Was it love - Hartmut Hoffmann - E-Book

Was it love E-Book

Hartmut Hoffmann



Oh, when you're so alone in life in the world, so completely without female contact and what else you can expect from a lovely woman, you start to fantasize. To put together a woman in a dream as one imagines being happy with her. Yes, I've just turned thirty-five and have already been married. My feelings and my internal clock tell me if I don't start looking for women now, many different ones, not only in terms of appearance but also in terms of character, and I test and try each one out, until I suddenly notice in a woman because my heart is screaming and my mind is totally floating, that's her! If I don't have the courage to do so, life will pass me by without me experiencing anything. How is she supposed to know I'm waiting for her?

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Ground floor of Noah`s house

Basement of Noah´s house


Was it love?

Monday 02.09.2013

Tuesday 03.09.2013

Love menu gourmet restaurant "Romance"

Wednesday 04.09.2013

Thursday 05.09.2013

Freyday 06.09.2013

Saturday 07.09.2013

Was it love?

Dreams, more and more dreams that contain fantasies that you wish for and that life has denied you, until now! It took more than thirty-five years, you have developed and matured, but inside the one fantasy lives on that takes more and more possession of you and makes you really aware that the train of time flies by at breakneck speed and when If you don't jump up now, it's too late. The only thing left is your imagination!!! It's becoming more and more conscious to me and damn it, it's now or never, you can turn the tide and still create everything you imagine in your imagination, make the hottest dreams, wishes and fantasies come true, you can do it, gather all your courage and start a life that is connected to your imagination and experience whether your imagination really gives you what it has led you to believe in many, infinitely many dreams.

I've been married, in a relationship and now single, but I've never gotten what I wanted, or rather what I wanted to try to see if my imagination was really giving me what it promised. Yes, that should be my goal now, to experience my fantasy in reality, a fantasy where many people say, oh no for heaven's sake, but who knows how many would also think that and wish to experience it too, but the People often only do what the current of life dictates and to swim against the current and even if it's just a little bit, no, that's not possible. Yes, these constraints have also made it possible for me to withhold my fantasy for so long and only after so many experiences have I finally found the courage to experience my fantasy. I change everything now!

In my mind I've often played through how it could be, what I would like to do and with whom. Oh yes, I've dreamed it through with a lot of women, with women I noticed in everyday life, or also from the television and each one triggered something different in my mind. It was always very, very exciting when I fell asleep with my thoughts, but when I had experienced everything in my thoughts with the woman a few times in a dream, then the tension was gone and I looked for a new dream partner. Will that also be the case in reality? Like a player who wants to experience the main prize and then the game becomes uninteresting for him, or does the woman who triggers these feelings in me never let go of me? Questions that I could only find out and then answer through real experience, that's what makes it so exciting.

And already the problems begin, how am I supposed to find a female who also has dreams like this and then still has the courage to experience them with me. There are so many things that you have to take into account.

The night of loneliness is over and the idea has grown, try making an ad, but who will read all this and who will get in touch and where should I meet and how should I explain my dreams to her, will she laugh at me, look stupid and disappear right away? Oh man it's complicated. I have no problem with such decisions at work, I have to make decisions there every day, but when my heart comes into play, it's like crazy, doubts keep popping up. I always think if it's right, if you do something good for the woman, or maybe hurt her heart. I just want to do everything right and that makes me spin on the spot and I can't decide. It's darn hard when you want to work with your heart. But nothing works without a heart, right? No, all people are different and I've often thought that those who don't have a heart live better, no not better, just often much easier and less complicated. But I'm one of those people who can't turn off their heart and, to be honest, don't want to either, because it's just more fun with a heart, even if it often causes problems. But the time when the heart takes over, that's the time it's worth having a heart and feeling and feeling it. Unfortunately, these moments in my life have come too short, very much too short, better said, almost never appeared, only always in my dreams, there the feelings have gathered and offered the solution for the feeling, but it is not enough, it must now finally happen in reality.

Newspaper or Internet? Would it be better to put the ad... no, but how should I write it? I'm looking for ... or I wish ... or do you want to experience something ... should I write my dreams? Yes, then the woman who reads it can already get used to what I want, or is that too early, or will she get in touch then...? Man oh meter it's difficult, it's just an advertisement text. Read more on the internet and everywhere, a newspaper is too limited and if she comes from further away, then no problem, she can live with me and ohhh ... has that fallen into place again? Maybe I should have the ad written, no, that's not my style, I have to do it myself. Man, I can do that. So an advertisement on the Internet, kept light and very open.

He is looking for you to experience hot erotic games where there are almost no limits and where we can both try everything, everything can, nothing has to! If you are interested and are between 25 and 35 years old, then get in touch with me!

Oh, where am I supposed to place this ad? No, I think it's better I sign up on some dating site. But which one, a normal one, where people want to get to know each other in order to stay together for life. No, I think that would be the wrong one, because I don't want to find a partner for life, but a female being who wants to experience my dreams with me, maybe they are hers too, or I can arouse interests when I talk to her, which she didn't know per se, but she has to be flexible to want that.

Yes, if the very best optimal case were to occur, you would find a life together and feel and try everything together forever and enjoy together until the end of our days. Never wake up alone again, never again dream something that you can't tell another person, but you would merge into one unit and enjoy life. Yes, who wouldn't want that and who would want to experience that with me, yes, if you could find such a female part, oh ...!

