Voyage of The Legacy - Linda Scott - E-Book

Voyage of The Legacy E-Book

Linda Scott

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United Federation of Earth had plans to send colony ships to the stars, many were under construction. One such ship was the Legacy. It was built at one-quarter scale however it was still a huge ship. It mirrored the larger ships in every way; its purpose was to test out a new Warp Core. It was capable of traveling eight times the speed of light. The Legacy would test the Warp Core, Bio-garden and Medical Units to full capacity and beyond. They would test the Cryogenic Sleep Chamber, and the special healing Medic Units, which were designed for major injuries and illnesses. These healing units could heal the body through a cryogenic type sleep. Instead of freezing the patient they were put.

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Linda Scott

Voyage of The Legacy

YA Science Fiction/Fantasy

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich


United Federation of Earth had plans to release colony ships to the stars; many were under construction. One such vessel was the Legacy. It was built one-quarter scale; however, it was still an enormous ship. It mirrored the larger ships in every way; its purpose was to try out a new Warp Core. It was capable of traveling eight times the speed of light. The Legacy would challenge the Warp Core, Bio-garden and Medical Units to full capacity and beyond. They would review the Cryogenic Sleep Chamber, and the individual healing Medic Units, which were designed for serious injuries and illnesses. These healing units could heal the body through a cryogenic type sleep. Instead of freezing the patient, they were put in suspended animation. The Legacy would be self-sufficient by mid journey, complete with raising its own crops and animals for food; in addition, the ship had two large tanks for fish both salt water and cold water, for the crew to eat. The crew was not all military, but some were pioneers young and healthy, couples - some with children. It was the greatest hope that others not married would and bear children. This would be studied by the medical team, as well. If they should look upon a habitable planet, they could deploy the ten townships and establish a colony. Sending the Legacy back to Earth with a skeleton crew to prepare reports and return with more colony members.


The journey begins

As Captain Timothy Jacobs (Tj) stepped from the shuttle his children, Nati and Kirby were close behind him. He heard the familiar whistle blow, calling everyone to attention, he loved that sound, and he had heard that whistle all his life. He came from a long distinguished line of Starship Captains, his father now an admiral. He had known all his life that he wanted to be a Captain. Tj’s chest swelled with pride as he stood tall in front of his new crew. Over the intercom came, "Captain On Deck." First Officer Dan Hickens stepped forward holding his hand out to shake that of his new Captain. As First Officer Hickens was about to welcome his new Captain to the Legacy, a disturbance began, and all he got out was, "Captain Jacobs wel….” He had planned to add more, but it all happened so fast. Nati’s cat, Luna, was asleep in her arms and had been startled by the piercing whistle followed closely by the loud intercom communication. She hissed and sprang from Nati’s arms hitting the floor in front of two unusually large cats. Luna hissed again, her fur standing out now, walking stiffly sideways, almost bent in half; every muscle in her tiny body tense, claws spread open, ready to fight. The sound that came out of her tiny mouth was a shrill screech. Then as soon as lightning she was gone. Nati and Kirby right behind the frightened kitten and the chase was on. Captain Jacobs started to scream - for his children to stay, but it was useless; they were gone. The two large Ocelots followed the children out of the shuttle bay. Captain Jacobs said “Dismissed” and started in the way the children had taken into the ship. First officer Hickens started calling names out, to organize search teams to assist in finding the kitten and children. Farmer started to laugh; soon others joined in. On the Legacy, the animals and children were always creating havoc with ceremonies, and this was no different. From the looks of this Captain, he would fit in just fine. The new Taweena and Tweeze would have no trouble finding the kitten and children; it was a large ship, but his cats were both telepathic and knew how to track. He pathed to the new Captain, “My Ocelot’s will not hurt them; they will tell us where they are.”

