vegan keto


Romaine Lettuce

Collard greens


Low-carbs fruit for vegan keto diet




Strawberries and so on

The rules to apply the vegan ketogenic diets

To apply the Vegan Ketogenic diet plan properly, you must follow these rules. The number one rule you need to follow if you’re doing a vegan keto diet is to eat the necessary amount of protein and healthy fat to keep your body functioning properly.

1. You must remove all fish, meat, and other animal products like cheese, milk, and butter and so on from your diet.

2. 50%-70% of your calories must come from fats, totally plant based.

3. Eat plenty of low-carb vegetables.

4. Limit your total intake of carbohydrate to 35 grams or less per day.

Eat around 25% of your calories from plant-based proteins.

5.  Supplement some of the nutrients that you may not be getting enough from diets like vitamins B12, and B6,   C, D3, EPA, & DHA & iron, taurine, and zinc.

How to Limit Your Carbs consumption on a Vegan Ketogenic Diet

To limit the intake of carbohydrate in a vegan kotegenic is so hard even on a regular ketogenic diet, to achieve these.  I will start with a simple list of high-carb foods that you should avoid.

What not to eat as a vegan ketogenic

Do not take Grains such as cereal, wheat, corn, rice, and so on.

Do not take Sugar such as honey, maple syrup, agave, and so on.

Do not take Legumes such as black beans, lentils, peas, and so on.

Do not take Fruit such as oranges, bananas, apples, and so on.

Do not take Tubers such as yams, potato, and so on.

What to eat as a vegan ketogenic

There are some low-carb vegan foods that you can also eat as a vegan keto diet. They are as followed:

You can eat Vegan “meats” such as tempeh, seitan, tofu, and other low-carb high-protein, vegan “meats”

You can eat Mushrooms such as shiitake, lion’s mane, king oyster, and so on.

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and so on.

Above ground vegetables such as broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, and so on.

. High fat “dairy” such as unsweetened coconut-based yogurt, vegan cheeses, coconut cream, and so on.

Nuts and seeds such as pistachios, sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkins seeds, and so on.

Avocado and berries such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and so on,

Fermented foods such as Natto, kim chi, sauerkraut, and so on.

Sea vegetables such as dulse, bladderwack, kelp and so on.

Sweeteners such as stevia, monk fruit, erythritol, and any other low-carb sweeteners

Fats such as coconut oil, MCT oil, olive oil, palm oil, and so on.

Vegan keto diet can be a helpful tool to accomplish your desire to reach your exact fitness or healthy goals, though, it’s very restrictive diet and can be tough to sustain on a long run. But mindful, listen to yourself and adjust the diet to accommodate your needs and incorporate your values. With proper planning, dedication and hard work you can achieve your desired vegan keto diet plan. Enjoy!

Vegan Ketogenic Breakfast Recipes


Bacon Skillet Creamy Shrimp

You can serve this Creamy shrimp and bacon skillet on top of zucchini noodles or shirataki.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Servings: 4


1 cup of sliced mushrooms

4 slices of organic uncured bacon

½ cup of coconut cream or (heavy whipping cream if not dairy sensitive)

4 oz raw shelled shrimp

4 oz smoked salmon

Black pepper (Freshly ground)

1 pinch of Celtic Sea Salt


1. Let the cutting of the bacon be 1 inch pieces

2. Then heat a cast iron skillet over medium flame and put the bacon, cook and stir for about 5 minutes.

3. Add the sliced mushrooms when the bacon is cooked but not crunchy then cook for 5 minutes, stir but not, frequently.

4. Then cut the smoked salmon in strips and add, cook for about 2- 3 minutes more.

5. Add the shrimp and saute' over a high flame for 2 minutes.

6. Now Add the coconut cream and the salt, reduce the flame and allow cooking for a minute or until the cream get to your desired thickness.

7. Serve immediately.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size: Calories: 340, Fat: 29 g, Net Carbs: 3.5 g, Protein: 17 g.

Keto Grain-free Hemp Heart Porridge Breakfast

This recipes is a grain-free, a keto porridge that is made with only seeds and nuts. It contain more than 24 grams of fiber in every bowl.


½ cup of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts

1 cup of non-dairy milk

2 tbsp of freshly ground flax seed

5 drops of alcohol-free stevia or 1 tbp of xyltiol

1 tbsp of chia seeds

¾ tsp of pure vanilla extract

Almond flour or ¼ cup of crushed almonds Toppings

3 Brazil nuts

½ tsp of ground cinnamon

1 tbsp Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts


1. In a small saucepan add all the ingredients apart from almonds and toppings, then stir well until combined.

2. Then heat over medium-high heat before it starts boiling lightly. Do not cover.

3. When it starts bubbling lightly, stir once and leave to cook for extra 1-2 minutes.

4. Then take out from the heat, add crushed almonds and stir.

5. Pour in a bowl and top with toppings and serve immediately

Note: you can use crushed pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds in place of ground almonds. If you can’t do nut (nut- free).for Digestion: you can soak the ingredient ahead of time , if you are sensitive to nut and seeds.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size: Calories: 867, Total Fat: 72.8, Net Carbs: 2.3 g, Protein: 43.8 g,

Strawberry matcha chia pudding recipe [paleo, keto, vegan]

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Yield Servings: 1


½ tsp (2 g) matcha powder

½ Tbsp (15 g) of chia seeds

¾ cup (175 ml) of coconut milk

Raw honey to taste or Stevia (optional)

2 strawberries ( diced small)


1. Put matcha powder, chia seeds, raw honey to taste or Stevia(if there is any) and coconut milk, in cup with a cover , shake very well for about 5-10 seconds.