Well, with my dreams, it would probably be better if I registered with an infidelity portal, because the women who register there are definitely open-minded, because they already have the courage to want to do something that not every woman would dare to do. Yes, exactly, that's the right place. The die has been cast and I want to register. How about my profile:

Grey-haired thirty-five, studying and now the desire to study life with you, i.e. to try everything from A - Z, everything that can be experienced together and where the goal is to let the feelings of the heart rise to seventh heaven and maybe also much higher, but we will see! What do you think about that, do you want to experience the fireworks of emotions with me, maybe for just an hour, or even a day, a week, a month, or even ... well, from your point of view, is it worth a try, then email me me and I will definitely get in touch and try to win you over so that we can start the emotional fireworks.

Oh, I could still work on it for hours, but I think the display says it all. I register and oh it won't be activated for another hour. I'm excited to see if a woman will even get in touch. Yes, definitely, but the tension is there. I sit in front of the PC and wait for the activation and then for the first mail. A new chapter in my life has begun! Pure excitement!!! How will it be? There's a ping, an email in my inbox...

Hello strange lonely man, how about the two of us, get in touch with me! ...

Hooray! My first mail, but somehow I expected something different. It sounds so totally professional and so cool. Well, it doesn't matter. Carefully send a reply email.

Hello foreign woman, do you think something could happen between the two of us? What were you thinking about when you read my email?

Hello stranger, I'm Chantal and I'll fulfill all your wishes, you'll like it, what do you want me to do with you?

That's exactly it, I thought to myself, behind this mail there is a professional, but that's exactly what I don't want. I've never been to a brothel or anything like that in my life. I think it belongs, no matter what the wishes are, or the desire is, always have the heart to do it. More or less, but I can't do without it, an emotional world that triggers my heart must always resonate with something. So I have to email her this, very carefully.

Hello, thank you for your interest Chantal, but I have the feeling that we can't experience something together, unfortunately that's not possible from my side. Don't be angry and thank you for reporting to my ad. All the best!!!

Ping - Oh, something landed in my inbox again. It's really great in itself, you're sitting at home on the PC and e-mails keep coming in, yes, the technology! times open.

Hello, I'm your princess for all wishes and dreams, get in touch and we'll chat.

Hello princess, thanks for your mail, but I don't think we will be able to have any fun together. Much luck.

It's just these weird emails that are funny? I'm not looking for a professional. The emails somehow all sound the same and so cold, nothing comes across other than the feeling that she says the price right away. No, I want something with heart. Did I register wrongly here, I thought there were people like you and me.

Ping - Well, what kind of email is that again, am I in the right place, right?

I read your ad and almost saw myself in it. I also have a lot of dreams but you can't experience them alone. What are you dreaming about?

Man oh man this mail is somehow different, more emotional when you try to read between the lines, let's see who is behind it? Maybe also a lonely being with dreams and maybe even with similar dreams, so email me carefully if that's the case so that she doesn't get scared right away.

Hello unknown mailer, I am totally impressed by your lines and the many words you put between the lines. Oops do you have? Hope greetings! By the way, my name is Noah!

Isn't it crazy, in the past you wrote letters and waited for days for an answer, today you write an email and an answer comes almost immediately, of course only if it's online at the moment, whether it's still there.

Hello Noah! What did you read between my words and lines?

Oh my goodness, I hope you have a lot of time to sit in front of your PC, because if I email you everything that is between your lines, it will take sooo much longer! But first, a certain curiosity came across, something you would like to experience in life and for which you are longingly looking and have not yet found and ...!!!

Sounds exciting, yes you are right, how can you read all this from the few words?

I don't know exactly how to email it to you, when I read your words it was as if they vibrated, transmitted something, something like feelings, i.e. desires and longings. I just didn't read your words with my mind, but my heart immediately switched on and the heart reads differently than the mind, which is often so terribly sober and related to reality.

Yes!!!!!! What kind of feelings do you think your heart felt?

Uh oh, we've only been emailing for a few minutes and you're already reaching deep into me. Where is this supposed to end? Or will it be you, the woman with whom I can and can experience, feel and enjoy all your and my dreams uninhibitedly?

Who knows, let's see what's coming, but sounds good! What are your dreams?

May I say in advance, these are all just dreams and you can only really experience them if you have a partner who totally trusts you and who I can trust 100%. The goal is simply to experience a lot of feelings and I think you can only do that if you are a person who has a heart, which he can also show and then you can let yourself go 100% with and with your partner, because only then you can fully savor and experience feelings. I hope that doesn't sound too difficult?

No, I know what you're getting at. You use almost the same words as I think and my heart speaks to it. Oh, you've been avoiding emailing something about your dreams again, so what are they?

They are only dreams, but apparently they are wishes that you want and want to experience deep down inside. But don't worry, I'm not into pain, just a lot of feelings and in all possible variations.

Well, no pain, but very light hits before a climax, that can intensify it enormously!

Wow, now I'm floored, you have the same feelings as me! Tell me, what is sex for you, or better how would you like to experience it? Alone with just one partner, or with many people together?

That depends, but first I think it's important to experience something with just one person, a togetherness, you have to see what happens then.

Oh that sounds as if we are already meeting in thought and the first cautious approaches are in the offing! After just a few sentences, you seem somehow familiar to me, even if that may sound stupid to you, my heart is speaking and my mind is politely holding back!

