Where Are You Staying? - Neville Goddard - E-Book

Where Are You Staying? E-Book

Neville Goddard

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Experience the life-changing power of Neville Goddard with this unforgettable lesson.

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Where Are You Staying

Neville Goddard

Tonight’s title is, “Where Are You Staying?” This is taken from the first chapter of the Gospel of John. If you are not familiar with it, John the Baptist has just made the statement that Jesus is the Lamb of God. And in his presence were two of his disciples and they followed him, and they said to him, “Where are you staying, Rabbi?” and he replied, “Come and see,” so they followed him, and they remained with him because it was the tenth hour. (See John 1:35-39)

Some Bibles translate this as 4:00 p.m., but it really is not 4:00 p.m. – it is the tenth hour. These numbers have a great significance in Scripture. Ten is the numerical value of the letter “yodh,” which begins the name YOD HE VAV HE. Its symbol is that of a hand, the creative hand of God. This whole drama takes place in us, not on the outside.

Following this, he turns to one called Philip and said to Philip, “Follow me.” And then Philip found Nathaniel and said to him, “We have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth.” (John 1:43-45) The word “Nazareth” means an unpruned vine. If you are a Nazarite, you are an unpruned vine. That’s the one they had found. They found the Savior of the world – the Creative Power of the world! They found their own wonderful human imagination. That is the Christ of Scripture.

When you find Him, you will find Him an “unpruned vine.” It’s quite a shock.

“Behold this vine. I found it a Wild tree, whose wanton strength Had swollen into irregular twigs. But I pruned the plant and it

Grew temperate in its vain expense Of useless leaves, and Knotted

as you see into these Clean full clusters to repay the Hand that wisely wounded it.”

– Anonymous [quoted by Neville in his book, “The Power of Awareness,” pages 65 & 66]

When you find your own wonderful human imagination to be the Creative Power of the world, you will find it a “wild vine,” where you have misused this talent and imagined every unlovely thing in the world. Now, when you find it, you must prune it, and, so, you prune it by the proper use of it, and you stop misusing the power that is Christ-in-you.

For, the Christ of Scripture is not a little man who lived two thousand years ago.

“God became as we are, that we may be as He is.” [Wm. Blake, “There Is No Natural Religion]He is not pretending that He is man; He became man – so much so that you can’t get away from being aware that you are, and this awareness that you are is God. That’s the Lord Jesus.

So, you remain with Him the tenth hour and learn all that He has to teach, and He teaches all about Himself. Now, He said, “I am not of this world…” That’s obvious. “…and you are of this world.” (John 8:23) This conversation takes place within me. My rational mind, my surface mind, is “of this world.” It is called the “outer man.” He says, “You are of this world; I am not of this world.” “You are from below, I am from above.” The same Being, but speaking to Himself.

So, here, the thing called “Neville” – the outer man belongs to this world. It is part of the structure of the outer world. In Scripture the “outer” and “below” are the same, and “above” and “within” are one and the same. So, when He says, “I am from above,” I am within – I am within you, yet I am the core of your own Being, and that Being Scripture calls “Jesus Christ.”

Now, he said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions; were it not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and I will take you to myself, that where I am there you may be.” (John 14:2, 3)

Here in this room is the outer world, with the thing speaking to you called “Neville,” but there is that in us that is Jesus – our own wonderful human imagination. There are no barriers to this Being-Within-Us. Standing here, I can assume that I am wherever I would like to be. Standing here, fully aware of my weaknesses and my limitations, I can assume that I am the man who has no weakness and no limitation. If I do that, I am preparing the place. I go and prepare the place.

I let this thing vanish from my consciousness – this room, the city, everything, and in my imagination I dare to assume that I am the one that I want to be. I give it all the tones of reality. I give it all the sensory vividness that I am capable of giving it and make it real. Then I open my eyes. When I open my physical eyes upon the world that I have shut out for a moment, it returns.