Wet Dreams of the Hot Wife: Taboo Erotica - Kellie Walters - E-Book

Wet Dreams of the Hot Wife: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Kellie Walters

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


She stopped a few inches from him and felt his arms go around her. His hands cupped her taut asscheeks through the thin material of her dress and squeezed. His touch sent chills up her spine and downward to stab desire in the already wet slot between her quivering thighs.
He kissed her on the cheek and then moved his lips up and down her neck. Marni had sensed he was about to do just that, but it still sent even more shivers through her anxious body.
She was just about to urge him to take her clothes off when he spoke. "Don't worry," he assured her. "I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to."
Marni could feel her whole body responding to him. Silly, she thought. She wanted him to do everything to her. Rape her, even, if he wanted to. And all he could do was reassure her that he wasn't going to do anything she didn't want him to do!
He kissed her on the lips, and when he pressed his body against hers, she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tighter. Both their lips were moist and warm, and as they kissed, he ran his hand lightly over her face, adding to the excitement of the moment.
Then he moved his head back a bit so that their lips were just barely touching, and then ran the tip of his wet tongue over her upper lip and then over the lower. At first Marni didn't know what he was doing, but she liked it. He pressed his open mouth against hen and poked his tongue inside her mouth until it touched hers.
He held heir even tighter and, shoving his tongue even farther back into her mouth, he rubbed it back and forth across her hot tongue.

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Wet Dreams of the Hot Wife

Kellie Walters

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












Marni Ross' parents, especially her mother, insisted on strict hours: home by ten, in bed by ten-thirty. The strictness her mother imposed included her friends, both male and female. It seemed that all her fun had to end just when everyone else's was beginning.

She first met Homer Lyles in the drugstore where she worked. And the meeting didn't mean very much to her. She was eighteen, he was twenty-one, and already established with his own delivery business. The fact that he was little more than a truck driver who was a messenger boy didn't bother her when she met him.

Between Marni's eighteenth and nineteenth year she made friends with Lottie Henderson. Lottie was an open girl who made friends easily. Especially male friends.

Marni soon found out why.

Lottie, even though she was a year younger than Marni, had already let boys fuck her. The most recent was a boy named Carl Fields. He had quit school and gone to work as a mechanic in a garage. According to Lottie, Carl had been with a lot of older women who had taught him just how to satisfy a girl.

When Lottie related how he had so skillfully fucked her, and how the come he had given her had been so much better with his cock and his mouth that it had ever been with just her fingers, it drove Marni wild with desire to do the same herself with a boy--any boy.

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