But you can also play with words that can confuse you!

Thanks for the kind words, but words are one of the most important tools a person can use to express themselves and how should I do it differently? I don't even know where to find you and how far away you are from me. I live in Hamburg.

Well, we're not that far away after all, I live in Schwerin.

Oh, almost just a stone's throw! Accelerate and brake once on the freeway and I'm there! Smiling!

Well, who knows, sounds like a fast runabout. By the way, my name is Sophia, so now you know!

Sounds good Sophia from Schwerin, the woman with the really big and longing heart that is looking for a lot of feelings and love!!!

Is correct! Somehow we keep coming off your dreams! Take your time, I'm going offline for a short break and when I'm back, I'm super hot to hear about your dreams!

Jupps, have a good break then!

What is she doing during the break? Going for dumplings, or getting something to eat, or does she just need a break to sort out her thoughts and feelings? Just write my email and then I'll just wait for an answer.

Yes, my dreams, I have a lot, but they always only play with one woman, the woman who wants to try everything with me and who I can trust one hundred percent, because that is the most important requirement. If that's you and you want to, then read on now, otherwise just stop ...!

Are you back already?

No answer yet, then I'll just write a dream email, well, an email in which I'll put my dreams in more concrete terms and off we go.

Oh my dreams, how should I put it, are often captivating - smile - I've written a book, a textbook on bondage for everyone, it's written, but not all the photos are ready yet, I already have 105 but there are still about 200 more missing, when you write you have so many ideas and new ones keep coming up. Don't get me wrong, bondage is for couples who want to try something, who have been together for a long time and make sex exciting again, or who want to explode feelings, all without pain! Yes, I have also listed all the legal and medical facts and then it only starts. Can you imagine, I wrote a book, also with testimonials from other people and haven't been able to try it out yet because I've never had a partner who wanted it or who I could trust 100%. Just imagine that your hands and feet are tied naked on the bed, all fours spread wide and then your partner comes and is very, very tender and also a little determined towards you and your feelings increase, increase and increase if you're being honest, often when you've had an orgasm you've either closed your legs or moved in some other way to compensate for your feelings and now imagine you can't move your body freely anymore. You're tied down and the feelings want to get out after the orgasm, where to? In your hands or feet as a movement and it doesn't work, so what are they doing, they slosh back to the center of the body like waves, like waves on the sea, over and over again and they always get a little weaker, but because of the waves the phase of the climax is no longer simply - yes yes yes ... ohhh - and the feelings of the climax are gone, but - yes yes yes ohhh ... yes yes yes ohhh ... yes oh yes - those would be the feelings that you feel cannot fight back with a movement. You see they last longer and that is a goal of addicting lover games! There's more to this, of course, but... oh my, did I shock you? I'm so excited for your answer! Hopefully not the end. Just got used to emailing you, there's something so special about what I feel about it.

When are you back - hallllloooooo break is over!!!

I kept the break very short, but I want to know what you wrote, I'm curious about it, you somehow make it exciting to email with you. So now I'll read your mail, oh it's a long time until now.

How can you be so excited just because you're waiting for an answer. It was just a simple email. Ne not true, was an info mail. It's not true either, was a carefully worded email that shouldn't immediately suffocate budding feelings with the wrong words. A testing emotional email. Oh man Noah your thoughts. Oh, she's already answering, so she's not quite lost yet.

Sorry it took a little longer. I've read it at least ten times and I've had a short dream in which I imagine myself lying there in front of you and you touching me very tenderly all over.

Where exactly?

Now you want to leave me speechless, it's not possible, we're emailing!!!!

That doesn't apply either, you're already messing around with my heart switch of feelings. I already have pictures in front of me of you lying there in front of me without any clothes and trying to say something, but not like that, our lips are deepened in a dialogue very slowly and more and more violently. Oh your answer, I feel it, your tongue, how it slowly, very slowly moves into foreign territory and advances through my lips to mine, it tingles so violently all over my body and I feel yours getting a little aroused too behaves – my longest kiss lasted 35 minutes when I was in a disco in England at the tender age of eighteen… oh those feelings, the tip of your tongue feels like it is charged with 1.000.000 tiny electrical particles and my lips the slowly getting wetter, nestling around her and touching her. No, now it happened, my tongue can no longer control itself, it thunders past yours, gently but firmly pushes it aside and explores the space behind your hot lips. Ohhh these feelings triggered only by our lips and of course tongues, just keep speaking. Please, please don't stop, it's so so so so so terribly beautiful, so exciting, nothing to compare it to, soft, tender, warm but also so demanding... can't write anymore, now close my eyes and enjoy...

Awesome, I can almost feel you. It's as if we've known each other forever, very familiar that you write something like that, but the madness that you can also feel something. I feel your tongue, your lips, your moisture, your heart beating! I have closed my eyes and feel my outstretched arms and legs, they tingle! How would it be if you were lying on top of me for real right now?

That would be the greatest, you naked under me and I would lie on you and we would touch all over. You can feel it, even with your eyes closed, I too am without clothes, just as we were born, naked and innocent! I'm naked now too and totally innocent! smile! In addition to the wet tongue feelings, there are now all the points of contact on my body and yours. I can feel your heart beating and your blood flowing in your veins. I feel your bare breasts, ohhh what is that, your nipples are getting very stiff, wow, hey your pelvis is pushing up, there I am lying, can you feel my pelvis, how it is pressing on yours and how do you like it you that when your legs are closed and are lovingly pressed together by mine. Yes, with every pressure I feel a twitching in your body and a hot breath hisses over your lips and spreads over my face, you have feelings! did you keep them all for me.