2. Pour the mixture in a glass and refrigerate for about 4 hours.

3. Reserve 1 tsp of diced strawberries for topping, and then mix the diced strawberries into the pudding and enjoy.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size:  Calories: 420, Carb: 20, Fat: 37, Protein: 7,

Coconut Peanut Butter Balls

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Total Cooking time: 1 hour 

Servings: 15


3 tsp of unsweetened cocoa powder

3 tbsp of peanut butter

2 ½ tsp of powdered erythritol

½ cup of unsweetened coconut flakes

2 tsp of almond flour


1. Mix the cocoa powder, peanut butter, flour, and erythritol, together in a medium size bowl

.2.  Put mixture in the fridge for one hour.

3. Use a small spoon and cut out a small serving of the peanut butter mix and then drop it in the coconut flakes, use your hand to roll it around so that  the ball are well covered with the coconut.

4. Refrigerate overnight if possible so they can be firm.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size: Calories 35.13, Fats 3.19g, Net Carbs 0.92g, Protein0.98g.

Mc Keto Strawberry Milkshake

Preparation time: 2 minutes

Total Cooking time:  5 minutes

Servings: 1


¾ cup of Coconut Milk (from the carton)

2 tbsp. of unsweetened Strawberry Torani

¼ cup of Heavy Cream

1 tbsp. of MCT Oil

7 Ice Cubes

¼ tsp. Xanthan Gum


1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender, and blend until your desire consistency, for about 1 to 2 minutes.

Serve, Enjoy!

Nutritional Information: Serving Size: Calories 368, Fats 38.85g, Net Carbs 2.42g, Protein 1.69g.

Cinnamon chocolate breakfast smoothie recipe [paleo, keto]

This recipe is so delicious and also nutritious, easy to prepare for paleo and Ketogenic breakfast. You can use stevia as the sweetener cinnamon help to cover the taste. You can also use raw honey if you are not staying low carb or ketogenic, the raw honey also hide the taste of stevia.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Yield: servings


2 tsp of unsweetened cacao powder

¾ of cup coconut milk

1 tsp of cinnamon powder

½ ripe of avocado

¼ tsp of vanilla extract

1 tsp of coconut oil (optional)

Stevia to taste


1.  Place the entire ingredient together in a blender and blend until well mixed.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size:  Calories: 300 Carb: 14 g Fat: 30 g g Protein: 3 g

Keto Matcha Green Tea

This recipe has a lot of nutritional benefit for your body and brain it contain little caffeine than coffee. It tastes so good and easy to prepare.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Total Cook Time: 5 minutes

Yield Servings: 1


1 cup of clean hot water

½ tsp matcha green tea

½ tsp of grass-fed butter or ghee

1 tsp of coconut oil

2 tbsps of organic full-fat coconut milk

¼ - ½  tsp of vanilla

Stevia to taste


1. Pour water and coconut milk in a small saucepan and bring to a slight boil.

2. Add the matcha tea and sweetener, and then stir until well mixed.

3. Add the butter, coconut oil, and tea to a blender and blend for about 30 second to a minute or until well creamy.

4. Serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional information: Serving Size: Calories 151, Total Fat 17 g, Total Carbohydrates 1 g,

Keto Rocket Fuel Iced Blended Coffee

This recipe is purposely made to help women to burn excess fat every morning hours of the day. The recipe is Vegan, Keto, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Egg-free, Yeast-free, Corn-free, Sugar-free, Grain-free, Nut-free, Low-carb, and Paleo,

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Total Cooking time: 15minutes

Servings: 1


1 tbsp of almond butter (or 2 tbsp of hemp hearts)

10 grams of cacao butter (about 4-5 wafers)

1 tbsp of MCT oil or coconut oil

4 drops of alcohol-free stevia

1 ¾ cup of brewed coffee (of choice)

¼ tsp of ground vanilla bean (optional)

4-6 ice cubes

¼ tsp of ground cinnamon (optional)


1 tsp of tsp cacao nibs

¼ cup of coconut whipped cream


1. Place all the ingredients in a blender or food processor cacao butter, coffee, MCT oil, almond butter, stevia, cinnamon, and vanilla. Blend until smooth, pour in an air tight lid jar and refrigerate to completely cool. You can make this step in the night so that it will be very chilled in the morning.

2. Put back on a blender when chilled. Then add 4 to 6 ice cubes, it is better to break up ice before adding the coffee if your blender is not high –powered, so that it won’t heat up the drink.

3. Then blend until the ice is completely crushed.

4. Enjoy with cacao nibs, coconut whipped cream.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size:  Calories: 438, Fat: 44.4, Net Carbs: 3 g, Protein: 5.1 g,

Easy Keto Marinara Sauce (Low Carb And Gluten Free)

This recipe is low carb and it is very easy to prepare, use it for your pizza sauce or marinara.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Total Cook Time: 50 minutes

Yield servings: 4


1 tsp of dried parsley

28 oz can Peeled San Marzano Tomatoes (no artificial sweetener added)

½ of tsp red pepper flakes

1 tsp of onion powder2 Tbsp of red wine vinegar

1 tsp of garlic powder

1 tsp of dried basil

1 tsp of dried oregano

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

¼ tsp of black pepper

1 tsp of salt (or more)


In a small size blender, place the tomatoes and puree, add all the other remaining ingredient, taste and adjust seasoning to suite your taste.

Nutritional information:  Serving size: calories 84, fat 7g, net carbs 3g, protein1g

Noodle Bowls with Creamy Curry Sauce Breakfast

A crispy vegetables and agar-based low-carb noodles, it is so delicious.

