Where Is Golgotha - Neville Goddard - E-Book

Where Is Golgotha E-Book

Neville Goddard

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Where Is Golgotha?

Neville Goddard | 04-09-1971

In three days: today, the death of God, and then the burial of God, and then the Resurrection of God. And when you read it, you may think it is referring to someone outside of yourself. If I use the word God or the word Christ, the word Jesus, the word Lord, and in any way it conveys the sense of an existent someone or something outside of yourself, you have the wrong concept of God or Christ.

We are told, “Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Do you not realize that you are the temple of the Living God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?” Well, if the word conveys this something outside of yourself, you’ve got the wrong god.

So, the one spoken of who was crucified is crucified on you, and the only cross that he ever bore is the cross you wear – the form that you wear, that garment of flesh and blood. That is the one spoken of when you are told, “If you would follow after me, take up your cross daily and come after me.” Don’t you take it up daily? Don’t you, every morning, after oblivion, return to this cross, and don’t you take it up and go through all the sorrows of the world?

Are you not told, “Should Christ suffer all these things, and then enter into his glory?” So the Christ or the cross is stated right here, and he is buried, not in the Near East, as they are looking day after day in some little sepulcher, he is buried in the skull of man! That’s where he is buried! And he will rise out of that tomb where he is buried, and the tomb is the skull of man!

He will rise there. He will awaken in the skull, and when he awakens, he will come out of that tomb, and all the imagery of Scripture concerning his birth will surround the one who awakens in his own skull, and comes out of his own skull. And that is the concentrated drama that is taking place in memory, I would say, today, for this is the memorial – what took place today, what will take place tomorrow, and on Sunday. This is the great mystery.

Now, tonight I will share with you what I know from experience. Let us go back to a portion of the Lord’s Prayer. First of all, let us take it in its original form. There is a translation by Ferrar Fenton. His father asked him – he being the outstanding Greek scholar – the father asked him to translate the Lord’s Prayer in the most literal manner possible, and this is the letter of the son to the father, and he says to his father – this is the literal translation of the original Greek:

“Our Father in the heavens,

Thy name must be Being Hallowed;

Thy kingdom must be Being Restored;

Thy will must be Being done, as in

Heaven, so in earth.”

He tells his father that all other translations were taken from a translation of the Latin, and the Latin has no aorist of the imperative passive mood that was used in the original Greek, and therefore it could not convey the sense that the Saviour intended, as Matthew and Luke expressed it in the original Greek.