Yes, go on, go on...!

You, I just have to interrupt our lip-talk and say hello to your nipples and introduce myself! Oh the way there is so soft and tender, this neck, you just have to kiss it over and over again and my tongue runs over your skin, which burns off a little firework, which ends in light goosebumps - oops I'm reshaping you - and now the tip of my tongue reaches the climb to the pinnacle of lust, slowly. Very slowly my tongue fights its way up the mountain and then, … . Then she feels that hard, lustfully soaring nipple and my lips cup her while my tongue insistently flirts with her, asking her where she's been hiding for the past few years. Where have you been, soulful and so tender being?

I was here but you didn't find me! Further …!

But now found and arrested!

You, I have two nipples, how can you neglect the second?

Oh, I have no education, please excuse me. I come, board a plane and fly my mouth to you - flup - landed and immediately jumped open-lipped over the nipple, cushioned by the tongue pressing on it and immediately started the dialogue. So that the first one is not sad, I immediately put my hand on her and stroke her sometimes softly and sometimes a little harder and press the nipple between my fingers sometimes lightly and then a little harder and ... . Yes, I hear an increasing moan coming from your mouth, well you won't, mouth and hand part and wait about 10 cm apart. Your eyes open and look at me questioningly as our eyes meet, a brief pause - it feels like a small eternity - and mouth and hand fall again on your breasts ... .

You please please don't be mad at me, I'm dead tired and have to get up at 6.00 tomorrow and I want to take these feelings with me in my dream now, I've never experienced anything like it, it's like being together, so strong. I hope you experience it too and I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening, will you be back then?

Yes, I'm looking forward to it like a little schoolboy. Isn't it tomorrow night?

Unfortunately not and thank you for the experience, I wouldn't have believed that such a thing existed, good night see you tomorrow and please don't cheat!

Sweet Dreams! No, I will remain 100% loyal to you until tomorrow evening!!! LG Noah!

Good night my dream prince!

Man oh man, what was that, what did I write there and then these feelings, if I triggered these feelings in her that I also felt, then it could be the right one for all my dreams and also her dreams in to experience reality. Oh man, that would be like winning the lottery, no even more and she doesn't even live far away, that's only an hour's drive. I would drive to the end of the world for a woman like that. Off to the bathroom, then straight to bed and take your dream with me and yes yes I try to feel and experience it, let's see. Yes, I will.

Monday 02.09.2013

Music sounds, gets louder and louder, that doesn't exist, it can't be tomorrow yet. 8.00 and time to get up, that's what the alarm clock says, but should I let that convince me or persuade him to call again in an hour?

Ne, I stand up and down the PC booted up. Let's see if an email from her smiles at me. While the PC is starting up, I frolic in the bathroom and clean up the night. Oh, was that a night and a dream, yes I really dreamed of her and what, it should never have ended. You know how it looks, how it smells, how it feels, how it touches you, how it tastes, my thoughts just revolve around it, what is it supposed to be.

Everything for breakfast on the tray, toast, quark, strawberry jam, oh and the butter, grapes, coffee and coffee cream and off to the office. Breakfast is almost always eaten in front of the PC. If you live alone, what should you have for breakfast in the dining room, then you feel the loneliness even more. I'm a person who lives in the past, even if it wasn't nice, the present is dominated by loneliness and since I earn my money on the stock exchange, I don't have any contacts in my professional life either. The PC in the office is the biggest part of my life right now and there are plans for the future, but only plans, what are they worth if you can't share them with a loved one... . Oh, the PC is finally online, inbox open, 124 emails, just skim through. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, an email from her in the inbox!!! And open...

Hello, hello Noah, I was dreaming. Dreamed of you and I really felt you and more...for years!!! I've been living alone for three years, it didn't fit and I didn't believe that I could really feel something like that anymore. Simply unbelievable, it was just your written words, I can't even imagine what would happen if we met and touched! First I have to go to work, email you tonight, looking forward to it, thanks for the nice night! LG Sophia

These words go down like oil what a sensitive, soulful woman Sophia is. She has certainly experienced a lot of bad things in life, but I can tell you more than enough about that, but one shouldn't give up hope. It's unbelievable, yesterday I finally had the courage to place an ad and already found a woman with the same wavelength. Oh, if only I had done it sooner, but now it doesn't matter this is the past and now the future begins. I have nothing to lose, I can only win and why shouldn't I be lucky in life?

If I email her, maybe she'll check her inbox at work and be as happy as I was when I got her morning email. wow my feelings I'm excited like on the first date. Yes, I was sixteen years old and I still think about it today. You carry some memories forever in your heart, or even just in your mind, and then after so many years a woman just comes into your life and you suddenly feel those already forgotten, dead feelings again, as if they never went away. Inconceivably! Truly unimaginable!