As Tj raced through his new ship, after the children, he was amazed at its beauty only having time to glance around. He knew from his study of the ship that the first floor was a garden. Looking up fifty feet to see six terraces each that could take the equivalent of an acre of farmland, all filled with soil, rich in nutrients and minerals. The main crops had already been planted. The six terraces were on a twenty-four hour cycle. They spread out in the day to allow the giant Proton Light to serve as Sunlight, and then closed together at night to get darkness. The timer was set to allow one hour for the terraces to open and close, signaling sunrise and sunset. Tj saw the Aqua ponds, marveling as he ran onto the bridge running between them. The children’s minds were so filled with fear for Luna. They could not hear their father’s attempts to call them - they just kept running. Frantic to stop the children, Tj drew on his power; he did not want publicly to prove his abilities, it made most people afraid of him, but he needed to prevent them before one or both was hurt; so he teleported to just in front of them and grabbed them both up at the same time. He now had both children securely in his arms. Nati was crying, “She won’t let me in to talk to her, she is too afraid. Dad, Kirby knows where she is - let us go to her.” Giving her a hug, he said, “Nati honey, don’t cry. Those two enormous cats we saw will bring her back. Farmer said they knew not to hurt her; and, she will calm down soon. I cannot have you both running all over this ship, you could both be hurt. We will go to our quarters now and wait for the cats to bring her back. We need to unpack our things, and I still need to meet my crew.”


Tj had seen pictures of the ship, but they did not give his quarter’s justice; as the doors opened, he took in a breath. They were enormous. From the door, he could see into the living room where a window, floor to ceiling, fifteen feet wide, was showing the outer space; it left him spellbound for a moment. This ship was so unique; he knew then that he had made the right choice. This ship was like a small city on earth; he would have to tell his mother she was right. In his head, he heard his mother “Tj, you and the kids will be fine. The hunt was quite exciting to feel. I love you and the kids; son, I miss you already.” His mother was unusual. She could reach farther than most telepathic. She could reach all the way to Jupiter, as long as she had a strong talent she was transmitting to, and he and his children were all strong talents. He should have known his mother would feel the children’s anxiety. They were a close family and had the ship been closer, she would have teleported to the ship; as she often did to his father’s ship, when it got close enough to Earth. Her range was just past the Moon, from Earth. Nati would be that strong when she grew up, and Nati could communicate with animals. Kirby, on the other hand, was like his father; he always knew where he was and how to get to any location even if he had never been there. That’s what made his dad so well known. He could find anything, anywhere. Tj was a mixture of both parents. He could telepath out past Jupiter and teleport out to Moon Base from Earth. He knew where he was, and he could feel things miles away. He was also capable of reading the minds of others even those that wore a lead cap to shield their thoughts from probes. The service had wanted him to go into Intel, but he did not like the idea of reading minds all day. As he looked out the window, his mind thought back to the Talent War. Absentmindedly, he rubbed his neck where Control Collars had been worn. He had never had to wear one, but his father had, and he had felt the pain in his father’s voice as he was told the stories of war - how his grandmother had died at his father birth. United Earth had been at peace now for many years. Miners were mining asteroids in space. They had space stations and moon bases throughout the Solar System. Their population was not known because they were a secretive lot. Whole families lived and worked in space, never seeing land; similar to gypsies of old, they moved all the time. A group of exceptionally talented people had developed a way to cheaply mine the asteroids. They had formed a band and rented a vessel to prepare their proposal to the miners. The group consisted of ten people: Erleen Dose, Robert Randolph, Joseph Gregory, James Goofall, Gina Room, Joe Graves, William Hagen, George Fordan, Julian Zandul and Mary Rudolph; all rated ten on the talented scale, and all were never heard from again. The ship they had rented was found adrift, empty. Once the ship was located the Miners counsel claimed that they hadn’t heard from the group, and refused any attempt to look for them in their own facilities. They had now been missing for sixty years, and at this point presumed dead as no one even had received an average path from any one of them, and all were capable of telepathising back to Earth. Erleen Dose was capable of teleporting thousands of miles at a time, with luggage. Gina Room could make a meal in her kitchen while driving home from work. William Hagen and Julian Zandul could send sonic sound waves that could shatter glass. George Fordan could fill containers with water out of thin air. Mary Rudolph could levitate objects weighing thousands of pounds. Julian Zandul could send a cargo pod to the moon or bring one back. Mary Ruph could feel and pinpoint minerals. James Goofall could teleport objects large and small. Joe Graves could crush rocks with his mind alone. Robert Randolph could extract minerals from things leaving them whole but hollow. They all had talent of the highest degree; many felt their loss.