Preparation time:  10 minutes

Total Cooking time: 1 5 minutes

Servings: 4


Noodle Bowl

16g, 1 full pack of Kanten Noodles

1 red bell pepper, diced

2 carrots, julienned

Handful fresh cilantro, chopped

½ head of cauliflower, roughly chopped

2 handfuls mixed greens

¼ cup of tahini or avocado oil mayo

Creamy Curry Sauce

¼ cup of water

2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar

1 tsp of ground cumin

2 tbsp of MCT oil or avocado oil

¼ tsp of ground ginger

2 tsp of curry powder (If you have homemade curry powder, you can use it)

1 tsp of ground turmeric

1½ tsp of ground coriander

½ tsp of ground black pepper

1 tsp of sea salt


1. To prepare the kenten noodles, in large size bowl place the two sheets of noodles.

2. Then heat water below boiling, not too hot, pour the hot water on the noodle and set aside, then go ahead and prepare the other ingredients. Soak for 5 minutes, strain and set in a large bowl to cool.

3. Now add cauliflower, bell pepper, cilantro and carrots, to the noodles bowl. Place mixed greens on two separate servings’ plates. It serves as a base for the meal.

4.  In a jug of high-power blender or food processor, add all the curry sauce ingredients, blend until very smooth. Pour on the noodle mixture and vegetable, toss to coat.

5.  pour in an air tight lid container and refrigerate for about 2 days, you can also serve immediately if you desire.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size: Calories: 192, Net Carbs: 7.3 g, Total Fat: 15.4, Protein: 4.3 g.

green smoothie Breakfast recipe

Preparation time: 5 minutes 

Yield servings: 1


1 cup of coconut milk (unsweetened – from refrigerated cartons not cans)

10 raw almonds

2 cups of spinach or kale

1 scoop of Grass Greens Powder

2 Brazil nuts

Optional ingredients:

1 Tbsp of psyllium husks or psyllium seeds

1 scoop of Jarrow Formulas Whey Protein

1 Tbsp of potato starch


1. in a blender first put the Brazil nuts, spinach, coconut milk and almonds,

2. Blend until smooth, and then add other remaining ingredient and blend well.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size: Calories: 380, Net carbs: 5 g Fat: 30 g, Protein: 12 g,

Turmeric Burning Fat Coffee

Turmeric burning fat coffee has anti-inflammatory benefit for your health and you also get the antioxidant benefit of turmeric and organic coffee, it also has good healthy fats that will get you started for the day. It is very easy to prepare. You can increase or decrease the amount of the ingredient in this recipe to get your desired quantity.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Total Cook Time: 15 minutes

Yield servings: 2 cups


¼ tsp of turmeric

2 cups of organic coffee

¼ tsp of cinnamon

1 tsp of coconut oil

1 squirts of English toffee stevia

1 tsp of grass-fed butter

1 squirts of vanilla stevia

Dash of pink salt


1.  Prepare 2 cups of coffee

2.  As the coffee it is still hot pour it into the glass blender and add all the other ingredient and blend until very smooth.

3. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Nutritional information: Serving Size: Calories 157, Total Fat 17 g, Total Carb 1 g,

Chocolate Chia Super Smoothie recipe

Chocolate Chia Super Smoothie recipe is packed with super foods such as, chia, raw cacao, blueberries and flax. When added with a high quality vegan keto protein powder, then you have a solid meal that is loaded with potassium, magnesium, so many healthy fats, and antioxidants. You can also add avocado for extra creamy texture.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Total Cook Time: 5 minutes

Servings: 1-2


1-2 cups of coconut milk or organic almond

1 tbsp of raw cacao powder

1 scoop of high quality protein powder

1 tsp of chia seed

1 tbsp of coconut butter

1 tsp of flax seed

½ cup of blueberries

½ tsp of vanilla (Optional)

½ avocados (Optional)


1.  In a high speed blender, combine all the ingredients together and blend until very smooth.

2. You can add or reduce liquid and ice according to your choice.

3. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Nutritional information: Serving Size: Calories 337,Total Fat 17 g, Total  Carb 19 g, Protein 24 g,

Vegan Breakfast Tacos

Take this vegan breakfast tacos with a Mexican-inspired twist

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Total Cooking time: 15 minutes

Servings 8


1 cup of black beans, rinsed and drained

A lot of Simple Tofu Scramble

1 cup of salsa (more or less depending on your choice)

1 jalapeño, chopped (optional)

8 tacos or 16 if you double layer them (depending on your choice)


1. Firstly make the tofu scramble

2.  When the tofu scramble is cooked add jalapeño and beans in a saucepan, cook until warmed through

3. Then add mixture to tacos and top with vegan cheese spreads and salsa or as preferred.

Nutritional Information: Serving Size: Calories 40, Total Carb7.9g Total Fat 0.2g , Protein 2.3g


Stir Fried Pork with Noodles and Cabbage Breakfast

Stir fried pork with noodles and cabbage recipe is fairly easy to prepare, use pre shredded cabbage in place of noodles. It is so yummy.

Preparation time: 10minutes

Total Cooking time:  30 minutes

Servings: 4


1 onion, cut in half then sliced thinly

1 tbsp of avocado oil, divided

¾ lb ground pork

1 lb shredded cabbage (about 8 - 10 cups)

1 tbsp of garlic powder

1 tbsp of ground ginger

1 sprig of mint leaves, chopped

2 tbsp coconut aminos

Tbsp of dried Thai basil

1 bunch green onions, trimmed and sliced

1 tsp of gluten free fish sauce

½ lime, juiced

1 handful fresh cilantro leaves, chopped


1. Slice the green onions, onion, cilantro, and mint. Put aside. Make everything for the cooking accessible.

2. In a large saucepan add ½ a tbsp of coconut oil and heat over high heat. A drop of water will evaporate from the pan in a second or more, when it is hot enough to sauté.

3. Add onion allow to heat for about 1-2 minutes before adding half of the cabbage together with half of the garlic, coconut aminos, ginger, and fish sauce and then sauté  until  crunchy and tender  for about 1-2 minutes, stir frequently to avoid sticking together take out from the saucepan and put aside in a large salad bowl

4. Repeat the process by adding the remaining cabbage in the saucepan sauté for another 1-2 minutes, then take out from the saucepan.