Good beautiful morning! Oh this night with you!!! Even if it was only in her thoughts. It was as intense as I haven't felt in years, you touched my heart, no, swept away in the storm and my body felt an experience... wow. Words are too pale to describe it! I'm looking forward to tonight like a little boy, take good care of you and 1000 thanks for your loving morning mail! LG Noah I'm already counting the hours but I just had to email you, I'm on my lunch break and I read your lovely email. It's like my body instantly jumps into emotion mode and just feels the words you're writing. The sun is shining here and I'm sitting on the garden bench in front of the company and letting the sun shine on me, feels so cozy and warm and then your feelings, the lunch break should last until this evening, but unfortunately it's over again, until this evening. I'm really happy, I'll eat something on the PC, because then I can email you at the same time! Goodbye your Sophia!

Yes, I know there are still 4.5 hours until you email me again, oh if only the 270 minutes were already up, but now I've already managed 15 seconds of the 16,200 seconds ... .

Somehow I can't really concentrate today, so I'd rather not risk anything on the stock market, just check my emails. Oh there are no less than five emails that refer to my ad. Funny, none of them reads like Sophia's, there was something there and then what came out of it on the first day. I somehow don't feel like answering the other mails, but you can't do that, the mailers have also thought of something and would like at least one answer. I owe them that too. So read it.

Hello, I read your mail and I'm interested, I'm 45 years old, widowed, no children, have a car and a house, look good, blonde, slim - 52 kg and would like to get to know you.

Well what is she writing? It's like a wanted poster, but there aren't any feelings, absolutely no feelings at all. Anyone who writes like that certainly doesn't suit me and to be honest, I've already fallen a little in love with Sophia, as they used to say, it's love at first sight, today you certainly think it's love from the first mail out of here! Hahaha, I'm funny. But I cancel anyway.

Hello, thank you for writing to me, but you can't imagine it, the third mail to my ad had that certain something and I fell head over heels in love with the mailer and I don't want any contact with another woman more. Please don't be angry and keep trying, because everyone finds the right partner for life, so keep looking and don't give up. Keep your fingers crossed and wish you a successful search! Greetings Noah -

I will just save this mail and always reply to all other incoming mails like this. I think that was sensitive enough not to frustrate another woman, that would be mean of me and I'm just not like that.

Three hours, 180 minutes and 10.800 seconds to go. One sounds that long! Well, I'll probably drink a cappuccino first and eat a piece of cake. Today I leave everything in the house, or should I, well, clean up the dishes from this morning, just vacuum everything and that's it.

Put something by the pool, that's why I have it in the house, no, I'd rather swim a lap, that clears my head. How about if she were here now and we went swimming together? Would I be able to swim together without clothes? Would I then also be able to maneuver her onto an air mattress, where I could then see her in all her nudity and would I be able to kiss and caress her everywhere? Man Noah, but you also have thoughts again, what does she look like?

Does she like me too? Well, I don't look that bad either, 190 cm tall, 90 kg heavy (without a ghost - smile) and uniformly very brownish, plus the gray hair on my head and temples, the non-existent beard and my ohhh not ... stiff. I could do it again.

Just thinking about her turns me on. Yes Noah, release your feelings, swim trunks off, lay on your back on the air mattress, close your eyes, think of her and try to feel her hands sliding down my body and massaging it vigorously down there. Oh yes, the pool water responds to my body twitching and sloshes merrily onto the air mattress, oooh cold but exciting, oh Sophia please continue, would she do it like that, the pool is 160 cm water deep, she could definitely stand there and her hands would have to be me can reach anywhere. Would she probably put a hand on my mouth, or slide it under my bottom. Oh, what would she do, what... and my thoughts come to a climax at the same time as my body and now keep my eyes closed and simply enjoy the waves under the mattress...!

Do I tell her tonight what just happened? We will see! Oh that felt so good, these feelings, how much I missed them. Oops, where's the clock, not that I'm going to be late...hahaha that silly thought. Hey, I feel kinda childish. But I'll hold onto that one, you can believe that.

What you think of together. What the mind gets out of it when the body cooperates, of course, and vice versa.

Oh the clock. Ok. Another hour, well then I'll have a shower, jump into my clothes and put something to drink and eat next to the PC and then ... it will be as lively as yesterday or not, or maybe more? Oh, stop thinking, just enjoy it as it turns out, everything will work itself out when it's supposed to be. I could also consciously help a little, how can I just switch off my thoughts, they bubble around in me with endless variations... .

Well send an evening opening email.

Enchanting Schwerin female being! Here sits a man longingly awaiting your first words, armed with a large pot of coffee, coffee cream, an egg salad and an iceberg lettuce, I'll make it with whipped cream, sugar and lemon and then I'll eat it up all by myself! If you were here I would also give you 51% to eat with me - smile!

So now it's time to wait, I can't do anything else. I'm as excited as I was on my first date. Not quite, mmm excited, not nervous, just excited about what's about to light up on the screen with lots of letters... wait... wait... wait... .

Simply press the F5 key, it could be that the mailbox is not always updated immediately. Nothing from her yet, just delete all other mails and wait.

Now the 4.5 hours are up. Nothing there yet! Well you idiot, she can't be there for the second.

Hellooooooo here I am!

Hallooooooo back, my heart and the rest of my body is happy too, thanks for being there, how are you?

A bit exhausted, it was a hard day, but I got through it because I thought about you almost every time after work. Am I allowed to say that?

Oh please keep writing, it's like balm for my soul. Another human, a female super being, thinking of me! Yes, yes, ohhh, this feels so good and at the same time it drives me crazy. I want you... oh sorry if I was being so bold I would love, love to hang out with you!

