Why Businesses Fail? S01E03 - Amar Deshpande - Hörbuch

Why Businesses Fail? S01E03 Hörbuch

Amar Deshpande

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Running a business can be challenging when a crisis hits. Managing the day-to-day affairs and operations of a company during a global pandemic can be really challenging. On top of that, if a business is in the space of offering services to offices, what challenges do office closures and work from home pose? Is this an opportunity for a business to really look inward and transform itself? Or should the business leader keep a low profile and ride out the storm? Listen to a fascinating interview with Murali Sunderraghavan, CEO of K-Lib library solutions, a Bengaluru based company which offers library solutions to Corporates. Murali shares his experience in surviving the first year of the Pandemic. He also discusses specific actions taken by the K-Lib team to maintain customer connect and innovative approaches adopted to generate engagement. In other words, adapting the business to continue creating value for their customers in these challenging times. This episode brings forth some interesting questions, such as: Will this approach payoff over the long term? Is this the right approach? And finally, Is there a one size fits all solution that can be adopted by others? We encourage you to listen to this episode and explore the answers yourself.

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Zeit:0 Std. 24 min

Sprecher:Amar Deshpande
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