"They are here dad," Kirby said as he walked to the hatch to open it. In walked the large cats, with Luna hanging by the scruff of her neck. The cat holding her pathed We are here with your little kit. See, she is okay, but I broke a claw getting her out of that tree. She is a nasty little trouble maker; you want to teach her respect. We are Ocelots, not kit sitters.

With that pathed, the giant cat spit Luna out and turned to leave. Nati stepped in front of the cat and pathed, Thank you for bringing my kitten home I will teach her better.

You are welcome. Taweena pathed back to Nati. An hour later they were settled in. Tj said to his kids, “Let’s walk the main floor of the ship and see our new home, a little slower this time. Okay?” So the Captain and his two children walked the entire length around the ship; then they strolled around the bio-garden - it was fantastic. The two large spotted cats met them again. He reached out his hand to pet each one as they shovel nosed his legs, almost knocking him over. He heard a hearty laugh and looked up at one of the largest men he had ever seen; wearing coveralls, the man reached out his hand, to shake, "Name is Ruud - but folks just call me Farmer." As Tj returned the hand shake, Farmer reached down and scratched one of the Ocelot cats. “This is Taweena and that one’s Tweeze, both females, Doc and I thought it would be easier starting out with females of each of the species we wanted to take aboard. "I'm Captain Timothy Jacobs, but I think I just want to be called Captain or Tj. This is,” pointing at his daughter, “Natalie, and my son Kirby. This will be a long voyage to stand on too much formality." Tj spoke at length with Farmer about the bio-garden, and then he started to smell something delicious cooking. Farmer clasped his hands together and said, "Lunch, and I'm hungry." Tj thought, Well, I'm hungry too, and he and his family followed Farmer into the galley. Not a fancy area but large and clean - it had a window looking out into space, and a patio lounge above the main eating area. Round tables that sat ten people each; comfortably, in the center of each of the tables was a section that turned so everyone could get the dishes. All meals were served family style; Tj liked that thought it made for a friendly meal. "Captain,” Farmer said, “This here is the heart of a ship. An accomplished cook keeps a talented crew, balanced and healthy." He had to agree with Farmer on that. They talked, over the best meal he'd had in a long time. Ruth came out of the kitchen, to say hello, and that she had an excellent meal planned for tonight. She smiled at both of the Captain’s children handing them each a warm cookie fresh from the oven.