5. In a saucepan, add the remaining ½ tbsp of coconut oil allow it to heat in a saucepan. Then add the ground pork, together with the remaining ginger, fish sauce, garlic, and coconut aminos. Add Thai basil and sauté; keep stirring so to break it up with a spatula to be consistently. Allow to cook for about 5 minutes.

6. Place the onion mixture and the cabbage back to the saucepan or large salad bowl (if much) and toss together.

7. Check seasoning and adjust the taste to suite your desired taste, add the mint, green onions, cilantro leaves and lime juice. Then toss to combine well. Serve

Garlic oregano olive tapenade Breakfast recipe

Preparation time: 5 minutes 

Yield Servings: 2


1 Tbsp of fresh oregano leaves

1 cup (approx. 5 oz or 140 g) pitted olives

2 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil

2 cloves of garlic (you can add more, it depends on what you want)

To Serve:

2 cans sardines

1-2 zucchini


1. In a blender, combine all the ingredients, oregano leaves, pitted olives, and garlic, blend very well. Stir in the olive oil.

2. Tear up the zucchini and place into two separate bowl, then top with sardines and tapenade. Enjoy

3. Serve

Nutritional Information: Serving Size: Calories: 180, Carb: 5 g, Fat: 18 g Protein: 1 g

Simple Chocolate Breakfast Keto Chia Seed Pudding

This recipe is a low carb breakfast or dessert .very creamy and delicious.

Preparation time: 3 minutes

Total Cooking: time 3 minutes

Servings: 22


1/4 cup of Chia Seeds

1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk

1/8 tsp of vanilla extract (you can add more, if you desire)

1/4 tsp of cinnamon powder

Sweetener to taste (Optional)

1 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder


1. In a jar or glass, combine the vanilla extract, unsweetened coconut milk, cinnamon powder, and unsweetened cocoa powder and mix well.

2. Refrigerate for about 4 hours to sit. Then stir in the chia pudding a little while after removing from the fridge so to be evenly. Serve and enjoy.

Notes: add 1-2 tbsp of coconut milk, if the Chia Pudding is too thick. You can refrigerate for up to 3 days or more.

Nutritional information: Serving Size: Calories: 291 Carbs: 1g, Fat: 17g, Protein: 12g

Veggie breakfast bakes

This veggie breakfast bakes is packed with vegetables and oven baked, it is Gluten-free Vegetarian

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Total Cooking time: 30 minutes

Servings: 4


4 large field mushrooms

8 tomatoes cut in two

1 clove of garlic, thinly sliced

2 tsp of olive oil

200g of bag spinach

4 eggs


1. Set the oven to 200C-180C fan-gas 6. Place the tomatoes and mushrooms into 4 ovenproof dishes. Divide the garlic between the dishes, drizzle on the oil and add some season, bake for about 10 minutes.

2. Prepare the spinach by pouring a kettle of a boiling water to wilt it, if there is much water Squeeze it out and then add the spinach to the dishes.

3. Allow some little gap between the vegetables and break an egg on the dishes.

Nutritional informational: Serving Size: Calories 127, Fat 8g, Carbs 5g, Protein 9g,

Apple & linseed porridge breakfast

This recipe is perfect for breakfast; the oat is packed with nutrient, apple & linseed porridge

Is great for digestion.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Total Cooking time: 6 minutes

Servings: 4


2 apples peeled and grated

100g porridge oat

½ tsp of ground cinnamon (plus extra for sprinkling)

2 tbsp of ground linseed

500ml skimmed milk

150ml pot probiotic yogurt

Drizzle of honey or agave syrup


1. Mix the apples, oats, milk, and cinnamon in a medium size saucepan, allow it to boil, stir but not constantly.

2. Reduce the heat and cook for more 4-5 minutes and stir continually

3. Add the ground linseeds, then pour into 4 separate breakfast plate, Top each plate with a spoonful of yogurt, agave syrup or, a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of extra cinnamon.

Nutritional Information: serving size: Calories 236,fat 6g, carbs 29,g protein12g,

Warm berry compote

Warm berry compote is so delicious and so easy to prepare.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Servings: 4


Knob of butter

200g punnet blueberry

2 tbsp of caster sugar

Vanilla ice cream, to serve

1 tsp of vanilla extract

200g punnet raspberry


1. Dissolve the butter on a low heat. Put vanilla extract and sugar.

2. cook until the sugar totally Dissolved. Toss in the blueberries and raspberries, shake very well and cook for about 2-3 minutes until the fruit become soften. Serve immediately with a vanilla ice cream.

Nutritional Information: serving size: Calories 233, fat 11g, carbs 32g, Protein 4g,

Scrambled egg muffin

This is a healthy vegetarian scrambled eggs you don’t need to bland it, it is so easy to prepare


Preparation time 10 minutes

Servings: 1


Few sundried tomatoes

2 eggs

English muffins

Fresh basil (torn)


1. Scramble the eggs without oil or butter, add sliced sundried tomato, and then add the torn fresh basil and mound on halves of the toasted English muffin. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information: Calories -, fat -, saturates -,carbs -,sugars-,fibre -,protein -,salt -

Spiced scrambled eggs

Spiced scrambled eggs are perfect for using up a stray tomato or two. Start your morning with this recipe, it is delicious and easy to prepare.