Don't worry, I like the way you write it!

Thank you, thank you, I enjoy writing with you. It's like stepping into another world. Duuu, you immerse yourself in another world with me, in a world where only the two of us can be undisturbed, a world of thoughts and feelings and...

What do you mean by and...?

Tell me about your nightly dream!

What, you want to distract you rascal?

Who? Not me - smile!

Then write what you meant by and... dare! I do not bite!

Oh a bit of biting when you're aroused can be great!!! Oops, yes I distracted you again. So sorry, but don't be angry if I write to you about what happened - I promise?

Man, what happened, don't make it so exciting, I'm bursting with curiosity, I'm not mad at you either, unless you were flirting with someone else!

No, got some mails and have emailed everyone, I received the most soulful mail of my life and instantly fell in love - oops - yes with you and wished everyone luck in their further quest and that was it. You ran into my heart and occupied it by storm!


Yes, 1.000.000 percent!!! I have a very big request for you but don't be angry, I've experienced so many negative things in the past and that's why I want to tell you that no matter what develops between us (hopefully a lot!!!), I will be you never lie to me and please promise me too, because trust is the basis for EVERYTHING!!! Also for love! If you don't want to talk about something, you can say it, that's no problem, just don't lie! I promise you!!!!

I promise you too, but no man has ever asked me for something like that, although inside I've always wished for it! What are we actually talking about here? It's as if we've known each other forever, I never thought I'd write something like this with other people and also feel something so beautiful that you promise me that's something very special for me, I'll tell you why later, so I thank you for that, hundred percent promised! Oh yes, and what about that and …?

Well, I had some free time this afternoon, just vacuumed the house and then let my soul dangle. I sat by the pool and... oh how tall are you?

You distractor, I'm 1.80 m tall and further.

Sorry, was important!

OK and next?

Oh yes, well I'm sitting by the pool, water depth 160 cm (hence the question about your height) and then I asked myself what would happen if you were here and would swim with me. What would I have to do for you to enjoy the water the way God created you?

Hahaha, you mean without a bathing suit!

Yes exactly, what should I do?

You would have to be naked too!

You would have to be naked too! Great! Stiff? Further!

Yes and you are not there you how do you feel Already in an excited mood?

Yes, it depends what happens next!

So you're standing in the water, the gentle waves caress your beautiful breasts and I'm lying on your back on an air mattress in front of you. What would you do?

So I shudder, how warm is the water?

24 degree!

Ah, then the shudder comes from the image I have in mind right now of you lying there and I can look at you completely. Oh how I wish that! What would I do, well I would grab your hand and slide it under your butt, then turn the air mattress over and slide the other hand under your butt as well and tell you to leave it there and keep your eyes open.

Yes, that feels somehow excitingly helpless when I don't see how you look at me and especially what you look at so closely! And then what you intend to do next. I don't see how you move, I don't recognize your intentions! How do you know that this gives me so much? Please go on and then what?

I would stand in front of the air mattress and your feet would touch my breasts, I could feel your toes wanting to play with my breasts, but then I would give them a light slap, rotate the mattress and my hands would be your cock and balls grab, hold and slowly begin to squeeze harder until I would hear a moan come out of your mouth. Keep your eyes closed, otherwise I'll stop!

No! I obey, I don't blink either, I promise! how can i touch you

Not at all now! Quiet and my hands would slide further up to your nipples, before I would have heaved a lot of water on your body with them, scared?

Yes, excitedly frightened and hard to hold, what are you doing to me? Please don't stop, I've never experienced anything like this!

My fingers gently and vigorously massage your nipples alternately and my tongue finds its way to your face, where it licks everything until it finds your lips and a long, intense kiss follows.

Ohhh, you taste like fresh, cold water and yet so hot, like your tongue touch would burn you there. The excitement rises in me, an excitement I never thought I'd feel again, not for many, many years. Can I touch you now and...

No, I'm spoiling you now, you don't move!

I have never experienced anything like it in my life, a woman with imagination and energy, ohhh yes!

Her lips press firmly against mine and I close my eyes again and let myself fall. Oh, if that were to happen in real life! And then... I feel something, even though she's not there, but her words came through in my mind so strongly that I started to feel real feelings and it's really like I feel her next to me for a moment, like if it were real and was happening right now. Craziness!

Do you feel my hands tightly grasping your cock and your balls?

Yes! Very clear!

Attention now, I'm pulling your balls down really hard and you moan loudly, my hand is massaging your cock and I can feel it getting harder and harder in my hand, yes I can rub it and it's in perfect shape. But you breathe heavily and suddenly I feel you stop and then you feel the seeds shoot up in your cock. I can feel it too and see you twitch and shoot out of you, over my hand onto your stomach. Wow, you squirt far, up to your nipples!

Oh yeah!! But that was your fault, because at exactly the right time you let go of my testicles and they shot up like cannonballs and created pressure, well, like a tense dart!

I can tell it excited me a lot too!

