Warning Signs In The Head Of a Narcissist - Lena Åsberg - E-Book

Warning Signs In The Head Of a Narcissist E-Book

Lena Åsberg

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Varning signs, In the head of a narcissist, on a dating site. It is a true story when i start talking to a man on dating.com His behavior was good, no "red flags" at all. He had a sense of humor and everything was fine. It can be very difficult to determine. Where do you think the line is? I want to show you a number of letters from this man. Narcissists hate when they are not in focus. And they are often insecure and need power. They can also take a lot of energy from their fellow humans. In order to feel good themselves.

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With this true story.. you can also read some

of the letter i received from this narcissist.

I know that with this information I will be able to help many people who are searching for their true love online. So that you don’t waste time and energy, and most importantly getting your heart broken.

That is exactly what a narcissist does. They are skilled at manipulation. Many narcissists don't know that they are themselves.

Their own thoughts are first the self in their brains. What makes them feel good. It's like a drug and a dopamine rush in their brains.

What others think doesn't matter. Narcissists don't think about other people's feelings. They have no empathy. It is their ego that rules, and if they are questioned. They often become irritated or aggressive.

That's a violation of their ego. Because everything revolves around how they feel.

With this information and knowledge.

I have experienced this on a dating site. And it probably doesn't really matter which love site you choose.

But I want to show you letter

from this narcissist too.

It can be very difficult and vulnerable to understand. Narcissists express themselves so differently.

Having said that,

I hope you might see some patterns

to warn you about.

Luckily, I didn't have time to fall in true love for him.

In every country we have narcissists. Or by all means toxic people. But how do we know who they are? Or are we all narcissists more or less. The answer is yes, and we can have narcissists in the family. Among friends, the boss at work, maybe their partner.

And online dating sites, there are plenty. But who are the so-called people? I personally think these should be called, self-absorbed egoists.