Preparation time: 10minutes

Total Cooking time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2


1 red chili (chopped)

Knob of butter

1 small onion (chopped)

4 beaten eggs

Splash of milk

Good handful of tomatoes (chopped)

Coriander leaves

Toast, for serving


Put the chili and onion in a knob of butter to soften. Add the splash of milk and the beaten eggs then stir. When it’s almost scrambled, add the diced tomatoes, some coriander leaves and stir. Season and serve on toast

Nutritional Information: serving size: Calories 236, Fat 18g, Carb 3g, Protein 16g,

Vegan ketogenic lunch

Vegetarian Tuna Sandwich Salad

This salad taste just like the real tuna salad, serve in a sandwich, taste so great.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Total Cooking time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4-6


2 cans of chickpeas (or 4 cups of cooked from dry)

¼ cup of finely chopped celery

2 carrots, peeled

3 tbsp of vegan mayo

3 tbsp of minced dill pickle

2 tbsp of nutritional yeast

1 tbsp of tamari

1 tsp of lemon juice

1 tbsp of kelp granules

Salt and black pepper to taste


1. Place carrots in a food processor and process until they are pieces. Add the chickpeas, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, kelp, salt and pepper to taste. Process for about 8-10 minutes or until it looks like flakey tuna.

2. Then mix the vegan mayo, celery, and pickles in a large size bowl until they well mixed.

3. Combine the broth mixture the chickpea and mayo together and mix well.

4. Serve with tomato and kale in a wrap or as desired. Enjoy!

Coconut Lime Cauliflower Rice

Coconut lime cauliflower rice is a tasty keto friendly and low carb, it is made with chopped cauliflower.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes

Total Cook Time:10 minutes

Yield servings: 2


2 cups of cauliflower (chopped)

2 Tbsp of water

3 Tbsp of coconut milk powder

1 tsp of fresh lime zest

2 Tbsp of coconut oil

1 Tbsp of fresh cilantro (chopped)


1. Combine the cauliflower, coconut oil, coconut milk powder, and water in a microwave safe dish.

2. Microwave over a high heat for about 7 minutes. Stir and taste the consistency – if too hard cook it for another minute or two. Stir in the lime zest and cilantro before serving.

Nutritional information:  Serving size: calories 214, fat18g, net carbs4g, protein3g

Easy Low Carb Egg Salad

This egg salad recipe is healthy and taste so good as well

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Yield servings: 3


2 Tbsp of mayonnaise

6 normal sizes of eggs

1 tsp of Dijon mustard

1 tsp of lemon juice

Kosher salt and pepper to taste

¼ tsp of lite salt (for potassium)


1. In a medium size saucepan, put the egg gently and add a water to cover the egg by 1”, add a little salt to avoid cracking and let it boil for about 10 minutes and then remove it from the heat to cool.

2. Remove shall from the egg and then put the egg in a food processor and pulse until well shopped.

3. Add the mustard, mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Taste and just to your choice.

4. Serve with bacon and lettuce for wrapping. If desired. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information: serving size: calories 222, fat 19g, net carbs 1g, protein13g

Spiralized Zucchini Asian Salad

This recipe is very easy to prepare, cooking is not required, just mix all the ingredient, chill and serve

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Total time: 10 minutes

Servings 10


1 medium size zucchini thinly spiralized

1 cup of sunflower seeds shelled

1 pound of shredded cabbage

1 cup of almonds (sliced)

¾ cup of avocado oil

1 tsp of Sweet Leaf stevia drops

1/3 cup of white vinegar cider vinegar, or rice vinegar


1. Slice the spiralized zucchini with a kitchen knife and set aside.

2. Combine, the sunflower seeds, cabbage, and almonds, in a large sized bowl, add the zucchini and stir.

3. Combine, vinegar, oil, and stevia  in a small size bowl and whisk with a fork or whisker. Pour dressing on vegetables and stir.

4. Refrigerate for 2 hours at least, before serving for a better taste

Nutritional Information: serving size: Calories 120, Fat 9.3g Total Carb 7.3g, Protein 4g

Easy Vegan Macaroni Salad

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Total time: 15minutes

Servings: 4

This recipe is so delicious and very easy to prepare.


½ Cup of celery (diced)

2 Cups of macaroni (cooked, drained, cooled)

1 Tbsp of minced fresh parsley

¼ Cup of minced red onion (you can soak it in water to dilute the flavor a bit!)

½ Cup of cherry tomatoes (chopped)

1 Tbsp of mustard

½ Cup plus 2 Tbsp Vegan Mayo

1½ Tbsp of apple cider vinegar

1½ tsp of vegan sugar

½ tsp of salt and pepper to taste


1. Combine, the macaroni, red onion, celery, cherry tomatoes, and cherry together in a large size bowl.

2. In small size bowl, add the mustard, vegan mayo, vinegar and sugar, salt and pepper to taste and then stir until well combined. 

3. You can add more celery for more crunches, if you desired or more vegan mayo if it is dry.

4. Serve. Enjoy!

Charred Veggie and Fried Goat Cheese Salad

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Total time: 35minutes

Servings: 2


2 tbsp of poppy seeds

1 tsp of onion flakes

1 tsp of garlic flakes

2 tbsp of sesame seeds

1 medium red bell pepper (take off the seeds and cut into 8 pieces)

1 tbsp of avocado oil

½ cup of vegan cheese (cut into 4 ½ in thick medallions)

½ cup of sliced newly grown Portobello mushrooms

4 cups of arugula (divided between two bowls)


1. In a small size bowl, add together the onion, sesame seeds, garlic flakes and poppy.

2. Coat all the vegan cheese on both sides and put it in a plate and put it in the fridge until whenever you are ready to fry the cheese.

3. Grease the skillet with nonstick spray and heat it over a medium heat. Char the mushrooms and peppers on both sides, until the pieces start to darken and the pepper tender, and then add to the bowls of arugula.

4. Remove the vegan cheese from the fridge, and put it in the skillet and stir fry each side for 30 seconds. (Flip the cheese gently because it melts easily).