Attention, I now pull my hands away from under my buttocks, slide from the air mattress into the water - an icy shiver envelops me, like jumping into ice water. Wow and I'm standing in front of you, my hands find their way under your armpits and lift you slightly out of the water and let you fall backwards onto the air mattress. Oops, now you're lying in front of me with your legs apart and I see an aroused area of yours that is usually hidden. Your legs are dangling in the water and before you can say anything my lips are approaching that warm wet area from your knees over your thighs and my tongue is starting to explore your cave in search of your bliss. It flickers back and forth like a snake and your voice begins to ring out in rhythm with it! Hey, close your eyes and let them. Your hands are on my shoulders and it feels so good, I can make sounds inside you as I want, my tongue - oh it's so intense - I don't want to stop - and after a short time, a very short time, a louder one comes in moaning scream of liberation in my ears and my tongue slowly withdraws and the lips take over a slow, careful aftermath through very careful movements! Wow! There it is again with a short but sudden thrust, my tongue, as it advances once again as a small farewell gift, squirms and then disappears again between my lips in my mouth. Oops, did I hear a loud groan accompanying it?

Yes! It's like a miracle, I've experienced a climax, as intense as a sun erection, where are you I want to feel your body on mine now and gently disappear into the land of dreams with you. Oh I think I'm dreaming already, you ...!

And then there is a pause in the smug silence. We both are now processing what we experienced together, an almost unimaginable event.

How can you use words to talk to a person you just met on the internet a day ago. What does met, only emailed her briefly and yet somehow, it's indescribably developed a familiarity and let go of all inhibitions and simply switched off your mind and lifted your heart to the top and let it go. Feelings, emotional surges, no, emotional explosions, emanated from him in all directions, no, shot out, as if they had been tense for 100 years, always, more and more, and then all at once the gates were opened to shoot everything out at once. But somehow I have the feeling that the feelings are already accumulating in my heart, with the joyful expectation that it will happen again soon and that it will be more than just beautiful. It's the madness that affects the whole body and makes it seem like it's in a state of turmoil, exploding into every corner of the body, no matter how remote. Now follows the oh so pleasant relaxation that slowly begins to spread from the middle of the body outwards everywhere, a relaxation that takes your thoughts deep and takes you into the land of dreams, of happy fantasies and there ... .

A few minutes of non-writing follows, kind of a loud silence, because I think she'll enjoy the feelings as much as I do and I'm sure she's just as puzzled, at something over such a distance. I mean you can't look directly in the eye, feel, smell or touch the other, yes that was a brain fantasy triggered orgasm. What is there, but that I can also experience and feel it, that is so unbelievably great, I will not forget this session for the rest of my life. Does she feel the same way?

Youuu, hello are you back from your emotional dream world?

No answer, oh she must be still caught up in her emotions. It's great, not only that I had an extravagant experience of a special kind, apparently Sophia too. Is she a peer? Can you tell me something about it now? The way she took over the lead so easily, no partner I knew had done that before. There's quite a bit of self-confidence involved. Man that could become a partner. Oh dear, does she like me too, if not then what? Can or have I been able to land a tiny grappling hook on her. Man Noah, stop thinking and doubting, let everything come your way, yes I know, you have experienced something that you could not imagine. That something like this exists, but don't cling, or try to keep it at all costs, if it fits, then it will be something, if not it's been the hottest experience of my life. Human brain hold your thoughts and think positively! Oh, if you could sometimes just turn your head off, it worked so well before, but when your heart takes a backseat to your intellect, he doesn't want to be controlled. Oh Noah, just enjoy and let it come to me, unimaginable, yesterday an ad and then luck comes, nobody believes me when I tell it.

Oops, fell asleep, are you still there?

No! Me here, but my emotional world is still in seventh heaven!

Well, then we'll meet there, on which cloud are you dreaming?

On the pink, big cloud of love and there's still room for you. I kept it free especially for you, but I couldn't hope that it would be such a super, super, super emotional, female being that would implant itself in my heart. From now on you are very welcome. I'm looking forward to it, but be careful, when you've arrived in my heart and I've closed my heart behind you, then I'm very, how should I put it, very loyal, loving and jealous, but that's not all problem, if you trust each other one hundred percent, then it can only get nicer, more and more nice when you feel like one and ...!!!

You write it in such lovely words, I can really imagine how I slip into your heart, snuggle up there and you come over and the door closes behind us, everything there is warm, emotional, simply pink. Youuu I want to be there, at least for the moment, although it only started yesterday, but I think something special has already happened! You captured my feelings on the fly, stormy and felt sincere.

I'm attracted to you like a magnet! I hope it grows and stays forever!

I have that wish too. I've always dreamed of something like that and I've dreamed a lot, because the reality, let's put it this way, wasn't so rosy, quite the opposite, but unfortunately you don't know until much later and then whether you make a mistake or not often cannot be corrected, or one does not have the courage to do so.

Yes, I can also sing a song about that, but it just wouldn't be right to tell it here, it would steer the great evening in the wrong direction and I would like to take this experience to my bed with me and continue dreaming about what else could happen, not only in the pool! Are you back tomorrow night?

Oh yes, dreaming of and with you - not in the pool, but afterwards, when we both come out and throw some food together and then romp around in the summery garden at night and finally end up in front of the garden fireplace and then ... well, are you curious? I'm almost always online, since I work from home on the PC and in an emergency, if you can't stand it any longer, you can call me at any time with your certainly exciting voice on 0175/34359875. I'm curious if I might hear your voice soon, I'll also answer so you can hear mine, but I'll tell you right away that my voice isn't suitable for technology, everyone on the phone tells me. People who don't know me often say Mrs. Berger. Then I always smile and play along. It's fun until they realize I'm a man - so now you know that too! – then comes the apology and I had a funny call! So have nice dreams and have a great longing for me, because then I might hear your voice tomorrow! You're like an angel's voice? No, I'm not curious - smile!!!