After lunch, they parted company with Farmer, saying they would see him at dinner. The Captain’s small group continued on to the sickbay unit, to meet the medical staff. He was impressed with the unit; it was organized and clean. He looked at smiling faces of nurses and medical staff. Farmer started to laugh; soon others joined in. On the Legacy, the animals and children were always creating havoc with ceremonies, and this was no different. From the looks of this Captain, he would fit in just fine. He knew Taweena and Tweeze would have no trouble finding the kitten and children; it was a large ship, but his cats were both telepathic and knew how to track. He pathed to the new Captain. “My Ocelot’s will not hurt them. They will tell us where they are.” "Nice to meet the new Captain," Beth said with a smile. Her name was Beth Simms, and she was the pilot’s wife. She was one of the many nurses the medical unit had. She pushed a button on the wall and asked "Doc" to come and receive our new Captain; they heard over the intercom. "On my way." A moment later Dr Tom Monsor, the head doctor in charge of the Legacy’s medical teams walked into the room. He was a tall, dark haired, light brown skin man of African American decent; he stood at least six foot two, and he was neatly dressed in a white medical coat buttoned up over dark blue scrubs. He put his hand out and said "Doc's what everyone calls me." He had a large, friendly smile. The Captain liked him in an instant. Just like Farmer, he knew his job and enjoyed every minute of it. "Captain or Tj is what I want to be called" they shook hands; took a tour of the three medical facilities, once again he was impressed. His son Kirby was drawn to a small pen in the back of the unit; he just stared at it. Tj moved over to see what his son was drawn to. It was a pen full of puppies. Beth reached in and picked up a strange-looking puppy. It had a light brown body with a face outlined in black, and a corkscrew of a tail. Beth said, “This is a Pug puppy and is the only one without a home, yet.” Beth looked at Kirby. “Kirby, do you have a dog?” She asked. Every boy needs a dog to play with, and this little lady needs a boy to love and play with." Kirby looked at his dad, then back at the strange puppy - then back at his dad in a, please I want her, look. Tj rubbed his sons head and asked what her name was going to be. Kirby seamed to stand taller, and his chest swelled, as he said. “I’m going to call her Puggy Sue; it will be Puggy Sue and Kirby from now on.” He lovingly took the puppy from Ruth saying a heartfelt “Thank you.” Puggy Sue took right to Kirby, and she covered his face with kisses wiggling her body almost out of his little grip. Beth also gave Kirby a booklet telling him how to care for a puppy on the Legacy.


Next, they visited the school and met with the four teachers and twenty-nine students. The classrooms were located by the gym, and library, with its own private entrance to the galley. It also had a personal play yard and was close to the playing fields. They entered the schoolroom - a large area with four classrooms, Mrs. Tate would be teaching seven students, including Nati, ages eleven to fourteen; Mr. Taylor would be teaching Kirby in a group of eight, ages seven to ten. Mr. Tate taught a class with eight students - age’s five to six. Lastly, Mrs. Taylor had the younger group of two to four year old children. There were six children in class. Tj and his children were impressed at the study set up, and excited, as well. They had never been around so many other children their own ages. Most of the ships they had been on had maybe one or two children. Never had they been in a regular classroom; they had just had computer-learning plans. As they headed back to their new home, Luna strolled up. Nati picked her up and carried her the rest of the time while she purred. "Dad, I like our new ship, the people here all seem to be polite and helpful. I personally will enjoy having real friends, not just computer friends," Nati said to her dad. They talked quietly all the way to their quarters. He had seen many pictures of his quarters, but they did not do it justice. It was enormous, with windows open all around the living area. Wow, this was his family’s new home. There was a king size bed in a separate cabin. Two bathrooms: one off his cabin with a shower and one off the living area with a sunken tub. He wondered, was the crew aware of this cabin? There was a kitchen, and a full wet bar stocked with only juices - talents never drank, it was like poison to them. The children had their own rooms. There were five more bedrooms and butler quarters, off of the kitchen area. He told the children to settle in. He would like to go and see his Ready Room - it was on the other side of his living room; it was furnished with a long table accompanied by twelve plush chairs; at the head, a larger chair, for him, nice touch. Computer screens lifted out of the center of the table or a three-D image could be displayed above it. He took the elevator at the back of the Ready Room. It took him to the bridge, and what a view that was. His eyes took in every part of the bridge ending with First Officer Hickens. "Captain on the bridge" everyone stood and came to attention.’ “Thank you, and stand at ease, return to your stations. Mr. Hickens follow me to my Ready Room, if you will.” He then turned and went back into his private elevator. Dan Hickens followed the Captain to his ready room, but he did not stop there. Tj went on into his quarters, and Hickens let out a whistle as he came into the living room. "This is quite a place." "Sit. I would like to get to know you. Coffee?” “Yes, sir, please.” “Call me Tj or Captain. This is not a military ship. We will be together a long time, and this will be more of a family vacation. A four or five year holiday that is. How do you feel about the ship?" Tj poured Dan a cup of coffee and they sat in the Captains new living room talking about all the different departments on the ship. "From what I have seen of it, I can’t find any problems anywhere. We are on time with the Warp Core installation; it has acted normal in all tests. Lt Jones is impressed with its performance, and we are ready for the first three month burn when you say so." "Good. Let’s go ahead and set a course that will take us out past Jupiter and the asteroid belt, at best speed and, please notify the crew of our heading. I will see you at dinner, Dan". He stood up and held his hand out for a shake. "Thanks, Captain," Dan said as he turned to walk back to the bridge. Alone again, Tj sat and looked out at the vast blackness of space, thinking about what he would say to everyone at dinner. This was going to be a fabulous cruise and a grand adventure - he could feel it in his bones.