5. Put the cheese to the salad and drizzle with avocado oil.

6. Serve warm. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information: serving size: Calories 350, Fat27.61 g, Net Carbs 7.08 g, and Protein16

Carrot-Peanut Noodle Salad

Carrot peanut noodle salad is so tasty and very nutritious; it is made with spiralized carrots instead of noodles. Use unrefined peanut oil for a better aroma than the refined.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Total Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 4


2 tbsp of unrefined peanut oil

1 pound carrots, trimmed

1 tbsp of reduced-sodium tamari

2 tbsp of creamy natural peanut butter

1 tbsp of lime juice

2 tbsp of fresh herbs, such as basil, mint, and or cilantro (chopped)

1 tbsp of salted roasted peanuts (chopped)

1 tbsp of water


1. Using a spiralizer or vegetable peeler and cut the carrots into long thin strands.

2. In a large size bowl whisk in oil, peanut lime juice, butter, tamari and water, and then add carrots and gently toss to coat.

3 Sprinkled with peanuts and herb, serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional information  serving size: calories 1651, fat 2, carb 13 g, protein 4 g

Cheesy Cauliflower Alla Vodka Casserole – Low Carb

To make this Cheesy Cauliflower Alla Vodka Casserole, gluten free and low carb use cauliflower instead of pasta, it’s easy to prepare and delicious as well.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Total Cook Time: 50 minutes

Yield servings: 8


8 cups of well drained cooked cauliflower florets

2 Tbsp of coconut cream

2 cups of vodka sauce

2 Tbsp of melted butter

¼ cup of fresh basil (chopped)

6 slices of Provolone cheese

1/3 cup of grated Parmesan cheese

¼ tsp of freshly ground black pepper

½ tsp of kosher salt


1. In a large size bowl, combine the cauliflower, butter, heavy whipping cream, Parmesan cheese, vodka sauce, salt and pepper. Toss to coat well.

2. Transfer mixture to a 9 x 13 baking dish (or any equivalent of choice) and top with slices of Provolone cheese.

3. Heat oven to 375 degree (F) and bake until the casserole is bubbling and the cheese is totally dissolved, for about 30 – 40 minutes or more. And then remove from heat and let it sit for about 10 minutes.

4. Top with sliced fresh basil and serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional information:  serving size: calories 214, fat 14g, net carbs 6g, protein 12g

Quick & Easy Vegan Caesar Salad

Quick & Easy Vegan Caesar Salad is vegan, Dairy-free, Sugar-free, Corn-free, Nut-free, Yeast-free, Grain-free, Egg-free and Gluten-free, it’s flavorful and so creamy.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Total Cooking time: 5 minutes

Servings: 4


1 ripe avocado

2 tbsp of water

3 tbsp of lemon juice

1 tbsp caper brine

3 cloves of garlic (minced)

1 tbsp capers

12 cups of chopped romaine leaves

2 tsp of Dijon mustard

¼ cup of hemp seeds

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste


1. In a blender or food processor, add the lemon juice, avocado, water, mustard, brine, garlic, capers, salt and pepper to taste, Process until very smooth. It must be consistency of pudding.

2. Put the dressing in a small bowl and add hemp seeds and stir to get that 'Parmesan' feel.

3. In a large salad bowl, put romaine, drop dressing on top and turn leaves until fully coated.

4. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Notes: The caper is very important in this dish, do not supplementing it with anything else. you can add seed or nut of your choice, the hemp seeds are in the recipe to add that Parmesan feel.

Nutritional Information:  serving size: Calories: 168, Total Fat: 12.5, mg, Carbs: 5.2 g, Protein: 6.6 g,

Crispy Tofu and Bok Choy Salad

Preparation time: 25 minutes

Total Cooking time: 2 Hour

Servings: 3


Oven Baked Tofu

1 tbsp of soy sauce

2  ½ cup of  extra firm tofu

1 tbsp of sesame oil

2 tsp of minced garlic

1 tbsp of water

2 tsp of minced garlic

½ lemons Juice

1 tbsp of rice wine vinegar

Bok Choy Salad

1.125 cup of bok Choy

2 tbsp of cilantro (chopped)

1 stalk of green onion

3 tbsp of coconut oil

2 tbsp of soy sauce

1 tbsp of peanut butter

1 tbsp of sambal olek

½ lime Juice

7 drops of liquid stevia


1. Press the tofu dry, for 5-6 hours.

2. Combine sesame oil, soy sauce, lemon, water, garlic, and vinegar for the marinade

3. Cut the tofu into squares and put in a plastic bag together with the marinade. Let it marinate for about 30 minutes, if possible over night.

4.  Heat oven to 350F. Put tofu over baking sheet lined with parchment paper and then bake for about 30-35 minutes.

5. Apart from bok choy, combine, all the salad dressing ingredients together in a medium size bowl. Add spring onion and cilantro.

6. Cut the bok choy into small piece.

7.  Take the tofu out from the oven and add together the bok choy, salad with tofu, and sauce, and then serve.

Nutritional Information:  serving size: Calories 398.59, Fats30.43g, Net Carbs 6.68g, and Protein 24.11g.

Easy Avocado & Egg Salad

This salad is very easy to prepare, it’s very high in fats and fibre, vitamins and minerals and low in carbs. You can use rocket, lamb lettuce, romaine, even red leaf lettuce or iceberg lettuce, to prepare this salad just like every other salad.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Total Cooking time: 15 minutes

Servings: 2


4 large eggs, (natural)

1 large of avocado (200 g / 7.1 oz)

Chives, fresh herbs and extra virgin olive oil for garnishing (Optional)

2 tsp of Dijon mustard

4 cups of mixed lettuce like, arugula, lamb lettuce, and so on. (120 g / 4.2 oz)

2 cloves of garlic (crushed)

½ cup of soured cream or full-fat yogurt (115 g / 4.1 oz) or ¼ cup mayonnaise

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Put the egg in a saucepan and add water up to three quarters, add a bit of salt to avoid cracking, and then allow to it boil for 10 minutes. This time is perfect for a large egg.