But you answer it, make calls on the third day!

Oops, I can call you back if you don't have a flat rate, but I didn't want to ask for your number so directly, hence the nice detour! smile!

Bad luck I have a flat rate!

Ok, then you are a woman with today's technical level! Oh that reminds me...? No later!

Uhhh you're mean, how am I supposed to concentrate on the dream when I have to ponder what you mean!

Well, I didn't see it that way – smile!

I do not believe you!!!

Tell me, am I made of glass for you?

Who knows, I'm just an intuitive woman.

Yes, and a sensitive one that feels exactly what I think and wish for, like I did in the pool with you. And what do you think you dream of us tonight?

I'll tell you tomorrow!

Like, was that a hint that I could hear your voice tomorrow?

Well, you put every word on the gold scales.

Ne, only that was my interpretation of your words above and below the line!

So, and now have nice dreams, whether you will hear my voice tomorrow or not, who knows? I already know, but you don't yet! ugh!

You really make my heart beat 180 all night, can you take the responsibility? Dead before the first date? sad smile!!!

Haha, it doesn't die that quickly, you still want to get to know me, that would be the next step.

Well now you've got my heart rate up to 240. The prospect of getting to know you, seeing you in real life and then taking the next step, feeling you, experiencing how you do hot things like today. But what would you do if I wasn't there then you wouldn't have a crazy partner for the hottest things in the world between two people who...! Well, do I get a little hint about tomorrow now?

Oh you poorest man, I can't take responsibility for that, so a little tip, I'm able to use a mobile phone.

I understand and I'm happy, my heart calms down and I don't just dream hot things that I experienced with you today, but I'll try to incorporate your voice. Is she sexy or dominant?

Hahaha there you have to wait a few more hours, good night see you tomorrow! Thank you for the beautiful hours with your so erotic and very kind words. I'm also looking forward to tomorrow, about 16 hours to go - well, you've infected me with counting the hours ... and bye! GLG Sophia!

Have nice dreams and thank you for everything see you later! Best regards and a long imaginary kiss wherever you want it - maybe see you soon your Noah!

What a day that was. Off to bed, just before jumping into the cool water again and then enjoying the dream world and tomorrow, yes, that will be a special day, the day of the voice!

Tuesday 03.09.2013

Good morning long-awaited voice day. Will it work, will the cell phone play its music sometime this evening and Sophia's voice can be heard at the other end? Man, how one looks forward to such an exciting event. What does exciting event mean here, it's the event of the year, nonsense of life! I've never been able to play with a female who has the same interests as me and then feels the same way. That would be like winning the lottery. Well, I'll start an email and draw her attention to me in case she forgot me overnight.

Hello still voiceless female being - oops wasn't a hint, it was the anticipation of later! – dreamed? From us? I know you can't wait to hear me on the other end of the line tonight! From where I know this? Well, not only do I feel it, I'm also looking forward to it, the event of the century! Until then for the ringtone. GLG Noah! -

And click, sent. Oh that's great, now it's already with her, the mail. When will she open them?

Ping! Oh an email from her so early in the morning.

Thanks, slept well, dreamed well and already in the voting mood! See you later! LG Sophia

Election mood, yes, yes, yes, she'll call me later. Oh, I've done everything that doesn't bother me anymore afterwards, or that still has to be done. I still have a few hours, at least seven hours to bridge. I'll go back into town and buy some food and have some coffee. No, if she calls earlier, I'd better take a piece of cake with me and make myself a latte macchiato at home. Sounds good.

Funny, I can't get my thoughts to rest, they're just about Sophia and her voice, how will she be. Oh, I'm sure it'll blow my mind. Well, I'll sit down before I pick up the phone so I can't fall over. You have thoughts, really crazy. But somehow my heart starts beating, of course faster than usual, that's the anticipation. I still remember my childhood, when it was Christmas Eve and just before you were allowed to go into the Christmas room to see the Christmas tree and of course the presents underneath, but the moment of going in was the most beautiful and that's when my heart was beating now it's on the way again. Man Sophia is not a Christmas tree, but the joy of her is what makes my heart beat faster. The fact that I can experience something like this again is, I can't really describe it, just fantastic, a joy that spreads through you.

A glance at the clock reveals it is already 5.30 p.m. and she could call from 6 p.m. It's so late. Ok, Tassimo on, brew the latte macchiato, cake on the plate, cake fork, everything on the tray and off to the office. PC is on and now in an expectant waiting position waiting for the ring of my life.

It's 7.50 am, I've already finished my latte macchiato and the cake has also found its way into my stomach, the excitement is building and so many things are going through my head. What do I say when I hear your voice, how do I answer, should I change my voice, speak higher or lower. Man what stupid thoughts. Just be who I am, everything else would be a lie and we didn't want that, so call Sophia - smile - call now!!! Crap, doesn't work! Or try again? Very loud in thought - call me now!

Yes, 17.51 – bell - bell

Oh stop the shock, it worked, she calls. A doctor would have given me a sedative injection for blood pressure reasons and I would still be 180.

Bell - bell