At dinner, Doc, Farmer, and his Officers were all silent. Finally, Tj stood up and said, "Gentlemen and Ladies, we are about to begin our journey. It could take up to five years to complete - although it's been stated as a year out and back. It will be six months before we reach the point past Jupiter. There, we will begin to test the warp core in a three month burn that should lead us out to the end of our solar system. We are then to slow to normal engines and evaluate the ship’s performance - for a month or two. If satisfactory, we will launch a warp core burn of twelve months. So, you see, that's a year and a half right there. At the end of the first year burn, we have been given permission to look around as much as two years, and then we will start back. Doc, have you finished with all of the physicals yet?" "You're the last, Captain." Dr Monsor said. "Good I’ll be there first thing in the morning, everyone's healthy I presume. I gave permission a few hours ago to get under way. So we begin our journey with this fine dinner, Thank you Ruth. We are to evaluate ourselves, and this ship, to the full extent of its capabilities. We must endure and be self sufficient by the end of the first half of this journey. Farmer tells me that we are almost there. Now it's been a long day for me so with that, I will retire. Thank you all for coming.” Tj and the kids stopped a few times on their way out of the galley to talk to one person or another. They walked home through the bio-garden. The smells and colors were a wonder to the senses. He thought quietly to himself, the only thing missing would be to have someone to share this adventure with. He had spent his life in study, never taking the time to meet and make friends, long lasting ones anyway. Maybe one in the crew would draw his fancy. There were quite a few lovely looking ones at dinner - and still, in the back of his mind, was the blonde woman he had seen in his dream, L231. And always, he thought of his lost wife, Jenny. He opened the doors to his quarters and went in, he and the kids got ready for bed. He tossed and turned until he had had enough, so he dressed in his running clothes. He ran what he had walked that day, ending in the bio-garden. Somewhere along the way the two cats, Taweena and Tweeze had joined him; they were beautiful. Running this ship was like a dream. He ran until he was tired then went to bed to sleep. It worked, and he fell asleep dreaming of his new ship. Again, in his dream, there was the beautiful woman with golden blonde hair and rainbow eyes. He had never had a wet dream before, but she was beautiful. Funny, she had a tattoo on her left cheek, L231. As dreams go he did not know what to make of it, he awoke to "Tj I need you, help me, please!" Tj woke from the dream and turned over in his bed going back to sleep. He dreamed about the first time he had the dream. In the dream, he was at his home on Earth. He dressed and went down to breakfast, all, but his mother, were off to their day's work, Nati and Kirby were last minute shopping. They spoke at length about his ship. She had a lot of questions for him. He tried to answer them all. Then she said, "I hope you meet that young lady you dreamed about last night - she is perfect for you. You should move on Tj. Jenny has been gone for many years now, and the kids could use a new mother. Don’t take me wrong. We all loved Jenny, and she loved us, but she is gone, son. And you must move on sometime." "You saw my dream?" Jack started to blush. "There is not much I don't see in this house, you were rather loud last night, woke your father too." She said, laughing at him. He had forgotten how it was in a talented household. You had to double shield your thoughts at all times, or they would be heard. Tj and his mother had a busy day planned. He had some legal papers they would need to have signed. That took most of the morning. Sitting across from one another in a small lunch cafe near their last visit, the bank. He had just given his mother power of attorney, just in case something were to happen to him or the children. She would monitor his investments and change things as were needed. They had finished lunch; his mother reached across the table squeezing his hand - a loving gesture she often did. It hit them like lightning: sharp and clear, terrified, then blackness. Timothy, hear me, please. I'm afraid. I'm cold and alone… My children … I cannot touch my children, only their minds; they are so alone and afraid, too. Help us! Please!!! Then her mind was gone. Tj looked at his mother's eyes as a tear ran down her face. "Timmy, she is real and out there somewhere lost and alone. We need to find her and her children, but where to look?" "She is in space, mom, the cold on her skin is what you feel putting on a space suit, and the black is like the visor on the helmet coming down." In his dream, he held his mother for a while as she cried. She was so touched by the vision they had both seen. He too was quite shaken. That night, after dinner, the whole family joined their talents. His father, most people said, was at least an eleven on a talent scale of one to ten, and his mother also a ten. His father now an Admiral like his father and was known for his ability to sense what was around him for miles. He always knew when one of his old ships was close to moon base and who was on it. His mother was able to path news from home too - as far out as Jupiter, and she always knew when to call him. Nati would be at least a nine most likely a ten she had a gift to see into the body and see what was wrong; she could also talk to animals. She would make an excellent doctor or vet when she got older. Kirby was gifted, like his father he always knew where he was and what was around him for miles. So their combined talent was nothing to laugh at; Luna even joined her paws in but they could not reach her - they could not find L231, she was gone.