2. When the egg is done, remove it from the heat and put it in a bowl of water to cool down, when is cold enough, remove the shells, cut to your choice and set aside.

3. In a small size bowl, mix the source cream by adding the Dijon mustard and crushed garlic, add salt and pepper to taste.

4. In a serving bowl, put the greens and mix with the dressing, then slice the avocado and put on the greens, add the eggs and season with additional salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information:  serving size: Calories436, Fat36.3g, Carbs 6.1g, Protein 17g,

Seven-cup muesli

This recipe is very high in iron and also packed with fiber.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Servings: 10


½ cup of sunflower seeds

3 cups of oats

1 cup of mixed nuts (including macadamia if possible)

½ cup of raisins

½ cup of sesame seeds

Soya or semi-skimmed milk

½ cup of dried cranberries

Some fresh seasonal fruit, like banana, grapes, papaya, passion fruit pineapple, and pears (all chopped)


1. Pour the oats in a large size airtight lid container and then add seeds, nuts, cranberries and raisins, add the apricots and stir.

2. Put some portion on a bowl, add milk and top with some seasonal chopped fresh fruit and serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information: serving  size Calories 393,Fat 16g, Carbs 51g, 8g,Protein 14g,

Grapefruit, orange & apricot salad

This fruit salad is very easy to prepare, it’s packed with nutrients, sweetened with honey.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4


4 oranges (peel and pith cut away)

2 grape fruit (peel and pith cut away)

1 tbsp clear honey

4 apricots (stoned and sliced)


Combine the oranges and grapefruits in a large size bowl to get the juices. Add honey and apricots and then serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information:  serving size: Calories 83,Fat 0g, Carbs 18g,Sugars 18g, Protein 2g,

Garlic Basil Spaghetti

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Total Cook Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Servings:  3


1 Medium size of spaghetti crush

1 small tomato (sliced)

2 Cloves of garlic (minced)

1 handful of basil (finely chopped)

3 tbsp of grass-fed butter or extra virgin olive oil or ghee  

Pink salt and black pepper to taste


1. Bake spaghetti crush for about 60 minutes on a preheated oven of 375 degrees F, and then let it cool for about 10 minutes.

2. Cut the crush in half, lengthways and take away the seeds.

3. Scrape the crush with a fork to be long enough.

4. Let the pan heat and then add butter, fry tomato and garlic on a medium-low heat for 2 minutes.

5.  Toss spaghetti crush, basil, salt, and pepper, into garlic tomato and mix very well.

6. Add more butter to taste. Enjoy!

Vegan ketogenic dinner

Winter Lentil Soup

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Total Cooking time: 1 Hour

Yield Servings: 6


1 tbsp of olive oil

2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut ½ inch pieces

4 leeks (white and light green parts), cut into¼ inch-thick half-moons

1 28-ounce cans whole tomatoes (drained)

½ cup brown lentils

1 tbsp fresh thyme

1 bunch of kale leaves cut into ½ inch-wide strips (remove the thick stems)

¼ cup of grated Parmesan (1 ounce; optional)

Kosher salt and black pepper to taste


1. Pour oil in a large saucepan or Dutch oven and heat over medium high-heat. Stir in the leeks and cook for about 3-4 minutes or until it start to soften, and then add tomatoes and cook, break them with a spoon as you cook, for about 5 minutes.

2. Add 6 cups of water and let it boil. Add kale, sweet potatoes, thyme, lentils, 1 ½ tsp of salt, and ¼ tsp of pepper to taste. Reduce the heat. Simmer until for about 25-30 minutes or until the lentils are softened.

3. Top with the Parmesan (if there is any) and Serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information:  serving size: Calories 226 Fat 4g Carb 38g Protein 12g

Easy Roasted Zucchini

A fast roast in the oven help to bring out the zucchini's earthy flavor, delicate, plus it's an easy hands-off way to cook zucchini for a quick vegetable side dish. This recipe is dairy-Free, Egg Free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, Diabetic Appropriate, Gluten-Free, Heart Healthy, and Low Carb

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Total Cooking Time: 25 minutes

Servings: 4


2 pounds zucchini, (about 4 medium size), trimmed and cut into ½ inch slices

1 tbsp of extra-virgin olive oil


1. Heat oven to 500°F. Put a baking sheet on the center rack of the oven, Toss zucchini along with oil in a large size bowl.

2. In a single layer, spread the zucchini on the heated baking sheet. Roast for about 5- 7 minutes or until start to brown.

3. Turn the zucchini and continue roasting for about 7 - 9 minutes or more, until softened.

Nutritional information:   serving size: calories 68; fat 4 g carb7 g, protein 3 g,  

Spaghetti Squash with Dukkah

This recipe is fairly easy to prepare, taste so good.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Total Cooking Time: 1 hour

Servings: 6


⅔ Cup of dukkah, divided

1 large spaghetti squashes (about 3½ pounds), halved seeded and should be long enough

2 tbsp of fresh cilantro (chopped)

3 tbsp of extra-virgin olive oil, divided

4 cloves of garlic

½ cup of water

⅛ Tsp of ground pepper

¼ tsp of salt


1. Heat oven to 425°F. Drizzle all squash half with 1 tbsp of oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper

2. Put the squash cut-side down on a rimmed baking sheet and put 2 cloves of garlic under all half, and then add water to the pan.

3. Roast for about 30 minutes or until the squash is softened. Turn the squash cut-side up and gently coat with the softened garlic. Set aside to cool for about 10 minutes, Use fork to scrape the flesh into a large size bowl.

4. Toss with the remaining 1 tbsp of oil and ½ cup of dukkah.

5.  Topped with the remaining dukkah and cilantro, and then serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional information:   Serving size: calories 197, fat14 g, carbohydrates 17 g and protein4 g.

Easy Grilled Zucchini

Grilling is another way to cook zucchini, Try it out! This recipe Dairy-Free, Egg Free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, Diabetic Appropriate Gluten-Free, Heart Healthy, Low Carbohydrate,

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Total Cooking Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 6


2 pounds of small zucchini, properly cut into lengthwise slices about ½ inch thick


1. Set a grill pan or rack on a medium-high heat until very hot. Apply Oil on the grill rack or pan,

2. Grill t zucchini slices, for about 6 -8 minutes, turn only once, until softened.

Note: Do not use cooking spray on a hot grill. To that, first oil a folded paper towel, hold it with tongs and rub it on a rack.

Nutritional information:   Serving size: calories 24, fat 0 g, carb 4 g, and protein 2 g.

Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with Tofu and Vegetables

Preparation time: 25 minutes

Total Cooking time: 25 minutes

Yield Servings: 4


¼ cup of brown sugar

2.25 of package rice noodles or 12 oz linguine

¼ cup of low-sodium soy sauce

2 tbsp of fresh lime juice

1 14 oz package firm tofu, cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices

1 tbsp of canola oil

2 carrots (cut into thin strips)

1 red bell pepper (thinly sliced)

1 tbsp of grated fresh ginger

2 cups of bean sprouts

½ cup of fresh cilantro (optional)

4 scallions (thinly sliced)

¼ cup roasted peanuts, (roughly chopped)


1. Cook the noodles with the direction on the pack. When the cooking is done drain the water and return it back to the pot.

2. Whisk the soy sauce, lime juice and sugar, together in a small size bowl.

3. Cut the tofu into ½-inch. you have already removed the excess liquid by gently pressing the tofu slices between the layers of paper towels.

4. Pour oil in a large skillet or saucepan and heat over medium-high heat. Add in the bell pepper, ginger, and carrots, then cook and stir for about 2 minutes. Add bean sprouts and tofu; continue cooking and stirring for about 3-4 minutes or until vegetables are slightly softened.

5. Toss half of the soy sauce mixture with noodles and cook on a medium-high heat for about 1- 2 minutes. Pour in a plate and then top with the remaining soy sauce mixture and the vegetables.

6 Sprinkle with the peanuts, cilantro, and scallions. If wish. Serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information:  serving size: Calories 512 Fat 15g Carb76g, Protein 19g, 

Zucchini Ribbons with Avocado Walnut Pesto

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Total Cooking time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2


Zucchini Ribbons

3 medium zucchini

½ tsp salt

Avocado Walnut Pesto

½ large avocados

1 cup of fresh basil leaves

¼ cup of walnuts

2 cloves of garlic (peeled)

½ large of lemon

¼ cup of grated Parmesan cheese

½ cup of water ( if needed*)

Other Ingredients:

1 tbsp of olive oil

5-6 fresh basil leaves for garnishing

Italian seasoning (Optional)


1. Chop the zucchini into fragile ribbons with a vegetable peeler, once you reach the seeds stop peeling.

Put the ribbons in a colander and toss with salt, set aside as you prepare the avocado pesto.

2. In a food processor, combine the avocado walnut pesto ingredients, walnuts, avocado, garlic, lemon, basil, and cheese, Process until very smooth. Add water as needed to thin the sauce.

3. Pour 1 tbsp of olive oil in a skillet and set the oven to a medium heat, and then sauté zucchini ribbons for about3-5 minutes or until slightly tender. Then remove from heat.

4. Spoon pesto zucchini ribbons and toss to coat

5. Divide the vegetable ribbons into two and top with grated Parmesan cheese and fresh basil, and then serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information:  Each serving comes out to be 325.5 Calories, 26.08 g Fat, 11.46 g Net Carbs, and 10.65 g Protein.

Classic Creamy Mushroom Ketogenic Soup

Classic Creamy Mushroom Ketogenic Soup is so yummy; enjoy it with family and friends.

Preparation time: 15minutes

Total Cook time: 25minutes 

Servings: 4 


3.5 oz Butter

1 pound of mushrooms quartered

3 oz Leek (sliced)

7 oz Heavy Cream

4 cloves of garlic (roughly chopped)

3 tbsp of tamari

25 fluid oz chicken stocks

1 tsp of Pepper

Optional Ingredients:

1 tbsp of Butter

4 oz mushrooms

1 pinch Salt optional


1. Put the butter, garlic and leek in a large size saucepan and sauté on a medium heat.

2. When the leek becomes tender, stir in the quartered mushrooms and cook for more 2 minutes, add the chicken stock and tamari and then reduce the heat and simmer for about 15-20 minutes. Take the saucepan out from the heat, add the cream and pepper to taste.

3. Use stick blender or immersion blender to blend the ingredients, until all ingredient are well pureed

4. If you are making use of the optional ingredients, put the butter and salt in a non stick frying pan on a high heat and add the sliced mushrooms and sauté for about 3-5 minutes or until well cooked.

5. Scoop the soup between bowls and garnish with the sautéed mushrooms.  Enjoy!

Nutritional Information: serving size: Calories 439, Fat 26g ,Total Carb 10g, Protein 8g

Note: try to make all the ingredients natural to avoid unnecessary additive.

Roasted Garlic Mashed Cauliflower

This recipe is alternative to mashed potatoes. It is, vegan, keto, Paleo, low-carb, and very healthy.  It is loaded with garlic flavor, and so creamy.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Total Cooking time: 55 minutes

Servings: 6


Roasted Garlic:

1 Tbsp of olive oil

1 head of garlic

Pinch of salt

Mashed Cauliflower:

1 head cauliflower cut into florets

¼ cup of almond milk

1 ½ tsp of thyme fresh

3 Tbsp of olive oil

1 ½ tsp of rosemary fresh

3-4 roasted garlic cloves

1 pinch of black pepper