Over the next six months, the ship settled into a routine, children with studies, chores and play. Tj often watched his son and the other boys, playing with the puppies. Puggy Sue was the funniest dog to watch - you just had to laugh when she ran. She would tuck her butt and blast away, eyes wide-open tongue hanging out and happy. She could run figure eights around the other dogs and kids. The children had four play yards in the bio-garden, and you could see children playing most of the time in them. His children made friends, and the boys would play kick ball. Life on the ship was not all work - there were many things to do: singles had a lounge as well as the couples, and movies were played every evening in the theater. The teen group Nati was in worked part of the day in class then they would go and work part of the rest of the day in ships departments. Nati wanted to be a vet when she got older; so a proposal was made, for her to intern with the animal team under Dr Parks. His first officer son, Randy, and Janet Frank’s daughter wanted to fly, so a plan was worked out for the two to work with the pilots on the crew. That was the main reason for the older children to move around the different departments, navigation, communication, science, engineering, the galley, Bio-garden, gym, cargo, medical and laundry they went there to learn. Tj’s COM went off one morning in the bio-garden where he was watching the children play softball. That was a wonder he never thought he would see in space; children running and kicking a ball as hard as they were able, on board a ship. It was Lt Jones. "Every system has checked out properly, Captain. The core is still a little jumpy, but I believe it will subside once we have the first burn.” Lt Jones stated. “We are ready, when you are. Over.” "The Bio-garden is safe. The ship could do somersaults and not hurt it, not that that is planned. Over." Farmer said, jokingly. "The medical unit is ready, as well - over" Doc piped in. “Aqua tanks are secure - over” Norm said last. "Then we all agree the ship is ready to test it first burn. We will do it tonight after the children are all tucked in bed and asleep. Over" That night the ship picked up speed. The stars looked like streaks in the night sky. They were traveling faster than man had ever gone. The ship felt calm. Doc said everyone checked out okay. No one was under any stress. The ship should settle into its new schedule, easily. For the next two weeks, Doc and his teams, checked out everyone on the ship, including plants and animals - everything checked out.